Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1012 Returning To Sword Sect

Eastern Continent.

On this day, the creatures on the entire continent could clearly see that the sky suddenly darkened.

Nearly a million sword immortals stepped on flying swords and walked in the sky, covering the clouds and the sun like a long dragon. The sharp sword energy is vertical and horizontal. Even if there is no way to display it, the powerful momentum composed of millions of people is very impressive. Just look up Looking at it, I felt that my eyes were stabbed by the sword intent.

"The Immortal is above, I am waiting to welcome the Immortal!"

The common people didn't know why, they just regarded it as a fairy going out on a tour, blessing the world, and they knelt down and paid respects.

Li Xiaobai's mood was also agitated. It was indeed a feat to exert pressure with the power of a million monks, as if the emperor was on a tour.

If you arrest me alone, I will destroy your whole family, and bring all the monks of the sect to destroy your whole family, how can this be played?

I'm afraid there is no force in Zhongyuan Realm who is willing to play with people like this.


An extremely pure sword intent flashed across the void, and landed on a child in the back compartment of the truck. This little doll had just played a cutscene when he was reading the diagram of the sword formation, and what he understood was a sword. The monk stepping on the sword and flying felt something in his heart, and he realized it for the second time.

This is a big step ahead among the hundreds of children. You must know that even the ten most fierce children who have comprehended the fighting spirit so far have never had the experience of comprehending again.

A small golden sword landed on top of the child's head. Its shape was the same as before, except that there was a small word "Quan!" on the hilt.

"Yi Yi Ya Ya!"

The milk boy arrived as promised, almost instinctively rushing towards the child who understood the sword of power, kicked the two dogs under his crotch with his short legs, and stretched out his small hand to pull the small golden sword, scaring the child back again and again , dissipated the sword intent and returned to the ordinary.

"The milk boy said that he will be the boss in the future, and he will beat anyone who dares to show the vision again!"

Ergouzigou relied on the power of others, dragged the spies and said in a long voice.

The children huddled in their corners, not daring to move, and Milkman nodded in satisfaction.

"This child will definitely be a sword fairy in the future!"

Li Xiaobai ignored the fight between them, and muttered to himself while staring at the child who showed the vision just now.

It seems that the children's first comprehension determines the direction of their future development.

These children were all abducted by the Buddhist sect, and they haven't been named yet. If you give them a name later, it can be regarded as taking root in Jianzong.

Inside Jianzong.

Li Xiaobai and others returned to the mountain gate, filled with emotion.

There is no change in Jianzong. A huge mountain towering into the sky stands extremely incongruously in the sect, and the stars are scattered, showing its specialness and the incomparable privilege of its master.

All the disciples in the sect were brought out by the old beggar, they seemed very excited along the way, firstly, they could help Master Li Feng and suzerain with their own abilities, and secondly, today's trip was really honorable.

"I didn't expect that we would also stand side by side with Master Ying Li Feng. I can brag about this for the rest of my life!"

"From now on, this will be my gossip after tea and dinner. In a few days, I will go to a small border country and find a small teahouse to talk about it to people!"

"Hey hey, I'm different. I'm going to write this down and read it back to my son, so that he can know that his father is not very human!"

"Hahaha, we will be considered sword immortals in the future..."

The Jianzong monks chatted enthusiastically, and the excitement could not be subsided for a long time.

Ten years of sharpening a sword, they have been sharpening for decades, isn't it for the purpose of being able to come in handy one day?

Now not only come in handy, but also a great use!

Put all the strength of the sect to suppress the sword sect and save the suzerain and the peak master!

Xiaolaodi, a strong man in the holy realm, personally led the team, accompanied by ten semi-sacred masters, and all the disciples of the Sword Sect came out in full force. Is there anything more exciting than this?

Today's battle will be a battle of fame for all the monks of Jianzong. From now on, no sect in the Eastern Continent will dare to be an enemy of Jianzong.

"Junior brother, this is your hilltop, so magnificent!"

Liu Jinshui was amazed, this mountain seemed to be bigger than the sect, and his junior brother had developed really well in the Eastern Continent!

"Senior brother will follow you from now on. Although there is a big sister in the southern continent to help you can get a holy son, but it's too uncomfortable to be controlled by others everywhere. It's better on your side, brother. Although the sect is a bit weaker, it has potential. Infinity!"

Thinking of the intrigues in the sect, Liu Jinshui is one head and four big, as the saying goes, he would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, he thinks this place is pretty good.

"Senior brother is able to come, the younger brother is naturally welcome, and I will give the senior brother a job on the second peak."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, returning to Jianzong smoothly, his heart is half relieved.

"Little junior brother, can you find out what the old Tianwu is doing now?"

Liu Jinshui approached Li Xiaobai and asked mysteriously.

"If it's not bad, it should be the cultivation base of the fairyland, right?"

Li Xiaobai thought for a moment and replied that when he left Jianzong to go to the Buddhist kingdom in the Western Continent, the old man had stepped into the earthly fairyland. If there were no special opportunities, it would be difficult to be promoted to the rank of heavenly immortals in a short time.

"A genius?"

"When did the Earth Immortal dare to be so arrogant, his old man has such a big heart!"

Liu Jinshui was dumbfounded, saying that this old man is a half-sage, he can still accept it a little bit, not to mention that a mere fairyland cultivation base pretends to be a little emperor, and he still has a decent way of pointing fingers, shouting at all the half-sages?

Wouldn't his heart be flustered?

"Everyone, please move to the main hall of the suzerain."

Ying Diao said loudly.

After entering Jianzong, the disciples spontaneously disbanded, and Li Xiaobai and his group followed the old beggar into the main hall of the sect.

"Senior, please!"

Ying Diao took the initiative to give up his seat and invited the old beggar to sit on the suzerain seat. He had no grudges in his heart. Senior Xiao Laodi's cultivation was unrivaled, and Jianzong was just a passer-by to him, and there was no such thing as seizing power.

"You are the suzerain, so you are the one to take this seat. This old man is not shameless enough to take other people's seats."

The old beggar waved his hand, and casually found a seat beside him and sat down. The ten semi-sacred powerhouses followed closely behind, sitting next to the old beggar.

"Fellow daoists are here today, presumably because their respective disciples are here, please wait a moment, Ying has already ordered his disciples to invite them to reunite with you."

After everyone was seated, Ying Diao said with a faint smile.

These super sects sent people here, naturally to bring back their disciples, and he also wished for them to be able to deal with these hot potatoes. If they were kept in the sect all the time, in case they were attacked by a strong enemy one day, they accidentally killed them One, there is no way to explain to these top forces.

But what the middle-aged man with a big belly said next made him stunned.

"It doesn't matter, in fact, I came here for these incompetent disciples, but I didn't take them back, but wanted them to continue to practice in Jianzong, and we even wanted to reach a cooperation with Jianzong to let more Disciple disciples come to Jianzong to practice!"

"As long as you can agree to Xu's request, and the conditions should be opened by the suzerain, I will treat it as food expenses!"

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