
Mass suddenly turned and looked coldly at the crowd.

But see countless panic eyes, each face with a trace of fear, simply can not determine who said.

After a long time, the mass burst into laughter.

"Teach me, that's good. Although I don't know who it is, I admire your courage. Since you want to talk about it, I'll talk about it with you! "

Mass eyes scan around, suddenly eyes close, like a flashlight light source is turned off, let a person instantly have a kind of trance feeling.

This scene makes the solemnity more sure that this guy may have learned black witchcraft, and he will be a bit of a demagogue.

But being led by the mass's eyes, almost all of them couldn't help looking up at the mass's eyes. They seemed to be the most devout believers, waiting for the Oracle's instruction.

The mass closes its eyes, just like receiving a message from Satan. It opens a moment later. The shining light in its eyes lights up again and tells the truth in a guiding voice.

"Satan represents generosity, not temperance. Satan represents the existence of physical life, not spiritual fantasy. Satan represents the purest wisdom, not self deception. Satan represents kindness to those worthy of kindness, not love to those ungrateful. Satan stands for revenge, not tolerance. Satan advocates to take responsibility instead of caring about meaningless things. Satan represents that man is only an animal, sometimes slightly noble; But more often inferior to everything: because of the so-called "sacred spirit and rational behavior", it has become the most vicious animal in all things. Satan stands for ignoring the so-called seven original sins, because they bring physical, spiritual and emotional satisfaction. Satan is the church's best friend ever, because he has maintained its operation over the years. "

In fact, this passage is rather obscure, which represents the nine teachings of Satan. It's hard for ordinary people to understand these things when they first listen to them.

But it's strange that after the mass, no less than 20 people showed a sudden insight, like believers who once understood the truth, went out of the crowd devoutly and fell to their knees with a plop to worship the mass.

Even Donald, with his solemn side, seemed to step forward.

"Damn it With a solemn curse, he grabbed Donald and squeezed his arm.

"Ah," Donald awoke in a moment, looking at the grave“ Boss, what are you pinching me for? "

"Fool, you were almost hypnotized just now!" Solemnly pointed to the group of people kneeling in front of the stage, in a low voice.

Donald looked at it, and his back broke into a cold sweat. If he hadn't stopped him seriously, I'm afraid he would have knelt down just like those people.

"There's something wrong with this man." Donald said.

Zhuang nodded emphatically: "it's very evil. Be careful. But just now someone refuted his theory, and I don't know who said it. "

Solemnly said, carefully looking around, in addition to those who were bewitched, there were not many people standing here. Most of them are people with firm minds. Robert and Jason are on the list. Robert even squeezed his eyes with solemnity when he looked over.

With a solemn smile, this guy's usual image is really the same as that on the screen. He looks like a bohemian. At this time, I was still in the mood.

"What? No more arguing? The more argumentative the doctrine is, the clearer it becomes. Satan welcomes those who seek the truth. " Mass looked at the audience and said in a cold voice.

It is obvious that the person who has just refuted has not been exposed.

After a while, when the mass saw that the man didn't speak again, his face changed and he said, "it seems that I think highly of you. Since you are so cowardly, you have to pay for it. "

With that, the mass raised the gun again and aimed at the woman.

"Remember, this man died for you. It's up to you. "

This guy will get away with it.

And the crowd immediately triggered a riot, when the disaster came, several people close to the maternal all involuntarily to hide. Even the actor, who had been a doctor, moved away from his position in fear, and was obviously frightened.

Her husband, who should have been sitting in a clean office and giving orders, was like a poor stray dog, kneeling down and begging for mass forgiveness.

It's just that none of this has changed the decision of mass. His arm holding the gun was steady, without the slightest tremor. Slender fingers in the trigger, see about to pull the trigger, the maternal shot.

"What to do? Boss Said Donald anxiously, clutching his solemn arm.

Solemn lips slightly pursed, in fact, he had no good way. Today, I'm here for the stars dinner. I'm solemn. I don't even have a magic weapon, let alone a weapon. And that woman gave birth prematurely, and her life was at stake. I'm afraid it's difficult to cure the lying in woman even if it's serious and violent. She has to be treated now.

Look at the mass, and then look at the lying in woman, solemnly suddenly stood up and said in a high voice: "stop, it's me!"

However, let solemn did not expect is. As soon as his solemn voice fell, he saw another man standing up in the distance, shouting in the same tone: "it's me!"

Solemn look, but slightly surprised. See that person arm big waist circle, person tall horse big, impressively is in the actor's tough guy representative section Sen.

He? Solemn heart read electricity turn, but understand. Just now, it is very likely that it is what Jason said. Compared with the low voice just now, it is similar to Jason's voice.

"Well, two? It's interesting. " The mass laughed at the sight“ It's beyond my expectation that there are people in this world who are willing to die for others. Unfortunately, in the doctrine of Satan, such a person is nothing but a hypocrite in the skin of an angel. It's hypocritical and ridiculous for a person who doesn't care for his own life but wants to care for others

I can't help but sink in my heart when I listen to the mass solemnly. This is a typical slanting religious speech, which does not believe in the truth and goodness in human nature, and holds a negative attitude towards it. In this situation, the general slant will try to destroy people of different faiths. In their eyes, this kind of person is a heresy.

Sure enough, the laughter of mass became colder and crazier. When he had enough of laughing, he suddenly pointed to solemnity and Jiesen at the same time: "you two, I have no time to know who said it. Since you want to help others so much, I'll give you a chance. Adam and Eve are guided by Satan to eat the forbidden fruit to gain wisdom, but they are also punished. So, if you want to get something, you have to contribute something to Satan. This is called Satan's punishment. "

"What do you want?" At this time, Jiesen opened his mouth and asked.

"What I want to do is simple. You two accept Satan's punishment, as long as you can complete her redemption in the punishment, it means that Satan forgives you. How's it going? " Mass, with a low smile, said.

"What punishment?"

"You'll know if you promise."

Jiesen turned to look at the solemnity and the mass, and said, "OK, I promise! But that Chinese doesn't have to be together, because I said that

Jiesen's justice was beyond his solemn expectation. Being able to stand up at this time can prove his character. But I didn't expect to be able to choose one person to block, not to affect the solemnity. This is enough to prove that Jiesen is a good man. It's not just the muscle man on the screen who can only solve problems violently.

"No, no, no... No one can run. Now that you have chosen, you have to accept it. Satan is fair and will not choose who he favors. " Mass shook his finger and said.

It seems that he must be punished with dignity.

"Boss, don't go. I'll fight with him for the worst!" Donald advised.

"No, that woman is dying. We can fight, but the woman will die when we fight. If I don't see it, it doesn't matter. Since I see it, I can't ignore it. " Solemnly speaking to Donald, he walked out of the crowd and stood in front of the woman.

At this time, the lying in woman was close to coma, just mumbling her husband's name, trying to catch her husband's powerful hand and find a spiritual support point.

Solemnly, he reached out and gently grasped the hand of the lying in woman.

Lying in a coma, she thought that her husband had come to her side. There was a trace of relief on her face, and she seemed relieved.

And solemn will take the opportunity to transport a aura in the past, to help maternal stability under the situation.

The effect of aura was immediate. The pale face of the puerpera slowly returned to the normal color, and the pain was also reduced, and the voice was obviously low.

The sound of footsteps sounded, but Jiesen also came. Jie Sen looked at the solemn, nothing to say, just Chong Zhuang nodded, and then half knelt down, looking at the maternal.

Solemnly, looking at Jiesen's posture in consternation, it seems that he is checking the puerpera and treating them.

"Have you studied medicine?" Solemnly uncertain ask Jiesen.

"No, my grandfather is a witch doctor." Jiesen's reply surprised the solemnity.

witch doctor! Solemn moment a little don't know what to say, for the witch doctor, solemn is no doubt. After all, it also belongs to the category of metaphysics, but the real role of witch doctors is not in these daily diseases. Can a foreign witch doctor do such things as midwifery?

Serious, suspicious.

Because Zhuangzi once read a data on exploring foreign witch doctors, which introduces in detail the means and principles used in the treatment of witch doctors, so that Zhuangzi does not trust foreign witch doctors.

Data records: in the Philippines in the 1980s, there was a kind of non-invasive witch doctor operation that was sought after by people: it is said that when removing the lesion, it will not leave a wound on the patient. It is not only quick and painless, but also does not have to take the risk of massive bleeding or infection. The attraction of this kind of pseudo operation is self-evident.

The author of the data, Dr. Nuo, flew to the Philippines to observe how some of the most famous witchcraft surgeons worked. He managed to persuade Joey, one of the most famous witchcraft surgeons, to operate on him. Dr. Nuo told the witch doctor that he had high blood pressure, and that his high blood pressure might be caused by kidney disease. These are actual conditions.

And the specific treatment process is somewhat funny, which can be felt from Dr. Nuo's description, "looking down from the table of the holy table of the church as the operating table, I can see that when he started the" operation ", he stole the intestines and meat of some small animal in his palm. When he massaged me, I observed very carefully. It was obvious that he didn't go through my abdominal wall at all, either by vision or by the feeling of his hands pressing on my abdominal muscles. When he "removed" the fat tissue, he held it high so that all the bystanders could see it, and said, "harmful tissue.". Then, immediately throw it into a tin can which has been burning alcohol behind the altar. Later, Joey's assistant said to me that the harmful tissue was a tumor on my left kidney. This is really interesting. I have seen more than a thousand kidneys. In fact, this tissue is not a kidney, but a piece of chicken.

At the same time, Dr. Nuo pointed out the key point of Shamanist pseudosurgery: in the process of treatment, Shamanist surgeons will immediately destroy the tissue they have "removed", so that patients will not have a chance to obtain this tissue, and of course, they will not be able to hand it over to pathologists for research.

However, in a few cases, patients obtain tissues that appear to have been removed from their bodies, but microscopic examination shows that these tissues are organs of animals. Nevertheless, thousands of people fly to the Philippines every year from all over the world to ask for so-called painless and non-invasive surgery. According to people familiar with the matter, one of the most famous witchcraft surgeons performs "operations" on an average of 300 patients a month. The average amount of money each patient paid to the witch doctor's institution was $200. The total annual contribution is more than $700000.

This kind of trick, in a solemn sense, is the application of hypnosis in witchcraft. It sounds good as witchcraft, but it sounds bad as cheating money.

Isn't the witchcraft that Jiesen knows also a trick to cheat money? That would hurt the mother.

Instead of explaining anything to solemnity, Jiesen carefully looked at the condition of the pregnant woman and kept groping in her abdomen. It seemed that she wanted to "see" the situation of the baby in her belly through contact.

This makes the solemnity more or less speechless. I can't see through my Feng Shui eyes. What I can see is just a chaotic blood. Can Jason see it?

But now there is no other way, only let Jiesen try.

"Ha ha, it's a little interesting. It seems that you really want to save her. Then be ready to accept Satan's punishment Mass is like finding a fun game in general, waving to a man nearby.

Knowing this, the man went to a place in the hall and pulled it suddenly. Then he tore off a long string of decorative lights and twisted them together to make a thorn whip full of broken glass.

"You go." Mass said to the man.

The man nodded and went to punish him.

At this time, a man came to the mass and said, "Pope, let me come. I heard the call of Satan, the great God of Satan let me use this to end the past

"Oh? Do you have any grudges with them? Well, then follow the will of Satan. Come on Mass nodded and agreed to Li Lin's request.

Li Lin couldn't help but feel happy. Even though he had planned how to retaliate, he didn't expect that Satan had given him such a wonderful opportunity.

Li Lin took the glass whip and looked at the broken glass lanterns. They all looked like the fangs of fierce animals. They were sharp and dazzling, and immediately grinned.

This tool is awesome! A whip down, absolutely can let the solemn skin open!

Li Lin walked to the solemn side, looked down at the solemn half kneeling on the ground, and said triumphantly, "solemn, do you think of this moment? All those who have sinned against me will not come to a good end! Today is you, tomorrow is Xu Jing that little bitch! I'll let her know how powerful I am, and let her wail and tremble under me. Ha ha ha, I'm so excited when I think about it. Tut tut... "

The expression of Li Lin's villain's ambition disgusts solemnly and sincerely. Solemnity has never hated a man as much as it does now.

Seeing the solemn frown, Li Lin was even more proud. He thought that he was afraid. He deliberately put the whip in his hand in front of him and said, "please me, please me, I will spare your life! Otherwise, you will be like him


With a bang, the whip was whipped on Jason's back. The glass scum on it immediately pierced Jiesen's clothes, leaving a bloody mark on Jiesen's back.

Jiesen's body trembled, but he didn't even move. His hand was still caressing the pregnant woman's stomach, just like massage midwifery.

When Li Lin saw this, he was slightly angry. His whipping didn't work, so naturally he felt uncomfortable. What he wants is Jiesen, like the lying in woman, constantly wailing.

So Pa Pa Pa, he angrily whipped the whip on Jason's back.

Piece by piece, the broken glass pierced into Jiesen's back and was whipped again, so it went deeper and more painful.

Finally, Jiesen's body began to shake violently, and his hand on the pregnant woman's stomach almost failed to grasp the strength, so he pressed it vigorously.

Fortunately, solemn eyes and quick hands seized Jiesen's hand. Otherwise, with the strength of Jiesen just now, the puerpera is likely to be aborted by Jiesen.

"Oh, you can't see it?" With a ferocious smile, Li Lin suddenly raised the whip in his hand. With a turn of his wrist, the whip, with a sharp whistling sound, fell on his solemn back.

Even if he was wearing a suit coat, he was still cut and stabbed at the solemn flesh and blood.

Solemnly, I only feel the hot pain in my back, like being cut by a knife.

He shook the hand of the puerpera slightly, and the puerpera felt the same. He thought what was wrong with her husband, and she was worried about her coma.

"Plot against me, you can plot against me again! Come again! What the hell are you, fighting with me! What does that watch of Xu Jing have to do with you? Say Li Lin seems to be crazy in general, continuous beating solemn, more and more heavy.

"What's your business?" He turned his head in a dignified and contemptuous manner, as if he had no pain at all.

The solemn expression made Li Lin more angry.

He used more and more strength, and the frequency of pumping was faster and faster. Soon, a deep blood trough appeared on the solemn back. The muscles in the blood trough have been bruised by broken glass. It's like a muddy path on a rainy day. It's terrible

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