The spring son sees that flies the arrow, has already been frightened to be stunned, stands in place some to be unable to move the step.

Yun Qingrao raised her eyes, glanced at the direction of the arrow, and quickly calculated in her mind, and then stood still.

With a whoosh, the bow and arrow passed her ear and took away a little tiny bead of blood.

The sharp tip of the arrow left only a small scratch on her ear lobe, exuding a little bit of bright red.

Cloud Qingrao still did not move, eyes flat in front of, as if frightened.

Chun'er, who stood behind her, responded and quickly pulled Yun Qingrao: "Princess Princess, are you all right

Yun Qingrao did not speak and shook her head gently.

Chun'er is about to cry, his eyes are red, and tears are accumulating in his eyes.

"Who dares to hurt the princess so boldly? Whose bow and arrow is it?"

Chun'er picked up the bow and arrow with his backhand. After a look around, he found that there was a place for practicing archery just a hundred meters away.

Yun Qingrao squints her eyes and takes the bow and arrow in chun'er's hand and walks towards that direction step by step.

Chun'er is afraid to make a sound and follows Yun Qingrao. As soon as two young women enter here, they become the focus of everyone's sight.

"The archer, come out!"

Cloud Qingrao, with a cold face, stood in front of the soldiers in armor, one hand behind him, the other with a bow and arrow, raised his head and straightened his chest, and his whole body was filled with a kind of dignity.

Her voice spread far away, many people looked at each other, but no one spoke.

See no one admit at all, cloud tilt Rao moment smile.

"Even if you don't say it and the person doesn't admit it, I can find him out. But coming out and confessing by myself are totally two concepts."

She slightly hooked the corner of her lips and then set her eyes on one of the men.

There is more than one bow and arrow in each person's hand, and the positions of these people are also very chaotic. It is not easy to find out the real culprit.

If Yun Qingrao hadn't discovered it earlier, I'm afraid that if she went one step further, the bow and arrow would have hit her head. For those who want to kill themselves, Yun Qingrao will never be soft hearted.

Although the corners of her mouth were smiling, the chill in her eyes seemed to overflow.

The people on the scene still did not speak, and the soldiers and generals around who were doing other training heard the news and came over quickly.

The man saw the cloud Qingrao some strange, but can stand in the barracks like this, presumably the identity is not low.

He bowed down respectfully and saluted: "I don't know why my wife came here. I don't know if I can help you at the end of the day."

The cloud inclines Rao side eye, the eye fell on the vice general that talks, "who are you?"

When the general was asked, he also understood the meaning of dislike in Yun Qingrao's tone. He could only lower his head and said, "it will be the adjutant training with Wang ye here at the end of the day."

"Can you take care of these people?"

The adjutant nodded and saw the scar on the earlobe of Yun Qingrao, and could not help but have a bad feeling.

"I don't know How did they offend you? "

Chun'er appears from behind the cloud Qingrao: "you are in front of Princess Yu. Someone wants to assassinate the princess, and the princess is hurt!"

Seeing the bow and arrow in Yun Qingrao's hand, the adjutant's face turned blue slightly.

"Let me see!"

as like as two peas and arrows, he was just like the bow and arrow in the training field, but all of them were all bent down, and no one spoke.

Seeing that they were not afraid of boiling water, Yun Qingrao suddenly laughed: "well, today, all the trained people, from now on, all press on the ground to play the board, until the real culprit is found out!"

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and said it carelessly.

But no one knows how heavy the sticks are in the army. It's enough to hit more than ten boards. If we keep fighting, we will surely kill several people.

After Yun Qingrao said this, there were already several people who were pale, and their eyes fell on one of them.

In fact, she had some impression on that person. She once saw it at a banquet. She was from the Shen family.

She slightly hooked the corner of her lips, step by step towards the position of the man, and then, pointed to his direction.

"Bring him out to me!"

At once, someone obeyed the orders and caught the young man who looked like he was in his twenties. Then he pressed him to the ground and knelt down in front of Yun Qingrao.

Yun Qingrao stopped in front of him for a few steps, then frowned: "what's your name?"

"Tell the princess, his name is Shen Qi!"

Cloud Qing Rao picked eyebrow to look at that talkative person: "this imperial concubine did not ask others, let him say by himself!"

However, the man did not say a word, lowered his head and kept silent.Cloud Qing Rao gently smile, "it seems that you know me, right?"

Seeing him, he didn't talk. Yun Qingrao pretended to be dead, and her eyes were a little more cold: "you are trying to kill my concubine. I can't keep you. Come on, what should I do? I don't need to report it to the prince!"

Since she still has gong Liuyu on top of her head, she certainly wants to move this supporter in front of her.

Although she came here to see the strength of the guards, she was prepared in her heart, but she did not come to be bullied.

The man was put up by two people, and there was a little reaction on his face, but the look in Shen Ruxue's eyes was full of hatred.

Yun Qingrao felt the unusual in the eyes and squinted slightly: "wait a minute!"

I'm afraid that person's popularity is also good, so many people helped him deliberately hide, thinking that she was not responsible for the public, and that people had not been hurt, so there was no need to pay for it.

"I, the victim, can you ask why you did this?"

Yun Qingrao lowered his voice a little and went to the man's eyes, staring at his eyes.

"If you don't open your mouth, I won't let go of those people who helped you hide just now!"

When she said this, Shen Qi's eyes suddenly loosened.

Yun Qingrao found the weakness of this person's temperament and didn't press him for anything. She just felt a little curious about it.

Although her identity is sensitive, she is not known by many people. Moreover, Lin Qingyao's temperament has not offended anyone. Although Shen Qi's surname is Shen, she is not very high in the Shen family. She is only the son of a housekeeper.

A servant's son is not likely to take part in such a fight. Moreover, his identity is only the lowest soldier. There should be no intersection between them.

The man finally said something, but the words let Yun Qingrao startled: "Lin Qingyao, you shameless bitch, I want to kill you once I see you. At the beginning, I was as good as Li Ch'uan, and promised to leave the prime minister's house with him. But in order to covet the glory and wealth in the palace, you killed Li Che in the palace, you poisonous woman, i I'm going to kill you! "

He was immediately gagged in case he said something worse.

Many people are watching the reaction of cloud Qingrao nervously.

Yun Qingrao was stunned at first, then instantly laughed out: "you and Li Che are friends, do you know each other?"

After all, she didn't expect that a little thing that she had forgotten would be mentioned again.

However, their identities are similar. There are many places in the capital that men of this age like to visit. It's not unimaginable that the two people know each other.

But she didn't think that what she didn't notice in the first day of junior high school almost caused a disaster today.

"Since you are a friend of liche's, I'll make it clear!"

Yun Qingrao squinted his eyes and drew a cold color across his mouth: "Li Che was bought by the former princess on that day. He deliberately went to the palace to frame me, and was killed at last!"

Her words are half true and half false. It is true that Li Che was indeed bribed, and the false one was that he killed the man himself.

But people are dead, and no one has evidence to prove that she killed people, who can open up the truth of this matter.

Yun Qingrao squints her eyes. She is not a real fool. Although this person is not a villain in front of her, there is a kind of person who is terrible.

"No way, you're talking nonsense!"

"My concubine is not nonsense. You can check it by yourself and ask the servants who followed the former princess. Are these true?"

Of course, he would not inquire into anything, because the servants knew only half of the truth.

But only this half, the other party will believe that what she said later is true.

Yun Qingrao has a thorough understanding of this person's psychology. This kind of fool, who is very loyal, does not give him a little lesson and let him see clearly the true face of his trusting people. He will not believe her words.

What's more, preconceived, she may already be an enemy in his heart.

"Let him go. I believe he has his own opinion. If you find out the truth and prove what I said, you can come to our house to make amends. Otherwise, even if the Shen family protects you behind your back, I can also let your father be punished on your behalf!"

Sure enough, this method of threatening others is very effective for this person.

Shen Qi immediately lowered his head and kept silent, but his temperament was very upright.

See cloud to pour Rao to open a mouth to put a person, many people's eyes flashed incredible glory, but at this time, a slightly indifferent voice came from the side.

"Let go? Hum

Everyone looked up and saw Gong Liuyu walking step by step from the back of the school yard. It looked very slow, but a few breaths had already reached everyone.When they saw Prince Yu coming, they all knelt down on one knee.

Even Shen Qi is the same, surrounded by an atmosphere of respect.

Gong Liuyu has come to Yun Qingrao's side, and her fingertips also fall on her earlobe. In that pair of slender peach blossom eyes, there is a cold killing opportunity.

"The princess, who has hurt the king, still wants to retreat. Is that a joke?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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