"Noisy, fight as soon as you want, why talk so much!"

"Among my peers, it's impossible for someone's cultivation to be far superior to mine. You are also a cultivation of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, similar to me. You must have used some unknown method to receive my sword intent without making a fuss! "

"Do you think you can get away with fooling around with some small moves? Others can't see it, but I know it clearly. The reason why you can escape my current attack unscathed must be some magic weapon given to you by the master!"

"However, the magic weapon is an external force after all. If your own strength is not enough, the power of the immortal essence cannot keep up with the flow speed of the magic weapon. It is no problem to barely block one or two moves, but if it is a thousand moves, today I will show you your true colors!"

Li Quzhuo doesn't believe that there are monks of the same level in the world who can crush him. Even those super geniuses at the top of the list of immortals dare not say that they can resist his sword intent with their hands on their backs without defense. Bar?

"Qingshan Sword Intent!"

"Green water and green mountains!"

"Mountain of gold and silver!"

Li Quzhuo looked up to the sky and screamed, holding a sword in both hands, and smashed the universe with all his might.

In the arena of the starry sky, the powerful gravity crashed down, and distortions and fluctuations visible to the naked eye appeared in the void, and four mountains appeared out of thin air, as if they were coming from the other side of the deep space.

A simple blue mountain exudes a heavy historical atmosphere.

A beautiful landscape, walking out of the poetic and picturesque, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, insects, fish, birds and animals reveal a strong sense of freedom.

A golden mountain is extremely luxurious. On the top of the mountain stands a golden Sun God Palace, which is dazzling and dazzling. A three-legged golden crow is engraved on the temple, as if it came from an ancient myth, exuding a scorching hot breath.

A silver mountain exudes a cold atmosphere, and the entire mountain is made up of dense bones, exuding a piercing chill, which is the embodiment of severe cold and strong killing intent.

The four mountains suppressed the void and surrounded Li Xiaobai in the middle, exuding endless power.

This is the sword technique inherited from Jianzong Ying Diao, Qingshan Sword Intent. In the early years, Ying Diao also practiced Qingshan Sword Intent. He was even able to materialize the mountains as if they were real, and used this to forge secret realms many times Lured the monks to come to hunt for treasure, and then caught them all. Later, he did too many wicked things and was discovered. After the incident was exposed, he seldom took action again.

But it is undeniable that Qingshan Sword Intent is really a good swordsmanship. Although it is not as good as Xinghe Sword Intent, it can definitely be called excellent.


Li Quzhuo shouted angrily.

The four mountains attacked at the same time, pressing down on Li Xiaobai with supreme power.

Attribute points + 2 million...

Attribute points + 2 million...

Attribute points + 2 million...

Li Quzhuo's strength is not bad. Judging from the ranking of the realm of the Celestial Immortal Ranking, this kind of strength should not only rank ninety-ninth, but can be ranked higher. It seems that this guy is the same as that Ye Sandao, only The Tianjiao cultivators who challenge the top of the list don't bother to bully the geniuses who are at the bottom of the list, so they are only at the bottom of the list.

But to Li Xiaobai, no matter how many rows are in the queue, it's just a matter of seconds.

Flipping his wrist, he took out a long sword, raised it above his head, and then swung it down gently.

100% being caught empty-handed!


In the corner of the arena, Li Quzhuo was waiting in full force. Seeing the opponent draw his sword, he was still a little confused. After all, the young man's behavior was too weird from the beginning to the end!

However, after the opponent swung the sword, there was nothing abnormal, and there was not even a trace of sword energy coming out.

"That's it?"

"The hand holding the sword is not stable, you don't know how to use swords at all, right?"

Li Quzhuo narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly.

Just as he was about to continue to say something, he suddenly felt that the surging immortal power in his dantian was forcibly suppressed and calmed down, and the four mountains billowing in smoke and dust in the void disappeared in an instant.


The exercise was forcibly interrupted, causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood, and his breath instantly languished.

At the same time, his body rushed towards Li Xiaobai uncontrollably, his knees softened and he knelt down on the ground, his hands raised high to catch the blade of the long sword, in a gesture of worship.

Li Quzhuo was stunned and didn't understand what happened.

"what happened?"

"Why did I kneel all of a sudden?"

"What sorcery are you using?"

"Suppressing the Heavenly Immortal Realm with one sword, who are you and what cultivation level are you!"

Li Quzhuo was a little bit mad, he performed his trick well, but suddenly he was kneeling, and both his physical body and the immortal essence in his body were completely suppressed, as if he was in a quagmire, it was difficult to mobilize.

The most important thing is that the sense of shame in this posture is overwhelming. At this moment, I don't know how many disciples are watching from the outside world. Kneeling in front of so many people, he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

"I'm Li Xiaobai, the master of the second peak of Jianzong, brother Zhuo, everything that happened today was just a misunderstanding. You have been away for too long, and it is normal that the disciples did not recognize you." Anyone who comes here has to abide by the rules of Erfeng, let alone monks from the Heavenly Immortal Realm, even semi-holy or even powerful people from the Holy Realm have to start from the toilet when they come here."

In the void, the battlefield of stars disappeared, Li Xiaobai said flatly.

Suppressing Li Quzhuo with a sword, Tiandao automatically judged that he won.

There was silence all around, and there was no sound.

The eyes of the disciples were full of shock and awe. Although they already knew the ending would be like this, they were still shocked after seeing it with their own eyes.

They have all seen the four mountains condensed by the sword intent just now, that kind of power is definitely not weak, even in the realm of heaven, they are also outstanding, but even so, they still cannot escape the fate of being killed in seconds, just one Jian was suppressed by Li Xiaobai.

It can be seen from this how powerful their peak master is, and he is indeed a strong man who dares to break into the hinterland of the sword sect single-handedly.

"Li Xiaobai... Li Xiaobai!"

"I remembered, it's you! The genius who stirred up the situation in the Buddhist realm a few days ago!"

"You are actually a disciple of the Sword Sect!"

Recalling the weird swordsmanship just now, he realized instantly. He remembered where he had heard of this name. He cut off thousands of people with a single sword. Didn't it just happen that the Buddhist kingdom in the Western Continent was making a big fuss a few days ago and now it is being suppressed by the Buddhist sect? Post a sky-high reward for a wanted monk?

"You are not afraid that Buddhism will come and take you!"

Li Quzhuo's eyes flickered with fear. He had only heard about the other party, but had never had a deep understanding of him. Today was really an eye-opener. It turns out that there can be such a huge gap between monks of the same rank.

In the opponent's hands, he is as immature as a three-year-old child, without the slightest resistance.

"What's there to be afraid of? I wasn't able to keep me in the Buddha Kingdom, but now in my territory in the Eastern Continent, can those bald donkeys take me away?"

"The suzerain is in the hall right now, if you go and look for him, I will pretend that the peak master didn't see what happened today."

Li Xiaobai retracted his sword, the golden chariot manifested under his feet, turned around and floated away.

It wasn't until this time that Li Quzhuo released his body's comfort. He raised his head to look at the departing figure ahead, and his pupils suddenly contracted again.

I saw a long list of bloody evil points on the head of the young man on the golden chariot.

"Five...five million evil points?"

Five million crime points, this is already an unpardonable value, and being able to walk in the world with this level of crime is enough to show how extraordinary the other party is.

In comparison, the sin value of only one hundred thousand on his head is really pitiful.

"No...not right!"

"I am a monk on the list of immortals. Since he defeated me, why didn't the list be lowered in the void to let him take my place?"

Li Quzhuo seemed to have grasped some key information, his eyes flickered with fanaticism, hoping to find the last ounce of comfort for himself.

But this comfort was quickly ruthlessly shattered by Xu Yuan.

"You have the guts to be replaced just because of your rank?"

"It's been ninety-nine, what else do you want to do, no, no, no one really thinks this ranking is high?"

Xu Yuan glanced at his mouth, and said with some disdain, "Don't say it's you, even Shen Dao, who is ranked fifty, is a character who is second-handed in front of Senior Brother Li. No matter what kind of onion you are, you dare to openly fight against Senior Brother Li!" ?”

"Eldest brother, accept your fate. In fact, the second peak is also very good now. With senior brother Li Xiaobai here, everyone's cultivation speed is increasing rapidly. From now on, you can stay in the sect with peace of mind. You don't need to go to the outside world to experience your strength and you can go all the way. , very fragrant."

A disciple from the Heavenly Immortal Realm came to persuade him.

"Yes, yes, it is very fragrant. Senior brother, you just came back so you don't understand it. Don't think that the toilet is an unclean place, but as long as you stay there for a while, you will definitely be addicted to it!"

"In this regard, the juniors have more experience than you. This is the experience summed up by the disciples of Quan Jianzong."

"Brother, shall we go?"

Many old disciples gathered around and kept comforting them, saying that they know very well what this former senior brother is feeling now, after all, they have come all the way this way.

Seeing the elder brother at this moment is like seeing them in the past. They are equally unconvinced and want to trample Li Xiaobai under their feet, but the reality tells them time and time again that the master of the second peak of Jianzong is very human. .

Don't look at him as young, but his strength and cultivation are comparable to those of the elders, and they are no longer something they can afford.

And it seems that there is nothing wrong with staying at the second peak. There are Huazi to smoke, and there are bathhouses to soak in. Regarding resources, Li Xiaobai has never restricted anything, and has always been very generous, no matter if he is a genius with a high level of cultivation. , or a novice Xiaobai just getting started, all can enjoy the bathhouse equally. In the second peak, you can experience the true equality of everyone.

"No... I am the elder brother of Jianzong, and I am the master of the second peak. When I come back this time, I want to revitalize the sect!"

"I'm going to find Master, my passion and ambition, how can I stop here!"

"A mere Li Xiaobai, openly humiliating the senior brother of the Zongmen, this is a felony and must be punished!"

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