Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1 Master, Don't Slap Your Face

Immortal Feather Sect.

Surrounded by mountains, the fairy mist is misty.

In a cave, Li Xiaobai was lying on the bed with a sad face, staring at the panel in front of him.

Host Li Xiaobai

attack 0

speed 0

Defense 0

attribute point 10

no skill

Props None

The mall is not open

Grandma, what is this standard three-no product?

Li Xiaobai suddenly traveled to this world three days ago and became an inner disciple of the Immortal Feather Sect.

A set of attribute value system was also attached as a gift, and it took him three whole days to finally figure out the usefulness of this system.

This system does not have the function of increasing cultivation, it can only increase attribute points.

As long as you take damage, you can increase attribute points.

Generally speaking, this is a system that is obviously masochistic. I tried it yesterday and was slapped by the master. The left half of my face is still swollen.

But the harvest is also huge, this slap directly increases ten attribute points.

Where should I add it?

In the future, it will definitely be necessary to add some beatings. To save your life, let's add all defense power for the time being.

Defense ordinary people (10100 can be advanced.

I touched my face, and although the swelling hadn't gone away, I felt that the skin was much thicker.

You can continue to go out for a wave.

The defensive power increased, and he felt much happier. Li Xiaobai hummed a little tune and walked towards another cave, which was Senior Sister Su's cave.

Senior Sister Su is a madman who only knows how to bury her head in cultivation all day long. It is said that her strength is already approaching that of many elders at a young age.

And he has a fiery temper, like a powder keg, the kind that explodes at any moment.

Boom boom boom!

"Senior sister, my younger brother is here to see you!"

The door opened, and an irritable woman's face appeared in front of her, with the word "unhappy" almost written on her face.

"Say something quickly!"

Li Xiaobai swallowed, "Ahem, Senior Sister, you are so beautiful today!"

"Hehe, you have vision, come in first!"

Women love beauty, and Su Yunbing was a little happy to hear that she was praised by her junior.

Entering the house, Li Xiaobai took a look at the surrounding environment. The senior sister's boudoir was bare and there was nothing, so he couldn't help blurting out.

"Senior sister, why is there nothing in your cave, it looks like a man, I think Senior Sister Ye's cave is prettier than yours."

Comparing women is the most taboo, especially compared with Ye Wushuang, who is as beautiful as a fairy. After saying this, the atmosphere in the room condensed a lot, and Li Xiaobai felt the pressure. If the senior sister gave him a slap regardless, he would probably die.

Fortunately, Su Yunbing restrained his emotions in time.

"Junior brother, although you are now an inner disciple, you are only a special recruit, and your strength is far behind that of your fellow disciples. You still need to work hard!"

Su Yunbing forced a smile, and handed a cup of tea to Li Xiaobai.

"Thank you for your teaching, senior sister. Senior sister should also pay more attention to skin care. If this woman practices day and night, her skin will age quickly." Li Xiaobai said seriously.

Kacha, the teacup in Su Yunbing's hand was pinched and shattered, Li Xiaobai's heart trembled, could it be too much?

"Brother, do you have something to say today?"

Su Yunbing tried her best to restrain her emotions. Something was wrong today. Ever since this little junior entered the door, she almost couldn't control her emotions several times. She felt that she was at odds with the new junior!

"Senior Sister, I actually made a small mistake. I didn't know whether to speak properly or not," Li Xiaobai looked at Su Yunbing cautiously.

"But it's okay to say, Senior Sister is unparalleled in strength and broad-minded, she won't care about you."

Seeing that the topic was finally back on track, Su Yunbing also breathed a sigh of relief. The younger brother is not very good at talking, so as a senior sister, she should forgive her a lot.

"Actually, I just accidentally knocked over the rouge powder that Senior Sister Ye prepared for you..." Li Xiaobai said cautiously.

The temperature in the room suddenly cooled down, Li Xiaobai's heart trembled, he felt a murderous aura, sure enough, no one did this job.

Although my elder sister has a bad temper, she still pays attention to her image. Ye Wushuang is proficient in medical skills, and the rouge she makes is not only good-looking, but also has the effect of beautifying and beautifying. .

"Senior Sister... won't it be okay if you don't slap me in the face?"

a minute later,

Su Yunbing carried Li Xiaobai out slowly with one hand, and threw it out casually.

"Junior brother, it's nothing more than a box of rouge. Senior sister forgives you."


Li Xiaobai was expressionless, slowly got up from the ground, and touched his right side of the face, which was bulging.

Well, very good, now the left and right sides are symmetrical.

Check the properties panel.

100 attribute points.

The senior sister was still too ruthless, she punched out a hundred attribute points at once, but I still like the master's style of play, only one slap at a time. It's a steady stream.

Needless to say, all attribute points should be defensive. If you don’t feel like you will be beaten to death in the future.

The defense level of the mortal body can be advanced.

At the same time, a notification sound came from his mind.

Comprehend the skill hatred 100%.

Hate 100% Pretend is a technology, but also an art. When pretending, the target will hate you infinitely and attack you crazily. The more stable you pretend, the harder you hit.

Note that there is a risk of being beaten, so use it with caution.


Seeing this skill, Li Xiaobai gasped, this skill is slightly stronger!

On the surface, this is a waste skill, but after careful consideration, it is a super powerful control skill.

Just imagine, as long as you pretend, you can fill up the opponent's hatred and attack yourself crazily. Isn't this equal to 100% control?

It's just that my handsome face has to suffer.

After getting the new skill, Li Xiaobai decided to go to the master to try the effect. The old man has a good temper, and he only slaps one slap at a time, which is not very hard.

Inner sect disciples all have their own masters, usually ten or so disciples have one master, Li Xiaobai's master is Feng Lingzi, there are seven disciples in total, except for Li Xiaobai, they are all cultivators.

The sect is very optimistic about this team, so they specially built a separate mountain for Feng Lingzi's master and apprentice, which is used for teaching and sorting out exercise materials on weekdays.

This kind of treatment can be compared to that of true disciples, and it is considered an additional benefit.

Walking into the small two-story building, Feng Lingzi likes to take a nap in the small attic. This guy is a tired and lazy guy. He has been in this world for three days, and he hasn't seen him practice for a day.

It seems that life is still too comfortable.

Hey, let me find some excitement for you!

"Master, here I come!"

"Come here when you come, don't shout so loudly, do you want to practice hard when you come here?"

Feng Lingzi's voice came, he was arranging books by the bookshelf at the moment, with a look of bitterness and hatred.

The martial art competition is coming up soon, and he has to sort out some materials for several disciples to look up. He doesn't touch these things very much on weekdays, which leads to a heavy workload now.

He picked up a booklet and threw it to Li Xiaobai.

"I recommend you to practice this Hunyuan Sutra. Although it's basic, it's safe and won't cause problems. Take it back and practice it quickly. Don't embarrass me."

"Master, don't we cultivators want to compete with the sky? Shouldn't we practice more domineering exercises?"

Li Xiaobai was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't practice the exercises, he still couldn't help asking. He felt that the master's theory was different from others'.

"Compete with the sky? Do you think the sky is right for you?"

Feng Lingzi rolled his eyes, and scoffed at the idea of ​​fighting for destiny.

Although I felt that something was wrong, it didn't matter, I came here to find fault, not to really practice.

We have a system, just add some, it is impossible to cultivate.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaobai cleared his throat, ready to activate his skills.

"Master, this disciple is not a very human being. It cannot be guessed with common sense. From the day the disciple was born, he was already doomed to compete with the general trend of heaven and earth."

"The disciple considers himself to be a talent of the heavens, with thousands of fortunes gathered in one body. Now the master knows people with insight, and he guides the disciple into the immortal gate. This genius wants to learn the strongest kung fu in the world and walk the road of invincibility!"

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