The body heard the movement of the carriage behind him, also looked back to see to the clouds.

Yun Qingrao's eyes were fixed on that face, as if to stare out a hole in the face, but in a moment, she dropped her eyes and slightly bowed over: "see the emperor!"

She tolerated all the colors under her eyes, and her eyes flickered with a faint hatred. The person she hated most was not Shen Ruxue, but the younger brother who she treated carefully but abandoned her in front of her.

Yun Tianhong is wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, and his whole body is full of the momentum of not being angry and self-confident.

Step by step, he went to Yun Qingrao and put his eyes on her.

"It's Princess Yu!"

His voice was not salty, and he could not hear any feelings.

Yun Qingrao's hand under his sleeve was pinched, but his face still kept a relaxed smile: "emperor, I'm here to see Wang Ye. He hasn't had breakfast in the morning, so I sent it to him in person!"

Hearing that Yun Qingrao said that she was not polite, the eunuch standing beside Yun Tianhong said angrily, "Princess Yu, you should call yourself your concubine in front of the emperor!"

Yun Qingrao squints her eyes and falls on the eunuch.

The dignity hidden in his eyes made the eunuch shrink his neck.

Although the little eunuch was afraid, Yun Tianhong did not open his mouth to say anything to him. Obviously, he thought so as the little eunuch.

Yun Qingrao said with a smile: "my imperial concubine is here to talk to the emperor about family affairs. What's more, it's not a royal palace. If you pay attention to etiquette, are you a little tired?"

"The princess's words are wrong. If everyone is like you who is disrespectful to the emperor, is it not a mess?"

See cloud Tianhong did not stop, the little eunuch said more happy.

Only when he finished saying this, Yun Qingrao's face showed a color of surprise: "emperor, has my imperial concubine ever been disrespectful to you? And before and after did not say a few words, where can see I disrespectful? I can't afford such a big hat. If I say one more word, I will be convicted of great disrespect. I'm afraid no one dares to speak in front of the emperor in the court! "

The little eunuch saw Yun Qingrao's eloquence and gave it back to him with his words intact. He was so angry that he gnawed his teeth.

Yun Tianhong saw almost, and gently waved his hand: "I'm talking to the princess, no harm!"

There was no big deal at all, but yuntianhong was going to give her a bully, and her mind was self-evident.

Yun Qingrao did not care, just smile and ignore.

"Measured by the emperor!"

Yun Tianhong's eyes fell on the box of Yun Qingrao: "since the princess is looking for Prince Yu, I'm going to see him. Come and show me the way."

A few servants came at once, bowing and bowing to lead the way.

Yuntianhong even did not sit in a sedan chair, and walked directly in front of yunqingrao.

Neither of them spoke. Yun Qingrao looked at the back of Yun Tianhong. Now he is so tall in her eyes that she has no previous childishness.

He can easily push his sister into the abyss, and he can also pull Shen Ruxue, who has cooperated with him for a long time, to ensure his own status.

Well, this is the heartless emperor, who will do anything to achieve his goal.

Yun Qingrao closed her eyes, but a small figure flickered in a trance before her eyes. When she was 13 years old, she took Yun Tianhong, who was only 10 years old, and depended on each other. The clever and sensible child seemed to be just a shadow in her memory forever.

She didn't know when he began to be like this, and she didn't know whether it was because of her negligence that she failed to educate Yun Tianhong well and fulfill her elder sister's responsibility.

At that time, the days were very difficult, but Yun Qingrao had a strong heart. She always felt that the days could go on. She and Yun Tianhong would one day become the high-ranking people and trample all the people who had bullied them.

In the end, they did.

But the ending is always different from what she thought.

She stares at the back of Yun Tianhong, as if to see through the heart of this man to see if it is black.

"The emperor!"

Not to the front of the military tent, cloud Qingrao heart seems to think of something, suddenly slowly opened his mouth.

Yun Tianhong stopped at the sound and looked at her curiously.

Although he almost tore his face because of the fight between him and Gong Liuyu before, and he even gnawed his teeth against this strange woman, but now Shen Ruxue has betrayed him, and now they can stand on the same line.

"What can I do for the princess?"

"I think of one thing. Do you know if the empress has been found?"

As soon as the word "Queen" is mentioned, Yun Qingrao obviously sees that Yun Tianhong frowns slightly. Yun Qingrao knows this little action. Whenever Yun Tianhong is angry, he will do so.She was just trying to find out why Shen Ruxue was missing and no one was looking for it.

"The queen just went to another hospital to rest. What did she say she couldn't find?"

Yun Qingrao is a little surprised to see that cloud Tianhong eyes that touch of cold, as if to understand what.

She said with a smile, "that's good. It seems that what I heard was just some gossip, but it made the emperor laugh."

"All right, let's go."

At the gate of the armistice camp, the generals around are wearing bright armor. The armor design of Tianchong kingdom is very exquisite, and even the patterns on the wrist are embroidered with a unique style.

Yun Qingrao stood in front of the camp door and saw a man in white robe coming out.

His dazzling white looks very eye-catching, standing in front of these people, more or less out of place, standing out of the crowd.

It's like a lamp in the dark. You can see each other at a glance.

She walked over with a smile and put the food box beside her. Immediately someone came forward and took the things in. Gong Liuyu stretched out her hand and held Yun Qingrao's wrist.

"Why are you here?"

"Come and see you, of course!"

Yun Qingrao raised his head without blushing. Naturally, he was like an old man and wife.

Seeing this scene, yuntianhong's eyes are loose, and the bright color seems to be staring at something.

Gong Liuyu this just falls on cloud Tianhong's body: "does the emperor come to the military parade?"

At least when you see the emperor, you don't have to bow down. But Gong Liuyu has always been so big and small that even the generals around him seem to have been used to his attitude towards Yun Tianhong.

Arrogant, but have this strength.

Even if all the people in the court knew that Gong Liuyu was disrespectful to the emperor, the Emperor himself didn't care, and who dared to say one more word.

The eunuch standing behind Yun Tianhong did not dare to speak when he saw Gong Liuyu. Yun Qingrao could not help laughing and said, "Lord, someone just wanted to blame Yao'er for being disrespectful. The Lord wants to make decisions for Yao'er!"

She rubbed her head with her arm.

The little eunuch's face turned white in an instant, and his whole body shrank toward the back of Yun Tianhong.

Gong Liuyu's eyes gradually deepened, reaching out and patting her on the back: "ah Yao, don't be afraid. I'll make the decision for you!"

He knew that it would not be Yun Qingrao who was bullied in the end, but it was absolutely impossible for someone to bully his princess.

He narrowed his slender peach blossom eyes, and his cold eyes swept at the little eunuch.

"Emperor, what I said just now is true?"

Yun Tianhong puffed at the corner of his mouth, but he could only keep his attitude: "this is a misunderstanding, it has been made clear!"

"Then why is Yao'er aggrieved?"

Facing Gong Liuyu's aggressiveness, Yun Tianhong only feels that his dignity has been challenged again.

But even so, he couldn't take Gong Liuyu as an example. The hundred thousand troops in his hands were the things he valued most.

He lowered his eyes and his eyes flashed gently. In order to achieve the ultimate goal, he must rely on Gong Liuyu's ability, otherwise, he, the emperor, would become a puppet that can be deceived.

I didn't expect that Yun Qingrao could not escape this kind of ordeal.

"Come out!"

Cloud Tianhong closed his eyes and suddenly opened his mouth. The little eunuch came out of his back and knelt down in front of Yun Qingrao.

The little eunuch was clever. Of course, he knew what the emperor meant by these two words. He knelt down and knelt down in front of Yun Qingrao and kowtowed: "all the servants are cheap. Please give me a lot of money. I'll spare you, and I won't see you like a slave!"

As he spoke, he slapped himself hard. With his clear and loud voice, he could see the swelling on his cheek.

This is the eunuch.

No wonder Yun Tianhong will keep him around. He is really a smart man.

"Forget it, I'm not the kind of person who cares about it. If you beat yourself, don't say that I punished you. I didn't do it!"

The little eunuch was so grateful that he stood behind Gong Liuyu with his teeth clenched and pig's head on his face.

Yun Qingrao picked up her eyebrows and said with a smile, "the emperor must have something important to look for. You can talk to him. I'll go and walk around."

Gong Liuyu reached out and touched the top of the head of cloud Qingrao: "you are in good health. Don't run around. This king will let Gong Cheng protect you by your side."

"Well, I see."

Yun Qingrao happily agreed to Gong Liuyu's words, and took chun'er to the school yard outside. There were a row of trees planted on the edge of the broad field, and a uniform team was standing in the center practicing martial arts.

The men were uniform and loud.The shining armor is plated with light by the sun.

Looking at such a scene, Yun Qingrao suddenly thinks of the only time he went to the battlefield in his last life.

In addition to blood and killing, what Yun Qingrao sees is that she is not afraid of hardship and death as a soldier. At the most difficult time, she seems to be infected by the soldiers who have been fighting for a long time.

But at this time, a strong wind suddenly flew towards the direction of the cloud, interrupted all her thoughts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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