Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1011 The Old Beggar's Life Peak

"I'm Xu Fu, the housekeeper of the Xu Family in the Southern Continent. If the disciples of the Sword Sect are in trouble in the Southern Continent, you can come to my Xu Family for help!"

The middle-aged man with a big belly smiled cheerfully while rubbing his round belly.

"My servant, Wu Menghua, is Wu Mengyao's biological mother. The little girl has been taken care of by Jianzong!"

A middle-aged woman smiled lightly, her demeanor was still elegant and charming.

Li Xiaobai who was on the side suddenly woke up after hearing the other party's words. No wonder these masters looked familiar. Many of these people looked quite similar to the arrested Tianjiao, and they presumably were their biological parents.

When close relatives come to the door, fortune and misfortune are unpredictable!

But at the moment, these people obviously don't realize that the old man they worshiped like a god is actually just a fake and shoddy product, and he is just a weak chicken at all, relying on acting skills to turn them around.

"The elders of Baihuamen..."

"I will be the deacon of the Demon Sect..."


The semi-holy powerhouses reported themselves one after another, with kind smiles on their faces, and a very friendly look.

Ying Diao knew that it was all for the sake of senior Xiaolaodi, otherwise his Jianzong would definitely not be qualified to be on an equal footing with these super sect masters, even if he was far superior to them alone.

"Great kindness to all comrades, Ying has written it down. If there is a need in the future, Ying will definitely help!"

Ying Diao saluted seriously, not daring to neglect.

"If you have any trouble, just report the old man's name. This favor is owed by the old man. Why should you, a junior, pay it back?"

The old beggar waved his hand and said calmly, with one mouthful he was the big brother Fan.

"Senior taught me that!"

"If we accept the favor of the suzerain, it is tantamount to looking down on senior Xiao Laodi. This is absolutely impossible. In the future, we will help each other and seek common development!"

All the half-sages bowed their heads and said yes, and they dare not neglect Emperor Xiaolao's instruction.

In their view, it is a great honor to be taught by Xiao Laodi, but Li Xiaobai's ears are trembling with fear, good guy, the old beggar can really act, and he just treats these senior bosses as younger brothers He yelled and drank, and even enjoyed immersing himself in it.

But it seems that these bosses really do like this. The more powerful and domineering the old beggars are, the stronger their awe will be.

These masters had already preconceived the old beggar as the little emperor without the slightest doubt, so the effect of this deception was surprisingly good, and even the old beggar just hooked his fingers and brought them to the sword sect.

Ying Diao's complexion also became brighter. At this moment, he finally understood why Jianzong had so many masters out of thin air, and his feelings were all due to debt collection!

These holy realms and heavenly realms are all from the super sects of the Southern Continent. When Li Xiaobai was still in the human fairyland a few months ago, he kidnapped dozens of masters on the human immortal list. hands.

Naturally, these famous families would not agree easily, and after counting the days, it is indeed time to find them.

Fortunately, there is senior Xiaolaodi here, who can deter the heroes, otherwise, the situation in the Eastern Continent today may have to be reversed.

"Fellow daoists are open-minded people. Today's events should be kept in mind. Your disciples are intact in Jianzong! These days, Jianzong has been supporting them with the best resources."

"After all, it's a fight between juniors. A certain student of Ying's sect is stubborn. I'm here to apologize to fellow Taoists. Please forgive me!"

Ying Diao cupped his fists and said.

"Where did it come from? It was the ineffective junior of my family who provoked him first. It would be good to be beaten up to let him realize the reality. It will save you from being coquettish in the family all day long!"

The middle-aged man with a pot belly named Xu Fu said with a light smile, his attitude was outrageous, and he was completely different from when he was about to destroy the sword sect just now.

"It's okay, everyone will be on their own in the future, and there is no need to divide each other, not to mention that these juniors have made great progress in their cultivation base in Jianzong, which is far from what these super sects can compare. If you really want to say it, they still have to thank you !"

The old beggar rubbed his teeth and said nonchalantly.

"Ahem, yes, yes, it's all well trained by the seniors. My ineffective son is about to enter the fairyland. It's really unbelievable!"

"That's right. According to the original plan of the sect, Mengyao should have suppressed the realm and strengthened his foundation at this moment, but now not only is his foundation terrifyingly solid, but his cultivation has even reached the Earth Fairyland early. The senior's method, we can only wait for it." It's just admiration!"

"Senior doesn't recruit many disciples, it's really a big loss for Zhongyuanjie!"

A group of semi-sacred masters flattered their beggars and flattered the old beggar at the right time.

They originally came to Xingshi to inquire about their crimes, but the sword sect gave them surprises one after another. For a while, they couldn't understand the background and footsteps of this sect.

From all levels, the resources possessed by this sword sect are even higher than those of the super sect, but there is no other strong person in the holy realm in this sect except Xiaolaodi, a passer-by, and even half-sages can only respond. Mink alone, this is very intriguing.

Maybe there is a mysterious strong behind this sect, and it needs to be treated with caution.

The old beggar laughed loudly, seeming to be very helpful, "Hahaha, since this knife sect has been resolved, let's go home!"

"From now on, the East Continent will be our one-way house. When I turn around, I will go talk to that Beichen Feng, let him take it easy, and avoid arresting Sword Sect disciples in the future!"

"Ma De, this guy is really good at pretending! The one standing in that position should be Ben Fozi!"

Er Gouzi looked at the old beggar who was shouting and shouting at many strong men in the void, envious of him.

"You go up to deliver food."

Li Xiaobai sarcastically said mercilessly, this guy secretly ran off to the West Desert behind their backs, and the debt has not been settled with him yet!

"I didn't expect that after so many days, this old guy has completely risen."

Ji Wuqing was also envious.

"This is playing with fire. If a bad person reveals his true identity, we will be torn to pieces in an instant."

Li Xiaobai is frowning. He knows the true identity of the old beggar. Believe it, it makes people a little speechless.

I just hope he doesn't get too complacent, if he accidentally reveals a trace of his immortal power, it will be a disaster for people to see his feet.

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