In fact, before the solemn investigation of Shen Shen Tianshu, when he had a misunderstanding with Gu Yi, when he was killed and killed to the grave, the solemn and serious coincidence made him understand the three heavy artistic conception. However, it is understood on the basis of asking God. It means that the mind has a sense of inspiration with the help of Taoism. It's not the comprehension that can be solidified in the mind, but it's hard to show it solemnly again.

And this thing also shows that the breakthrough of the realm needs fate, and cannot be forced.

Just like Lei Bao, who has lived for nearly 60 years, is still wandering in the dual realm. Although he has always been clumsy, few people know that he can master the ancient boxing of Sun Bin.

They had a little rest, had a dialogue, and then had a continuous attack.

It's like holding an embroidery needle. It doesn't seem to be lethal, but once it's poked to the point, it's not dead. This is the strength of the eight trigrams three wearing palm. The immortal is afraid of three wearing, but it is not a false name.

Lei Bao brings the shape of Sun Bin boxing to the extreme. Chicken leg, dragon waist, monkey elephant, ape arm, elephant trunk fist, corrugated palm, hidden hook and ball foot are all contained in one move, which makes the solemnity amazing.

Drumsticks are the requirements of leg techniques. The "light flying and quiet" of the chicken is used to keep the body stable. The Dragon waist emphasizes flexibility and agility, while the monkey elephant emphasizes alertness and agility; As for the ape arm, it is easy to stretch and stretch. Xiangbiquan is a commonly used technique in Sun Bin's boxing. The middle finger is prominent and the purpose is to hit acupoints. Corrugating palm and hidden hook are also tactics, which are used for different targets. Ball foot refers to the foot Kung Fu, pay attention to foot light as the ball, move fast.

The reason why few people in the world can learn this ancient boxing technique is also related to the eight forms which are difficult to learn. Between Lei Bao's progress, there was a lot of noise. The sleeves were waving like water sleeves in Peking Opera. Every movement made a sound of tearing brocade and silk, which made people's ears buzzing.

And his fists are hidden under his sleeves, one by one, forming a sense of order. It's the corrugated palm in Sun Bin's fist“ "Corrugating" refers to the parts of the roof which are laid in rows and columns with tiles, and which intersect and bulge. Sun Bin's fist is called "corrugating palm" because he often uses the technique of copying and picking. His fist is like the corrugating on the eaves.

"The four fingers are folded together, the big finger is bent, and laogongju is in the palace. The master of Zhongshi's whole palm is copied and picked, and the hand is chopped off." Lei Bao's fist is really like a hard corrugated, solemn. Every time he touches him, his arm will feel numb.

In a flash, Lei Bao uses the continuous water sleeve and corrugated palm technique to seal the solemn attack route, making the solemn palm wearing unable to perform.

Solemn only feel facing a wall of iron, is unable to break through the plug, for a time, the two people are somewhat deadlocked.

At the moment, the guards and explorers of President Suriname, who were watching around, were all silly.

They look at the solemn and LeiBao fighting with dull eyes. They only feel that the adrenal gland secretion is accelerating and the mouth is dry. It's more enjoyable than watching Hollywood blockbusters. Moreover, it's not a stunt shot, it's a real fight. Such a once-in-a-lifetime scene naturally attracted them.

It's just that they're attracted, the rebels aren't. When the rebels saw that their snipers were silent for a moment, they immediately summoned up their courage and began to accelerate forward.

A brave guy even went to the tent and fired a gun with a bang. At this time, a guard of President Suriname was half exposed outside the mound. He was shot and fell to the ground with a cry.

The shot startled several people who were fascinated by it. At this time, I realized that now is not the time to watch the play, and the enemy is not the only one in front of us, but there are more.

So he took up his gun and shot quickly outside. Unfortunately, without serious sniper suppression, he could not form any deterrent force against the rebels.

A moment later, the rebels came up together and were about to encircle the mound.

Solemnly watching and listening, knowing that the situation was not good, he immediately said to several humanitarians, "get out of here! Protect President Chu and leave! "

"But... What about you?" The exploration team leader has some worries.

"Leave me alone! Go, or no one will be able to go

"Then take care!" Knowing that the situation was urgent, the exploration team leader did not dare to talk more nonsense, so he pulled up his brothers and withdrew to the mine.

Chu Yu stood at the entrance of the mine, looking at this side nervously. Seeing this, he couldn't help shouting to Lei Bao solemnly: "don't fight, Uncle Lei, you stop... OK?"

Lei Bao's eyes flashed, but he was not moved: "I've already said that, go quickly. I don't have much conscience left for Lei Bao. This is the last point. I hope you don't let it down! "

Before, when Lei Bao was in Hongmen, he had more contact with Chu Yu, and also received the favor of Chu Yu. At this time, however, he could still think of giving Chu Yu a way to live, which could be regarded as valuing friendship.

Solemnity also followed and yelled: "don't delay, I can leave safely without your drag! Let's go! Go from the back

Hearing these solemn words, Chu Yu finally gritted his teeth and waved to the explorers. The group gathered together and slowly evacuated from the back of the mine.

But Lei Bao listened to the solemn words, but his face showed a hint of irony, and said: "safe to leave? Do you think you can still leave now? "

Solemn but cold hum a, reply: "can you try not to know! But I'm afraid you'll be sleeping here! "

Brush, the two voices fall, and is the body to the top, issued a loud impact, each step back, and then put out the shelf is tangled together.

At this time, the rebels finally came up, and more than 100 people rushed to the direction of the mine. When passing by the solemn and LeiBao, a few people stopped and looked at the two people who were fighting. There was a look of ill will on their faces.

In their eyes, Lei Bao and solemnity are the same. They are both enemies and unreliable.

I saw that a few people look at each other, muzzle slightly up, want to take advantage of solemn with LeiBao don't pay attention, kill two people together.

But before the muzzle of their guns was adjusted to their position, they suddenly saw the figures of the two men in a twinkling, suddenly separated, and then rushed into the rebel army.

This is really a tiger in sheep's clothing. I can't wear dead thunder leopard with solemn palm, but it's just in use at this time. I saw a solemn hand stroke, the palm of the hand hit hard on the head of the first rebel who raised the gun. It was as if the rebel had been hit by a sledgehammer, his head hummed and trembled, then he fell to the ground. Until the breath is cut off, the black blood flows out from the mouth, nose and ears.

After killing one, the solemn steps turn around and the backhand is worn again. Directly poke another guy's lifeblood, the painful man's expression stagnated, even a pain roar could not be sent out, then he died.

On the other side, Lei Bao is walking in a very strange pace, with his legs tucked together, one knee supporting the inside of the other knee, and his feet in a "t" shape, similar to the limp standing up. But it is somewhat similar to the "ring step" in mantis boxing.

This kind of step not only reduces the area to meet the enemy, but also forms a triangle with a stable center of gravity. It is very sharp, but it is "Sun Bin step". Such a special step type is not found in all martial arts. At a glance, you can recognize that this is the shelf of Sun Bin boxing.

Relying on this strange pace, Lei Bao shuttles back and forth among the rebel forces. His hand is more fierce than solemn. Every wave of his arm will surely take a life. In a short time, seven or eight rebel forces will die under Lei Bao's hands, but Lei Bao doesn't even blink an eye.

Boom! Lei Bao's arm swung, like an elephant trunk on the head of an anti rebel. The head of the anti rebel burst like a watermelon, splashing Lei Bao's red and white things. Thunder leopard seems to have not seen the general, let the red and white things stick to the body.

The appearance of killing gods scared the rest of the rebel troops out of their wits. They cried out one by one. They did not dare to think of Lei Bao and solemnity any more. They went after Chu Yu and President Su Linan.

Solemnity intended to kill more rebels to relieve Chu Yu's pressure, but Lei Bao refused. Seeing that the rebels did not dare to stay, he immediately stepped back and hit solemnity again.

Standing on the hillside watching, general Mosuo, who happened to see this scene, immediately roared angrily: "what is he doing? How can he help outsiders kill my soldiers

The man beside general Mosuo was smiling and said, "general, if it wasn't for your stupid soldiers, tigers would not be interested in running over an ant. And compared with the great cause you are about to accomplish, how many people are dead? "

When general Mosuo stopped speaking, he could only snort angrily. He raised his telescope and continued to watch Lei Bao's fight with him. To tell you the truth, general Mosuo was also attracted by this wonderful fight. He was also a little upset about his soldiers' behavior of breaking off the fight just now.

At this time, Lei Bao changed his playing style. Instead of using Sun Bin's big style, he changed it into a small style.

The big frame of Sun Bin boxing is a long routine in the basic routine of Sun Bin boxing. In the exercise, it requires hand and foot use, jumping high, kicking, jumping and smashing, hitting and attacking fiercely. It is changeable between the virtual and the real, attacking mainly, flexible and alert. However, it is necessary to spend too much physical strength to fight and attack with a big shelf, which is not suitable for a long fight.

LeiBao has felt the passing of physical strength, and naturally changed it into a small rack to save physical strength.

The small frame of Sun Bin boxing is flexible and light, with one attack controlling attack, fast action, high jump, high jump, rotation, splitting and hanging, rise and fall, flexible and rapid. It is similar to Wing Chun boxing, which can win by skillfulness. And the small shelf moves are more fierce, the Dragon leaping and wild goose leaping moves are the most fierce. In the boxing score, it is clearly stipulated that the cultivation without righteousness should not be handed down.

The thunder leopard moves left and right, walks round and round without stopping, always keeping his side against the enemy. Once he catches the opportunity, he will give a solemn and fierce attack.

Zhuang Da Da has been fighting for a while, but he knows he can't waste his energy any more. Compared with Lei Bao, the biggest advantage of Lei Bao is that he is young and has physical strength. If Lei Bao fights with him in a small frame, he wastes his physical strength in vain, it will be dangerous.

So solemnity is also a change of boxing style, from eight trigrams to form and meaning. The waist is straight and erect, like a big bear standing there.

As soon as the posture of solemnity was put forward, Lei Bao suddenly felt a great pressure, as if he was really facing a blind bear, which made him dare not go out.

And the most important thing is that the solemn bear shape seems clumsy, but it has hidden strength, which makes LeiBao dare not attack easily.


LeiBao tentatively hits the solemn back to see if the solemn is flexible enough under the bear shape. However, when his fist reached the solemn back, he saw that the solemn back was shaking, just like a big bear scratching his back in a tree. A force was transmitted to Lei Bao's wrist, which would shake Lei Bao's wrist. If Lei Bao didn't stop quickly, his wrist might even be broken.

This time, Lei Bao is helpless. He would never have thought that the bear shape was the most diligent and deep-rooted form of his training in Xiangjiang zoo for several months. As long as he puts out a bear shape, unless the realm is higher than him, it is difficult to break the solemn defense.

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