"What the Lord meant was that Shen Hao deliberately designed all this?"

Cloud Qingrao squints her eyes and feels that things are getting bigger and bigger.

is so complicated that even she has something to say: "however, Shen Hao is closely related to Yun Shang Gong. Why is Liu's daughter's eye liner on the cloud palace?"

She raised her eyes and looked at Gong Liuyu intensely, hoping that Gong could give her a reply.

"Ah Yao, yunshanggong is using Shen family, including Aunt Liu. That's all. It's not as simple as you think!"

Gong Liuyu's tone is permeated with a touch of slightly deep meaning, like in and cloud Qingrao reveals what.

Yun Qingrao knows that Gong Liuyu came out of the cloud palace, and he is the one who knows the most about it.

"That How's your antidote going? Is there any deal going well

When Gong Liuyu saw Yun Qingrao, he began to care about him. He moved slightly: "well, it's very smooth. After all, Moya is the little master of the palace on cloud. Even if the master is cruel, he won't lose his face because of this!"

Yun Qingrao raised his lips and said with a smile, "so, the palace master is very concerned about his face and dignity?"

Gong Liuyu didn't know what Yun Qingrao asked him to do, but he replied truthfully: "of course!"

"It's easy to do. It's also a weakness of the master of yunshang palace."

Looking at the cloud Qingrao eyebrows and eyes across a brilliant, cloud Qingrao lips gently Yang Yang, the color of black eyes some deepen.

She will go to the cloud palace sooner or later to have a good experience.

"Ah Yao, you lie here and have a good rest. I will try my best to cure the poisonous insects in your body."

Yun Qingrao closed her eyes and felt a little tired.

"In fact, it doesn't have to be too much trouble. I don't have a list of herbs. According to that, I'll just fill them for me every day."

"You can't read that list

What are those things written by Yun Qingrao? There are all kinds of strange poisons printed on them. Even if he is a good man, he will die directly.

Although the poison in her body was broken down yesterday, she didn't want to see it.

"You have a good rest!"

Gong Liuyu stretched out his hand and covered the quilt to Yun Qingrao. He stood up and walked out of the room and closed the door with his backhand.

Gong Liuyu, who came out of the room, did not have the slightest warm color on her face. She raised her head slightly and took a look at the dazzling sunshine in the sky.

The slender and delicate peach blossom eyes narrowed, and the thin lips of cherry color were also slightly pursed.

Not far away, Gong Cheng respectfully came to him and bowed down to salute him: "Lord, the candidate has been arranged!"

Gong Liuyu heard the speech and closed his eyes: "Gong Cheng, this matter can't let the princess know, do you understand?"

Palace Cheng low head: "subordinate understand!"

Gong Liuyu turned to leave and went back to the study of Liuyu courtyard. He sat on the cold chair and took a look at the two boxes placed in front of him.

Yun Qingrao is right. He has already replaced the herbs he needs.

Inside the two wooden boxes are two boxes made of cold jade. In the transparent box, there is a ginseng which looks a little reddish, and a few white herbs that look like they have just been picked.

The brilliance in Gong Liuyu's eyes flashed, and he buttoned the box again.

Gong Cheng didn't know when he had come back. He appeared behind Gong Liuyu: "Lord, since all the medicinal materials have been found, the king has to carry out the physical journey to treat the internal injury!"

"No hurry!"

Gong Liuyu suddenly pressed his hand on the box and said these two words lightly.

Gong Cheng suddenly raised his head and looked at Gong Liuyu's eyes as if he was thinking of something and moved his lips slightly.

"Lord, this is absolutely not allowed. You should think about your own body!"

Gong Liuyu slightly lowered her eyes: "these three things are hard to find. They can relieve the strange poison in the world."

Gong Liuyu's tone is plain, as if telling a very ordinary little thing.

But Gong Cheng had some feelings. The king said that, as if he was making a decision.

"Lord, do you want to..."

Gong Liuyu did not speak, but his attitude was no less than acquiescence.

Gong Cheng lowered her eyes, and there was some anger in her respectful eyes: "don't forget that you still have big things to do. Is it worth paying so much for what happened five years ago that month?"

Gong Liuyu side head, eyes cold a bit: "Gong Cheng, you are the king's confidant, know a lot of things, do you know this king's life is who saved?"

"But the reason why Wang Ye was poisoned to such an extent was entirely the fault of Yun Qingrao. Even if she died once, it was not enough to make up for it!"

"Gong Cheng!"

Gong Liuyu's voice became serious in an instant, with a thick cool color.Gong Cheng kneels directly on the ground, but in his eyes there is a resolute color: "Lord, although Gong Cheng is just a servant, he doesn't want to see you die!"

"Who said the king would die?"

Gong Cheng slightly some accident, but in the heart still some do not want.

For Yun Qingrao's identity, she naturally knows. As Gong Liuyu's confidant and strategy, he knows a lot of things to be secret.

Therefore, the attitude towards cloud Qingrao before will be so vigilant.

However, Gong Liuyu now wants to give his life-saving things to others.

"I don't agree!"

All of a sudden, a voice came from the door, which had a little husky but calm voice, which made people's heart tremble slightly.

Palace Cheng tiny a Leng, he such alert person, unexpectedly did not discover cloud Qing Rao when came to the study door.

It may also be because Gong Liuyu's affairs have shocked him so much that his thoughts have not been reflected.

"Gong Liuyu!"

Yun Qingrao steps into the room, her eyes slightly red.

She walked a little shaky, supporting the door to come in, but her eyes firmly fell on Gong Liuyu's body.

She heard what she had just said. She heard it all.

Gong Liuyu's heart, she also completely received.

Before the doubt, there is any diaphragm, has disappeared at this time without a trace, cloud Qingrao trembling lip corners, want to keep rational are some difficulties.

"You have not asked me about this matter. I will monitor you to eat this medicinal material. My business can be done in other ways."

Yun Qingrao's voice is clear, although light, but with irrefutable momentum.

Gong Liuyu stood up slightly surprised, and his slender peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly.

"Ah Yao, this medicine can be found again!"

"Look for it again?" Yun Qingrao gave a slight sneer.

"Gongcheng, you will find the medicine to the person who knows it, and bring it to the king!"

Palace Cheng side Mou looked cloud to incline Rao one eye, and then nodded without saying a word.

Seeing Gong Cheng go, Gong Liuyu painted a helpless color on his face. He lowered his eyes and held Yun Qingrao in his arms. His mouth lifted a faint smile: "ah Yao, I am very happy!"

Cloud tilt Rao raised his head, staring at the pair of dark pupil.

It's like a vast ocean and a starry sky.

Gong Liuyu has a pair of very good-looking peach blossom eyes, but that pair of eyes carries too many things.

She dropped her eyes gently, and suddenly approached him and kissed his brow.

"It's my greatest blessing to meet you in my life!"

This kind of words usually cloud Qing Rao is disdainful to say export, but now, she really want to express.

Gong Liuyu raised her lips slightly, smiling in her eyebrows and eyes, as if no matter how many difficulties and obstacles, as long as there is this person around him, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Gong Liuyu pinched the nose of pinching cloud Qingrao, with a bit of doting on the bottom of his eyes: "well, I know your mind on the line, go back to rest!"

Cloud Qingrao gently curved the corner of his lips, very clever nest in Gong Liuyu's arms, and then let him do it for him, directly took back to the room.

This time, she did not have any obstacles to enjoy from Gong Liuyu's love and warmth.

"No more running around, you know?"

Cloud inclines Rao to nod, this time is really asleep.

Although she was asleep just now, she didn't really close her eyes. She was a little curious about what Gong Liuyu was in such a hurry to do.

Maybe it's because I know him so well that Yun Qingrao has this idea.

Yunqingrao woke up in the morning of the next day.

After a whole day's sleep, I gradually felt comfortable all over my body, and my original fatigue dissipated.

Not yet fully open her eyes, yunqingrao smelled a fragrance, she slightly hooked the hook lip corner, side eyes toward the side of the past.

On the table had already visited to eat food, spring son saw her wake up, quickly asked her to eat something.

"Princess, you're awake at last. Come and eat, now!"

Chun'er sits by the bed and picks up the spoon directly. He has to feed Yun Qingrao by himself.

Yun Qingrao saw this and was amused.

"I have hands and feet. Just come by myself. Go down and be busy. By the way, do you see the Lord?"

Spring son a Leng, quickly nodded: "mm-hmm, spring son saw, the LORD went out!"

Yun Qingrao will head from the inside of the atherosclerotic bowl to lift up, and then with the hands of each of the following stir.

"Where to go out?"

"Princess, you don't know. In recent days, the prince has been busy with his feet except taking care of you. I heard that the prince has been training soldiers in the forbidden military camp in the city recently!"

Yun Qingrao put down the things in her hands, and her eyes flashed with brilliance, "I'll change my clothes and go there and have a look!""Princess, this is the Lord's business. What are you doing in the barracks as a woman?"

"Can't you deliver the meal?"

She took a look at the porridge bowl, and a smile came out of her mouth: "the LORD went out so early, I'm sure I haven't eaten it yet!"

Yun Qingrao knows where the barracks are. She has transferred all the 50000 forbidden troops in the city before.

She quickly changed the clothes, reorganized the contents, let chun'er carry a food box on the carriage.

Waiting for the carriage to stop at the gate of the barracks, Yun Qingrao appeared, but saw a familiar figure.

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