Cloud Qing Rao see palace Liuyu is to really, hurriedly pulled his sleeve: "I deal with it by myself, it's OK!"

He drooped his eyes: "just now I don't know who ran to this king to complain about injustice. How can it be ok now? I think it's so serious that many people can't see their identity clearly! "

Yun Qingrao knows that Gong Liuyu is serious. He is really angry.

That pair of eyes with a bit of brilliance originally, at this time, it becomes deep and invisible.

"I don't have a big deal. I don't want to kill people!"

Yun Qingrao said in a low voice. Her voice was soft and comforting. She was still murderous to Shen Qi, but after she understood the cause and effect of the matter, she changed her mind.

Maybe such a person can be used by her.

Gong Liuyu did not listen to her, this time seems to have no room for conversion.

He gently drew out the long sword from the vice general's waist and threw it directly in front of Shen Qi's eyes: "there are two ways for you: one is to die; the other is to cut off your ears!"

All people's eyes, can't help falling on the ears of the cloud Qingrao, where although there is a little blood, but because the wound is not deep, has dried up.

But it also shows what Gong Liuyu is angry about.

They dare not ask for mercy this time. They all look at Shen Qi with worry.

Yun Qingrao pursed her lips. Seeing Gong Liuyu's resolute look in her eyes, he suddenly said, "Lord, his ears are in debt first. Now even if he is punished, he is unwilling. I will let him willingly give his life to me!"

Gong Liuyu's pupils shrank and did not speak for a long time.

It was a long time before he nodded.

"It's all broken up!"

At Prince Yu's command, everyone was immediately relieved.

Shen Qi raised his head and looked at the enchanting cloud. His eyes flashed slightly. Then he didn't say anything at last. He turned around and left.

The thrilling scene just now scared Chuner. Under Gong Liuyu's questioning, Chuner could not help describing the moment when the bow and arrow came.

After hearing this, Gong Liuyu's expression became darker. Looking at the cloud Qingrao with a guilty heart, he stretched out his hand to grasp her wrist and took her to his arms.

"Why don't you avoid it?"

Cloud Qing Rao gently pick eyebrow: "originally also shoot not, what good hide!"

"How do you know that you can't hit the target? Everything is in case. What should you do if your calculation is wrong?"

Yun Qingrao's eyes are full of self-confidence: "of course I can't be wrong!"

Gong Liuyu Leng Leng Leng, see that pair of eyes, suddenly narrowed his eyes.

That sounds familiar.

Looking at her appearance and look, Gong Liuyu suddenly did not get angry, patted her forehead, and led the cloud to pour Rao back to his tent.

Yuntianhong has gone, the camp is empty, the curtain at the door is open, and the air inside is very fresh.

Gong Liuyu takes yunqingrao and sits on the seat. He takes out the imperial edict given to him by yuntianhong and puts it in front of yunqingrao.

Yun Qingrao casually looked at the contents above, and instantly laughed: "you are very powerful. How can you make the Shen family soft in such a short time?"

It turns out that in her coma these days, Gong Liuyu has already controlled the 50000 forbidden army in the capital city.

Gong Liuyu hooked up one side of the lip angle, with that pair of slender peach blossom eyes, it looks like how much with a touch of evil.

"Of course, there's my way. I told you at the beginning that you could wait and see the result!"

Yun Qingrao knocked on the table: "I wonder if Yun Tianhong did this on purpose, and then asked you to protect his personal safety. I think Yunluo city must be secretly looking for those old ministers who can help him. In addition, with the evidence in hand, as long as the witness is found, those things in those years will be reopened, and the name of Yun Tianhong's throne will not be justified."

She drooped her eyes, although the corners of her mouth were smiling, but the bottom of her eyes was not smiling at all.

After all, Yun Tianhong's throne was supported by her painstaking efforts for many years. Even if he fell down, he enjoyed it for so many years in vain.

Now Shen Ruxue's Revenge has been avenged, but her heart is still blocked.

"Well, ah Yao is right, but Yun Tianhong has another purpose. If the king can't keep the palace and his safety, I'm afraid he will be charged with other crimes!"

Suddenly heard Gong Liuyu say so, cloud pour Rao can't help but squint.

It occurred to her.

As long as Gong Liuyu made a mistake, Yun Tianhong could find an excuse to hand over the military power to others in front of everyone.

The so-called reluctant to let go of the children can't catch the wolf. Yun Tianhong's writing this time is really big.

Yun Qingrao is silent for a moment. Gong Liuyu thought she was going to say something, but she found her wrist was caught.

She made a pulse of action, let palace Liuyu's eyes instantly deep."Ah Yao!"

Yun Qingrao put his fingertips on his lips and didn't let him speak.

"Let me see if you listen to me. If you let me know that your internal injury is not good, don't blame me for being rude!"

Seeing the appearance of cloud Qingrao, Gong Liuyu only felt a little inexplicable and funny.

"Did the king listen?"

Yun Qingrao took back her hand, her eyes were full of smile: "well, very good, very good!"

By the first time with the word "good", Gong Liuyu didn't know how to react for a time, so she could only squint her eyes and gently swept her.

Almost by that pair of peach blossom eyes hook away the soul, cloud Qingrao can't help feeling happy, before the unhappy also disappeared.

She felt that, now the life is very good, she no longer go to be a cloud Qingrao, after revenge, she can have her own period of life.

No matter how long this life is, it is the best memory of her life.

"Where's the jade pendant of the king? Take it here!"

Gong Liuyu a hand, hook the corner of the mouth to see the cloud to pour Rao, hit cloud to pour Rao a surprise.

"What jade pendant?"

She widened her eyes with doubts and innocence.

Seeing her appearance, Gong Liuyu took back her hand: "anyway, it's your thing. If you want to take it back, it's even if you want to take it back!"

Originally thought Gong Liuyu would struggle for a while, but in the twinkling of an eye, this person changed an attitude, but it seems that the cloud inclines to enchant somewhat excessively.

She had no choice but to nod and throw the jade pendant to him.

"Well, don't grab it, take it back!"

With a click, the jade pendant fell on the table and made a crisp sound.

Yun Qingrao didn't mean to, but the jade pendant was broken because of its poor material and after many ups and downs.

The material of this jade pendant is not as valuable as the one with a little blood color seen before. Originally, it is not so important to be broken, but Yun Qingrao sees Gong Liuyu's eyes slightly deeper.

She frowned and her eyes suddenly dimmed.

It turned out that she was wrong. Gong Liuyu's concern for this jade pendant far exceeded his superficial attitude.

"Gong Liuyu, I..."

"It doesn't matter. I can restore it."

Yun Qingrao smell speech, suddenly stretched out his hand, broke into three pieces of jade pendant: "are you angry?"


Gong Liuyu raised his head, slightly frowned: "I am not angry, just think of some things before!"

Yun Qingrao's white fingertips covered the fragments of those jade pendants. She wrapped them up and held them slightly.

That with a little sharp fragmentation, into the palm of her hand, even if not cut, also left a red mark.

"I will restore it without you!"

Gong Liuyu also want to say what, see cloud Qingrao at this time has stood up, back to him, did not say the rest of the mouth.

Cloud Qingrao did not stay out of the tent, a little bit heavy heart.

She wants to know if she really lost her memory for a period of time, but if she wants to know the truth, she may have to find Gong Liuyu.

"Where are you going, princess?"

Spring son has been waiting outside the tent, to see the cloud Qingrao to go, quickly catch up with her footsteps.

Yun Qingrao was silent and turned to Chuner and said, "go to the best jade shop in the capital city!"

Once she wants to find out what, she will soon put it into action. She doesn't want to be so passive, and then she looks at Gong Liuyu in memory.

She can't do anything, do not think, nothing to listen to, although the surface is happy, but some things are still different.

When chun'er hears the speech, he quickly calls the driver waiting outside and asks him to drive. Yun Qingrao and chun'er sit together in the carriage and are speechless.

The largest jade shop of course also belongs to the Rong family. Yun Qingrao got off the carriage, took a look at the plaque in front of him, and walked in with the broken jade pendant.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Miss Rong Mo who had not been seen for a long time.

Originally did not want to find trouble, but she just entered the house, became the focus of Rong Mo and the people around her.

Last time in Rongfu, it can be said that the two people had a complete feud. Although Rong Nuo's face did not hurt Rong Mo, in the end, Princess Anping beat her up and scolded her. She had already fallen this hatred on Yun Qingrao.

Now when I see Yun Qingrao coming to their shop, I suddenly show a look of disapproval: "shopkeeper, don't sell all the things to that woman. This is what I let my family do, I'll say it!"

"Miss, this..."

"I'll talk to big brother. You don't have to be rude. Go ahead."

Hearing Rong Nuo say so, the shopkeeper's face is helpless, looking at the cloud Qingrao and whispering: "I don't know where the lady has offended the eldest lady. Let the eldest lady be so angry. Madam, come another day!"Chun'er was flushed with anger, but she didn't have the temper of qiu'er, so she didn't dare to say it even if she was angry.

Yun Qingrao's eyes were calm, but she didn't really feel angry with a little girl: "I'm not here to buy things. I have something to show the shopkeeper!"

As soon as she took out the broken jade pendant, the nearby Rong Mo reached for a wave and directly hit Yun Qingrao's wrist.

The three pieces of jade that had already been broken suddenly fell on the ground again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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