Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1015 I Am Willing To Die Of Old Age In Jianzong

outside the temple.

Dozens of Tianjiao youths slowly walked into the hall.

Li Xiaobai saw quite a few familiar faces, and the leader was none other than the former genius girl and now everyone's big sister, Wu Mengyao.

"Junior Wu Mengyao has met the suzerain and all the seniors!"

Wu Mengyao behaved very dignifiedly and did a lot of courtesy.

"I have seen the suzerain, I have seen the seniors!"

A group of young juniors behind them also saluted and bowed to the many masters in this hall.

"You waited for the big families to come, and you haven't seen your relatives and seniors?"

Ying Diao said with a smile on his dull face.


The joy of being able to see relatives in a foreign country is indescribable, and Wu Mengyao was very excited.



"Clan elder!"

The rest of the disciples also got excited and saluted the seniors of their respective families, with uncontrollable joy in their eyes.

After several months, their family finally came, and the organization did not abandon them!

The family still values ​​them!

"Yaoer, you have grown up!"

The middle-aged woman who still had her charm nodded, her eyes full of approval.

Although her daughter was well-educated and reasonable in the past, as a parent, she knew all too well that these were just appearances piled up with etiquette, and she was still a cold and arrogant woman deep in her heart.

But it's different now, her daughter has really become a lot more humble, that's the temperament revealed in her gestures, and it can't be achieved by deliberately pretending.

"Mother is absurd!"

Wu Mengyao laughed and said, "Senior brother Li has contributed a lot to today's achievements!"

"That's right, we all have to rely on Senior Brother Li's Tang Neng Yipin and Liangpin Store to achieve such achievements. Thanks to these two genius treasures, we can achieve such achievements."

"If you rely on me to wait for yourself, you will never be able to practice this step!"

"And thanks to Brother Li's latrine sharpening our minds, we have become more calm, otherwise the many bottlenecks and hurdles in our practice may not be able to overcome so smoothly."

All the disciples didn't take any credit for it. After staying in the second peak of Jianzong for such a long period of time, they went through three stages in total.

When I first entered the latrine of the second peak of Jianzong, I was angry and shocked. After getting used to the daily life of shoveling excrement and working, my mentality gradually stabilized, accepting the reality of working with peace of mind, and looking forward to being comfortable in the bathroom after working every day Take a Huazi.

And now, they've entered the final stage, and they've gotten used to it.

During the day, if you don’t shovel shit in the morning, you feel uncomfortable all over, and you always feel that something is missing. If you don’t have Huazi and Shuandangzi to assist you in the practice, the speed of practice will plummet, like a turtle’s speed. This Jianzong has become a part of their lives.

Coupled with the fact that Xu Yuan, the housekeeper on the second peak, brainwashed them day and night, their subconscious minds almost thought that Li Xiaobai was their reborn parents.

Under the blessing of various conditions, naturally he dare not take credit for it.

"Hahaha, good!"

"You are worthy of being a good son of my Xu family, with ambition and good conduct!"

Xu Fu laughed loudly, looking at his disciples who were full of praise.

"There is one matter that we have just discussed with Sect Master Ying, and now Sect Master Ying wants to hear your opinions."

The middle-aged woman who still had a charm took a sip of tea, looked at the many young talents and said.

All Tianjiao "Senior, but it's okay to talk!"

"It's a coincidence that we originally rushed to the Sword Sect of the Eastern Continent for the purpose of rescue, but now it seems that instead of suffering, you are determined to forge ahead and forge ahead through tempering , whether it is cultivation base or xinxing, everything is changing with each passing day."

"That's why we decided to keep you in this Jianzong to continue your practice, even if our family uses the hands of Jianzong to hone you, are you willing?"

The woman said slowly.

Everyone in the arena was silent, staring fixedly at this group of young talents, hoping that they could give a correct answer.

"Ahem, don't worry, think about it before answering. After all, it's about your future, so think about it."

Ying Diao couldn't help but interjected, saying that he wanted to imply that these geniuses would accept as soon as they were good, and leave as soon as they had to.

But the next words of these young people surprised him, almost spurting out a mouthful of old blood.

"It's true!"

"We are willing, we are so willing, I believe it is the dream of young monks in the entire Zhongyuan Realm to stay in Jianzong and practice!"

"Mother, this is definitely the most correct decision you have ever made!"

"Thank you suzerain for fulfilling it!"

"To tell you the truth, I have the heart to die in Jianzong!"

All the geniuses were quiet for a moment and then suddenly broke out. Originally, they were worried about what would happen to their future practice if they were brought back to the clan. Now, a word from the elders of each clan completely relieved their hearts.

Being able to let them continue to practice in Jianzong is the most beautiful words they have ever heard in their life.

"Uh... are you sure you have thought it through?"

"If you continue to practice in Jianzong, but you want to stay away from your hometown, relatives and friends, are you willing?"

"Besides, our Sword Sect's power is meager, no more than that of a super sect. If one day our enemies attack us, we won't be able to protect you."

Ying Diao's complexion changed, cloudy and sunny, he really wanted to send these little ancestors away immediately, but judging from the current situation, it seems that he won't be able to send them away in a short time!

"It's okay, suzerain, the road is chosen by oneself, we are responsible for our safety, and there is no need for Jianzong to pay for it!"

"That's right, as long as I can practice in Jianzong, my relatives and friends in my hometown don't matter, I am willing to recognize a father here!"

"Don't worry, suzerain, we will never cause trouble for Jianzong, just like these few months, we will be a little transparent on the second peak!"

The young talents said cheerfully.

"Sect Master Ying, you see that my disciples also mean the same thing, so why not just accept it, the food expenses are considered to be 10 million top-quality immortal stones every year, and Xu will have someone send them along in three days!"

Xu Fu said happily.

"My Baihuamen is the same, this matter is settled like this, with senior Xiaolaodi as the witness, I will offer the immortal stone with both hands in three days!"

The charming woman touched Wu Mengyao's long hair, and a look of joy appeared on her face.

Let these disciples enter Jianzong to practice, then there will be thousands of opportunities for more disciples to enter Jianzong to practice in the future. This kind of thing has happened countless times for the first time, and they know the way of it too well. up.

As long as the two parties establish contact, there is still a long way to go!

The semi-sage expressed his position one after another, and the old beggar glanced at Li Xiaobai without any trace, only to see that the other party was nodding his head slightly, but he didn't hesitate anymore, and he slapped the table and said loudly, "That's the matter, and I will get the money in three days! "

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