The voice of Yunluo City dropped, and suddenly a silent.

Yun Qingrao frowned, and a cold color flashed over her eyes: "I told you something. I don't even know who you are. I don't know who will introduce his name to you!"

Gong Liuyu is standing by the side of yunqingrao. Although she doesn't have a voice to help her, she steps closer to her.

This step of the distance, let cloud Qingrao feel to, has always been someone behind their own.

The sense of peace of mind was wordless, and there was more calm in her eyes.

"The princess is really pushing her responsibility clean. If you didn't tell me about it, how could I know about it?"

While speaking, he also set his eyes on Gong Liuyu, which clearly means that Gong Liuyu is the real backstage gangster, and Yun Qingrao is just a messenger.

If the accusation of this matter is put on the head of Yun Qingrao, absolutely no one will believe that this matter is true, but it is not necessarily related to Gong Liuyu.

Yun Qingrao chuckled: "emperor, I don't know who this man is. He dares to slander Prince Yu. If someone comes, he won't take him down!"

Yun Qingrao in the hall of this opening, many people can not help but be shocked.

After all, Yunluo city still has the identity of the former crown prince. No one dares to offend him. The princess Yu Qin is so brave that she even wants someone to take Yunluo city down.

"Princess, he's a former prince!"

"Former prince, what former prince? As far as I know, is it not because of rebellion that the former Prince has been executed? "

Yun Qingrao frowned and looked up and down at Yunluo city as if examining the goods.

She knew that Yunluo city would definitely drag her into the water, but if she did not keep a hand, how could she tell him the truth of the matter.

The corner of Yunluo city's mouth couldn't help but draw, "this palace was hurt by a traitor, and there was no rebellion at all. The emperor sitting here is not the blood of the former Emperor at all. If I don't believe it, I can bring out the evidence!"

Yun Qingrao slightly hooked the corner of his lips: "then what are you waiting for? The emperor will not be afraid of your slander. Just bring the evidence with you!"

Yun Tianhong's hand on the imperial case can't help clenching it. If he didn't want to keep the imperial demeanor now, he would go down and strangle Yun Qingrao to death.

If there is no conclusive evidence in the other party's hands, how can they dare to come here.

Seeing Yun Qingrao directly sent the opportunity to him, Yunluo city looked at yunqingrao curiously.

He suddenly some can not see through the idea of cloud Qingrao, more can not guess, which side she is standing on.

But in any case, today has successfully taken the first step, he must tell the world, cloud Tianhong this emperor's life experience well told.

"Bring the midwife who was around the princess, and the nanny when the emperor was a child!"

These people are naturally protected by the people of Yunluo city. When they are sent up, they are all trembling.

Yun Tianhong's hand was pinched hard, but his face was still: "Yunluo City, the witness you found by the anti thief is not credible at all!"

"What about the handwriting of Princess Zhen?"

As soon as he heard the handwriting, there was a hatred in Yun Tianhong's eyes.

"Calligraphy? After all these years, who knows the handwriting of Princess Zhen? Even if you know me, I still let you forge and frame me? If I don't let you down on the spot, I will certainly say it to you! "

In an instant, the murderer began to wantonly in the hall. Many of the old ministers were sweating on their foreheads. They did not all feel the deep killing intention in the tone of Yun Tianhong.

"The emperor is right. This golden Luan hall is the most just place, and the spirits of previous emperors in heaven will definitely find out the truth. The emperor is the body of thousands of gold. How can such villains slander them?"

Yun Qingrao can't help but take a look at the speaker.

I didn't expect that this person was still her father in name, Prime Minister Lin.

When he said this, he clearly put his position in Yunluo city. I'm afraid that Yunluo city has grasped something from the other side.

Yunluo city directly followed Prime Minister Lin's words and winked at the woman kneeling next to her. The woman began to tremble and said, "when the Empress Dowager gave birth to the emperor, she was afraid that things would come to light. Let the maid take the handwritten script to find your father. The handwriting is here!"

Immediately someone took something from the woman's hand, and Yun Tianhong had known about it, and his heart was terrified.

It's true or false. Just check it out.

Despite all these years, it is inevitable that there are still some clues that have not been found.

Immediately, a minister questioned: "although the handwriting of Princess Zhen was recorded in the palace, it is not surprising if someone wants to imitate it!"

Someone unfolded the note and saw the dark red font which had dried up. His eyes changed a little.The old woman lowered her head and said, "after the Empress Dowager sent the calligraphy, she asked the emperor's father to name him. The word" Tianhong "was taken by the emperor's biological father

Cloud Tianhong suddenly slapped the table: "bold, my life experience, can you make up at will?"

The woman shrank her neck in fear, and immediately began to cry: "the emperor, spare your life. Every word the woman said is true. If there is a lie, heaven will not die easily."

The people of Tianchong state attached great importance to the oath. Although it was not obvious, the woman said this. People who had firmly believed in Yun Tianhong's identity began to waver.

"And What's more, when the Empress Dowager of the imperial concubine was born prematurely, she had never heard of a seven month old child as big as a normal baby

On hearing this, people's faces suddenly changed.

No one doubted it at that time, but now I think about it, it is exactly what the woman said.

An elderly man sitting in the crowd not far away touched his white beard and his eyes full of shrewdness fell on Yun Tianhong's body.

The position of the old man is very conspicuous and outstanding. At first glance, he is a person of extraordinary status.

Yun Qingrao had heard of the name of the old man. He was a senior citizen who had gone through two dynasties. He had already made great contributions when he came down with the first emperor and Prince Yu.

But no one dared to look down on the old man. Even Yun Tianhong did not have the courage.

In the hearts of all the courtiers, the old man had the responsibility to supervise the emperor, and the emperor should be supervised by him.

Zhou Taifu touched his beard and said with a gentle smile, "be calm, don't be impatient. Let me have a look at it."

Immediately someone sent the handwriting to the old man. He was brilliant and could tell the truth from the false at a glance. Most importantly, everyone was very convinced of him.

Even Zhou Taifu, who had not gone to court for a long time, was shocked by such a great event. We can imagine how much attention has been paid to this matter.

Seeing that calligraphy will fall on Zhou Taifu's hand, his life experience will be exposed, and Yun Tianhong can no longer hold his breath.

"Hold on!"

The little eunuch who sent things stopped immediately and stood in front of yuntianhong with his head down.

"This kind of thing should at least let me have a look first!"

What he said is not unreasonable. Although this matter concerns Yun Tianhong, he is now the king of a country. What he says is the imperial edict, and no one can stop him.

Immediately, the little eunuch sent the handwriting to Yun Tianhong.

Yun Tianhong took the handwriting and opened it gently. It turned out that it was all written with blood.

Because he wrote in a hurry, the font was not very regular, but he had read some letters left by his mother's concubine, and he could be sure that this was Princess Zhen's.

In addition to the words that Shen Ruxue had given him at the beginning, Yun Tianhong knew that once the calligraphy was spread, his life would be over.

No, it can't be done.

Yun Tianhong is still holding on to one corner of it, and has even scratched out a fold on it.

His eyes narrowed slightly, then suddenly narrowed his eyes and gently moved his arm.

The tea cup placed next to it was poured directly on the desk, and the handwriting was soaked in a flash.

"Oh, come on, come on!"

Yun Tianhong immediately got up and asked the next eunuch to pull out the handwriting. The eunuch looked clumsy and soon tore the handwriting in two.

All the ministers who were still sitting stood up and saw that the emperor frowned to save the handwriting, but he tore it up carelessly. All of them felt a little cluttered in their hearts.

As long as there are people who have a heart, they will not think that this is a coincidence.

But now the emperor's attitude is very clear. What can he do if he does not admit it? Now that the evidence has been destroyed, no one can do anything to the people above him.

However, seeing this scene, Yunluo city is not in a hurry.

"Emperor, the characters on the handwriting have been dyed for so many years. It can't be covered up by a cup of tea!"

Cloud Luocheng see cloud rainbow appearance, can not help but smile a, secretly laugh at him in vain.

Yun Tianhong deliberately maintained a haughty and cold look. "Since you can see clearly, let's show it to Zhou Taifu. But Zhou Taifu is old now, and his eyes may not be very good. You should help more!"

Hearing this, several Ministers sitting beside Zhou Taifu looked at each other, and a lot of cold sweat appeared on their foreheads.

This matter is related to the change of Tianchong. The former crown prince is so prepared, and the Shen family supports him. Otherwise, he will be captured before he enters the Jinluan palace.

Zhou Taifu took the handwriting in his hand, studied it carefully for a long time, and then frowned.

There was no sound in the hall. Even the eyes of Yun Qingrao and Gong Liuyu fell on the old man. The old man's words were the final result of the accident."It's really the handwriting of the empress Zhenfei. It's true!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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