Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1016 Too Deep Into The Drama

"Thank you senior!"

The half-sages clasped their fists and bowed with joy in their hearts. This trip was not in vain. Not only did they find out the secrets about the Buddhist kingdom in the Western Continent, but they also solved the cultivation problem of the sect disciples along the way.

It is not difficult to imagine that in time, these arrogant disciples of theirs will definitely grow into a senior and powerful person in the Jianzong, and become the mainstay of the sect.

"Since the matter has been satisfactorily resolved, I'll take my leave first, suzerain master, senior, let's get in touch in three days!"

All the half-sages got up and said that they still had tasks to do, and they were anxious to return to their respective families to deliver news and report the secrets of the Buddhist kingdom to the sect.

This is a top priority. The Buddhist Kingdom wants to find new methods and explore a new cultivation system, and has already found a medium. Children are not difficult to find. Even though Li Xiaobai has rescued hundreds of children, it is not a big deal for the entire Western Continent. what.

Perhaps at this very moment, tens of thousands of babies are being sent to the Daleiyin Temple of the Buddhist Kingdom to be converted. Time is running out. We must report the situation in advance to find countermeasures.

"Fellow daoists, please go ahead, we will meet later."

Ying Diao nodded and said.


Many masters left one after another, and the hall suddenly became deserted.

"Sovereign, I will take my leave first."

Li Xiaobai saluted and said.

"and many more!"

"Leave the Fire Cloud Sword!"

Ying Mink said.

Li Xiaobai "..."


After a cup of tea.

Li Xiaobai returned to the second peak of Jianzong, and now the second peak is full of monks, almost all the monks of the sect gather here to practice.

Many disciples are from other peaks. Every day at sunrise, they come to the second peak to shovel shit, and at sunset, they reluctantly return to their own mountain to practice. They live a comfortable and comfortable life.

Fu Tiantian drove Li Xiaobai and others back to the mountain in a big truck.

On the second peak, countless sword lights soared into the sky, and the disciples of the disciples stood respectfully with their hands folded. The leader was none other than the housekeeper Xu Yuan. After seeing Li Xiaobai, he didn't leave any ink marks. The monks saluted and bowed in unison, and roared to the sky.

"Welcome Senior Brother Li back to the mountain!"

"Welcome Senior Brother Li back to the mountain!"

The howling sound is endless, echoing on the mountains for a long time.

"They are all Hao Erlang from my second peak. They are good at cultivation and have a bright future in the future."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

Such a scene made him look very handsome.

"Little brother, you are really good at this mountain, from now on, brother will follow you!"

Liu Jinshui also said cheerfully.

"Brother Li, everything has been properly arranged on the second peak of Jianzong, and several check-in points have been planned in detail. The one-stop service from the toilet to Tangneng Yipin bathhouse will definitely make the disciples linger and forget to return!"

Xu Yuan said respectfully.

"Well, you did a good job, keep up the good work."

Li Xiaobai nodded, having a reliable younger brother is really reassuring.

"Thank you Senior Brother Li!"

"I will continue to work hard!"

Xu Yuan was even more excited when he was praised, and shouted loudly with a flushed face.

"Master, it turns out that he is so respectful, not just an old bastard!"

Seeing the scene of swordsmanship shooting up into the sky all around, and the scene where the heroes were overwhelmed, Fu Tiantian's small mouth opened into an O-shape.

Once returning to the sect, the disciples of Manshan competed to surrender. This is a spectacular scene that has never been seen before. Such a cohesive sect has never been seen even in Moyun Cave full of brotherly loyalty. Her status as a cheap master The status is not simple!

Inside the main hall of the peak.

Li Xiaobai ordered his disciples to close the gate tightly, and entering the main hall of the peak, it was a conversation among themselves, and some secrets should not be known to outsiders.

"Wang, you old man is actually more nourishing than Ben Fozi. You have made a lot of good things. Contribute quickly. Good things need to be shared!"

After the main hall was closed, Er Gouzi turned his face in a second and yelled angrily at the old beggar.

"This deity suffers with this kid, and you guys secretly made a fortune behind this deity's back. If you don't share it today, this deity will have no fun with you!"

Ji Wuqing also said angrily.

"Hehe, what do you know? If the old man hadn't deterred the Zhongyuan world, this sword sect would have died long ago!"

"This old man is maintaining the stability and peace of the world, so please dare to challenge me!"

The old beggar was furious and retorted.

"Senior, wake up, you are old man Tianwu, not senior Xiaolaodi."

Li Xiaobai was quite helpless and reminded softly.

"It's a bunch of nonsense, I, my little brother, can be humiliated by you juniors? Believe it or not, I can suppress you with just a flick of a finger!"

The old beggar's eyes were round, and a murderous intent came to his face.

"It's up to you, a piece of trash that only has a fairyland, are you worthy?"

Er Gouzi expressed his disdain, this guy really regarded himself as a big boss after acting for a few days.

"Bastard, this old man's cultivation in the holy realm can kill you with just one look!"

The old beggar scolded.

"Senior, you are too deep into the drama."

Li Xiaobai sighed leisurely, took out his long sword and slashed at will.

For a moment, the old beggar felt his body rush towards the opponent uncontrollably, his knees softened, his hands raised above his head, and he knelt down in front of Li Xiaobai with his face covered in a bow.

"What the hell am I..."

"What's going on? The old man actually knelt down?"

"Boy, is it possible that you are also a strong man in the Holy Realm?"

The old beggar was still in a state of extreme blindness, and asked with shock in his eyes.

"Ahem, senior, this junior is only in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and being able to be suppressed by this junior means that the senior is only at the level of the Earth Immortal Realm. Senior, it is a good thing to be able to help Jianzong overcome difficulties, but you are too deep into the drama Already!"

Li Xiaobai said bluntly that at this time, he should be given a head-on blow and let him accept the severe beating of reality.

Otherwise, this old man really doesn't know his last name if he continues acting like this!


"The old man is just a weak chicken?"

The old beggar's eyes were a little confused and a little shocked, and he couldn't accept this fact for a while. Just like Li Xiaobai said, he was too involved in the drama, and he always regarded himself as a little guy. I feel pretty awesome.


An ancient book fell out of the cuff, and on it was written a line of small characters "Actor's self-cultivation!"

"Senior, it's time for a show, right?"

Li Xiaobaijian said with a light smile.

"It's the old man's tricks. Thanks to Li Xiaoyou, even if he woke up the old man, he didn't let the old man fall deeper and deeper. This journey is really thrilling!"

The old beggar regained his composure, his face full of lovelessness, he thought he was the boss, but he didn't expect that the weak chicken turned out to be himself.

"This book says that the highest state of an actor is to act himself. Presumably, the old man has already reached this state, and he will not need the assistance of this ancient book in the future."

The old beggar said leisurely, a trace of loneliness flashed across his face.

Fu Tiantian at the side witnessed the whole story, and couldn't help but widen his eyes and said in horror, "Senior is a fake, just now you are forging your identity to deceive those masters and powers?"

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