As soon as the words fell, a strong wind hit.

Feng Lingzi appeared in front of Li Xiaobai in an instant, slapped firmly on the head, rolled 720 degrees on the spot, and landed face down.

Li Xiaobai was stunned, what's going on, he was completely unprepared, the effect of this skill is too powerful.

If I hadn't withdrawn my skills in time, I felt like my whole head would have been blown away.

"You are the only genius?"

"There is no spiritual energy in your body, you are probably living in a dream!"

Feng Lingzi spat, blew his beard and stared, this disciple has only just started for a few days, but it is too worrying.

Li Xiaobai patted his butt, and left in disgrace.

The operation just now made him understand a truth. Although skills are good, they should not be used indiscriminately.

It might have a good effect on ordinary disciples, but if it is used on masters, they can beat themselves to death in a single encounter.

It seems that who will be the target in the future still needs to be investigated. This skill is temporarily not used by people with advanced cultivation bases. It is too scary.

At this moment, the attribute points of the system have increased by fifty, the master's slap is harder than yesterday, and his head has been completely swollen into a pig's head.

Throw all the attribute points into the defense.

Defense against mortal bodies can be advanced.

After taking some medicinal pills for healing, Li Xiaobai decided to visit the sect.

One is to familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment, and the other is to find some suitable faces to beat yourself.

The senior brothers and sisters are too strong, and they beat people unambiguously, and it feels a bit overwhelming.

Feng Lingzi and his seven disciples monopolize a mountain, which is a benefit given by the head. The mountain he is on is called Piaomiao Peak.

There are only seven masters and apprentices in total, and there are no handymen or servants.

If you want to meet other people, you have to go down the mountain.

"Hey, isn't this Junior Brother Li?"

"Are you beaten by the master again?"

A female cultivator in a green gauze skirt came towards me from the foot of the mountain, looked at Li Xiaobai and smiled slightly.

Li Xiaobai's eyes were straight, this is the second senior sister of Piaomiao Peak, Ye Wushuang, who is good at medical skills, and she is gentle and tender in every way on weekdays, which is in stark contrast to the senior sister Su Yunbing.

This Ye Wushuang is a famous beauty of Xianyu Sect. Since we met here, I would feel sorry for my system if I didn't operate it.

"I was beaten by the elder sister. Of course, the master also has a part, so let's not talk about it."

Speaking of sad things, Li Xiaobai felt a little depressed.

"You practice hard on weekdays, how can senior sister and master punish you? Come here, senior sister will help you take a look."

Ye Wushuang took out the silver needle and medicinal wine, ready for treatment.

Watching Ye Wushuang's movements, Li Xiaobai blurted out.

"Senior Sister, your fingers are so rough, it must be because of regular acupuncture and moxibustion without maintenance!"

Ye Wushuang didn't respond, and there was still a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, but for some reason, Li Xiaobai felt a little hairy in his heart.

There shouldn't be much benefit from Senior Sister Ye, she has such a good temper, she won't beat herself up.

But thinking about it that way, the taste of the words changed again.

"Senior sister, the smell on your body is so strange. Other senior sisters have a fragrant smell of pollen on their bodies. Why do you still smell a little stinky?"

"Senior sister, although this fine-grained technique is very important, you must also pay attention to personal hygiene, and you still have to take a bath when it's time to take a bath!"

Li Xiaobai nodded seriously, feeling that what he said made sense.

It's just that the acupuncture force on the top of the head seems to have paused, Senior Sister Ye won't be angry, right?

"Hehe, it's just the smell of herbs. I just picked it back and haven't deodorized it yet!"

Ye Wushuang giggled, and Li Xiaobai became distracted for a while.

Senior Sister Ye is such a gentle and lovely beauty, so I don't want to offend her, and I just need to establish a good relationship in the future.

Made up his mind, Li Xiaobai shut up.

But this matter is not as simple as imagined.

After Ye Wushuang pricked the top of his head a few times, he stopped the needle, carried the small medicine box on his back, turned and left without looking back.

"Junior Brother Li, please do it yourself."

"Well, thank you, sister."

I always feel that the senior sister is not comforting myself, it feels weird, but the swelling on the face has indeed disappeared a lot.

The senior sister's craftsmanship is very good, but she doesn't like to take a bath, which is not a good habit.

Humming a little song happily, Li Xiaobai continued to walk down the mountain, and within two steps, a system notification came.

Attribute points +20.

Attribute points +20.


This reminder sounded continuously.

what happened?

I was not attacked! Where does this attribute come from?

Looking around, there was no one around, and Senior Sister Ye had already walked away.

A little flustered in my heart, I carefully recalled the situation just now.

By the way, Ye Wushuang!

Li Xiaobai suddenly remembered the coolness in his heart before.

I heard that anyone who knows medical skills will be poisoned. Could it be that Ye Wushuang did something wrong?

Recalling that exquisite face, Li Xiaobai shuddered for no reason.

The attribute points prompted by the system continued to increase, fumbling around in horror, and finally found an abnormality in the ankle.

A small black spot appeared on the edge of the ankle.

It was really Ye Wushuang's hands and feet, and the needles on the head were able to let the toxin directly pass to the feet. This technique is too clever.

Fortunately, the senior sister only imposed a small punishment and did not paralyze herself. The system stopped after a while.

Sure enough, beautiful women cannot be offended.

Check the properties panel.

100 attribute points.

Add all the attributes to the defense again. I don't know the corresponding relationship between the defense and the strength of the monks in this world. It's better to be safe.

Who makes the people around you too strong?

There is no reference standard at all.

At the same time, the system panel changes again.

Get the skill Paralyzing Toxin.

Sustained damage is detected, and the paralyzing toxin escalates muscle weakness.

All people within one meter of muscle weakness are in a state of muscle weakness, and the longer the duration, the more severe the symptoms of muscle weakness will be.

It should be thanks to Ye Wushuang that he was able to get this skill. The poison of the other party gave him a range of skills.

Li Xiaobai was very happy, this was his first decent attack skill.

Muscle weakness and hatred are a 100% perfect match. If you want to fight in the future, as long as you can resist the attack, your opponent will become weaker and weaker. Wouldn't this be conducive to invincibility?


under the mountain,

When Li Xiaobai walked out of the mountain gate, the surrounding disciples involuntarily stopped and looked at him timidly.

Discussion came.

"Did you see it? This man came down from Piaomiao Peak!"

"I see, I haven't seen it much on weekdays, so I don't have to say, another strong man!"

"Senior brothers, may I ask what is the meaning of Piaomiao Peak Strongman? I'm new here, so I don't understand it very well!"

"I'm going, you don't know this, let me tell you, this Piaomiao Peak is a mountain built with special care by the head of the sect, and there are only seven inner sect disciples in it, but it is said that all the disciples of this Piaomiao Peak are cultivating madmen , the strength is not weaker than the true biography at all!"

"I know that half a year ago, Piaomiao Peak's fourth disciple, Yang Chen, had a conflict with the third elder's true disciple, and directly started the group arena and severely injured the other party. I heard it was a one-shot kill!"

"So strong!"

"That's why, if there are any disciples who have come down from Piaomiao Peak that you haven't seen before, then you have to be careful, maybe they are cultivation geniuses who have been in seclusion for a long time!"

"Besides, it's the grand ceremony recently. The people from Piaomiao Peak must come down at this time, and they must want to find out the bottom line of the true biography. It may be another battle between dragons and tigers. At this time, let's not join in the fun, so as not to be affected."

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