"I really can't see that Sect Master Ying is still a troublemaker. I heard that Sect Master Ying made a breakthrough a few days ago, and his strength and cultivation are already close to the holy realm. I wonder if it is true?"

The old man in gray said.

"It's insignificant to be insignificant."

Ying Diao waved his hand and said lightly.

"Ying remembers that this Dao Sect Discussion Conference is to invite heroes from all over the world. My Sword Sect has also received an invitation. Please take a look, Mr. Dao. I still have this invitation card!"

Ying Diao took out an envelope from his bosom, a trace of sarcasm flashed across his dull face, this invitation letter was sent by Dao Zong, he did not come here uninvited.

It's just a courtesy, who told you to come here?

The gray-clothed old man's eyes were quite cold.

"Since Sect Master Ying wants to discuss the Dao, Dao Lao may as well give him a position, just let me wait to see how strong this Sword Sect is."

The elders of the various factions vassalizing the Sword Sect said that seeing Ying Diao here has revived their minds. It is no secret that the Sword Sect now has the Holy Realm powerhouse Xiaolaodi guarding the Eastern Continent.

This Ying Diao broke into the Sword Sect to save people so confidently, I am afraid that the little laodi is also nearby.

"Okay, okay, since the Patriarchs want to meet the Patriarch for a while, it's not easy for the old man to spoil your interest!"

"Come on, watch the seats!"

The grey-clothed old man had an ugly expression on his face, he knew clearly the little thoughts of these family forces.

But this is the Sword Sect, even if this Ying Diao has three heads and six arms, don't even think about leaving alive. There are two semi-sages in the Sword Sect, plus the sect's great formation, killing a Ying Diao who has not yet become a saint is as easy as flipping the palm of your hand!

So what if I let you live a little longer?

"Xiaobai, how many disciples of senior Dao's disciples have been arrested, and they should be released together now?"

With a flick of his fingers, Ying Diao cut the rope and released the seals in everyone's dantian, and then sat carelessly on the grand teacher's chair brought by his disciples with a calm expression.

"Not many, only a thousand or eight hundred people."

Li Xiaobai understood, and immediately took out the emerald gourd. The emerald green light flashed, and thousands of disciples collapsed on the ring.

Flipping his wrist again casually, he took out a small broken bowl, shining white light, and Ye Sandao, who was in a state of dizziness, was thrown out.

The small broken bowl is a new variety in the mall, an upgraded version of the emerald gourd, which can be used as a cultivator in the fairyland.

The small broken bowl can be used to accept monks from the Heavenly Wonderland. (The price is 10,000 pieces of the best fairy stone)

Note come to the bowl!

I have to say that this broken bowl is as easy to use as ever.

"This... where is this?"

"It was Li Xiaobai, who suppressed us!"

"Sovereign! I have seen the suzerain!"

The disciples who had just been released were dazed and disoriented, and seemed a little confused. After seeing the gray-clothed old man sitting in the middle, they suddenly seemed to have found a savior, "Sect Master, here Li Xiaobai entered my sword sect like no one else." In this situation, the suzerain is also requested to take revenge for our senior brothers!"


"What kind of cultivation is this son, to suppress so many Dao Sect disciples with all his strength?"

"That's Ye Sandao, right? The young master ranked fifty on the Celestial Ranking has been suppressed!"

"Dao Zong has lost face this time!"

Looking at the many Sword Sect disciples lying dead on the ring, the four were shocked, the younger generation disciples involuntarily widened their eyes, and the faces of the major forces gradually became a little playful. Does this mean that in the hearts of Sword Sect monks? , no longer have awe of the sword sect?

And this attitude does not only come from senior Xiaolaodi, but because the disciples of Sword Sect have surpassed Sword Sect?

From this point of view, it might not be wise to continue to follow Daozong in the future.

There must be a wound in a sword fight, they need to stand in line, and they have to stand on the side that wins in the end.

"Stand up, old man! The disciples of the Sword Sect are indomitable and invincible, when did you bastards come out!"

"All of you go to the Criminal Law Hall to accept your punishment. Now that this matter is over, you can leave the Sword Sect. The Sword Sect doesn't support useless people!"

The muscles in the corners of the gray-clothed old man's eyes twitched unconsciously, and he forced a few words out of his teeth with a ferocious expression.

It's okay to be suppressed by others, but it's so stupid to show others' aspirations and destroy one's own prestige in front of so many family forces!

If it weren't for the gathering of all the major forces here, he would have taken action to cleanse the sect's evil disciples.


All the disciples in the arena were obedient and left in despair. Only after seeing the power of the major families around them did they understand what happened. They were embarrassing and smearing the Sword Sect in front of the monks of the Eastern Continent. No wonder the Sect Master was so angry .

"Senior Dao doesn't have to be so angry. Master Li Feng is the master of a peak. Naturally, his cultivation and strength are not comparable to these juniors. Although they are similar in age, their levels are already very different. It is a natural thing to be suppressed." normal."

Ying Diao sat upright and spoke slowly.

"Sect Master Ying has taught a good disciple!"

The grey-clothed old man's heart was burning with anger, this Ying Diao blatantly sarcastically made no fear of his Daozong failure?

"Everyone, the purpose of our various ethnic groups gathering today is to learn from each other's strengths and make progress together. Since Jianzong is also here, let's get serious. Here is a picture of the sword array, the meaning of which is endless. Every year, there are many The disciples of many disciples can realize different types of sword intent from it, let everyone take a look today and see which talented and intelligent generation can realize the Tao from it!"

The Great Elder at the side felt that things were getting a bit tricky. With so many eyes staring at them, it was not easy for them to kill the mink directly. Killing must be done, but it can't just be done like this. It must be done to convince everyone Orally, otherwise the major families will only think that the Sword Sect has a guilty conscience and are afraid of the rebirth of the Sword Sect Master, so they will kill him with more victories than few.

In this way, even if Jianzong is eliminated, the reputation of Daozong will drop a lot. They need a chance to rekindle the prestige of Dao.

After hesitating for a moment, he took out a parchment scroll, which outlined a scene of thousands of troops and horses. This is a picture of a battle on the battlefield, with gold and iron horses. Shocking and exciting.

"Hiss! It's actually a diagram of the knife array!"

"If the old man remembers correctly, the Sword Intent and Nobile that the Great Elder comprehended came from this picture, right?"

Looking at the picture scroll unfolded in the void, all the monks felt the blood in their bodies agitated. They had all heard of the name of the knife array map. Being able to perceive the will of the battlefield from it has a lot of benefits for one's own practice.

"That's right, the old man's chaotic gold hairpin came from a female general in the battlefield. This is just a kind of sword intent in the sword array. It is said that each person in this picture represents a kind of artistic conception. It is only waiting for those who are destined to understand it. !"

"Are you all satisfied?"

The Great Elder put his hands behind his back and said with a faint smile.


"The Sword Sect deserves to be the number one sect in the Eastern Continent. I admire the generosity of its moves!"

The monks looked excited. If they can really understand the Tao, it will be a great improvement in their cultivation and strength, and it will even affect their lives.

The gray-clothed old man nodded slightly, and glanced at Ying Diao, "In this case, then everyone, send juniors to the stage to see which family's juniors can learn from it."

"Sect Master Ying, does your Sword Sect have any disciples who can take the stage?"

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