The long dark passage seemed to have no end. The dim yellow candle fire was lit on the wall, and the faces of the people who were shining on them had a dim color.

Gong Cheng opened his mouth and said, "the princess should be prepared psychologically. The prince asked his subordinates to bring you here. Now, before you go in, the princess still has to think about it."

Cloud tilt Rao raised his head: "what is not a sea of fire, what can not be seen?"

She gave a slight smile, but her face was more relaxed.

She has not seen what torture is in the palace. Shen Ruxue has tried a lot on her. She wants to see what kind of scene Shen Ruxue is now.

Step by step with the palace behind, cloud tilt Rao eyes are very firm.

Inside is a very wide space, Yun Qingrao thought she would see something bloody, but she did not see it.

Because the corridor was silent, everything was cut off by the stone door on the wall.

Until walking to the end of this corridor, yunqingrao only saw Gong Cheng stop, and then pushed the mechanism on the stone gate.

There was a roar in her ear. Yun Qingrao followed Gong Cheng into the open door. As soon as she raised her eyes, she saw Gong Liuyu, who was dressed in white and was out of tune with the prison.

Gong Liuyu was sitting on the tall chair in front of him. He was full of dignity and mystery all over his body. When he heard the news, he looked at the door from his side.

That pair of slender peach blossom eyes, the instant cold idea recedes, when seeing the cloud to pour enchanting, more than a few beautiful brilliance.

"Ah Yao!"

He opened his lips slightly and let the original tension in Yun Qingrao's heart drop some.

Looking up, a person below was tied to the ground, his clothes were broken and in a mess.

Yun Qingrao recognized who this person was, who killed her and Xin'er.

Did not speak, also did not speak, cloud Qingrao step by step to Shen Ruxue in front of.

The hall is extremely clean, and there is no dust on the ground. The cold blue marble reflects the shadow of candle fire. There are many kinds of torture tools hanging on the wall.

There are a lot of tools of torture that I haven't seen. They are more complete than those in the imperial palace.

Blood stained instruments of torture are not used, but also make the scalp numb.

Shen Ruxue knelt on the ground, her head bowed, and she could not help shaking. She had not suffered too much in this life and in the previous life. Even if the Shen family was defeated in the last life and she became a beggar, she did not suffer so much.

"Prince Yu, this palace I I've told you everything. Let me go

Gong Liuyu didn't open his mouth. Shen Ruxue saw that his feet were still standing in front of him. He was familiar with the drooping skirt, so he couldn't help raising his head.

Cloud Qingrao overlooks the frightened face, Shen Ruxue's face is blue and white, but it seems that he has not suffered much flesh and blood.

However, she did not believe that Gong Liuyu would be so kind and merciful to Shen Ruxue.


The cloud inclines Rao to bend slightly, droops the eye son carefully to look at now's Shen Ruxue.

After all, those dark guards around her were given to her by Yun Tianhong. Now she has lost the protection of Yun Tianhong. Now she should see the situation clearly.

"Lin Qingyao?"

Shen Ruxue seems to just react to come over, look up at her face, pale lip corner dead bite.

"Lord, I don't know what the empress and empress have told me!"

Gong Liuyu waved his hand, and immediately asked people to write a good mouth for Yun Qingrao to take it.

Yun Qingrao lightly swept a glance, Shen Ruxue was really careful, did not reveal her rebirth at all.

After all, there is only one person in the world who knows the truth about her, and she is dead.

"It turns out that this is the evidence that the empress said. The nurse who served the emperor was still alive!"

Shen Ruxue didn't speak, and his eyebrows and eyes flashed slightly.

After all, it's been so many years, and those people won't get any benefit without the evidence.

Shen Ruxue lowered her eyebrows, as if she had been afraid. She trembled her shoulders and said, "yes, the nurse knows what happened at the beginning, and she still has the handwriting left by Princess Zhen at that time."

The handwriting is the most important. Princess Zhen is the title of her mother's concubine. After all, she didn't expect that after her death, she left such a disaster.

"Well, thank the queen for telling me!"

Shen Ruxue sees that Yun Qingrao doesn't ask any more questions. She turns around and leaves. She is a bit anxious. This is not a place for people to stay. She can't stay for a day: "I told you all. Let me out, let me out!"

Cloud Qing Rao's steps suddenly stopped: "let you out?"

Shen Ruxue looks at her with all her eyes full of hope. She seems to ignore everything for her life. She always thinks that she has the ability to surpass ordinary people. The rope can predict the future, but I don't know why. Now everything seems different. Since the death of Yun Qingrao, all the routes have changed.She thought that she could be different from the previous life, she could replace Yun Qingrao and become more than ten thousand people.

But now she knew that she was not special at all. She wanted to get what she wanted, but also had to pay a price.

"Why should I let you out?"

Cloud Qingrao face slightly suffused with cold color, the light of the eye is dark as if to swallow people.

Shen Ruxue clenched his sleeve tightly and suddenly felt something: "you You and I have no injustice or hatred. Even if there was some unhappiness before, you have already retaliated back. I You don't want to kill me, I can promise you anything you want

Shen Shang, you don't have a lot of information about Huangyang, because you don't have any information about Huangyang

Shen Ruxue hears the speech, pupil shrinks slightly.

"The emperor is now making great efforts to prepare food and grass. What is the so-called matter?"

Every sentence of Yun Qingrao is pressing questions, as if to let Shen Ruxue fall into a desperate situation.

"This palace How can we know about this matter? The emperor has not talked about anything above the government for a long time! "

"Is it?"

Yun Qingrao suddenly squatted beside her, lowered her voice and said, "Shen Ruxue, don't you know what will happen in the future?"

She asked this sentence, a moment to let Shen Ruxue dull for a moment, as if hit by the same brain blank moment.

His whole body was soaked in cold sweat in an instant, and his face was even more pale as snow.

"You, what are you talking about? How could this palace have that ability?"

Shen Ruxue shivered, but in order to protect her biggest secret, she said nothing to admit.

"I remember in the villa, there was a rock collapse, the queen asked people to call the emperor away, the emperor is safe and sound!"

Many people died that time, and many people's positions were arranged in advance by Shen Ruxue.

Most of the dead were the wives of officials who had a feud with Shen Ruxue.

Yun Qingrao asked, but only saw Shen Ruxue smiling and shaking his head: "princess, this is really vivid. If I really have that kind of ability, I will not fall into this situation today!"

Her meaning is very clear. She can't predict anything at all. If she can, she won't be arrested. If she can, ordinary people will believe her statement, and only think that kind of thing is a kind of coincidence at most.

However, know the truth of the cloud Qingrao, how can let Shen Ruxue.

"Shen Ruxue, you have been reborn all your life, but your mind is still so unclear!"

The word "rebirth" comes out from the mouth of yunqingrao, which makes Shen Ruxue raise his head in an instant.

She widened her eyes and looked up at the clouds, only felt a cold wind blowing in from her neck.

That feeling, as if in a dream, the person who had died in the dream reappeared in front of him and came to avenge her.

"You Are you yunqingrao

Her voice trembled, and her whole body was shaking like chaff. The cold sweat on her forehead was visible to the naked eye. She could not help but crawl backward, and nothing had ever frightened her so much.

Her voice was so loud that everyone heard her. But when she looked up at Gong Liuyu, she couldn't find any surprise on her face.

It turns out that So!

Knowing the truth, Shen Ruxue's whole heart was cold, and her lips trembled. As soon as she thought of how she had dealt with Yun Qingrao before, she knew that she could never let her go.

"You, are you not dead?"

"Dead, but I'm back!"

"It's impossible. How can it be..." Shen Ruxue looks flustered. She seems to have seen the biggest joke in the world. She always thought that Yun Qingrao and Lin Qingyao were just two people with similar names and voices. She never thought that they would become one person.

And her biggest enemy.

A kind of despair revealed from her eyes, she directly rushed to the feet of cloud Qingrao: "I I didn't mean to kill you, really not. It was Yun Tianhong who asked me to do it. Yes, he did it. He was afraid that you would rob his throne, so he asked me to deal with you. What I said before I died was nonsense and deliberately deceived you! "

"Shen Ruxue, do you think I will believe it?"

Yun Qingrao looked at her from above, and the irony of her eyes revealed.

"If you want to live, it's not that you can't help it. I'll give you one night to tell you all the things you know later. Don't forget my identity. I know more than you do. If you hide a little bit from me, I'll make you die!"

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Shen Ruxue's mood completely broke down. She fell down on the ground and began to cry. Looking at the people who died in front of her, she even resurrected and came back to revenge. This is something she never thought of in her life.

Yun Qingrao sees Shen Ruxue crying bitterly, but she doesn't return. She walks to Gong Liuyu with a cold face."I don't want to see her again. I heard that there is a shortage of people in the Royal barracks. Send her over and find someone to protect her. Don't let her die!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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