Hear such words, cloud inclines Rao slightly surprised: "how so fast?"

Although it is inevitable that Yun Tianhong's identity will be exposed sooner or later, she did not expect that this day was advanced so long.

She thought that Yunluo city should be a little patient and settle down.

Gong Liuyu waved his hand and leaned against the bed with a weak face and two ears. He did not hear the appearance of things outside the window: "it doesn't matter. The more chaotic, the better."

After leaving these four words, Yun Qingrao felt a little sympathy for those who were fighting in the imperial city. In such a chaotic time, I don't know who the ministers will eventually stand behind.

One is a well-known former crown prince who forced the palace to revolt.

One is the current emperor who is suspected to be not of royal blood. The confrontation between the two must be quite good.

However, from the point of view of truth, Yun Tianhong still occupies the time, place and people. After all, he has been an emperor for so many years. His confidants and a group of loyal ministers do not care about his blood.

The only change is in the Shen family. As the first family in charge of military power, if the Shen family can help the former crown prince design the present emperor, the final victory or defeat is still unknown.

"Gong Liuyu, what role are you playing here?"

Gong Liuyu leaned on the head of the bed, elegant posture, long black hair spread on the snow-white bed behind him, looking noble and lazy.

"Of course Fisherman

As the snipe and clam compete, the fisherman Gong Liuyu is really steady.

Cloud Qingrao gently hooked the hook lip corner, deliberately bent down, close to Gong Liuyu's ear, with a bit of provocative taste in his look: "then you fisherman, accidentally capsized how to do?"

"No way!"

Directly to the cloud Qingrao three words, Gong Liuyu closed his eyes, that slender peach eyes closed, only the remaining long eyelashes projected on the eyelids.

The eyelashes trembled, like flying butterflies, cloud Qingrao for a moment, only feel some itching heart.

Then she couldn't help reaching out and pulling one of his eyelashes off his eyelids.

Even if Gong Liuyu doesn't hurt, he can feel what cloud Qingrao is doing. He trembles his eyelids, and his eyes are so vast as to look at her lightly.

"What are you doing?"

Yun Qingrao hurriedly carried his hand behind him, then with a smile on his face: "nothing, you sleep!"

"Can't sleep!"

"Why, does the wound hurt? I forget if you are hungry. I'll have your meal prepared for you

See cloud incline Rao a face, the heart is guilty of turning to walk, palace Liuyu slightly Yang Yang lip Cape: "stop!"

Yun Qingrao stopped to stop her steps, and her heart was a bit flighty. Thinking of her courage to pull out the tiger's eyelashes, she really didn't want to die.

It is estimated that Gong Liuyu's attitude towards her is very good recently, and she has forgotten how powerful this person was before.

What's more, Gong Liuyu has a grudge against him. It would be terrible if he retaliated back.

"Lie down on my side!"

Yun Qingrao's step is stiff: "Lord, you have a good rest, I have something else to do!"

Yun Qingrao left this sentence and went to open the door of the room directly. Gong Liuyu's voice lingered in her ears: "this king is miserable!"

Her steps stopped in an instant.

Turning around and looking at the man lying on the bed, his face suddenly weakened, Yun Qingrao said that he couldn't walk.

With a sigh in her heart, she went back to Gong Liuyu and gazed at him quietly: "OK, what do you want to do?"

Gong Liuyu said of course, the instant radiant: "let you accompany this king to sleep!"

She did not expect that after the two people showed their will, Gong Liuyu would become so clingy, which was quite inconsistent with his noble and cold and gorgeous appearance.

But she couldn't help it. Who let this person be the patient now, and still because she was injured.

Only a look at that hand, cloud pour Rao can't sink gas, instantly took soft.

Lying with clothes and clothes, lying beside Gong Liuyu, Yun Qingrao opens his eyes and feels relieved to see that he has no other actions.

Looking at him lying on his side, one arm under her head, she was close to his strong chest, only to feel the warmth.

In such a quiet space, Yun Qingrao is not sleepy. She moved her neck and said in a low voice, "Gong Liuyu, I suddenly find that I don't know you at all!"

Gong Liuyu sees cloud to incline Rao to suddenly ask such a deep topic, slightly frown frown: "what do not understand?"

Yun Qingrao's tone is a little bit Na, "because you always take the initiative, I passively accept everything you have, but I don't understand what you think in your heart!"

Gong Liuyu hesitated for a moment, as if thinking about how to answer this question: "don't think about anything, don't guess, I'm here, it's real!"

Hearing such a reply, Yun Qingrao suddenly falls the big stone in her heart.Suddenly a sense of sleepiness swept over, imperceptibly, cloud Qingrao has really slept in the past.

After a full seven days' rest in Maocheng, Gong Liuyu's wounds were all scabbed, which seemed to be a simple activity.

These two days, Gong Liuyu took Yun Qingrao to live in a courtyard found by Gong Chengxin. How can I say it's more comfortable than an inn.

These seven days, it is the cloud Qingrao busy bad.

Gong Liuyu has become a complete waste, no matter what you want yunqingrao to help.

Yun Qingrao sees that the other side is being served by addiction, and every day she is angry and takes care of Gong Liuyu's daily life.

These days, Gong Liuyu has simply lived the life of a fairy couple, even the injury is good and fast.

Unfortunately, he didn't want to get better soon.

If the situation was not urgent in the capital, Gong Liuyu would like to stay here for a long time.

Yun Tianhong's letter was sent directly to the front gate of the courtyard. Gong Liuyu did not feel any accident when Yun Tianhong mastered their whereabouts.

The imperial edict was opened and it was written that Gong Liuyu would quickly return to the imperial city with the army and guard outside the imperial city.

Seeing this edict, Gong Liuyu's smile is getting deeper and deeper. It seems that Yun Tianhong's situation in the palace is not optimistic, so he is so anxious to ask Gong Liuyu to help suppress the Shen family.

It seems that because of Shen Ruxue's affair, Yun Tianhong and Shen's family have completely broken up. In addition to the rumors outside, Yun Qingrao can imagine how worried Yun Tianhong is in the imperial palace.

However, it is all retribution.

Yun Qingrao's eyes are getting colder and thicker. He is not worthy to sit on the throne, nor to be her brother, Xin'er's brother.

He watched coldly as his relatives were tortured to death, and would be punished sooner or later.

Now, retribution is here.

The more he was afraid of something, the more what happened. Even if he killed her, his life experience was still difficult to hide.

Gong Liuyu is sitting on the top of the living room with a few grapes on her fingertips. She sits beside her with graceful posture and enjoys Gong Liuyu's service.

After being a servant for so many days, Yun Qingrao finally turned over and allowed Gong Liuyu to serve her once.

Looking at the sweet appearance of the two people on the stage, Gong Cheng, who is not far away, covers her eyebrows and eyes in an instant. She can't see it any more.

"Lord, do you want the messenger to come in?"

Gong Liuyu did not speak, looking at the cloud to pour Rao to eat the fruit to just open his mouth: "Hmmm!"

Gong Cheng feels the thick gap between him and Yun Qingrao. He sighs helplessly and turns to call people outside.

A moment later, a young man in protective clothing appeared in the room. The man knelt down on the ground in the middle of his lower hand and bowed his head to Gong Liuyu.

"The Emperor himself ordered that the prince should return to the imperial city within five days, and that he must do so as soon as possible."

Gong Liuyu nodded and said slowly: "what else did you say?"

"And said Let the prince look for the trace of the former prince, and there is no amnesty to kill him! "

Yun Qingrao's eyes flashed, and his heart was clear. I'm afraid yuntianhong already knew who sent out the news.

After all, only the former crown prince is still in the blood of the kingdom of Tianchong. The rest of the princes have been killed and injured for so many years. Otherwise, they would have been sent away far away. It is impossible to have any ideas.

Gong Liuyu slowly raised his head and said to the man, "I know. You should go back and report to the emperor. I will be there soon."

As he spoke, Gong Liuyu stood up.

Cloud Qingrao slightly frown, although these days comfortable, but she did not forget that there are a lot of business to do.

"Be careful!"

Yun Qingrao's eyes showed a little worry. Although she knew that this was something Gong Liuyu had arranged and prepared for a long time, she was still afraid of what accident he had.

Gong Liuyu gently bent his eyebrows and eyes: "is ah Yao worried about this king?"

Yun Qingrao didn't answer his words, but he told him carefully: "the doctor said that you can't use martial arts recently. Don't forget to take Gongcheng with you wherever you go."

Gong Cheng rushed forward and said, "don't worry about the princess. Your subordinates will never leave the Lord!"

The cloud inclines Rao to pause, saw the palace Liuyu to take nearby the robe to put on the body.

There was no one else in the room, and she couldn't help asking, "well, can I follow you?"

Gong Liuyu frowned, "OK, I'll take you with me."

Originally, Gong Liuyu didn't intend to take Yun Qingrao back with her, because she had to work hard all the way.

These are secondary, mainly this time back, there are still great dangers.

But looking at the eyes of cloud Qingrao, Gong Liuyu still can't say no.

"You're going to get ready, just clean up, and we'll leave tonight."Gong Liuyu raised her eyebrows and eyes and laughed.

Cloud Qing Rao heart a song, hurriedly walked out: "good, you wait for me!"

She had just walked out of the courtyard and wanted to return to her room when a servant girl in a hurry came to her face.

The little servant girl was recently found in Maocheng, and she was not a stranger. She said in a low voice, "princess, a man came to the door just now to look for the princess."

Yun Qingrao's face sank slightly when she stepped forward. Her eyes were full of dignity, which made the servant girl tremble slightly: "the man said that he was a man named Bai Li Mo Li. He wanted to see the princess."

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