The clothes worn by the maiden were wrinkled and even her hair was messy. It can be seen that she was not a very important person in the imperial palace.

Yun Qingrao originally wanted to wait for Gong Liuyu to come out and accompany her to see Shen Ruxue, but she didn't expect that this person had found it by himself.

Although she was beaten into the cold palace, Shen Ruxue, the queen, has not been abolished. It is normal to call herself queen.

Cloud Qingrao gently turned the empty cup in his hand, and his mouth overflowed with a light smile.

"Where is she?"

"Princess, please come with the maidservant!"

Yun Qingrao nodded and stood up to keep up with the Maiden's steps.

Through the nine winding corridor, Yun Qingrao was taken to a very secluded Palace by her.

Fortunately, Shen Ruxue has been in this palace for a long time, so although it's a bit cold here, the environment is not too bad.

See the enemy to this time also had a good time, cloud Qingrao eyes across a shallow cold color.

In the secluded courtyard, you can see the snow far away.

From a distance, Shen Ruxue is dressed in a white dress, and the whole person is delicate and weak. With that pale face, ordinary people seem to feel pity.

Cloud Qingrao see this, only feel a little funny, all to this point, Shen Ruxue even have the mind to calculate what.

At the sight of cloud Qingrao coming, Shen Ruxue stood up with a look of chagrin and haggard.

"Princess Yu, you've come. It's not easy to invite you once!"

Yun Qingrao is used to Shen Ruxue's various faces, and is not cold to her compliment tone now.

"I don't seem to have any friendship with empress dowager. I don't know what empress came to me for?"

Yun Qingrao's face was cold, and she didn't mean to give Shen Ruxue a face. Shen Ruxue seemed to have guessed her attitude and was not angry.

She has always forbearance, and Yun Qingrao has great admiration for the woman's endurance. It's really hard for her to follow her for so long without showing her horse's feet.

"The palace knows that the princess has misunderstood what she has done before, but that is not what the palace wants. The emperor asked the palace to do so!"

When Shen Ruxue spoke, her eyes turned red in an instant. In addition, she looked pale now, just like an innocent person.

Yun Qingrao couldn't help but sniff at the corners of her mouth. She felt that Shen Ruxue was really shameless. Unless she was a fool, she would believe Shen Ruxue's words.

However, she can't let Shen Ruxue sing a monologue there: "Oh, then why does the emperor do this?"

Shen Ruxue sipped her mouth slightly, as if there was something hard to say.

After a long time, she said, "Princess Yu, the emperor has long wanted to take over Prince Yu's military power. You should know this in your mind!"

"Well, even if I knew it, what would happen?"

Shen Ruxue's eyes flashed and lowered his voice: "the reason why I am locked here is because this palace knows a secret of the emperor. Doesn't the princess want to know?"

"Even if the queen doesn't say that, I also know what the secret is. Isn't it spread all over the imperial city now?"

Hearing this, Shen Ruxue's face is even worse.

"What if I told the princess that all the rumors were true?"

Yun Qingrao raised his chin: "Shen Ruxue, what's good for you, and the emperor was good for you before!"

Now she only feels that the woman in front of her is more and more vicious. She has no heart at all, and she doesn't really like Yun Tianhong.

It's a pity that Yun Tianhong has done so many unconscionable things for his throne, and finally ended up with a betrayal.

Shen Ruxue's face deliberately flashed a disdain.

Maybe that's what she thought in her mind: "is he good to me? It's all on the surface. Isn't it because I accidentally knew his secret? She was afraid that I would leak it out. Now it's known all over the world. He thinks it's me who said it. What's the matter with me? "

Cloud tilt Rao eyes burning at Shen Ruxue, only some of this woman can't believe.

"The empress means..."

Shen Ruxue's eyes flashed a grim color, but when she raised her head, she gently laughed at the cloud and said, "of course, I want to cooperate with the princess!"

When it comes to cooperation, Shen Ruxue has a smart look on her face. Her eyes, which look gentle as water, flash with a light luster.


Cloud Qingrao's eyes seem to be surging a little interest: "the Queen's mother said, how a way of cooperation, you and I, before there are a lot of unhappy places!"

Yun Qingrao deliberately put forward the past events, just want to see if Shen Ruxue has a little face.

Shen Ruxue lowered her eyes and said, "the past is over. Now that the palace has fallen to this point, it is impossible to pose a threat to you. The reason why we come to discuss with you is naturally to have our own cards!"A listen to the end of the card two words, Yun Qingrao immediately thought of Shen Ruxue those memories about the previous life.

Since she is a reborn person, it is certainly impossible for her to simply let herself fail.

She decided to leave a lot of backers for herself, but what she had to do was to uproot all her foundations one by one.

"Well, it's better for the empress to show the card first, so that the king and I can have the bottom of our hearts, or we will be criticized by the people all over the world if we disobey the empress in such a muddle headed way."

Yun Qingrao seems to be hesitating, holding his chin and thinking about it.

Shen Ruxue doesn't see if the performance is true or false. Suddenly, she is a little flustered.

She took a deep breath. As if she were making a decision, she raised her head and suddenly said, "the reason why I know the identity of the emperor is that I also hold these evidences in my hand. As long as the evidence is taken out, Yun Tianhong will never be able to hold that position again!"

There was a slight smile at the corner of her mouth, with a hint of confidence.

Yun Qingrao gently droops her eyes and does not answer. She doesn't know what heart Shen Ruxue is in. She doesn't know whether there is a dark guard belonging to Yun Tianhong in the palace. The two people play with their heart and each word has a special purpose.

Shen Ruxue sees that Yun Qingrao doesn't speak, and the light in her eyes flickers: "Princess Yu, although we had some enmity before, it was all in the past. Now we are in danger. Don't blame our palace for not reminding you that the end of this palace is your future!"

Yun Qingrao gently hooked the hook lip corner, showing a slightly ironic look: "your end?"

Shen Ruxue feels that there is something wrong in Yun Qingrao's words. She can't tell what she feels, but she only feels that the panic in her heart is getting deeper and deeper.

Her mouth was taut and her face was pale and ugly.

Yun Qingrao gently laughs, and there is a bit of teasing in the voice: "Shen Ruxue, what you have done to the shady things, can you say that the past is over, and I ask you, how did Princess Xin die?"

Yun Qingrao's opening directly gave Shen Ruxue a heavy blow.

The corners of her lips trembled, and an unbelievable light flashed in her eyes: "what Princess Xin? I don't know who Princess Yuqin is talking about. If it's the princess Xin, it's not because the eldest princess is dead. She's extremely sad, so she went out alone to relax."

"Then I ask you, where is she?"

Seeing that Yun Qingrao was so aggressive, Shen Ruxue's eyes flashed slightly, and a few cool colors crossed her eyes: "Princess Yu asked, is it because she heard something bad? The palace can tell you that it's all nonsense from people outside. Princess Xin has her own ideas. Where did she go? This palace wants to know? "

Cloud Qingrao gently narrowed her eyes: "that's because she was killed by you, isn't it? I don't know the empress killed such a small child. When she was dreaming in the middle of the night, did she come to see you?"

She said this, let Shen Ruxue can not help but think of a scene happened not long ago.

That night, she was so scared that she still had a little impression. Her pupils shrank a little and her lips were pursed: "don't do anything wrong. Of course, I'm not afraid of anyone coming to our palace."

"Is it?"

Seeing Shen Ruxue's serious nonsense, Yun Qingrao only feels a little ridiculous.

She suddenly dropped her eyes and said to her in a very deep tone: "Princess Xin was taken by the Queen's mother to the prison where the eldest princess was held. Then she was insulted and died by several guards brought by the queen. I don't know if those people who the empress took with her are still alive!"

Suddenly heard such words, Shen Ruxue could not react for a while.

Because these are very secret things, she believes that her own people will certainly keep her mouth shut for her, and that the unimportant people will be dealt with by her.

Although she did not say that she remembered all the three subordinates, she also knew that they were Shen family's close friends. Recently, she did not pay too much attention to these people.

After all, yunqingrao is dead, and everything is gone with the death of yunqingrao. No one will know about her in this life.

At that time, she had seen this woman clearly before, but she could not say anything clearly.

She seemed to have thought of something, and she was shocked.

"It's you!"

Shen Ruxue widens his eyes and looks at the cloud Qingrao in horror, but sees the cloud Qingrao with a happy smile: "yes, it's me!"

"That night, it was you who took the body of Princess Xin. You Who the hell are you? "

Cloud Qingrao slightly raised the corner of the lip, the luster of the eye bottom let people see not clear.

But that kind of eyes, actually and the memory of a person overlapping, Shen Ruxue in the heart shouting absolutely impossible, while in the dark fear.

Because Yun Qingrao gives her the feeling, has been staying in the last life, that kind of killing decisive, merciless to the Betrayer."Who am I? I'm here for revenge!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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