Seeing Li Xiaobai coming down, the surrounding disciples immediately scattered, obviously not wanting to make more contact.

Li Xiaobai touched his nose with a slightly embarrassed expression.

These brothers from the same sect seem to be especially supportive of Piao Miaofeng, but it's a pity that he just came out, a rookie, and he is not at all the strong retreater they say.

"Yo, isn't this a disciple of Piaomiao Peak? You have a face, why, you can't sit still because you are near the Grand Competition of the sect?"

A young man holding a lupine parted the crowd and came out.

"It's Lin Feng, inner disciple!"

"It is said that his big brother, Lin Mang, is the true disciple of Elder Sun, but it is incredible!"

Seeing that a disciple recognized him, Lin Feng was even more proud, shaking his feather fan lightly, smiling, looking full of style.

Li Xiaobai looked confused, martial art competition?

Feng Lingzi never said that!

There is a bad premonition in my heart.

"Listen to me, all of you, Piao Miao Peak is a group of related households, relying on their good relationship with the head, they blatantly occupy resources."

"This time Dabi my eldest brother is bound to break into the top ten, gain the qualification to enter the Holy Demon Sect, and then step over Piao Miao Peak step by step, so that the head can clearly see the true colors of these guys."

Lin Feng held his head high, and said calmly, the arena was full of force, and Li Xiaobai was confused when he heard it.

"Your brother is so good, he can even enter the top ten... But what does this have to do with you?"

Touching his head, Li Xiaobai was puzzled.

The onlookers were also stunned, yes, what does your big brother have to do with you.


Lin Feng was angry and at a loss for words.

"Haha, what a good little brother, there are always some young people who are quick to talk. Your name is Lin Feng, right? Don't beep there. If you really have the ability, let's touch it!"

The crowd parted again, and a young man came out, also dressed in white, and also shaking a feather fan in his hand, but the gesture of shaking the fan was a thousand times more elegant than that of Lin Feng.

Compared with this jade-like man, Lin Feng is like a bumpkin.

Li Xiaobai recognized this person, this is also his senior brother, the fourth senior brother of Piao Miao Peak, named Yang Chen, whom he met when he first started.

"Let's wait and see!"

"What to look at, what is there to see, what are you doing around here, don't you need to practice!"

The crowd laughed, and Lin Feng left in despair.

"Brother, why did you go down the mountain?"

Yang Chen walked over with a smile, not paying attention to Lin Feng's words at all.

"Senior brother, I'm going down the mountain for a stroll and relax."

Li Xiaobai said.


Hearing this, Yang Chen's sword eyebrows immediately stood up, his expression hardened, "After death, there are many opportunities to relax. What we have to do is to practice, uninterrupted from morning till night."

"It's going to be the martial art competition soon, you can't embarrass Piao Miao Peak!"

Yep, another cultivator.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, just about to say something, but found that the scenery around him was suddenly blurred, and when he came back to his senses, he had been thrown into the cave.

Attribute points +10.

"Junior Brother, I'll give you these spirit stones. Tomorrow will be the Grand Competition, so you can practice well. Don't embarrass us Piaomiao Peak."

Yang Chen's voice floated from a distance.

Senior Brother Yang is really... warm-hearted, what the hell is it that he was sent back before he even walked out of the mountain after finally going down the mountain.

After sorting out his thoughts, Li Xiaobai discovered several important pieces of information.

Tomorrow is the sect competition, and the sect will select ten outstanding disciples to enter the Holy Demon Sect through this competition.

The Holy Demon Sect is a famous sect, and it is said that its head is a strong man who has experienced the catastrophe. If he can enter the great sect to practice, there must be many benefits.

But I'm just a weak chicken, my attribute points are all defensive, if I really want to fight, I will only get beaten.

He picked up a small bag of spirit stones on the ground, which is the most commonly used and most basic training material. The moment his fingers touched the spirit stones, the system notification sounded again.

The host obtains the spirit stone, and the system mall opens.

The currency is ten low-grade spirit stones.

Li Xiaobai looked delighted, and even opened the mall. It turns out that the currency of the system mall is Lingshi.

Click on the panel to view the items in the mall. There are a variety of props, which can be roughly divided into four types of props and equipment, mounts, talismans, and pills.

I don’t know if I don’t see it, but I was shocked when I saw it. The mounts turned out to be Maserari, Lamborghini, and armored vehicles. What’s even more exaggerated is that there are robot gunpla.

But at a glance at the price, Li Xiaobai was in despair. The price of this mount was outrageously high, tens of thousands of dollars, and it was still a top-grade spirit stone, a top-grade spirit stone.

The cheapest broomstick also needs a huge sum of one thousand low-grade spirit stones.

It seems that he has no fate for the time being.

Ten low-grade spirit stones for the small divine amulet, blasting talisman, and diamond talisman.

A piece of low-grade spirit stone from refined poison.

Rejuvenation Pill, Dali Pill ten low-grade spirit stones.

After scanning around, Li Xiaobai found that the only things he could really afford were a few basic props and equipment.

After wearing the not-so-sloppy helmet, the defense power is slightly increased. (Ten low-grade spirit stones.)

After the bronze sword is used, the attack power is slightly increased. (Ten low-grade spirit stones.)

After wearing the bronze boots, the speed is slightly increased. (Ten low-grade spirit stones.)

Needless to say, I chose the helmet decisively. This thing fits perfectly with my 100% face-slapping skills. After wearing it, I will never be afraid of others coming to slap my face.

Choose to buy!

Starlight flickered in front of him, and it condensed into a dirty helmet. It didn't look very good, it looked tattered, and it was really sloppy.

After taking a pat, the hardness is not bad. Li Xiaobai feels that his body has become much stronger after wearing it on his head. As mentioned in the introduction, this helmet has a boosting effect on himself.

Very good, don't worry about being slapped in the face for tomorrow's competition.


At the same time, in the main hall of the Xianyu Sect,

Several elders are arguing fiercely.

"Master, this is absolutely not acceptable. The training places of the Saint Demon Sect are extremely valuable. How can four of them be directly allocated to Piao Miao Peak? I don't accept it!"

"I don't accept it either. Where does the sect master put his true disciples in this way?"

"No matter how partial you are, you have to follow the rules. If you want me to say, give Piao Miao Peak one quota at most, no more!"

"That's right, Feng Lingzi, you Piaomiao Peak must either directly appoint a disciple directly, or you can honestly participate in the big competition, everyone speaks according to their strength!"

Many elders were quite dissatisfied, they all had apprentices, and the sect leader was so eccentric that he wanted to let the four disciples from Piao Miao Peak directly enter the Holy Demon Sect to practice.

"Well... I have no objection. In fact, the head of the sect is also painstaking... You have to understand."

Feng Lingzi sighed, these elders are really foolish, the headmaster is actually reducing the number of disciples for Piaomiao Peak to study in a disguised form, if it is really based on strength, I am afraid that except for the newly recruited kid, the rest will be able to into the top ten.

"Hey, if that's the case, then everything depends on the strength of the disciples, but I'll say it up front, no matter what kind of results come out at that time, you all have to accept it, so don't make trouble."

The head of the sect was also helpless, his good intentions were treated as a donkey's liver and lungs, but these elders could not be blamed, the disciples of Piaomiao Peak did not leave the gate all day long, and not many people knew their true strength.

I just hope that these elders will not regret it...

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