Everyone was quietly listening to the old man, and no one dared to interrupt him.

It's all about the Royal Scandal, and the protagonist of the scandal is the Lord of the day.

If this news spreads out, I don't know whether the position of the emperor can last night. I'm afraid that the whole kingdom of Tianchong will become a laughing stock of other countries.

At present, the current situation is turbulent and there are constant disputes. If such a big mistake is made, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no intentional person to make trouble in it and let Tianchong fight at home, and then the other party will take the opportunity to act.

Therefore, people are very cautious about this matter.

"However, I think there are other reasons for this. If we can judge the emperor's blood by this handwriting alone, I'm afraid that's nonsense!"

The old man's words made Yun Tianhong feel relieved, and his eyes were no longer murderous.

"The old man is right!"

Yun Qingrao slightly narrowed his eyes, but there was a look of good play in his eyes.

This is not as simple as Yun Tianhong thought.

According to her understanding of that Zhou Taifu, this man was extremely delicate in mind, but could not hold a bit of scum in his eyes. If Yun Tianhong was not really the land of the first emperor, he would be the first to oppose him.

When he was young, Yun Tianhong studied under him. It can be said that Zhou Taifu was the one he was most afraid of.

"But since the handwriting is true, it can't be left alone. I have a way to prove whether the emperor is the ancestor of the emperor!"

"What way?"

Zhou Taifu stood up and took a look at Yunluo City, the former crown prince standing under the stage: "the former prince was seen to fall from the Queen's belly. Since the two are brothers, they share the same blood, and natural blood dissolves in water!"

The cloud inclines Rao to droop the eye son, the corner of the mouth reveals a touch of sneer, this is nonsense.

The old man's purpose is very simple. He has clearly seen what Yun Tianhong is afraid of.

If Yun Tianhong didn't know the truth, he would be very nervous, and even said he would refuse. Even if Yun Tianhong had been emperor for so many years, he was still young and could not be compared with these old chefs.

In the past, no matter how many difficulties and hardships, she stood beside Yun Tianhong to help. They have met countless times in this situation.

But she wants to see who yuntianhong can look for now and who else he has.

Shen Ruxue is now half dead, unable to care for himself, and has broken off with him. Now Yun Tianhong can only rely on himself.

"Zhou Taifu, this is nonsense. How can this be possible?"

Yunluo city is very satisfied with this requirement, "how can't it be? This method was used by the ancients, and it works very well. If you don't try, how can you know?"

"Emperor, this is indeed a good way to prove your innocence and bring these people to justice!"

Many ministers opened their mouths together. It seemed that if Yun Tianhong didn't agree, they would all kneel on the ground.

Yun Tianhong was so angry at the scene: "as the king of a country, I was threatened by you. Good, good!"

He suddenly pulled out the sword hanging next to him, and walked step by step to the bottom of the steps, his eyes flashing with a bit of crazy color.

Many people saw the cloud Tianhong doing this, their faces suddenly changed, and they could not help shivering.

"You are very good. Well done, Zhou Taifu. What should be the crime of those who question my identity? Don't forget that I am the emperor, the master, not your puppet!"

Yuntianhong thoroughly sent Biao, so that people's hearts slightly cold.

"The emperor is wise. If you don't suppress this rumor, I'm afraid it will do harm to the emperor in the future."

"No, who dares to do harm to me?"

Yun Qingrao sat not far away, looking at the blood red cloud rainbow in her eyes, and sighed slightly.

This person is like this, once forced to a desperate situation, no matter what things can do.

Standing in the center of the hall, Yunluo city turns a blind eye to the madness of yuntianhong. In comparison, Yunluo city is the schemer with brains.

"The emperor is so angry and nervous. Is he guilty?"

Yun Tianhong was obviously impressed by the words of Yunluo City, and the sword in his hand stabbed him in the direction without hesitation.

But Yun Qingrao knows that Yun Tianhong can't be the rival of Yunluo city.

With only one move, Yun Tianhong's sword fell to the ground.

Because he couldn't recover his strength, he fell to the ground in confusion, and his bright yellow dragon robes were scattered all over the ground.

"Come on, I will arrest this assassin!"

Hearing Yun Tianhong's words, the gate suddenly rushed in, many guards surrounded Yunluo city.

When the ministers saw that they were going to fight, they quickly got up and found a safe place to hide.

Yuntianhong's reaction is too big to be doubted, but yunqingrao understands yuntianhong.After all, even his sister was killed in order to cover up the truth of the matter, but he was eventually found out and put on the table. How could he not be excited.

A guilty conscience is the cloud rainbow in front of you.

He stole and robbed the throne. He was doomed to be restless in his life.

"Yun Tianhong, are you trying to kill people?"

Yun Tianhong, with a gloomy face, glared at the direction of Yunluo city and gnawed his teeth with hatred: "Yunluo City, at the beginning, the evidence of your rebellion was confirmed, but now you dare to run to me to make rumors. Even if I cut your head, no one dares to say anything!"

Those who brought him from Yunluo City firmly protected him inside and confronted the guards outside.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the chaotic scene in the field, and their hearts were somewhat nervous.

Suddenly, Yun Tianhong's eyes fell on Gong Liuyu's body.

"Prince Yu, as the commander of the forbidden army, are you not quick to take down these anti thieves?"

Gong Liuyu frowned slightly, and then stood up in front of the people and walked towards the direction of Yunluo city in front of him.

Yunluo city suddenly deep eyebrows, he is not afraid of cloud Tianhong, but does not mean that he is not afraid of Gong Liuyu.

Gong Liuyu, no matter in martial arts or prestige, is much higher than the prince. He is in his hands, and it is difficult to get good fruit to eat.

"Prince Yu, this dishonest emperor, do you want to help him?"

"My name is not right, my words are not right?"

A cold light flashed across Yun Tianhong's eyes. "I was the new emperor who was granted a book by the Emperor himself. Who dare you doubt it?"

Who dares to doubt?

The ministers did not dare to speak, but in their eyes they were really suspicious.

Yun Tianhong's attitude really disappointed all the officials. After all, Yun Tianhong was still young. After all, he had forgotten the hardships before he ascended the throne.

Yun Qingrao slightly raised his lips and watched the cloud rainbow become the target of all.

Gong Liuyu didn't answer the noise around him. He squinted his eyes and looked at the cloud Tianhong faintly: "since the emperor has no fear, why don't you dare to act?"

Cloud Tianhong slightly narrowed his eyes: "that is they deliberately framed me, how can I fall into their trap!"

Yun Qingrao touches his nose and smiles secretly. Yun Tianhong is not stupid. He can see that this is a conspiracy.

Zhou Taifu helped him on the surface, but in fact, he had already stood on the side of the former prince.

After all, the contribution from the dragon is indispensable. Once Yunluo city becomes the emperor, these old people who have been abandoned by the imperial city will develop again.

It's human. It's selfish.

Don't say it's true. Even if it's not true, he won't have a good life in the future. Those secret news in the palace are spread out, and I don't know what it will become like by rumors. As long as he loses the popular support, the throne of Yun Tianhong will have no real name.

"Prince Yu is right. The blood of the royal family can't be confused. If the emperor clears up the injustice, he can make a big disrespect crime to his ministers."

Half of the ministers in the court all fell to their knees. With a kind of pressing tone, those people forced Yun Tianhong to cooperate.

Yun Tianhong took a step back, and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

Among these people, there are actually a few confidants who they trusted at the beginning, but now they are all fighting to the side of Yunluo city.

"You are forcing me, you are forcing me!"

Cloud Tianhong's eyes flashed a fierce light, and gnawed his teeth: "Prince Yu, I order you to take all these people down!"

However, Yun Tianhong finished this sentence, but Gong Liuyu did not move and looked up at him.

People are still worried that Gong Liuyu will really do as requested by Yun Tianhong, but after waiting for a long time, he did not see Gong's order.

All the people heard, Gong Liuyu's cold voice hovered around: "father king and the first emperor together to fight this day Chongjiang mountain, is not for outsiders to do!"

This sentence shows Gong Liuyu's attitude instantly.

Yun Tianhong showed a look of disbelief. He frowned and bit his teeth in secret.

The light in the eyes of Yunluo City flashed slightly, and he didn't expect that Gong Liuyu would suddenly turn his head and stand on his side. Now half of the ministers in the court support him. He is absolutely certain about this matter.

"Then get everything ready."

Even if Yun Qingrao knew that this kind of thing was unnecessary, and Zhou Taifu was deliberately designing yuntianhong, she would not say more.

Forced to this point, Yun Tianhong can't do it even if he doesn't want to. The guards outside are all in the hands of Gong Liuyu. He is equivalent to digging a pit and jumping down by himself.

"Gong Liuyu You didn't listen to my orders

Gong Liuyu's eyes are permeated with a layer of cold color. He raises his slender eyebrows slightly and gently moves the corner of his lips of cherry color: "then the emperor must prove himself!"If the rainbow is not ready, the pupil will shrink.

"I am the son of heaven. Do you want me to hurt myself?"

None of the ministers spoke, and they bowed their heads.

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