Solemnity is like a sculpture without feeling. Let Li Lin beat his body, motionless, holding the mother's hand. Except for the first shaking, there was no fluctuation.

This also makes the maternal mood gradually calm down.

However, the puerpera has not been able to give birth. No matter how Jiesen massages, she can't let the baby out of the pregnant woman's stomach.

When I think about it solemnly, I guess the reason. In fact, babies are extremely sensitive to the outside world. If they feel that the environment outside the mother is not safe, they may deliberately not come out and choose to hide in the mother to spend this dangerous period.

But the consequences are also very serious, it may be directly a corpse two lives, involving the mother also died.

At this time, this kind of environment has been too bad to be worse. The baby was obviously aware of the dangerous smell, so even if Jiesen used some magic words in the witch doctor, the baby would not come out.

Jiesen seems to want to understand the reason, he sighed, and then quietly looked at the solemn.

Solemn with his eyes, from the eyes of Jie Sen, solemn suddenly read something.

It seems that the heart has the general, solemn micro can not check the nod.

Jie Sen saw solemnity and even understood his own meaning. He was overjoyed. But then he wondered, this guy looks thin and weak, is he reliable?

But then I thought that no matter how bad it was, it was impossible to be worse than it is now, so my heart became horizontal, and my eyes became chilly gradually.

"You two, it doesn't seem to work. It seems that Satan is not ready to give you this opportunity, and you still have to pay the same price as it At this time of mass, he suddenly opened his mouth and said with a smile.

Obviously, the mass also showed that the mother was likely to die here.

This makes him very happy, because the ending is what he wants, which means that Satan has learned his idea, so he has lowered his divine power to promote the result. As for solemnity and Jiesen, there was a fierce color in the eyes of mass.

If you beg for success, you have to offer sacrifices. And these two people are the best sacrifice!

Blood sacrifice. Satan will love it.

Mass thought of this, and suddenly raised the gun for the third time.

This time, instead of aiming at the mother, he aimed at Jason's head. He wants to see the split moment of Jason's brain and feel Satan's happy mood.


Without warning, without warning, mass pulled the trigger. Bullets whistling to Jiesen's head, other stars are issued bursts of exclamation, for Jiesen pinch a sweat.

However, what people didn't expect was that at the moment when the bullet came out of the chamber, Jiesen kept pace with the mass. Suddenly, he turned around and kicked Li Lin, who was waving a whip, down. Then he rolled to the door with his mother in his arms.

The bullet of mass arrived at Jiesen's position, just passed Jiesen's head and hit the ground.

"To die!" Mass eyes burst out a touch of light, and then the muzzle of the gun turned, ready to shoot a bullet in the past, to kill Jiesen.

Jie Sen with a maternal, but also want to escape, it is a delusion!

But mass ignored another man, solemnity.

Just as the muzzle of the mass revolved, the solemnity moved. Solemnly, he touched the whip in Li Lin's hand. As soon as he shook it, he saw that the whip was rapidly shaking like a serpentine. Li Lin at the other end of the whip was suddenly shaken.


In the exclamation of Li Lin, Li Lin flew to the mass.

Putong, Li Lin's body hit mass and knocked mass to the ground.

At the same time, Jiesen has smashed the glass on the door of the hall with one punch. Regardless of the broken glass around the door frame, he forcibly went out with his mother in his arms.

In an instant, his body was cut out by broken glass, and deep bone scars could be seen, but his posture remained unchanged, just like his performance in the film. Calm, wise and tough.

Daddada, a string of bullets followed, but other believers were shooting at chongjiesen.

There are also a few believers aiming at the solemn, but also the bullets.

Solemnly and continuously rolling on the ground, like a cat curled up in a ball, rolling from the left side of the hall to the right side, the body method is so fast that the shooting believers are a little silly.

Suddenly, solemnly, taking advantage of the moment when the gunshot fell thinly, his body jumped up and jumped out of the door frame that Jiesen had smashed open.

What followed was a string of bullets, which were shot by the mass.

Mass fell to the ground and angrily kicked Li Lin away. If it wasn't for this fool, how could they escape? For a moment, mass wanted to shoot this guy. But for the feelings of other believers, the mass would have been fired.

"You two go after me! Others, watch them! What's going on with the U.S. government? " The mass stood up and roared angrily.

When even two of them got out.

Another person replied: "the US side said it would seriously consider our request, but it will take time."

"Time? Damn it! Tell them, give them another 15 minutes. I can't see the picture of the believers being released in 15 minutes, and I'll start killing people! " Mass was cold.

"Yes The man replied immediately.

However, the riot just now made the stars admire Jason and his solemnity. They were able to seize such a sharp opportunity to escape.

Now we can only pray that the two can escape smoothly, and then bring people to save them.

In the corridor, solemnly following Jason, they ran to the first floor.

However, when he ran to the first floor of the stairs, he found that the stairs were blocked. Two armed believers were standing there, not only above the stairs, but also below.

Obviously, they are fully prepared and will not let anyone escape.

And at this time, behind them are footsteps, obviously tracking them.

"Damn it! What shall we do? " Jie Sen scolded.

"Hide in the bathroom first, save the mother!" Solemnly pointed to the bathroom and said.

Jiesen nodded, and they immediately turned into the bathroom.

At this time, the pregnant woman seemed to know what had happened. Her whole face was full of worry, and her breathing became more and more urgent. She was about to die.

Jiesen put the lying in woman on the washing table in a hurry. After putting the lying in woman flat, Jiesen gave the lying in woman massage again, regardless of her bleeding back, and recited some magic words in her mouth.

Later, Jiesen turned on the tap, took a handful of water and fed it to the mother's mouth. At the same time, she said something.

Although I can't understand it, I know that it must be some kind of magic spell, which seems to add power to the water.

But it's tap water. It's not Fu water, it's not water added with any materials. I don't think it can make any difference.

However, a solemn surprise happened. Under Jiesen's murmuring, the mother's breath was even steady, and her body was constantly exerting itself to cooperate with Jiesen's action and began to give birth.

The baby in the mother's stomach is finally no longer shrinking, but actively going out, as if to jump out of the mother.

Obviously, this environment gives it a sense of security, that it can come out.


All of a sudden a cry, maternal unexpectedly gave birth to! It's really incredible that Jiesen, a witch doctor with two swords, succeeded in delivering a child.

With a click, Jason smashed the mirror on the sink and cut the baby's umbilical cord.

"It's amazing that you can do it." Solemnly exclaimed“ To tell you the truth, I still doubt your behavior just now. What you just used is tap water that has no effect. "

Jiesen took a solemn look and said, "you don't understand. It's a witch doctor, but it's also a science. You don't know there's a name in the medical world called homeopathy, which is from the witch doctor. "

"Homeopathy?" The way of solemn doubt.

Homeopathy is a kind of alternative medicine. The theoretical basis of homeopathy is "the same preparation for the treatment of similar diseases", which means that in order to treat a certain disease, a drug that can produce the same symptoms in healthy people needs to be used. For example, the toxic plant belladonna can cause a pulsatile headache, high fever and facial flushing. Therefore, the homeopathic medicine belladonna is used to treat patients with fever and sudden pulsatile headache. At present, the medical community generally believes that there is no strong enough evidence to prove that homeopathy is more effective than placebo.

"Isn't that pseudoscience?" Solemnity was immediately questioned. In fact, he has heard of this concept, because when some people criticize traditional Chinese medicine, they will change the concept and say that traditional Chinese medicine is a kind of homeopathy therapy.

Because the source of homeopathy sounds ridiculous.

Harneman, the inventor of homeopathy, invented a way to use these substances to make very dilute preparations. First, a substance is soaked in alcohol for a few weeks, and the soaking solution is filtered to obtain the "mother tincture" of the substance. Then, he uses some of the mother tinctures to obtain the final drug by repeated dilution with water and strong shaking (shaking). Until now, the same basic procedure has been used to make homeopathic drugs.

The resulting drug often does not even contain a molecule of the original substance, which, according to orthodox science, will make the drug inactive. However, homeopathic therapists claim that diluting and shaking the drug in this way can actually make it more effective. It seems that violent shaking can transfer energy into the water and leave a memory of the original substance. Homeopathic therapists call them reinforcement, and depending on the number of times they are diluted, the agents get different potentials. The less the dilution times, the less the efficacy and the shorter the action duration. In addition to tinctures, there are also homeopathic agents used for oral administration of sugar based tablets, pills, granules and powders. Some can also be made into emulsions or ointments and applied directly to the skin.

A core concept of homeopathy, called "rehabilitation system", is a functional system of the human body. Proponents of homeopathy claim that the body has a powerful self-healing function. In short, the "rehabilitation system" is a functional regulation system of human tissue self-immunity and self-healing. They claim that the rehabilitation system is pervasive in all tissues of the human body and plays an amazing self-healing function there. In this huge system, there is a link between self-healing and exogenous therapy, that is, spiritual traction, which plays the role of guiding and promoting homeopathy. Adjust the body with external force to make the circulatory system and nervous system function smoothly, and send the natural rehabilitation force to each lesion.

This theory is to deceive people. In this way, Jiesen's treatment with white water just now is similar to the dilution of homeopathy.

But it's clear that Jason doesn't think it's pseudoscience, and he proves it with facts. After drinking Jiesen's tap water, the puerpera miraculously gave birth to the baby.

This makes the solemn a little confused. But on second thought, solemnity suddenly came to me.

Homeopathy may be a "placebo effect.". Many diseases are so-called self limiting, and they will recover or get better without any effective treatment, especially under the effect of psychological suggestion, which leads to the placebo effect. Even drinking water can have an effect.

Just now, what Jiesen recited must be some kind of magic spell to calm the mind, which is used to calm the mood of the puerpera and pacify the baby at the same time. As a result, the real role of maternal smooth production should be in this, rather than the tap water.

Solemnity is a mystery.

With a smile of self mockery, I just wanted to say something. Suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps outside the door, but the two believers who were tracking the two came here.

Solemnly look inside the bathroom, but there are two windows, you can leave from there. But here is the second floor. The hotel is a duplex structure. The second floor is several meters higher than the ordinary floor, and it is more than eight meters. Maybe Jiesen can jump down by himself, but it's difficult to take a lying in woman and a baby, so he must use tools.

Solemnly frowned, and then said to Jiesen, "I'll stop those two people, and you'll take the lying in woman to jump out of the window."

"Jump out? I can, but they can't Jiesen pointed to the puerpera and said.

"It's OK, I'll give you the tools right away!" With solemn words, he suddenly opened the door and rushed out.

Outside the door, the two believers did not expect that people would rush out of the bathroom. They hurriedly raised their guns and shot at the grave.

But was solemn a cat waist, hiding in the past. Then, with a solemn and rapid stride, he came to one of the believers and put his hand around the neck of the believer.

With a click, the Adam's apple was crushed and instantly fell to the ground.

The whole movement is smooth and clean.

While the other believer was terrified and shot at the grave, even ignoring his companion, half of the bullets were shot at the body of his companion.

With a solemn sneer, he turned around like a ghost. When he passed the fire hydrant, he suddenly pulled out the hose in the fire hydrant. As soon as he pulled, the hose was pulled out and put on the neck of the believer.

Solemnly and abruptly, the believer didn't even cry out, so he turned his eyes and died.

From the solemn exit to the death of two people, the whole process is less than five seconds.

This scene shocked Jiesen. At first, he doubted whether solemnity would drag him down. Unexpectedly, solemnity was a hidden master!

From the point of view of solemnity just now, none of the three players can play solemnly.

In fact, Jiesen overestimated himself, let alone three, even ten, may not be a serious opponent. Killing and fighting are two concepts. Jiesen is strong, doesn't mean he will kill people. Solemnity is a real national skill that only kills people and does not perform. Solemnity has experienced the baptism of iron blood. How can Jiesen, who has only made movies, play solemnly?

"What are you doing? Hurry up Zhuang Zhongjian Jie Sen Leng Leng looking at himself, not from the road.

"Oh, good." Jie Sen this just reaction come over, flurried over the solemn throw over the water belt, wrapped in his body. Then he picked up the mother and the baby with one hand and went to the toilet window.

Solemnity followed. With a fire axe in his hand, he smashed the glass. There was only a crash, and the broken glass fell. It took a while for the sound to come. It can be seen that the two-story building is really not short.

Solemnly wound one end of the hose around the fire axe, and then raised the fire axe, suddenly exerting force, just like a high-power pile driver. Jiesen only felt the ground shaking, and the fire axe was deeply embedded in the windowsill wall, leaving only one handle outside.

Such a great power shocked Jiesen again.

Solemnly pulled a fire axe, see still calculate firm, then signal section Sen climb out.

After Jie Sen went out, he handed the lying in woman and the baby to Jie Sen and asked him to go down the wall a little bit.

At this time, the outside of the hotel had already been surrounded by police cars. When the police saw a person coming down from the window on the second floor, they immediately gathered around and nervously stood on guard.

"It's me, Jason! Call an ambulance Jason yelled as he was about to fall to the ground.

Thanks to his fans in the police, he immediately recognized and took over the mother and the baby at the same time.

The ambulance had been on standby for a long time, then the mother and the baby went to the hospital.

And the media reporters waiting outside, how can they miss this opportunity? The flash shot hard at Jiesen and kept asking about Jiesen's passing.

When they heard Jiesen's explanation to the police operation commander, they could not help shouting.

I didn't expect that this tough actor was really tough! He not only won the respect of people in the screen, but also won the respect of people in reality!

However, to the media reporter's surprise, Jiesen didn't seem to show any pleasure. Instead, he kept looking at the second floor window and murmuring a name.

"Zhuang, Zhuang! Hurry down! You are not their opponent alone

However, a figure near the second floor window disappeared in a flash. It seemed that he didn't care about Jiesen's words at all, leaving the camera with a back image.

And Jason's incredible voice still kept coming.

"Madman, what a madman he is! One of the most respected lunatics

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