After washing and gargling, Yun Qingrao walked out directly wrapped in a thin towel in the water. She saw Gong Liuyu's eyes and bent her mouth slightly: "I'm fine, the Lord will help herself!"

Do you care?

The corner of Gong Liuyu's mouth couldn't help but smoke, watching the beauty disappear with a touch of fragrance floating in front of her.

Yun Qingrao also deliberately walked very slowly, as if in provocation.

Gong Liuyu stretched out his hand and directly grasped the corner of the thin towel of yunqingrao. Yunqingrao made a move and almost didn't drop the thin towel from his body.

She stopped, turned her head and looked at Gong Liuyu with a little anger on her face: "Lord, this is punishment. Are you going to say something that doesn't count?"

Gong Liuyu hesitated for a moment, his eyes twinkled with a touch of burning.

However, he still released his hand: "princess, have a good rest!"

Cloud Qingrao smell speech, the corner of the mouth across a shallow smile, she put on a warm cloak, directly back to his room.

Although living in a courtyard, but before the cloud Qing Rao is and palace Liuyu separate sleep.

Although she lived in the house originally belonging to Gong Liuyu, he was always elsewhere.

Standing at the door of the room, cloud Qingrao slightly raised her eyebrows and eyes, and a light light color flashed through her eyes.

Originally she didn't feel what, but now think of it, Gong Liuyu from know her identity, also really will her pet not look like.

At the thought of this, her eyes softened a little, gently pushed open the dark door, went to the candlestick and lit the lamp.

There was a knock at the door. When Yun Qingrao looked up, she saw chun'er coming in from outside.


Spring son a face of joy, this is the first time after she came back to see cloud Qingrao.

Cloud Qing Rao up and down will spring son looked at a time, see her not hurt, also did not suffer hardship, in the heart slightly relaxed.

"Are you all right?"

Chun'er nodded: "with the blessing of the princess, chun'er has nothing to do with it."

For a while, Wang Yuen touched the corner of his mouth to help me

Spring son big eyes, she is not stupid, a moment to understand the meaning of the words.

She quickly bent down to salute: "princess, don't worry!"

Leaving four words, the little girl ran out in a hurry. Yun Qingrao hesitated for a moment, then turned to sit by the bed and dropped the curtain.

In the room, the candle light is dim, the cloud is inclined to be enchanting, the eyes open to look at the direction of the roof, some confusion in the mind, a little bit hot cheek.

What happened last time, she didn't wake up at all. She was completely controlled by drugs.

But this time, she volunteered to do it. The two feelings were totally different.

The hand that grasps quilt tight, the naked eye on the back of the hand shows distinct bony joints, the color of her eye fundus hides several deep, thin lips tightly purses.

She dropped her eyes slightly, and her long eyelashes fluttered on her eyelids.

All of a sudden, there was a slight sound of footsteps coming from the door.

Because Gong Liuyu is a martial arts practitioner, her footstep has been very low. She can only distinguish it by listening carefully.

Then came the sound of the door being knocked. In the heart cannot help but be nervous, cloud inclines Rao to press the voice to say: "come in!"

A gust of cold wind blowing curtain flying, cloud tilt Rao through the gap, see a person's figure.

She clutched the lapel and her eyes were moist.

"Gong Liuyu!"

She closed her eyes and watched the figure drawing closer.

The body has been changed into a clean nightdress. Cloud Qingrao opens a little quilt and looks out of the curtain: "why don't you speak?"

Lifting the curtain, she could see each other's faces clearly by the dim candle light in the room.

It turned out that Xu Yingsheng was not Gong Liuyu at all.

Yingsheng kneels down on the edge of yunqingrao's bed. There is a melancholy look between his eyebrows, and a heavy melancholy is hidden under his eyes.


"Yingsheng, why are you here?"

She could not help but jump at the thought that Gong Liuyu was about to come.

"Yingsheng has something important to report to you!"

"Well, you say it!"

Yun Qingrao's eyes are serious, and there is a little more rigorous taste in the eye.

During this period, Xu Yingsheng would choose to come to her. There must be something important. She can't delay important events because of her personal affairs.

"Say it

Xu Yingsheng looked heavy: "this incident is unheard of by the shadow. Xu Shangshu said that her Royal Highness's mother may be the daughter of a former betrayal."

Cloud inclines enchanting slightly a Leng.

She did not pay attention to the family members in the Lin family, nor did she think of investigating the identity of Lin Qingyao's mother.

After all, a humble concubine, who has been neglected for so many years in the prime minister's mansion, can really pay attention to her.Yun Qingrao can't help but sink down and think of the list she saw in the imperial mausoleum. Gong Liuyu should not cheat herself. There must be Aunt Liu's name on the list.

"Since your father said it, do they have the exact evidence?"


Xu Yingsheng hesitated for a moment and took out something from his sleeve. It was a box.

Inside the box was a white jade pendant with a small red dot on it, just like blood.

Yun Qingrao took the jade pendant in her hand and frowned: "Yingsheng, what is this?"

"This is a piece of blood jade that was found in the treacherous minister's house. It was a pair, but the other one disappeared very early!"

Hearing Yingsheng say so, Yun Qingrao suddenly thinks of something, and can't help but be surprised.

She stood up from the bed, the color of her eyes deepened a little.

"Yingsheng, I seem to have seen this jade pendant in the mansion. I'm afraid what you said is true!"

Yingsheng reaches out his hand and puts the jade pendant in Yun Qingrao's hand directly.

"Princess, Yingsheng has the responsibility to protect you. This jade pendant is evidence. Once it is gone, there is no way to affect you at all!"

"And you?"

Yun Qingrao purses her lips slightly. Even if she doesn't see it, she can guess. If Yingsheng takes out the jade pendant, she will be doubted.

Xu Ying Sheng slightly lowered his eyes, and Zhang Junxiu's face was much more resolute: "shadow born originally does not belong to Xu family. This life would rather hide behind the princess to protect the safety of her royal highness!"

Yun Qingrao smelled the speech and frowned slightly: "Yingsheng, you don't need to be like this. Yun Qingrao is dead. Now everything you do for me is what I owe you!"

as soon as she heard the clouds, she was kneeling directly on the ground. There was something wrong with her hands and feet: "Your Highness must not say so. The life of the shadow is all given by the royal highness of the princess.

Yun Qingrao for a time some speechless, heard this from the heart of the speech, she suddenly felt that the previous own is not a waste of life.

After all, she has any loyal people like Rong Nuo, Zhao Chongxiao and Xu Yingsheng.

She never felt that she was worthy of their treatment. Knowing them, she had no regrets.

The knot in the heart seems to be untied at this time. Yun Qingrao slightly hooks the hook lip corner and puts the jade pendant in Xu Yingsheng's hand.

However, at this time, the door of the room was gently pushed open, and a figure appeared in the position of the door.

Yun Qingrao looks back and sees Gong Liuyu standing at the door, slightly stunned, and looks at Xu Yingsheng with a little examination.

"Is it you?"

Yun Qingrao waved to Xu Yingsheng.

"Don't worry about this matter for a moment. I'm prepared. I won't let anyone grasp it. Since they say that the person who owns the other half of the jade pendant is a real traitor of the former dynasty, I will help find out the daughter of the treacherous Minister for them!"

Hearing Yun Qingrao say so, the brilliance of his eyes is very confident, and Xu Yingsheng nods gently.

Then, he didn't look at Gong Liuyu, and went out directly from the position of the mansion gate.

Gong Liuyu's face was gloomy, not because Xu Yingsheng came to see the clouds, but because, once again, the dark guards in the mansion did not find Xu Yingsheng's trace.

He stood at the door, his face heavy.

"Gong Cheng!"

He lowered his voice, which had a cold smell, as if it could penetrate the bone marrow.

Gong Cheng came over in cold sweat and knelt directly in front of Gong Liuyu: "Lord!"

Gong Liuyu raised his chin slightly: "what did this King say?"

"The LORD said, let his subordinates and others take good care of the princess's safety!"

"And then?"

Gong Liuyu's voice raised some, but with a strong sense of dignity. Gong Cheng did not dare to neglect him. He said in a hurry: "it's all my subordinates' fault. I'm willing to be punished!"

Cloud inclines Rao to see palace Cheng to be so implicated come in, also some in the heart can't bear.

"Even if I didn't have these two sons, I'm afraid I can't stay with me for so many years!"

Gong Liuyu heard the words and his face improved a lot: "Gong Cheng, go back and train your subordinates well. I don't need to explain this point!"

Gong Cheng nods and retreats in a hurry. When she turns around, she can't help but look at the cloud obliquely.

This is the first time that Yun Qingrao receives Gong Cheng's eyes. Before, Gong Cheng's attitude towards her has always been a public and cold attitude.

Although she did not understand why he changed so much, it was also a good thing, proving that people around Gong Liuyu began to accept her.

"Lord Well, it's time to rest so late. Please come back! "

Yun Qingrao used to have some courage, but now, that little courage has disappeared.Gong Liuyu raised his hand and grasped the wrist of Yun Qingrao. How could he let the fat of his mouth run like that.

When chun'er passed on his message, he could understand both the inside and outside of the story.

"Where is Aifei going in such a hurry? In bed? "

Gong Liuyu embraces the waist of cloud to pour Rao, secretly gather to her ear, the tone posture is good, very warm, ambiguous.

Yun Qingrao only feels itchy on the root of her ears and her goose bumps all over her body come out.

She tried to push people away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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