"The Lord misunderstood. Your punishment is not over yet."

Cloud Qing Rao pick eyebrows, pretending to know nothing, deliberately put the topic on other things.

Gong Liuyu's smile at the corners of her mouth gradually disappears, and her eyes are full of lonely emotions.

See such look in the eyes, cloud Qing Rao suddenly feel the heart a pull hard, she unexpectedly began to be soft hearted.

"Ah Yao doesn't want to. I won't force you, but can you let me hold you to sleep?"

Yun Qingrao's eyes widened and her heart was sorrowful. Looking at the man's peach blossom eyes in front of her, she suddenly couldn't say anything to refuse.

As long as you don't do that kind of thing, it should be OK to have a hug, and there will be no children

As soon as the word "child" is mentioned, Yun Qingrao's heart raises again. Before that time, she She won't really have a child. If she does, she doesn't know if she can let him appear in the world.

At the thought of this kind of thing, Yun Qingrao has some bitterness in her heart. The feeling that she got a little cheap here in Gong Liuyu has disappeared.

Seeing the change of color on the face of Yun Qingrao, a helpless color flashed through Gong Liuyu's eyes, and then held the person on the big bed.

He gently put her on the pillow, full of pity and tenderness, as if filled with honey.

Yun Qingrao wants to immerse herself in this boundless and sweet ocean, but only she knows in her heart that all this is a flash in the pan.

But she was willing to indulge in the illusion.

She closed her eyes to cover up all the thoughts under her eyes.

A little bit of cold lips fell on her lips, cloud Qingrao this time did not dodge.

But at this time, a stabbing pain came from the position of her chest, as if to attack her heart.

She had not tried this feeling for a long time. Her face showed a painful expression. Gong Liuyu saw the sudden change of Yun Qingrao, and there was a color of surprise in her eyes.

"Ah Yao!"

He gently called her a, see the cloud tilt Rao moment, the forehead is full of cold sweat, worried look can not help but show out.

"Medicine The medicine is in the cupboard

The cloud inclines Rao to tremble the lip angle, the ache facial expression iron blue.

This is obviously more fierce than the previous two times, and there is a surprise.

Gong Liuyu's reaction is very fast, quickly opened the cabinet and saw a small black bottle placed on the outside box.

Needless to say, that's what Yun Qingrao said.

Thinking of the first two times that Yun Qingrao took the medicine, he quickly prepared warm water and sat up from the bed.

Now where there are just those beautiful, beautiful mind, Gong Liuyu as long as Yun Qingrao can now open his eyes to see him and talk to him.

Such a dead look should never appear on this woman.

"Quick, ah Yao, take the medicine!"

Gong Liuyu saw that her face was pale, and even the corners of her lips were not bloody. Her hand holding the medicine trembled involuntarily, which was quite inconsistent with that calm face.

Yun Qingrao only feels as if she even opens her mouth. The sharp pain makes her heart begin to ache, and the complete pain is two extremes.

She tried to swallow the pill herself several times, but she lost the strength to swallow.

Her mind began to blur and she didn't know where she was.

In front of the light and shadow trance, everything is so unreal.

However, it seems that some people are whispering.

She could not hear what the two men were saying, but she felt that the situation was a little familiar.

But how familiar with the law, but can not remember.

This is forgotten in the memory of the deep, in any case can not recall the feeling is very bad, cloud Qingrao can only pay attention to listen to that person's voice.

It seems that there are her masters and senior brothers.

Is it the memory of the time when she was still on the mountain, because she was young at that time, she forgot such a paragraph?

It seems that the master and the elder martial brother are arguing about something. For the first time, she felt that the two people even had such a quarrel. The elder martial brother always respected the master, and the master was very kind. They had not been red for more than ten years since she was on the mountain.

"Master, I don't agree!"

He doesn't agree? What does elder martial brother disagree with?

Yun Qingrao only feels some headache. The more I don't want to hear the details, the more vague it is.

At last, she only felt that the quarrel had reached a violent moment, and then someone found her.

"Rao'er, rao'er is here!"

The voice is a little anxious. It belongs to elder martial brother.

She suddenly opened her eyes and saw a face that was somewhat haggard.

The body trembled gently, and Yun Qingrao didn't know how long she was in a coma, but it was dark when she was unconscious, but now it is morning.Moreover, it seems to be approaching dusk.

"Gong Liuyu!"

The voice is hoarse and fierce. It seems that cloud Qingrao has forgotten when he fell asleep.

But she saw the deep worry hidden in Gong Liuyu's eyes. She thought she was going to die.

"What's the matter with you? I'm not dead yet!"

The corner of his mouth was covered, and Gong Liuyu pursed his lips slightly: "don't talk nonsense!"

His voice was calm, with the smell of command, but there were some messy bun, which made people look a little embarrassed.

However, even if how embarrassed, but also can not cover up this person from the heart of the noble gas.

"The king is here. You are not allowed to die!"

Seeing the resolute color in her eyes, Yun Qingrao only felt a burst of sadness in her heart. She knew her body. She had been a person who had died once, and her life in recent years may have been stolen.

"Gong Liuyu, don't curse me, I will not die. I will drink water to eat and prepare for me!"

She slightly hooked the corner of her lips, but the light of her eyes was very dazzling.

She also found that there was something wrong with the medicine, which used to relieve the pain in an instant, but now it has made her faint.

It's likely that the raw materials needed for the medicine are not enough.

"Gong Liuyu, go and collect all kinds of poisonous herbs for me. I'll think about it carefully. Maybe I can suppress the poisonous insects in my body. There must be something wrong with that Aunt Yu. I'll find my mother immediately after I'm better."

Yun Qingrao closed her eyes and thought clearly about a series of things to do next. Now the only thing she has to do is to find Aunt Liu.

The woman, who looked weak and could not cheat, was hiding something from her.

, what rebels and what are the clouds left on the upper palace? How did these things come to a little weak woman?

Just, she just finished this sentence, Gong Liuyu's face has already sunk down: "don't look for it!"

Cloud inclines Rao eye ground delimits a doubt color: "what need not look for?"

"Aunt Liu is dead!"

This sentence gave Yun Qingrao too big shock, she opened her eyes, her eyes showed a touch of disbelief color: "how can this be like this, before it was not good, the LORD did not promise me to protect the safety of Aunt Liu?"

Gong Liuyu's eyes were full of guilt. He held cloud Qingrao's pale cheek and whispered, "she committed suicide!"


No matter who it is, there is no way to prevent a person who does not want to live to commit suicide. She has no way to blame Gong Liuyu.

Cloud Qingrao eyes flash, only feel the mystery of the heart gradually enlarged.

She and Aunt Liu's feelings are not too deep, although the heart is a little uncomfortable, but not to the point of crying for her.

Aunt Liu's identity hides a lot of doubts. Now that she died like this, she didn't understand whether Aunt Liu's kindness to Lin Qingyao was true or not.


Cloud inclines Rao soft voice to open a mouth, palace Liuyu tiny pick up Mou son: "I am in!"

Yun Qingrao looks at Gong Liuyu's eyes, revealing a tired color: "I'm better, take me to see her body, and, has she left anything?"

"Gong Cheng has been searched the courtyard where she lived, and only this jade pendant has been found!"

The jade pendant with the shape of blood drops fell in the hands of Yun Qingrao, which made the eyes of Yun Qingrao deeper.

This jade pendant is of exquisite workmanship and is extremely valuable. It has a price but no market.

The blood red jade heart wrapped in the jade outside is a rare treasure. Even as a member of the royal family, she has rarely seen it.

With the jade pendant, the cloud Qingrao only feels heavy.

"Lord, I have heard of a treacherous minister in the former dynasty, but the family name is not Liu!"

Gong Liuyu smelled the speech and nodded: "that incident alerted the emperor. The emperor was enraged and directly copied the residence of the Liu family."

"You mean the family name is Liu?"

When Gong Liuyu hears Yun Qingrao's question, his eyes also deepen. It seems that they know too little about the identity of Aunt Liu and Lin Qingyao.

But this is also very normal, after all, since her rebirth, she has not returned to the prime minister's office, even if Aunt Liu, she has only met a few times.

Lin Qingyao's identity is just a vague impression of her. She has some uninterrupted memories of each other, but she is still yunqingrao.

Lin Qingyao is dead. She is the one who will live. She did not want to live a miserable life like Lin Qingyao before.

"Why did they rebel?"

Gong Liuyu looked down: "this king of the Liu family knew a little bit, but the truth was not so at that time. It was only because the Liu family was rich and could be an enemy. At that time, the Liu family even had the scenery of the Rong family. In addition, the eldest son of the Liu family was an official in the imperial court, and he had mastered the power of the Ministry of household at a young age. For so many years, some people have coveted that position!""Do you mean that the Liu family was framed?" Cloud Qingrao slightly droops her eyes, because just woke up, the brain is still a mess, but these things now from her irrelevant, become closely related.

It's impossible for her to follow up even if she wants to.

Liu aunt's identity is clearly so humble, suddenly became the daughter of the Liu family, let her suddenly some can not accept.

"Ah Yao, it was the Shen family's present-day master who investigated this matter at that time!"

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