Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1013: Each Has His Own Thoughts


Hearing this, Ying Diao gasped, did he hear correctly, these masters of famous schools in front of him actually made such a request?

Instead of pursuing Li Xiaobai for kidnapping the disciples of the major sects, he took the initiative to let the disciples stay and continue to practice?

"Why are you fellow Taoists like this?"

"Jianzong is just a small place, and it can't be compared with your super sects!"

Ying Diao said with a slight frown.

"Haha, Sect Master Ying is hiding his clumsiness. Even I am jealous of your sect's training resources. If it is not for our status and face, we all wish we could come to Jianzong to practice!"

Xu Fu stroked his chubby belly, and said with a cheerful smile.

"That's right, Sect Master Ying, since we've come here, we've naturally visited the Guizong. My family, Mengyao, has only practiced in the Guizong for a month or two, and her foundation is twice as deep as when she left home. Also took advantage of the opportunity to arrive at the Earth Fairyland, this achievement is due to Jianzong!"

The middle-aged woman who still had the charm covered her face and smiled lightly. She was the mother of Wu Mengyao, who was once a genius in the fairyland. Seeing her daughter's progress in cultivation, she was naturally very happy in her heart.

"Yeah, Jianzong's Liangpin Shop and Tangneng Yipin are very unique, and they are unique. Once you try them, you will linger and forget to return. If it wasn't for me, I still need to go back to my life. I really want to stay here for a while to practice! "

"Not only that, but what I admire the most is the number one check-in point on the second peak, the latrine!"

"The disciples work in the latrines every morning. On the one hand, they can sharpen their minds. On the other hand, they can also create wealth and resources for the mortal country. The merits are immeasurable. The most important thing is that the latrines of the noble clan truly treat everyone equally. Because of the special status of our disciples, we give privileges, and when it’s time to shovel shit, it’s not vague at all, and the squeamishness that came out of the big family has disappeared!”

"This is a blessing for monks!"

The other half-sages also nodded frequently, and they were full of praise for the various measures on the second peak of Jianzong. Maybe they were annoyed at the beginning because their disciples were covered in mud and smelly, but then they realized that Under the dirty appearance, the demeanor and demeanor of these young geniuses have become more and more calm and sophisticated, and the arrogance of being invincible in the super sect has completely faded away, and they have become monks who can truly stand on their own.

You must know that there are countless crises in the world of practice. If you don’t have enough xinxing, you will only be reduced to the soul of others in the first place. This is also the most troublesome problem for the major super sects. Privileged, even if their elders often preach, it is difficult to really change anything.

But it's different now, the second peak of Jianzong is just a small cesspool, which solved the most worrying part of their hearts, and it solved it perfectly!

Coupled with the help of Liangpin Shop and Tangneng Yipin Bathhouse, the two-pronged approach of xinxing and strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Li Xiaobai watched with cold eyes, not surprised by this result.

After all, both Bathhouse and Huazi are produced by the system, not to mention these semi-holy ones, even if they come here, they will linger and forget to return.

Of course, the old beggar played an important role in this. If it were not for the existence of the fake Xiaolaodi, these big families would not sit down and talk so calmly. I am afraid that they would have used the topic to use the topic to rectify the sword sect, so as to carve up Huazi. And the resources of the bathhouse sub.

I have to say that the shield of Senior Xiao Lao Di is really useful.

"So that's the case, seniors are over-reputed. Although Jianzong has some resources, they are just small and big troubles. It can't compare with the profound foundation of the super sect."

Ying Diao said humbly.

"If it is said that resources are used to cultivate future generations, but when it comes to disciples, I don't think there is any Tianjiao in the Zhongyuan world who can be around Li Fengzhu. After killing back and forth in the Buddha Kingdom, I was able to leave safely and unharmed in the end, this strength is incomparable to me when I was young!"

A half-sage took a sip of tea, then changed the subject to Li Xiaobai who had been in the audience.

"Inadvertently broke some confidential events of the Buddha Kingdom, so he was regarded as an enemy. In fact, it was just a misunderstanding!"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said calmly.

"Oh? The secret of the Buddhist kingdom? It seems to be an extremely confidential matter, otherwise the abbot master of Daleiyin Temple would not personally issue an ultimatum and offer an astronomical reward for the capture of Lord Li Feng!"

"The Buddha Kingdom is offering a sky-high price!"

Ying Diao obviously didn't receive any related news, and a look of shock appeared on his dull face. Of course, he couldn't understand what the Buddha Kingdom represented, and it was almost the whole Western Continent.

A few days ago, Li Xiaobai did go to the Western Continent, but after only a few days, why was he directly wanted by the Buddha Kingdom?

"The Eastern Continent and the Western Continent face each other across the sea. In addition, the news is blocked. It is normal for the news to be delayed. It is no secret that we and other major families have spies stationed in the Western Continent. Get it right the first time."

The woman who still has the charm said.

Xu Fu smiled lightly and said, "I don't know what kind of confidential matter it is, but Master Li might as well tell you about it, you must know that if the secret is spread, it will no longer be a secret, then Master Wuyuzi will not make any more efforts to target Feng Master. "

"Yes, it is an original sin for one person to know a secret, but if everyone knows it, it is not a crime. Maybe we can serve as Li Feng's chief staff officer!"

Everyone said in unison that this was their second purpose after coming to the Eastern Continent. There must be some reason why they were wanted by the Buddha Kingdom. They wanted to find out what happened and find out the existence of this secret.

Looking at the crowd gradually showing their ferocious fangs, Ying Diao frowned slightly. Don't look at these people's amiability, it's on the premise that everyone has something to say, if one party doesn't speak well, I'm afraid there will be no So easy to talk about.


"What are you arguing about? When you come up, you start asking questions. Do you take this old man seriously?"

"The old man also went to West Desert and saw a lot of secrets. Why don't you ask the old man?"

The old beggar interrupted everyone's interrogation by slapping the table, and shouted sharply.

"Ugh, juniors don't dare!"

"Senior's achievements are unrivaled, so going to that Buddhist country is naturally to learn Buddhism with eminent Buddhist monks. The younger generation heard that the senior has defeated and killed the monk without words, and his combat power is unparalleled in the world!"

They were so anxious that they forgot the existence of each other after being yelled at by the old beggar.

With such a great god sitting by their side, how could they possibly overwhelm others and ask for news?

"It's good to know."

The old beggar said something coldly.

Then he muttered in a low voice, "The old man is actually so powerful?"

He was sitting next to Li Xiaobai, Li Xiaobai's complexion was very dark, this old guy was really bluffing, he didn't even know that Xiao Laodi had gone to the Western Continent, it was natural for this guy to brag.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, but it's just a piece of news, and it will do me no harm if I tell it."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, looked at the crowd in front of him, his eyes rolled around, thinking about it.

He knew that these people were only afraid of the power of the Emperor Xiaolao, and deep down in their hearts they would never give up until their goals were achieved. In this case, he might as well resort to tricks and use the hands of these super sects to exert a little pressure on the Buddha Kingdom.

"Oh? I don't know what news it is?"

"Appreciate further details!"

Hearing this, the ten half-sages immediately cheered up. They thought they would not be able to ask questions today with the presence of the old beggar, but they didn't expect to get unexpected rewards. This young man is not bad, he has eyesight!

"Since the seniors want to hear it, let's talk about it."

"Seniors, do you know some secrets from thousands of years ago?"

Li Xiaobai took a sip of tea and said lightly.

"Lord Li Feng said that it was the era when geniuses fell one after another. As far as I know, there was a glorious era thousands of years ago. Countless geniuses competed together, but suddenly disappeared collectively overnight, as if they had never been in this world. , Could it be that this matter has something to do with Buddhism?"

Hearing Li Xiaobai's question, Xu Fu said cooperatively that if they want to ask each other's secrets, they naturally have to tell some things they know in exchange, but just for this question, it shows that this child has a high probability. Already knew about this.

"Senior Xu's words are correct, but do you know what the masters of the various sects have been doing since then?"

Li Xiaobai smiled slightly and continued.


"I also ask the peak master to speak clearly."

The half-saints looked at each other, they had answers in each other's minds, but they didn't dare to say it directly. This is the real secret, which is recorded in the scrolls passed down from generation to generation in their respective sects. Only the suzerains of the past generations can grasp the whole picture. I only know a scale and a half claw.

"It's okay to tell you. Since then, all sects and sects have devoted themselves to researching a brand new cultivation method. Although the specific reason is not clear, these masters are all studying the new cultivation system without exception."

"And it continues to this day."

Li Xiaobai glanced at everyone and said.

"Master Li Feng means that Buddhism has mastered a new method of cultivation?"

Several people became a little excited, what they heard was the same as what was recorded in the ancient books of their respective sects, which proved that what the other party said was true.

Ying Diao and the old beggar also pricked up their ears, full of doubts in their hearts, this is a big secret, why can Li Xiaobai tell them directly without any burden?

"Yes and no."

"Buddhism is indeed researching a new method of cultivation, but it is only half successful so far."

Li Xiaobai said with a faint smile.

"What does this mean?"

"Why is it only half successful?"

Xu Fu frowned slightly, a little impatient.

Li Xiaobai said leisurely, "Because Buddhism has only found a way to obtain a new cultivation system, and has not really obtained the way of cultivation, but if they are allowed to continue to develop, it is only a matter of time before they find a new method."

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