Gong Liuyu picked eyebrows and said with a slight smile: "do you think this king is the kind of person who likes to tell such jokes?"

Cloud tilt Rao side head, heart in beating drum. What Gong Liuyu said was not unreasonable, and he didn't need to help her to this extent because of a joke.

She did not forget that if Gong Liuyu did not arrive in time, she would have died there.

"Well, I believe you!"

Yun Qingrao pursed her lips and corners, and her eyes fell on Gong Liuyu's face: "if what you said is true, I was really in the city during that time, then there are really some things in it."

Her eyes showed a little dignified color, the door was knocked, has taken away the Moya palace Cheng, has been alone back.

Yun Qingrao quickly turns the topic on and opens the door.

As soon as Miyagi entered the door, he bowed his head and saluted: "Lord, the man has already sent him there!"

Gong Liuyu nodded gently, her eyes fell on the face of the cloud.

He raised his hand and made a gesture to her.

Yun Qingrao sighed slightly, but there was no way to refuse Gong Liuyu. He walked slowly to his side and took his arm.

"Young master, let's go."

There was a hint of teasing in her tone.

Gong Liuyu didn't care about the attitude of Yun Qingrao, and his lips overflowed with a light smile.

Just out of the door of the inn, Yun Qingrao seems to have thought of something. She has a look at Gong Liuyu.

Gong Liuyu saw her look hesitant, can't help but side eyes: "how!"


Yun Qingrao opened her mouth, but she didn't know whether to ask. She knew that when she asked about the export, Gong Liuyu would be very angry.

Gong Liuyu seemed to see her mind, and suddenly interrupted her words: "hundred miles away from nothing, has been rescued, you don't have to worry about it!"

Hearing this kind of words, the cloud inclines Rao for a time as if has been seen through the mind.

However, she found that it seemed that Gong Liuyu was not angry at all, but also showed a faint smile: "ah Yao, Bai Li Mo Li is your elder martial brother after all, and that is also the elder martial brother that Wang took that one!"

Yun Qingrao is stunned and widens his eyes. What logic is this?

She and Gong Liuyu walked side by side on the stairs leading to the bottom floor. Yun Qingrao lowered her voice and said in Gong Liuyu's ear, "Lord You seem to be different

However, before waiting for Gong Liuyu's curiosity, she heard Yun Qingrao and said, "the skin is getting thicker and thicker!"

Gong Liuyu said:

Yun Qingrao smiles and pinches Gong Liuyu's cheek, and sees a streamer in that pair of slender peach blossom eyes, and the corners of his mouth can't help but draw a radian.

I'm afraid she is the only one who dares to treat Gong Liuyu like this.

In this way, Yun Qingrao has an inexplicable sense of achievement.

"Why, it's fun to pinch Ben Wang's face?"

Yun Qingrao took back her hand and rubbed her fingers. The feeling on the finger seemed to remain there, leaving her in a trance for a time.

Walking in front of Gong Cheng, I feel strange when I see my prince allow the princess to do such unreasonable things.

After all, Gong Liuyu, no matter who she treated, was cold and inhuman. But now she is with the princess, and her smile is increasing.

A group of people down the stairs, the door has already prepared the carriage, Gong Cheng also in Maocheng the best restaurant to book a room.

Gong Liuyu pulled Yun Qingrao onto the carriage, and her face became softer and softer. Yun Qingrao looked at the pale face and pursed her lips: "Gong Liuyu, I'll see your injury!"

So deep visible bone scars, last night just a night off, so everywhere around, cloud Qingrao even if you don't need to see also know what will happen.

She just stretched out her hand, but Gong Liuyu grasped her wrist: "ah Yao wants to see it like this. You can wait until you come back to the room and look at it slowly. It's not very good here!"

Cloud inclines Rao mercilessly stare at him, she knows palace Liuyu is intentional say so.

"Forget it, you don't let me take care of it. I don't want to do it yet!"

She side head, make a pair of angry appearance, carriage in a quiet, after a long time, just heard Gong Liuyu say: "come here!"

Cloud Qingrao looks at him sideways.

The well-shaped cheek, in the sunlight, is suffused with light and light luster.

She couldn't help being attracted by the beauty, moved her body, and finally sat next to him.

Gong Liuyu didn't say anything. He stretched out his slender fingertips and untied the front of his clothes a little and pulled the belt off his waist.

Seeing Gong Liuyu's appearance, Yun Qingrao has an impulse to cover her face, but in the end she resisted, and she didn't want to lose face in front of Gong Liuyu.

"Don't you want to see it, then look at it!"

The lapel on the shoulder slipped, revealing Gong Liuyu's white neck, which had never seen the sun all the year round. Then his clothes went back, and his shoulders and waist, which did not appear to be thin at all, gave a strange sense of coordination.Originally took off the clothes Gong Liuyu, that body muscle, all contains the thick explosive force, perfectly lets the human not find the slightest flaw.

This person is the ancestor of wearing thin clothes and taking off clothes with meat.

Yun Qingrao's fingertips trembled and opened his lapel a little, but he saw that the bright red had penetrated through the wrapped white cloth. If it was not for a layer of blocking outside, it might have penetrated out.

Seeing such a situation, Yun Qingrao's face turned blue.

"Gong Liuyu, you are really..."

Cloud Qing Rao gas for a time do not know what to say, mercilessly glared at him.

Gong Liuyu did not care about the hook of his lips, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows showed a few different charm.

"What's the matter?"

"You also said that I would not take good care of myself, to see what you have done to yourself, it seems that you have lived enough!"

Although Yun Qingrao is not a doctor, but see Gong Liuyu this does not care about the appearance, as if the wound is not his body.

That sword cloud Qing Rao but looked at, even if did not hurt this person's heart, even if did not directly pass through Gong Liuyu, it was also stabbed into a full few inches.

Ordinary people suffer from such serious injuries, not to mention Gong Liuyu, who has no trouble walking around, even lying in bed can not sleep.

She suddenly seems to be phase to what, when giving Gong Liuyu to change dressing again, deliberately under a little heavy hand.

However, Gong Liuyu did not even blink his eyebrows, as if this body was not his.

After discovering this situation, Yun Qingrao wrapped up the cloth with trembling fingers. Then he lifted the curtain and took a look at Gong Cheng, who was driving the carriage. In a low voice, he asked in Gong Liuyu's ear, "Gong Liuyu, what's going on?"

Such pain, even if it is no longer how can endure people will not help showing pain between the look to come, this is no longer pretentious can explain.

She felt that there must be something wrong with it.

"What's going on?"

Gong Liuyu some unexpected pick eyebrows, like unknown Baiyun Qingrao in what to say.

"Don't fool me, I can see it!"

Yun Qingrao bit his teeth and grabbed his wrist: "you are not afraid of pain at all, are you?"

After she asked, she felt that there was something wrong with her question. She rearranged her words and asked again: "or do you feel no pain?"

Such a statement was in line with her conjecture, and if it was true, it was simply too vivid.

But such symptoms are not without, sometimes she feels, can not feel pain, sometimes is very happy.

But it's also sad.

Yun Qingrao's heart is complicated. In an instant, all kinds of strange thoughts are surging up, making her full of flavors and miscellaneous.

Gong Liuyu was stunned at first, and then gently stretched out his hand and touched the face of cloud Qingrao: "how, do you envy this king?"

Envy me!

Cloud Qing Rao in the heart secretly scold, but also feel some heartache.

Can't feel the pain, is it congenital or what happened later?

She drooped her eyes, as if recalling the little by little she had been getting along with Gong Liuyu. In those years, she remembered that Gong Liuyu was afraid of pain.

They met in the palace when they were very young. She came back at the age of 13 and spent several years in the palace. She would often see Gong Liuyu.

At that time, they were not familiar with each other, but she remembered that Gong Liuyu once made a big mistake and was beaten on the board. She did not get out of bed for several days. She frowned when she saw her.

Therefore, Gong Liuyu is not afraid of pain and is definitely not born.

"Tell me the truth, what is the matter?" Yun Qingrao followed closely, but saw Gong Liuyu's smile.

"Ah Yao, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but it's unnecessary to mention those things now!"

Gong Liuyu's tone is calm and his eyes are light. When he looks at a person, he seems to want to put the whole figure in his eyes.

Cloud Qingrao heart a warm, suddenly felt that this person is full of love, is really a kind of happiness.

She did not even find out before, but also silly to do so many wrong things.

"Don't worry. When this is over, I will try to untie the poison in your body."

Yun Qingrao's pledge, in exchange for Gong Liuyu to reach out and hold her in his arms.

She listened to the heart beating in her ear one after another, only felt extremely peaceful in her heart.

The time of harmony is always very short. Gong Cheng has stopped the carriage outside the Inn and lifted the curtain of two people's cars.

The weather has entered the late autumn, and gradually become a little cold. In addition, there are some cloudy days today. A cold wind blows as soon as the door is opened.

Yun Qingrao carefully holds Gong Liuyu's arm, and firmly refuses to let him down alone.Even if it doesn't hurt, the wound still exists after all, where there is such a casual toss of their own people.

"After returning to my room, I'll lie in bed and have a good rest. I'll do something for this period of time."

Yun Qingrao puts Gong Liuyu on the big bed in the restaurant, and then stands in front of him with solemn eyes.

Gong Liuyu wanted to laugh.

But before he could laugh, Gong Cheng stood at the door and knocked on the door. He whispered to him and Yun Qingrao: "Lord, just received the news. A great event happened in the imperial city. Now the emperor is not the father and son of the former Emperor, but has been released."

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