Yun Qingrao stood in the same place and didn't move. Her face was a little terrible. She looked at the foam in front of her eyes, narrowed her eyes, raised her hand directly, and hit her hard.

For a moment, the crisp clapping came deafening, and all the young ladies who came to buy things all froze.

Rong Mo left a bright red handprint on her cheek. She couldn't believe her eyes and pointed to the direction of Yun Qingrao, but saw that Yun Qingrao didn't pay attention to her. She bent down and picked up the jade pendant that had no way to repair.

The crystal debris gradually gathered in the palm of the hand, emitting little by little light in the sun.

Cloud Qingrao gently holding those pieces of debris, eyes motionless staring at it.

Then, she saw, in the middle of a piece of debris, there were a few obscure small characters.

With a slight jump in her heart, she picked up the fragment and put it in the sun. The bright light showed the words clearly in the eyes of the cloud.

I write by myself

Where does she not know her words? The owner of the jade pendant is definitely her undoubted one.

However, she didn't even remember when the jade pendant appeared, nor did she know when she had engraved characters on it.

Heavy in the heart, cloud Qingrao will be the piece with the words of the pieces, and then turn to look at the spring son.

"Let's go!"

Her face was a little gloomy, and there was a chill in her eyes.

When she was beaten in the face of so many people, she cried out, "stop her, stop her!"

Those shop assistants, or listen to the eldest lady, go directly to the door, will cloud Qingrao's footsteps stopped.

Rong Mo was almost mad, and she had to get face back. She went directly to Yun Qingrao and wanted to slap it back, but her wrist was caught in a moment.

No one thought that at this critical moment, Rong Nuo came back.

Rong Mo turned to see his elder brother, and his eyes were instantly Red: "elder brother, she hit me!"

Rong Nuo slightly lowered her eyes and turned on her face with cold eyes: "go back. If you're OK later, don't come here!"

Hearing this kind of words, Rong Mo felt a little unbelievable.

She widened her eyes, looked at Rong Nuo wrongly, swung her sleeve and ran away.

No one had thought of such a huge turning point. Many onlookers, seeing Rong Nuo's return, thought he would vent his anger on his sister, but they did not expect such a result in the end.

Rong Nuo slightly droops the eye son, the vision fell on the cloud to incline Rao body: "you are all right?"

He saw that her face was not good, and there was a little uneasiness in his eyes.

This person has always been cold and true color, now can ask such a sentence, it is not easy.

Cloud Qingrao gently nodded, thoughts are still some floating away: "nothing, I go back first!"

She has nothing to say with Jono, now her mind is all about the truth of jade pendant.

If this matter is not found out, she will not really be at peace.

Directly riding on the carriage back to the palace, Yun Qingrao wrote a letter directly, and the flying pigeon sent a letter to Zhao Chongxiao.

Now Zhao Chongxiao and others are all hiding in the dark. They are not idle. They have a lot of things to do. She has made full preparations and will surely give Gong Liuyu a surprise in the future.

Think of here, cloud tilt Rao slightly curved eyebrows and eyes, lips gently hook out a smile to come.

Holding the fragment in the palm of her hand, the edge with edges and corners seems to have penetrated into her heart.

It seems that Gong Liuyu is right. They really knew each other from the beginning.

It's a pity that she has forgotten it at all, not to mention her impression.

Perhaps in the serious illness five years ago, she forgot a lot of things, although she did not know whether it was an accident or an accident.

If you want to know the truth, it seems that we have to rely on Zhao Chongxiao to investigate them. She did not believe that there was no trace of her action at that time.

Knead a little painful forehead, the cloud inclines Rao to close the eye, the vision hides a touch of faint exhaustion.

She glanced at the blue blood on her hand. The light of her eyes became brighter. Her dark eyes became more and more profound.

Her time is not much, even if she is going to die, she will drag those people to hell together.

She opened her drawer, took out one of the things, took a look at the drawing that she had drawn. Yun Qingrao raised her eyebrows and handed it to chun'er next to her.

"Chun'er, send this to the king in a moment!"

Put the drawing in the box, the cloud Qingrao fingertips gently stroked on it, and the bottom of his eyes showed a light fluorescence.

Chun'er nodded gently and picked up the box carefully: "what gift does princess have to give to the prince?"

Cloud Qing Rao slightly droops the eyes, nodded: "well, a big gift!"She raised her eyebrows and looked at the position of the window lattice. The dim light under her eyes flickered slightly, as a reward for saving his life.

Gong Liuyu had just returned to the palace from the barracks when he saw Chuner standing at the gate of the courtyard waiting for him.

Seeing Gong Liuyu back, Chuner immediately stepped forward and put the box in Gong Liuyu's hand: "this is what the princess prepared for the prince!"


Gong Liuyu frowned slightly, but he didn't open it in a hurry. Instead, he took the box to the study and began to see the things inside.

As he unfolded the drawing, his pupils shrank slightly.

There was a smile in his eyes. He slightly hooked the corner of his lips and slowly closed the box.

Open the mechanism on the side of the cabinet, he carefully hide it in the wall, Gong Liuyu's eyes more than a little deep meaning.

"Gong Cheng!"

"My subordinates are here!"

Gong Cheng walked into the study from the outside and bowed down respectfully.

Gong Liuyu picked up his pen and ink and wrote a line on it.

Those lines are a row of people's names, and they are all famous officials in the capital.

"Check these people carefully. I think you should know how to do it!"

Palace Cheng slightly droops Mou, then nodded: "subordinate understands!"

With Gong Liuyu for such a long time, even if Gong Liuyu doesn't say something, Gong Cheng will know how to do it.

He immediately took the list back out, and his heart was also a bit of cloud Qingrao change.

Perhaps, he always thought that Yun Qingrao was relying on luck to get to the position of the long princess. It seems that this is not the case.

The list in hand will be an opportunity to change the overall situation.

Yunluo city and Shen family were the first to lose their breath.

Since Shen Ruxue's disappearance, the relationship between the Shen family and Yun Tianhong has become an impasse. In addition, the Shen family leader is in power, and he has long had other thoughts.

Outside the gate of the palace came a large number of small eunuchs who preached orders, and let Gong Liuyu enter the palace with Yun Qingrao.

Because early in the morning, there was a disturbance above the court.

In Yunluo City, which has not been seen for many years, the former crown prince suddenly appears in the palace, and even brings back a big secret that is shocking to the sky.

This secret is directly related to the successor of Tianchong.

This kind of bustle, the cloud pour enchanting certainly wants to see.

She has worked so hard to see how cloud Tianhong will fall down from the cloud in the future.

Yun Qingrao tidied up her dress and stepped out of the room. Her royal dress was shining in the sun.

The purple gold shows incomparable dignity, and her golden crown is shining. Now she stands in the distance, just like a changed person.

Gong Liuyu couldn't help but look at her up and down, and then nodded slightly.

"It's quite like that!"

No one spoke about the jade pendant. Yun Qingrao just wanted to find the answer and then talk to Gong Liuyu in detail.

She didn't know what memory this jade pendant gave Gong Liuyu, but she could not help but feel relieved.

At least, Gong Liuyu did not recognize the wrong person at all.

Gong Liuyu touched the Phoenix crown on Yun Qingrao's forehead: "it's extremely difficult and dangerous to go to the Palace this time. Yun Tianhong specially proposes to let you enter the palace together in the imperial edict. The purpose is self-evident!"

Yun Qingrao nodded. Of course, she knew that Yun Tianhong could not escape her eyes.

After all, Gong Liuyu is an unstable factor, but in the eyes of outsiders, she is now Gong Liuyu's weakness. As long as she is restrained, she can be allowed to do anything.

"I'll be careful. You can rest assured."

Gong Liuyu slightly hook hook lip corner, eyes in the cloud Qing Rao body swept: "this king certainly rest assured, you have discretion!"

Yun Qingrao sees his trusting eyes and smiles.

Accompanied by a group of people on a carriage, Yun Qingrao and Gong Liuyu go to the direction of the palace together.

The atmosphere of the whole palace was filled with a serious atmosphere.

Many palace people saw two people coming, and their eyes flashed with a strange look.

He was directly taken to the Jinluan palace where the official business was discussed. As soon as Yun Qingrao and Gong Liuyu came here, they felt an unusual atmosphere.

Outside the hall, there were dense guards with swords in their hands and serious and murderous faces.

The small eunuch at the door saw two people coming, and quickly bent down to salute and opened the gate of the palace.

Yun Qingrao steps into the hall, and at a glance, he sees a handsome man in the middle of the palace, wearing a blue robe.

That face is very familiar with Yun Qingrao, the former crown prince.

In order to regain the throne in Yunluo City, it is not easy to endure such a long time in the imperial palace. It can be seen that this man is also a man of good nature."Prince Yu, long time no see!"

Yunluo city a look back, see standing at the door of the palace Liuyu, slightly raised lips, smile and say hello.

Cloud Qing Rao heart secretly smile, what is called a long time no see, but before they can see every day.

Even Yunluo city was afraid that Gong Liuyu would help Yun Tianhong and wanted to kill them secretly.

Yun Qingrao naturally behaves as if she doesn't know Yunluo city. Her eyes don't look at him more.

However, the city of Yunluo seems not to let go of yunqingrao, slightly side eyes way: "princess, don't you remember me?"

"Oh, who are you?"

Yun Qingrao blinked her eyes. Seeing that Yunluo city had no words to look for, she narrowed her eyes gently.

"Princess, you told me the news yourself. Now, you want to pay off the debt?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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