
A scroll descended from the sky, and the three big characters of the list of immortals were written on the top of the scroll.

There has been a large-scale change in the name on it.

Celestial list.

The fiftieth leader of the villain gang, Li Xiaobai!

Fifty-first Blood Knife Ye Sandao!


After defeating Ye Sandao, Li Xiaobai climbed to the 50th place in the list of immortals, and half of the monks fell back one place.

"Hey, this man is so strong that he can't keep a low profile, so can't he let me be a handsome man quietly?"

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed.

"Li Xiaobai!"

"Break into me into the sword sect mountain gate, and dare to behead my sword sect disciple in front of the old man. If you don't cut you into pieces in front of the world today, it's hard to understand that I hate you!"


The Great Elder's face was extremely ugly, and he stretched out a finger to volley in the air.


Li Xiaobai flew upside down, spitting out blood, and his energy and spirit instantly weakened.

Attribute points + 5 million...

Is this a semi-holy practice?

It's just a flick of the fingers to have such power!

He took out a handful of Tianxiang life-extending pills and stuffed them into his mouth, the injuries in his body began to heal quickly, and his face gradually turned rosy.

"Hmph! How dare a mere junior in the Heavenly Wonderland deceive me that there is no one in the Sword Sect?"

"Today, I will make you lose all face in front of the people of the world, so as to fulfill the prestige of my sword sect!"

The Great Elder grabbed Li Xiaobai and disappeared without a trace.

Fortunately, this was only inside the Sword Sect, and no outsiders saw Ye Sandao being instantly killed. If the major forces who came to participate in the discussion today saw it, I am afraid that his Sword Sect will lose face in the future, and it will be difficult to have it. What a deterrent.

After a few breaths.

Daozong, above the main peak.

Li Xiaobai was still tied up in front of everyone, along with Liu Jinshui and others, as well as more than a hundred children.

At this moment, the main peak is overcrowded. There is a huge arena on the top of the peak. On the left and right sides are the elders and young talents of the major families.

"Is this Li Xiaobai, the peerless genius who made a lot of noise in Zhongyuan Realm?"

"Yeah, I heard that he once dominated the fairyland, and he is a terrific arrogance."

"There's nothing to argue about in a mere fairyland. The list of immortals is the real big talent! This guy has no background, how can he compare to a genius like me who was created by the family with all the resources since childhood?"

At one end of the arena, the young talents were whispering, they already knew about Li Xiaobai's arrival, and they were not surprised, but they began to criticize, and they were quite critical and unconvinced.

"Li Xiaobai, the old man hasn't gone looking for you yet, but you actually sent him to your door. Why, do you think you didn't live long enough?"

The master of Dao Sect was an old man in gray, with a big knife on his back, as tall as a man, with a frightening power in his eyes, he was approaching Li Xiaobai.

"I'm just passing by. I didn't expect your sword sect to be so petty that you can't even borrow a way. If it's in my sword sect, I can't wait for people to come to the second peak every day!"

Li Xiaobai said casually with a calm expression.

"Excessive words, not to mention that you are an outsider who broke into the important place of the sect, and you are still killing my disciples of the sword sect at will. If you are not punished today, it will really damage the prestige of my sword sect!"

"The old man has been looking for traces of you and Ying Diao since the small secret realm of the ghosts. Now I use your blood to pay homage to my dead disciple. In the future, I will let Ying Diao pay back a hundred times!"

The gray-clothed old man's face was gloomy and cold, and he ordered Li Xiaobai to be beheaded for public display.

But at this time, a long sword fell from the void, the hilt was golden, and the river of stars flowed on the sword, as if it contained the universe, and a faint voice came over lightly.

"Everyone, the disciples of the Sword Sect will be rewarded and punished by Ying himself, and there is no need for others to do it for him. My disciple has made the Sword Sect bother!"

Holding the scroll in his hand, the dull young man walked out from the sword glow.

"Should mink!"

Seeing this person, all the elders present looked horrified. When did this guy come?

"Sect Master Ying, who broke into my mountain gate so casually and appeared in front of this old man, he still has the Dao Sect in his eyes, but he still has the master of the Dao Sect!"

The eyes of the gray-clothed old man spit fire, and the younger one ran away, but the old one also came, and they all broke in. Does this mean that he regards the sword sect as his back garden? Can come in and out at will?

Especially at this juncture of the Dao Discussion Conference, if this member of the Sword Sect is let go today, I am afraid that the Sword Sect will no longer have prestige at all.

"Don't be angry, senior Dao. Ying's coming here is really helpless. The disciples of the disciples have caused trouble for the Dao Sect. As the suzerain, Ying must stand up and apologize."

"This Blood Lieyang God Grass should be regarded as Jianzong's apology. It's a small meaning, not a respect."

Ying Diao took out a fiery red flower, gently pushed it, and it floated into the hands of the old man in gray.

"Blood Lieyang Divine Grass?"

"This is a rare treasure in the world. It is said that after taking it, it will have twice the result with half the effort for those who practice the overbearing technique. Even if they have not practiced the overbearing technique, they can be reborn and their whole face will be radiant!"

Hearing this name, everyone's breathing became a little short.

This effect is secondary, and the most important point is that the Blood Lieyang God Grass is a heaven and earth spirit grass for monks in the semi-holy realm!

In other words, this thing is effective even if eaten by a half-sage. The strength of a half-sage is already extremely terrifying. If it is reborn, I am afraid that the strength will go up to a higher level. Moreover, the master of the knife sect repairs the knife, which is the purest overbearing Cultivation method, after taking this flower, the skyrocketing strength can be said to be a certainty.

Who can refuse such a good thing?

"You guys have really good eyesight. This Bloody Sun God Grass has infinite uses. As for what kind of magical effects it has, I can only describe it to me after the old swordsman has taken it."

"Refining the Blood Lieyang God Grass requires an extremely quiet environment, so please don't bother me, this junior, please leave!"

Ying Diao clasped his fists, his expression still dull, he turned around and was about to leave with Li Xiaobai and others.


The old man in gray narrowed his eyes, and said coldly.

"What does Sect Master Ying think of my Dao Sect? Come and leave whenever you want?"

"The old man finally understands why this son is so bold and defiant. This is due to the teaching of the suzerain!"

"The disciple of the door is stubborn, and Ying will be disciplined when he returns home! Let him come to the door to apologize in person at another time."

Ying Diao turned around and said expressionlessly.

"If an apology is useful, what do you need the law enforcement team to do?"

"This town has killed many of my disciples of the Sword Sect. We can't just let it go. Tens of thousands of cultivators died in your hands in the Ghost Realm and his party. He must pay the price! You are the same!"

The old man in gray said lightly, since he has joined the Sword Sect, there is no reason to let him go. If Ying Diao is killed, the Sword Sect will collapse in an instant, and his Sword Sect will be firmly ranked first in the Eastern Continent!

"If Ying Xing thinks it is right, are you here today to discuss the Tao?"

"Only talking about the Tao, without harming your life, is it just empty talk?"

Ying Diao pointed to a sentence engraved on the stone tablet beside him and said calmly.

On the inscription is clearly written a line of characters "The way of the swordsman is also the way of the gods and warriors not to kill!"

The gray-clothed old man said coldly, "This rule is only for people who talk about the Tao. You wait for such a trespasser, and you will die!"

Ying Diao pulled out the sword stuck in the ground, "Since this is the case, how about Ying wanting to discuss with you?"

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