All these days have passed. It must be that the poison of hundred miles away has been solved, and the people have already woken up.

"Who's the one coming? Did you have someone bring it in?"

The servant girl nodded: "it's waiting for the princess in the front yard!"

Yun Qingrao hesitated for a moment, looking at the time is still early, drooping her eyes toward the direction of the front yard.

She just walked a few steps, as if remembering something, turned to the maid and said, "go in and tell the king about it!"

The little servant girl nodded and walked away quickly. Yun Qingrao was relieved and went to the living room in the front yard.

As soon as she looked up, she saw Li Yue standing in the middle of the living room, motionless, waiting for her.

Li Yue turns to see the cloud Qingrao intact in front of him, his eyes slightly relieved.

See is acquaintances, cloud Qing Rao heart that suspicion dissipated a lot, "how do you find here?"

Li Yue stopped: "Prince Yu did not hide his whereabouts. He was there. I guessed that the princess must be here too!"

Yun Qingrao was silent for a moment, "say it, what are you looking for me for?"

The tone of Yun Qingrao is very calm. There is no wave in her eyes. Her eyes are clear as if she can see to the end, but she can never guess what this woman thinks.

"Your Highness asked me to send something to the princess!"

Yun Qingrao frowned, but saw Li Yue put a small bottle on the table beside it.

That bottle of cloud Qingrao is very familiar. It can relieve the poison in her body.

Cloud Qing Rao heart a warm, eyes also soft a lot, "how is he, OK?"

Li Yue stopped and nodded: "don't worry about the princess. Your highness is recovering very well."

As he said this, a hesitation flashed through his face, as if he had something to say, but didn't know how to speak.

Yun Qingrao is the best at observing words and expressions. Seeing Li Yue's appearance, she immediately smiles.

"Why, what's wrong with me?"

Li Yue was silent: "princess, the prince wants to see you once, don't know if it's convenient for you?"

Yun Qingrao slightly surprised: "is he and you said?"

"Well, but the crown prince said that if the princess doesn't want to, she can not accept it!"

Yun Qingrao smell speech, gently smile, a hundred miles away from the requirements, how can she not agree.

Although Li Yue threatened to come this time, she was willing to do it herself. No wonder others were responsible.

"Well, don't know when to meet?"

Yun Qingrao nodded, her eyes did not have the slightest waves, as if to see an old friend who had not been seen for a long time.

Li Yue pauses: "right now!"

Yun Qingrao said with a smile: "you don't want to take me dizzy again, then I tell you, this matter will not have a second time!"

Li Yue quickly shook his head: "no, before I went down, I felt sorry for the princess. I dare not disrespect the princess any more."

"Then wait for me here!"

Yun Qingrao left this sentence and went directly to the courtyard where Gong Liuyu lived.

At this time, Gong Liuyu was well dressed, with a white robe lining his body, tall and straight, standing there motionless, like cedar on the mountain.

When he turned back, the sun fell on his side face. The light halo made his pale skin shine as white as jade. His dark eyes were like gemstones inlaid on white jade.

The cloud inclines Rao to stop the pace, can't help but see to stay in a daze.

Gong Liuyu is to take advantage of this face. It's hard to see when.

She went to him and looked at his clothes up and down. After all, she wanted to go out. Gong Liuyu was more formal than usual.

The waist is tied with purple gold jade belt, which is particularly dignified and conspicuous under the reflection of the white robe. There are circles of silver lines embroidered on the collar and cuff.

Long black hair simply tied in the top of the head, even if there is no decoration, can not hide the slightest noble spirit.

He looked back and saw that Yun Qingrao had not changed his clothes. He could not help asking, "what's the matter?"

For each other, she did not open the mouth, can guess a little bit of the ability, Yun Qingrao simply admire.

Or is it that her acting skills have degenerated to a certain extent, and Gong Liuyu can know what she is thinking with a glance in her eyes?

"Bai Li Mo Li wants to see me!"

When Gong Liuyu heard this, he lowered his eyes slightly and frowned, but he quickly raised his head and hesitated to ask, "why do you come to ask me?"

The meaning of this is not that he doesn't want to manage this time, but Gong Liuyu is really in doubt.

Yun Qingrao didn't mean her own explanation: "because I'm afraid you are jealous!"

The answer is so straightforward that Yun Qingrao's face is not red and breathless, and then wait for his answer: "since I have figured it out, I don't want you to misunderstand anything, but Baili Moli is still my senior brother!"Gong Liuyu's eyes flashed, and countless waves were hidden in those eyes.

"Ah Yao, are you serious?"

The color in that pair of eyes is still a little excited, people can't help but be deeply attracted to the vortex.

Cloud Qingrao gently raised her head, and a light light color flashed in her eyes. She moved the corner of her lips slightly, "don't you think I'm joking with you?"

Gong Liuyu's eyebrows and eyes suddenly softened up. He thought for a moment and said faintly, "OK, you go. I'm waiting for you in the mansion."

Cloud Qingrao this will be the heart of the big stone down.

Now that she has made a choice, they have also made it clear that Yun Qingrao doesn't want anything to become a feud between them.

Her attitude is so resolute, she hopes that the two people get along with each other in the most basic, but also have the word of trust.

Otherwise, such feelings have no foundation.

Casually changed a suit of clothes, Yun Qingrao followed Li Yue out of the yard, and then went directly to the carriage that had been prepared.

This time, bailimoli lived in an inn in Maocheng. After all, bailimauli has already woken up, and a number of killers on the first floor who have been chasing them have also died. Therefore, no one should come to trouble again for the time being.

The carriage stopped at the door of the inn. Yun Qingrao looked up at the sign outside.

Li Yue said: "the prince's highness lives on the second floor now, follow me down!"

Yun Qingrao takes back her eyes and nods gently.

Step by step, she walked up the steps, then came to a room door and tapped.

Because a few days ago when we met, Bai Li Mo Li didn't wake up at all. Today, it was the first time that they met.

A figure loomed in the white camp, and the clouds lifted their eyes to see a pale hand lifting the curtain.

The familiar face appeared in front of the cloud Qingrao, her heart moved slightly, and slowly walked to his vicinity.

"Elder martial brother!"

She moved the corners of her lips slightly and whispered, "are you better?"

The curtain was lifted up, revealing the face that looked like a banished immortal, and the sound of a hundred miles away was as light as a silk thread.


Both called each other, but neither of them spoke first.

Hundred miles away from the bed to stand up, wearing a snow-white robe, lining that piece of this let people feel that can be far away from the play of the face is more illusory.

Yun Qingrao unconsciously side of the head, suddenly feel a little uncomfortable.

In the past, she really had this person in her heart, and she felt that the hundred miles away was her only relative. Even if she lived with him for a lifetime, she didn't feel bored.

But now different, her heart has been filled with another person, full, there is no gap left for others.

"Elder martial brother, what can I do for you?"

Yun Qingrao slightly raised his head, with a little curiosity in his eyes.

"Li Yue told me that elder martial brother almost put you in danger. I'm sorry!"

Yun Qingrao's face didn't change, but she didn't care. If it wasn't for this accident, she and Gong Liuyu would have been lukewarm all the time.

This crisis, also let Yun Qingrao see clearly his mind, also saw Gong Liuyu's.

"Elder martial brother, you are too outspoken to say that. I am willing to save you. When you are in danger, you are not awake. How can you put the responsibility on you? What's more, I'm not all right now! "

Yun Qingrao said relaxed, but the thrill also knew that she knew.

It was the closest she had been to death since she was born again.

If it was not at the critical juncture, Gong Liuyu suddenly appeared and saved herself. I'm afraid she can't stand in front of Bai Li Mo Li to talk and laugh.

Yun Qingrao turned her head and took a look at the sky outside. She said respectfully and politely, "elder martial brother, I still have some things to do. I will leave Maocheng tonight. If there is nothing else, I will go first!"

It seems that she is not the same as usual, but only know her hundred miles away know that he is alienated by her.

My heart hurt a little bit, that kind of feeling like being stabbed by something, let a hundred miles away from some breathless.

"Rao'er, do you like Gong Liuyu

Cloud Qingrao slightly a Leng, slightly surprised to see a hundred miles away, she seems not so obvious, how now everyone is a pair, she and Gong Liuyu have long been colluding in collusion.

"Elder martial brother, I I really like Gong Liuyu and will be with him as his princess in the future

There was no change on the surface of the hundred mile road, but the hand under the sleeve was tightly clenched.

He nodded gently: "rao'er, elder martial brother knows you are always calm, so Don't you regret it this time? "

Yun Qingrao some surprised, do not know what this word means.She slightly lowered her eyes, and then nodded gently: "will not regret, even if regret is useless, isn't it?"

Bai Li Mo stands beside the bed with his back to the cloud. He suddenly drops his eyes and closes his eyes. He seems to have made up his mind: "rao'er, elder martial brother just wants to tell you one thing!"

The cloud inclines Rao to listen attentively, looks at the hundred Li Mo to leave the back figure. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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