Thunder leopard under the test, also see this, can't help but give up the idea of hard attack, ready to change a way to break the solemn defense.

LeiBao then remembered how the local residents taught him to hunt bears when he was in Siberia.

Local residents told Lei Bao that bears are semi hibernating animals and like to get into tree holes during hibernation, which is called squatting. When bears hibernate, it's the best time for hunters to get their palms and gall.

Before hunting bears, the hunters made a big board and left two holes on it, just enough for the bear to put out his palm. After that, he came to the place where bear hibernated, blocked the tree hole with a wooden board, and tied the board firmly to the tree with a rope. After all this, the hunter used a stick to knock the tree where the bear hibernated. After a while, the bear was awakened.

The awakened bear saw that the hole was blocked, so he pushed the board hard, but it couldn't open it, so he was very angry. Seeing that there was a hole in the board, he stretched out his bear's paw from the hole as if to catch something. When the hunter saw the bear's paw stretched out, he took out his own sharp hunting knife and just came forward for a moment, then the bear's paw was cut off. The bear who lost one of his palms was not only in pain, but also angry. He stretched out the other palm from the small hole. When the hunter saw it, he came forward with another knife, and another bear's paw went into his pocket.

The bear who has lost two palms no longer has the ability to support and resist. At this time. The hunter took down the board, and the bear was lying in the cave. It was hard to resist. The hunter went forward and aimed at the bear's abdomen to get bear gall. At this time, the bear has been mad. It is the time when the bear's gall is the biggest and the best, and the intact raw bear's gall is in the hands of the hunter.

This method sounds extremely cruel, but it's the experience of human beings in fighting nature for thousands of years. It's the same as when bears could easily smash people's heads with one slap and then eat people. It's just that the status of both sides has changed.

Solemnity is the man eating bear now, and LeiBao wants to turn himself into a bear hunter!

The solemnity of bear defense is almost rigid, but it does not mean that everything is invincible! Just now solemn face behind the fast attack, although with rub itch way to resolve the attack, but also disguised to explain a point, solemn this state of turn is not usually flexible!

As soon as his eyes narrowed, Lei Bao had an idea.

I saw that his body was spinning, and he was still beating around the solemn back, but whenever he went around the solemn back, his palm would change and he would pinch it into the shape of a crane's beak.

After several searches, when Lei Bao turned to his solemn back again, he was acutely aware of the opportunity. In a flash, his whole body was focused on a point, his arm suddenly popped out, and his right fist, which was made into a crane's mouth, pierced the air and stabbed at the grave big hole in the back with a fierce momentum.

Hand and eye, eye and heart, shoulder and waist, body and step, up and down. Lei Bao's attack fully shows the five combinations of Sun Bin's boxing. And the five have one thing in common, that is to strike. Sun Bin's eight shapes, five combinations and thirty combinations are all one point. The purpose is to strike a little hard, just like a needle poking a steel plate. Under the great strength, even the hard steel plate can be pierced by the embroidery needle!

And the way Lei Bao chose to hit is also the way to hit acupoints in Sun Bin boxing. Sun Bin Quan's acupoint tapping is a kind of Kung Fu to defeat the opponent by clicking on the acupoints, which is the top of capture. Sun Bin Quan's acupoint tapping is to use Qi and power to cooperate with each hand of fighting boxing. He uses three arms and two legs to whip and carry strength, and instantly realizes that Qi reaches the key acupoint at o'clock. Thus, the meridians are blocked, and the acupoints are out of order, which makes the human body lose the ability to move locally or as a whole, so as to subdue the other side.

Lei Bao's strike just caught the weakness of solemnity. Through the early exploration, let the solemn relax their vigilance, and then hit the solemn big hole in the back with a thunderbolt, destroying the solemn defense at one stroke!

Lei Bao's attack is just like thunder and anger, and the spectators are as depressed as the mountains!

Solemn, the whole back is numb, feel a great crisis.

Thunder leopard is with the confidence of must, in the heart think this time in any case can't let go of solemn, must hit will destroy solemn!

Even the air is frozen, leaving only the friction sound of thunder leopard boxing in the air, amplified to Zhuang Chong's ear, like tens of thousands of bees buzzing, which makes Zhuang Chong upset.

At this time, Lei Bao's fist is only a few centimeters away from the grave. As long as he hits the grave big hole in the back, he will be seriously injured or even killed!

At the critical moment, he took a deep breath. As he inhaled, the original magnificent shape of the bear suddenly shrank, and there came a sharp sound similar to the cry of an eagle.

The solemn man who was about to be hit immediately turned into a goshawk, whistling and soaring into the sky.

It's a bear turn to an eagle!

It's just a very common conversion, but it's such a common technique. It's used under the hands of solemnity to show a mysterious meaning. Solemnity is like the seventy-two changes of the monkey king. Almost without any transition, it's directly from the big stupid bear to the flying eagle. He flew into the sky and escaped the fatal blow of Lei Bao.

After the transformation into Eagle shape, the solemn body retracts and turns back to lock the throat with an eagle claw, taking it to Lei Bao's throat.

Lei Bao didn't succeed in one blow. It was a pity in his heart. The momentum that he finally gathered dissipated with the failure of this blow. Solemnity is the right time to lock the throat, which makes Lei Bao feel very uncomfortable. But the solemn momentum suppressed him and made him react in his heart.

With a click, Lei Bao had no choice but to use his arm to block it. However, he was seriously seized by the situation and twisted Lei Bao's arm to make a sound, which seemed to break.

In a hurry, Lei Bao poked it out with her left hand and turned it into a long sword with solemn eyes.

This is a way of playing in Sun Bin's boxing. Because Sun Bin originally studied the art of war. He said that learning sword is an enemy of one man, and learning soldiers is an enemy of ten thousand people. One man's enemy and ten thousand people's enemy are all military affairs. Therefore, there are some moves of sword technique in Sun Bin's boxing, which is the method of using the hand as the sword.

A surprise move saved Lei Bao's arm. Solemnity can only let go of Lei Bao's arm and choose to retreat.

"It seems that it's not all luck that you can kill Ruan Zhe. I really underestimate you." Thunder leopard escaped a disaster, road.

Looking at the thunderstorm with solemn eyes, he said: "it's too late to know now. Today you are destined to meet Ruan zhe!"

"Well, it's too early to talk big! Today, I will take you with me even if I die! " Thunder leopard fierce voice way.

Finish saying, but see Lei Bao's eyes suddenly become fierce and fierce, the whole person is inflated up, as if filled with gas in general. Just a moment later, it began to atrophy at a very fast speed, just like suffering from muscular atrophy. Later, there was only a layer of dried skin wrapped on the bone.

Originally, although Lei Bao was not fat, he was not thin. Now Lei Bao is a skinny old man in an instant. His body is as thin as a hemp pole. A gust of wind can blow him down.

Lei Bao's strange situation startled him seriously, but there seemed to be a strong force surging in his thin body, which made Zhuang's center of gravity afraid.

"This is, flesh and blood atrophy, enrich the skin?" Suddenly, solemn thought of a possibility.

In the ancient Tantric boxing, there is a method that can instantly make the warrior's flesh and blood shrink and all enrich into the skin. This kind of method is extremely harmful to the body. After using it, you will not die and you will be disabled.

But it is extremely severe, atrophic flesh and blood will be abnormal solid membrane full, it seems that the whole person is thin and weak, in fact, it is only appearance. In fact, his whole life has become a similar existence.

The ox tendon bow doesn't seem to have much strength, but people who have pulled bows and arrows know that it's very difficult to pull this kind of bow. Once it's pulled, the arrow can go straight through the target, which is very fierce.

Lei Bao is such a state. The skin of his whole body wraps and connects the bones to form a structure like a big bow. He can burst out unexpected and amazing power with every move.

Solemn idea just appeared, see thunder leopard two words don't say, raise a hand toward solemn hit come over.

And the whistling wind, confirmed the solemn speculation. Boxing style alone, has made solemn feel inexplicable pressure! What would be the consequence if the blow was on a serious man? I can't imagine the solemnity!

This is the reason why the old Chinese saying "you can't be provoked when you are thin on the roadside.". Those old men who have been practicing martial arts all their lives are only skin and bone, but the skin is as tough as beef tendon. Even if they are short of flesh and blood, they can burst out with great strength. If they are offended, they are likely to be beaten to death.

Now solemnity provokes such a thin old man, although Lei Bao is a man-made state.

The sound of tearing brocade and tearing silk came out. It was the sound of the stretch of LeiBao's membrane. The tough membrane made LeiBao not only have strong strength, but also super elasticity. Often a punch, will be more serious than expected in the attack distance is also far some, when will be seriously forced in a hurry.

Corrugating boxing and elephant trunk boxing are used by Lei Bao one after another, and they are pushed forward step by step. However, they can only keep retreating, and they don't even have the power of fighting.

See solemn will be forced to the mound, no retreat. As soon as he clenched his teeth, he pushed his palms out solemnly, and the meat on his arms began to swell. His palms burst out like thunder, roaring and bumping into Lei Bao's fist.

It's gossip.

Bagua Tui palm can be divided into single Tui and double Tui, or single Tui or double Tui. Push with one hand is single palm, push with two hands is double palm. To push forward, we should have the momentum, courage and strength to overturn Mount Tai. If we do not make progress, we will succeed. It's like the collapse of the earth.

"Yijing Xici Zhuan" said: "so rigid and soft phase rub, eight trigrams phase swing." Baguazhang is known as the theory of "forming images in heaven". It is the combination of heaven and earth. How does the universe change and form, so does the eight trigrams palm“ "Mo" is the collision of rigidity and softness in the battle between the enemy and us, and also the mutual transformation of emptiness and reality in the friction“ "Dang" is the Eight Trigram Palm in the attack.

Solemnly, the pushing palm under the desperate situation is really like that in the book of changes. It calls the wind and thunder to stir up, and with the incomparable momentum of overturning heaven and earth, it faces LeiBao.

Two palms, one Yin and one Yang, become a hexagram. When interpreted according to the hexagram, it's a shuileitun hexagram!

When the wind blows, you can't see your head. When you get upset, you can't get free.

This is the hexagram of shuileitun. This hexagram is the superposition of different hexagrams, the shock is thunder and the metaphor is moving; Ridge for rain, metaphor risk“ "Tun" originally refers to the land where plants sprout. Thunderstorm, dangerous, bad environment. But in this extremely bad environment, all things begin to grow, carrying the desperate power to grow.

This is the essence of this hexagram. In adversity, the heart will never stop!

Solemnly applied the understanding of metaphysics to the Eight Trigram Palm, but finally realized the mysterious essence of the Eight Trigram Palm, and realized the combination of law and martial arts!

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