Yun Qingrao deliberately talks with Shen Ruxue in a gloomy tone, and sees her step back involuntarily. She is actually sitting on the stone pier with a word of fright.

Shen Ruxue didn't believe what Yun Qingrao said, but she was really scared.

After all, no one can explain her own affairs, and it is not difficult to think that Yun Qingrao will be reborn like her.

But is such a thing possible?

She has been an accident, if God gives cloud Qingrao another chance, what is she?

Impossible, absolutely impossible. How could Yun Qingrao survive? It must be because a spy betrayed her.

"Are you and Yun Qingrao a group, what happened at the beginning, is she trying to tell you?"

Yun Qingrao only feels funny when she looks for an excuse for herself.

"If you think so, so do you!"

Shen Ruxue is obviously relieved and looks guilty.

Yun Qingrao startles Shen Ruxue, but she doesn't want to reveal her identity. She just tells her that no matter what she wants to do, they are in a hostile position.

Shen Ruxue grits her teeth and knows that the negotiation is impossible. What she has done before has been known by Yun Qingrao. She must die.

In the heart hides the intention of killing, Shen Ruxue doesn't show the slightest bit, she just says faintly: "since the princess doesn't agree to this matter, please go back!"

Cloud Qingrao slightly pick eyebrows, look at the direction of the dark not far away.

A pair of dark eyes, in the cloud Qingrao look over, can not help shrinking, slowly hide the body.

Yun Qingrao did not say anything, directly turned back along the original road, she believes that this meeting, Shen Ruxue will understand what is self inflicted.

As soon as she returned to the palace where she had been staying, she saw a dignified man standing at the gate of the palace.

Gong Liuyu stood with his hands down, and the color was conspicuous in the sunlight.

As soon as he saw the cloud Qingrao, he quickly walked to her side, put his hand on her shoulder and asked in a deep voice, "do you know that the palace is in danger now?"

Yun Qingrao saw the worried color in the eyes of Gong Liuyu, and the corners of her mouth showed a faint smile: "of course I know, I'm ok!"

Gong Liuyu also didn't say what: "then you don't walk around, if you want to go, wait for the king to come back!"

Yun Qingrao nodded obediently and looked very obedient. Only Gong Liuyu knew that Yun Qingrao was only used to cheat people.

She has her own ideas and doesn't need to be controlled by others. By saying so, he just shows that he cares about her.

Yun Qingrao raised her head and told her the story of Shen Ruxue. After listening, Gong Liuyu's eyes suddenly deepened: "she is really brave. She still thinks that here is the same as before. If you are not careful, I'm afraid you will bury a disaster today."

"Oh, what disaster?"

Yun Qingrao blinked, indicating that he did not understand his meaning.

Gong Liuyu got close to her ear and lowered his voice and said, "Yun Tianhong has decided to hand over his 50000 military power to this king."

She raised her eyebrows and glanced at Gong Liuyu: "it's impossible. This is the biggest card in Yun Tianhong's hand. He gave you half of the card directly. Isn't he digging his own grave?"

Gong Liuyu has deep eyebrows and deep eyes, like a sea: "of course not. Even if he doesn't want to give this military power to the king, he can't do it because all the 50000 troops are in the hands of the Shen family. He wants to let the king take the military power back!"

Hearing this, Yun Qingrao was relieved.

Yun Tianhong originally planned to release a piece of cake and let them fight for points. Then he sat in the back to watch the play.

"And what does my business today have to do with it?"

Gong Liuyu pinched her nose and said, "if he knew you had a connection with the Shen family, would he give the military power to the king?"

Of course not, but Gong Liuyu has no way to take back the military power.

"What does the Lord intend to do?"

Yun Qingrao looks at Gong Liuyu with curious eyes, but sees Gong Liuyu's eyes crossing a self-confidence.

"You'll soon know what to do!"

Gong Liuyu looks mysterious, and then leads the cloud to pour Rao toward the palace.

Just walked not far, cloud Qingrao saw a familiar person.

Rongnuo standing not far away, see cloud Qingrao and Gong Liuyu walk side by side, eyes slightly deep.

It seems that they can no longer find the situation of tit for tat in the past. Even if they are strangers, they can feel that their relationship is totally different.

"Prince Yu, Princess!"

Rong Nuo stood opposite to the cloud, but her eyes fell on her.

He was still so cold that he could not see any other emotion.

But Yun Qingrao can understand him a little bit. Rong Nuo grew up in the crowd when he was a child. Now he looks business to people and things. Only when they were drinking together, could he reveal a little bit of his mind."Jono?"

Cloud pour Rao doubt voice back to ask, do not understand why Rong Nuo will appear here.

Now she and Gong Liuyu haven't come out of the palace. Rongnuo must be in the palace for something.

"I'm here for what the emperor said, to prepare food and grass!"

Food and grass?

Cloud inclines Rao to stare at big eyes, turn head to see palace Yu.

Rongnuo didn't say too much, just nodded at the cloud and then passed by.

Although he didn't say anything, what he told them was a thought-provoking problem. Rongo would not say much, but the things that could be said would be very important.

I'm afraid Yun Tianhong is preparing something in the dark if you can ask the merchant Rong family of the first emperor of the capital to help collect grain and grass.

Gong Liuyu gently stretched her eyebrows, as if she had already thought of something: "ah Yao, can you tell me that Shen Ruxue will know what will happen in the future?"

Yun Qingrao suddenly opened her eyes, and a streamer flashed through her eyes: "although it is, Shen Ruxue has torn his face with Yun Tianhong. How can he still help him?"

Gong Liuyu sneered at the corner of her mouth: "Shen Ruxue hasn't been punished when she gets to this point. She's just locked up there. A Yao, do you think she's exchanged something?"

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

"However, what is the purpose of preparing so much food and grass? Is it because we think too much?"

Gong Liuyu's eyebrows and eyes bent: "don't want to think more, ask to know!"

Yun Qingrao didn't expect that Gong Liuyu would make such a big noise about this question. That night, Yun Qingrao heard the news that the queen was missing in the palace.

They have returned to the palace in the capital city. Gong Liuyu said that he had left for two hours, but did not come back after dinner.

The news of the palace has been spread all over the country. Some people say that the queen escaped by herself.

But Yun Qingrao is in the heart of a premonition, Shen Ruxue must now fall in the hands of Gong Liuyu.

She looks a little bit suddenly sitting at home waiting for Gong Liuyu to come back, but her thoughts can't help drifting away.

The sky gradually dark down, palace Liuyu did not show up, but cloud tilt Rao but wait for palace Cheng.

Gong Cheng is Gong Liuyu's subordinate. He is probably the most clear about what Prince Yu does.

"Princess, please come over here!"

Hearing this, Yun Qingrao is relieved. Although she knows that Gong Liuyu doesn't tell her there is a reason, she still feels uncomfortable and flustered.

She followed Gong Cheng and looked at his back. Her eyes flashed slightly: "Gong Cheng, what do you take me to the backyard?"

She can remember, this backyard is only an open grove, when it's OK, Gong Liuyu won't go to the backyard.

"The princess just follows her subordinates and says nothing more!"

Yun Qingrao's eyes brightened up in an instant. Her eyes swept around, as if staring at the wall on the ground, she could see a dark road.

Gong Cheng walks in front, sees the cloud to pour Rao's small movement, the eyeground delimits a helpless color.

"Princess, this way!"

She finally took her eyes back and found that she was thinking too much.

There was a small door at the end of the wall, but it was in the dark. Because of the angle of view, she had never found it.

Yun Qingrao was embarrassed for a moment and coughed: "let's go!"

Gong Cheng is calm and full, as if he didn't feel the embarrassment of Yun Qingrao. He pushed the door open.

Push aside, cloud tilt Rao, in front of a flash, feel into another world.

Because this is a wood room, the corner is stacked with firewood, it seems that no one has been taking care of it for many years.

Gong Cheng sees that Yun Qingrao looks curious. He knocks on an open wall. Then, a sound of mechanism comes from his ear. Sure enough, there is a secret door.

Yun Qingrao is full of curiosity, as if he has discovered the secret of Gong Liuyu.

But when she came to the door, she suddenly stopped.

Because Gong Liuyu once said a word, want to take her to see what is called the real hell.

At the beginning, even if those two servant girls committed suicide, they were afraid of being interrogated. It can be seen that Gong Liuyu's method was used.

The heart can not help but from the beginning of curiosity has become a little hesitant.

Palace Cheng sees cloud to pour Rao to stop a step to seem to be thinking what, can't help but ask: "princess, what's the matter?"

Yun Qingrao raised his head: "did you bring Shen Ruxue?"

Gong Cheng nodded: "yes!"

"She's in it?"


Gong Cheng seems to be only able to say this one word, but each word makes Yun Qingrao feel shocked.

But think of a short period of time, Shen Ruxue should taste her pain, feel in the heart of the gas out of a lot."Well, I'll go and have a look."

Push open the stone door that appears on the wall, cloud inclines enchanting stride into some damp, dark, still hide some bloody flavor inside the chamber.

This is a long passage. At the other end of the passage, I don't know what kind of purgatory is connected with. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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