After a while, a hundred miles away from the voice just faint spread: "elder martial brother will always stand behind you!"

The cloud Qingrao is a little confused, but the meaning of it makes her wonder: "you are rao'er's elder martial brother, and you are rao'er's relative originally!"

Bai Li Mo left slightly raised the lip corner, gaze at the cloud tilt Rao, smile and nod: "Hmmm!"

Yun Qingrao's heart seems to have fallen to the ground, plus a hundred miles away from now it seems that the recovery is still good.

"I remember. Don't worry, elder martial brother."

"What's more, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, please come to see senior brother!"

Bai Li Mo Li seems to be telling her what, and also seems to be hinting at her.

Today's cloud Qingrao, has not yet been able to understand the meaning of his words.

She didn't want to worry about a hundred miles away. After all, although they were very close when they were children, they have grown up now. The time when they did not meet for nearly ten years has become the biggest estrangement in their hearts.

Moreover, she could not see through the attitude of a hundred miles away.

Before she has made clear her mind, she knows what she likes and will not mind saying it, never leaving room for regret.

Therefore, even if she left here now, she would never see again, and there was nothing to regret.

"Take care, elder martial brother. Rao'er is gone!"

Hundred miles away from the nod, two people's communication seems to be secretly said a lot, but on the surface, but nothing said.

It was as if an old friend had met and chatted a little, then turned around and went to his own business.

Yun Qingrao pushes open the door and takes a look at Li Yue who is not far away. She looks at her with strange eyes.

She ignored the little curiosity in her heart and turned and walked outside.

Li Yue did not go out to see her off, but directly opened the door and walked in.

Hundred miles away from the window is still standing in the position, hands dead grasp the window lattice.

Li Yue obviously knew something in the past few days. He saluted slightly in the direction of Bai Li Mo Li: "Your Highness, what's the trouble? My subordinates can see that the princess is still very concerned about his royal highness!"

Hundred miles away from the voice of indifference, sounds like immersed in the ice and snow.

"Since you call her Princess in your mouth, what else can I think of in this palace?"

Li Yue was dumbfounded, and then he thought of the most serious problem. Yun Qingrao is now Gong Liuyu's wife. A gentleman doesn't take people's love. Yun Qingrao has a master of famous flowers. How could his royal highness be so aggressive.

What's more, Prince Yu, who was the God of war, was the object of his plunder.

"Is it because of her

The more Li thought about it, the deeper the doubt in his heart. He couldn't help frowning, and there was a faint strangeness in his eyes.

Hundred miles away from slightly turned around, the face is still gentle, but Li Yue can not help but feel the darkness hidden in those eyes, like to pull people into the abyss of hell.

He could not help but tremble, but heard a hundred miles away from the low voice said: "you go out!"

Li Yue nodded and retreated. He took a look at his prince's back. Just now, he was in a cold sweat. There was always a feeling that the prince was unfathomable.

That strange and unpredictable feeling is difficult to describe, but people can not help but produce a little fear from the heart.

Yun Qingrao came back in a carriage. As soon as she arrived at the door, she saw that Gong Liuyu was ready for the motorcade to return to the palace.

With hundreds of cavalry around the motorcade, the vast team looks glorious.

Riding on the front of the red horse, is wearing a white robe Gong Liuyu.

Gong Liuyu saw her coming down from the carriage and silently stretched out a hand at her side.

Cloud Qing Rao a Leng, hesitated to put up the hand, was pulled by his waist, directly sat on the horse's back.

With her back close to each other's chest, Yun Qingrao seems to be able to feel the beating of each other's heart. This peace of mind let her gradually take away the little thoughts that she had accumulated in her heart.

"Sit tight!"

Cold voice around the ear, cloud Qingrao quickly seize the reins, as the horse flies forward, to meet the wind ahead.

The long hair hanging down on the temples was lifted up by the wind, revealing the exquisite and peerless goose egg face below. She widened her eyes and felt that the haze in her heart disappeared at this moment.

Just, just did not walk how far, cloud inclines Rao to think of Gong Liuyu body still has the wound: "wait to stop, your injury has not been cured, how can you ride a horse?"

Gong Liuyu didn't care about the smile, the eyes across a shallow streamer.

"It's nothing serious. I just want to take you for a ride and have a ride."

Yun Qingrao smell speech, also do not stop, his injury is very fast, that wound has scab now, as long as there is no big action, less riding a horse for a while is still OK.

She dropped her eyes and secretly ordered, "be careful, I don't want to take care of you on the way."Hearing the light laughter behind him, the cloud inclines to enchant, in the eyes slightly bright, in the heart also suddenly is bright.

As long as there is this person standing beside her, she can keep a good mood.

The surrounding chariots and horses closely followed the two people, and on the way directly from Maocheng to tianchonghuangcheng gate.

Many people saw so many people coming to the gate of the city. They all stopped and watched curiously. Yun Qingrao and Gong Liuyu hid in the carriage for a long time.

After a walk around Maocheng, the relationship between the two has changed dramatically.

When the gate was opened, a group of 100 people went directly into the imperial city. Many officials stood at the gate, waiting respectfully on both sides, as if they were welcoming the general who had won the victory.

However, Yun Qingrao knows that Gong Liuyu's departure from the imperial city this time is not because of any task. The meaning of Yun Tianhong's doing this is self-evident.

According to her understanding of Yun Tianhong, I'm afraid he was thinking about how to turn Gong Liuyu into a sharp blade in his hands for his own use.

With some compliments on their faces, the people could not help but look at this side and whisper.

Cloud tilt Rao lift the curtain, mouth overflow a smile, eyes across the deep color of ridicule.

This is the Imperial City, the burial place of her predecessor.

Yun Qingrao is to find out about Shen Ruxue's situation. Because of the Shen family's affairs, she has completely turned against Yun Tianhong.

Yun Tianhong thinks it is Shen Ruxue who deliberately divulges his secret. There is no place to restore him.

The carriage stopped suddenly, and an old minister's voice came from the front: "Lord, the emperor has been waiting for him in the palace for a long time."

Gong Liuyu gently stretched out his hand, lifted the curtain a little, and then did not open his mouth, directly to the old minister.

The old minister's attitude towards Gong Liuyu didn't surprise him at all. He was very respectful and let people go.

The carriage went directly to the gate of the palace. Gong Liuyu stretched out his hand and pulled Yun Qingrao down from the carriage.

When they saw the clouds in the carriage, they looked at each other.

Cloud Qingrao slightly raised his chin, smiling and those who look at the person.

"Let's go!"

Gong Liuyu lowered her voice and reminded her in the ear of yunqingrao. Yunqingrao stood up and walked directly from the gate of the palace.

Now they come back not to be instructed by Yun Tianhong, but to negotiate with him.

He has the mind to use Gong Liuyu to fight with Yunluo City, so don't blame her for ignoring her feelings.

No, they don't have any feelings.

Cloud Qingrao think of here, eyes can not help but dark.

The big hand that grasps her wrist a little tight, Gong Liuyu side head looks at her: "follow closely me!"

Yun Qingrao's heart is slightly at ease, she raised her eyebrows and laughed: "I really want to see Shen Ruxue!"

"See what she does?"

Gong Liuyu's tone was a little confused, but she soon understood her mind.

He slightly droops eyes: "after seeing cloud rainbow, I will take you to see her!"

"I don't think it's enough!"

Gong Liuyu did not speak, but slightly raised the light in her eyebrows and eyes, waiting for her next words.

"I don't think she was punished enough!"

Cloud tilt Rao head up, a closed eyes, as if you can smell from Xin'er body out of the thick smell of blood.

"Shen Ruxue should pay the price for his mistakes!"

Gong Liuyu smell speech, gently nodded: "good!"

Yun Qingrao turns around to look at him in amazement. What does good mean?

Walking in front of the two leading maid, see Gong Liuyu and Yun Qingrao saying something in a low voice, eyes are full of curiosity.

Because it is said that Prince Yu is not close to a woman. The daughter of Mo family, who was married to the prince's house, has not touched Gong Liuyu's side for two years.

As expected, his wife is not as good as his concubine. It's no wonder that the Lord likes this woman so much. In terms of her appearance, she is first-class in the capital.

Thinking like this, walking in front of the two maids, looking at the cloud Qingrao in the eyes revealed a trace of disdain color, but did not dare to directly show it.

"My Lord, the emperor is waiting for you in front of you. I want you to pass by yourself. Princess, come here to have a rest with the maids."

Yun Qingrao is what kind of mind, what kind of look, these two maid's concealment skill is not strong at all, only one eye she can see how they think.

However, Gong Liuyu is really powerful and incomparable. She has to meet her enemies everywhere. These little maids who don't know the height of heaven and earth are afraid to dream of being a princess.

After all, Gong Liuyu had no family background and even less appearance. The whole kingdom of Tianchong didn't know Prince Yu. He was like a flower of kaolin standing in the distance. But suddenly one day someone saw a man picking this flower. He didn't know what kind of jealousy he would become.

Yun Qingrao didn't feel proud, but she was still very happy. She didn't care much about the thoughts of those little maids.As the two men came to the nearby palace to rest, the door of the palace was open, and she sat alone in the living room, and no one poured tea for her.

She frowned and was about to open her mouth when she saw a little maid coming in with her head down.

"Princess, the queen, please come over!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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