The cloud that says such words inclines Rao, in the eye does not have the slightest brilliance, the profundity as if thick ink.

Gong Liuyu hears speech, just gently nodded: "good!"

This word directly determines Shen Ruxue's future life. However, she never knows that in Yun Qingrao's heart, Shen Ruxue has never been the real opponent of Yun Qingrao.

Shen Ruxue, who was lying on the ground, suddenly laughed: "cloud Qingrao, even if you can survive, you still can't get anything. I tell you, he is cheating you. Do you want to know the end of your last life? I won't tell you in my life, you can experience it yourself

She laughs crazily, the laughter hidden in the extreme arrogance and self-confidence, it seems to want to see a good play, let cloud Qingrao can't help but cold eyes.

"I tell you, the man around you, he..."

The voice suddenly stopped, the cloud Qingrao slightly stunned, turned to look at the direction of Shen Ruxue, but found that Shen Ruxue had been in a coma at this time.

Gong Liuyu waved his hand and asked people to prepare ink for Shen Ruxue. Then he turned and walked out of the dark room with cloud Qingrao.

He followed Yun Qingrao and frowned slightly at the silent figure of yunqingrao walking in front of him.

"Ah Yao, aren't you happy to take revenge?"

Yun Qingrao's heart seems to be hiding something, smell speech but shook his head: "nothing happy, even if Shen Ruxue is dead now, Xin'er will not live, and I can't go back!"

Gong Liuyu gently stretched out his hand and put his fingertips on her shoulder. His hands were clear, and with a few different meaningful strength, he could not help but stop the pace of Yun Qingrao.

"Those things are over, now you can start over with a new identity with the king by your side."

It has to be said that these words of Gong Liuyu are too alluring and confusing to Yun Qingrao.

She thought so in her last life. If she could live on, she would certainly abandon her identity as a princess.

She has no such yearning for power. All she has done is for her own promise. She has assisted Yun Tianhong to ascend the throne and let him sit in that position. It is time for her to retire.

But she ignored the people's heart, so that she ended up like that.

It's not Yun Qingrao silly, but she didn't expect her brother would be so heartless to herself.

A thousand kinds of schemes have been calculated, but Yun Qingrao is not the heart of the people.

She hung her head, thinking of her failure in the last life, only feel the heart of the terrible.

"Gong Liuyu, you said I could believe you, but I didn't even believe myself. What's more, where do I have time to accompany you all my life?"

Gong Liuyu pursed her lips, and the cherry colored lips opened and closed slightly: "it's not very good to cherish the present, and we'll talk about it later!"

In the heart suddenly bright, the cloud inclines Rao, did not expect the palace Liuyu unexpectedly to be so comforting person.

It was dark outside, even in the dark.

But this dead atmosphere did not affect the mood of Yun Qingrao now.

"Gong Liuyu, I met you in my life. I don't know if it's lucky or unfortunate, but I think I won't regret it!"

Gong Liuyu stretched out his arm and held up the cloud.

All of a sudden, let cloud Qing Rao scared a jump, she did not understand at this time Gong Liuyu and what crazy.

She said in a hurry: "Lord, Gong Liuyu, you let me down!"

Gong Liuyu did not pay attention to her, and regardless of her struggle, directly held her out of the small door of the dark road.

Gong Liuyu all the way, the cloud Qingrao to the backyard of the rockery hot spring outside.

Yun Qingrao grabs his shoulder and sees him standing beside the pool, hanging her whole body in the air. Subconsciously, she grabs more tightly: "what are you doing?"

"Take a bath and relax!"

Yun Qingrao opened her eyes: "I can do it myself. You don't have to send it in person, and I haven't brought my things here yet."

"It's OK. Gong Cheng has already done it."

When he finished, there was a movement at the door. Two figures appeared on the side of the rockery. They put the clothes in the tray and directly put them on the stone pier not far away.

"Prince and princess, you are busy!"

The two little maids bowed their heads and bent over and pretended to be invisible, leaving only a simple sentence.

Yun Qingrao swept with her eyes and found that in addition to what she wanted to use, there was also Gong Liuyu's.

"Wait, I'll do it myself!"

"I stayed in the dungeon all night, and my body was full of blood!"

Gong Liuyu frowned, as if troubled.

How could Yun Qingrao not understand his meaning and said quickly, "the Lord comes first, I can wait!"

"But it's so late that you don't feel at ease to stay here by yourself. Do you decide to let me watch you in the bath or bath with you?"Obviously is a serious face, but Gong Liuyu is obviously talking nonsense.

Yun Qingrao was speechless for a moment, as if she were wrong.

She suddenly said, "is what Shen Ruxue said true?"

Palace Yu Leng Leng Leng, suddenly pick eyebrow: "what true false!"

"She said

"Do you believe in her?"

Gong Liuyu suddenly interrupted her when she didn't ask.

Cloud Qingrao lip angle moved, has been holding the posture of being held in the arms by Gong Liuyu, both of them did not speak in advance.

After a moment, Gong Liuyu slowly opened his mouth: "I know, you blame me for not letting Shen Ruxue finish, right?"

Cloud Qing Rao heart slightly jump, eyes motionless gaze at him.

Gong Liuyu sighs slightly, that pair of exquisite peach blossom eyes, as if can speak.

"I know you're blaming me, but do you think it's necessary for you to listen to what she said. I just don't want her to say anything that affects the relationship between you and me. You are my princess. I have the responsibility to confess to you. If I say something to you and do something that is harmful to you, I will let you die!"

Such a heavy oath, do not palace Liuyu said so solemnly, really let the cloud pour Rao heart health shock.

After seeing all kinds of bizarre things, Gong Liuyu can restrain herself with such a heavy oath, and express her valued problems with an attitude that she cares more than she does, which makes Yun Qingrao's heart seem to be melted in general.

What she wants is this kind of feeling without ill feeling, however, Gong Liuyu has done so far.

"Well, I don't believe you!"

Yun Qingrao's eyes are burning, and the doubts generated after leaving the tunnel before in the heart also dissipate.

Seeing her put down her mustard, Gong Liuyu raised her lips slightly, and her eyes seemed to be hiding wave light.

Yun Qingrao hesitated for a moment and bit his teeth: "I believe you are. Can you let me down first?"

The foot falls to the ground, the cloud inclines Rao just relaxed tone, originally mentioned the throat the heart just to return to the stomach.

"Well, it's not convenient to wash together like this!"

Gong Liuyu looks at her from the side of his head, and then gently takes off his robe.

The smooth and beautiful back of the spine, in an instant, the clouds fall in front of you.

Cloud Qing Rao only feel some hot eyes, quickly turn head.

"You are the real princess of this king's name. What do you care about? Come here to wipe my back!"

Yun Qingrao endure the impulse to grow a needle eye, some curiously look back, and see a deep scar at the bottom of Gong Liuyu's heart.

Although the wound has grown well, it has left an indelible scar. Every time I look at it, it makes Yun Qingrao's heart twitch.

Since that night, Gong Liuyu was out of control, he never did anything extraordinary to her, which is why Yun Qingrao gradually accepted him in these days.

She's not a very conservative woman who doesn't know her family. It doesn't work at all, but she has her own principles.

Gong Liuyu saw that Yun Qingrao didn't move for a long time. He just looked at his back. He turned around gently and his eyes softened a lot: "ah Yao, I was wrong about everything that day. You can punish me as much as you want!"

Yun Qingrao finally had a reaction, saw the other side's face showed a look of grievance, her heart suddenly softened.

Originally, she wanted to embarrass him, but for a moment, her lips showed a strange smile: "how to punish the Lord?"

Gong Liuyu pick eyebrows, did not answer her words, but waiting for her to speak: "that's OK!"

See cloud incline Rao to have a decision, palace Liuyu heart suddenly more a few minutes suddenly.

"I will punish the Lord and sit here, and then..."

As she spoke, she walked to the pool with a smile and took off her long skirt.

Thin white shoulder exposed in the night, slightly with cool wind, let the cloud tilt Rao can not help but tremble.

But she didn't hesitate. She put on a thin lining that seemed to be able to see the scenery inside. She took off her shoes and socks and stepped directly into the pool.

Long arm hazy as jade, cloud tilt Rao lean on the edge of the pool, the whole person immersed in the water.

"The Lord is not allowed to come here. If you dare to enter the water, it will prove that you don't mean what you say!"

Her sweet smile, that pair of bright eyes seem to be able to contend with the bright moon.

Yun Qingrao doesn't understand how attractive she is at the moment.

Water spray gently fell on the surface of the water, splashing a series of ripples, that white as jade lotus root arm, in the blue water see indistinct.

The butterfly bone on the neck outlines the perfect radian, even if everything below is hidden in the water, it is also very imaginative.

Such a cloud Qingrao, like a stand in front of him, waiting for him to taste.

In particular, Gong Liuyu has already known her wonderful taste.The more so, the more unbearable the restlessness in his heart. Gong Liuyu finally knew what the punishment of Yun Qingrao was.

The throat rolled for a while, and Gong Liuyu felt this itchy heart, as if thousands of ants were crawling in his heart. He couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, the woman will always know what his weakness is, and then pinch it so that he can't defend against it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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