Li Quzhuo was unwilling to face the reality, so he pushed away the crowd and staggered to the first peak, which was Ying Diao's residence and the place where his master practiced.

From the past, Ying Diao has only had him as a precious apprentice. Today he returned to the sect with resources, but was humiliated in his own territory. He is not reconciled. He wants to take revenge and return a hundred times the humiliation he suffered today!

On the first peak of Jianzong.

Inside the Sovereign Hall.

Ying Diao is holding the Fire Cloud Sword and is concentrating on comprehending its mysteries. His Xinghe Sword Intent lacks a flaming star for killing, which can just be made up for by the sword intent contained in the Fire Cloud Sword.

Once he comprehends the lava sword intent, the power of his galaxy sword will rise in a straight line.

"Report to the suzerain, there is a monk outside who claims to be Li Quzhuo asking to see him!"

There are disciples outside the door.


"Zuo'er is back?"

Ying Diao's expression changed, "Hurry up and let him in, go out and practice for three years, I think he will gain a lot, right?"


The disciple responded, and then footsteps sounded, and a figure appeared in the center of the hall.

"Master, disciple Li Quzhuo is being polite!"

After Li Quzhuo entered the main hall, he fell down and worshiped.

"Zhuo'er looks like he has suffered a lot outside, so he raised his head for Teacher to take a good look at it."

Ying Diao nodded, looking at his disciple's tattered clothes, his eyes revealed a look of relief and approval. Once upon a time, he remembered that this disciple paid too much attention to his own image and had to dress up every day. Very concerned about the eyes and opinions of others.

After these days of training outside, she no longer has the delicate aura of the past, and there is only arrogance and self-confidence in those eyes.

"It's true that I have grown a lot. Why do you think you will come back today without saying hello?"

Ying Mink asked.

"Master, you have to make the decision for the apprentice!"

Hearing this, Li Quzhuo shouted with a look of grief and indignation on his face.

"But there are enemies outside, it's okay, who hasn't made a few troubles when you go out to practice, who is the name of that person, where is the head of the family, report to the teacher and solve it for you."

Ying Diao put away the Fire Cloud Sword, took a sip of the tea from the teacup, and said with a light smile.

"This person's name is Li Xiaobai, and he is the current peak owner of the Second Peak!"

Li Quzhuo didn't beat around the bush, and said straightforwardly.


Ying Diao took a sip of tea and sprayed it out before swallowing it. He stared at the disciple in front of him with wide eyes, "Who are you talking about?"

"The master of the second peak of Jianzong, Li Xiaobai!"

"Master, I know that he is now a member of Jianzong, but this person's behavior is perverse. Even the housekeeper under him is arrogant and domineering. He doesn't take others seriously. This disciple is just a newcomer to the sect. Suffering humiliation, I also ask Master to come down and convict them of the crimes committed below."

Li Quzhuo elaborated on the story that happened on the second peak, and added more details, hoping to arouse Ying Diao's emotions and punish those lawless guys severely.

"You fought against him, and you were instantly killed?"

Ying Diao was quite speechless, this precious apprentice of his was still not able to observe his words and feelings as before, how could you be able to shake Li Xiaobai's strength?

"Teacher, do you know that Li Xiaobai, the second peak master, was conferred by the teacher himself?" Ying Diao said calmly.

"I have heard about it." Li Quzhuo nodded.

"Then do you know why the teacher named him the peak master?"

"The disciple is ignorant, please tell the master clearly."

Ying Diao felt a little tricky "because he has contributed to the sect."

"The disciple came back this time to serve the sect and contribute to the prosperity and rise of the sword sect!"

"If I can show my strengths in Jianzong, Li Xiaobai's so-called contribution is not worth mentioning at all!"

Li Quzhuo said.

"My boy, from what you mean, it seems that you brought back a lot of resources?"

Ying Diao felt a little strange and asked.

"It's natural. If nothing is accomplished, the disciple will have no face to return to the mountain gate." Li Quzhuo said proudly, full of confidence.

"Then as a teacher, I have to take a good look at what you have gained in the past three years."

Ying Diao said cheerfully.

"Master, please see, this disciple has cleared out many small and medium-sized demon sects, and accumulated the number of top-grade immortal stones, which has reached as high as five million. For Jianzong, it is definitely a huge sum of money!"

Li Quzhuo shook his hand and threw out a storage bag. Ying Diao glanced at it, and there were five million top-quality immortal stones lying quietly in it.

"There are also these elixirs and magic weapons, all of which are suitable for taking in the three realms of immortals. Whether it is daily practice or going out for experience, it is of great benefit!"

"Well, it's really good. For grassroots disciples, these are good cultivation resources."

Ying Diao nodded.

"However, the place that can improve the sect the most is this place of experience. As the saying goes, you can accumulate experience in actual combat. The fastest way to become stronger is to explore and hunt for treasures, fight with monsters and beasts. Only through life and death can you gain experience." I have some understanding, my disciples are not talented, and I have discovered a lot of dangerous places in the outside world these days, and I can make a map for the disciples of the sect to explore, which can greatly guarantee the experience of the monks of the sword sect."

Li Quzhuo said slowly.

"Zuo'er has a heart. It's really not easy to think of the cultivation needs of the disciples of the sect while practicing outside to protect himself."

"You've done a great job. Tomorrow, I'll send people to lighten up the resources and distribute them. I think all the disciples in the sect will thank you."

Ying Diao laughed.

"Master, how am I compared to that Li Xiaobai?"

"After this set of procedures for disciples, it is completely one-stop service. It can be done directly from the sect to going out. The arrangements are clear. As long as some reward systems are set up, disciples will definitely flock to them, and their strength will be greatly enhanced!"

Li Quzhuo asked expectantly.

"Zhuo'er, you have to know that what the teacher said is true, is that these resources can be distributed in the sect, which can enrich the pockets of the disciples. When it comes to contributions, it's better not to compare. Sometimes If you compare too much, you will doubt your life."

Ying Diao shook his head and said.

"How is this possible? This disciple has taken everything into consideration. Every link is thoughtful. How can he be inferior to Li Xiaobai? Maybe he repaired the second peak, but it's just that the environment has improved. When it comes to cultivation, you have to rely on it." Only resources and dangerous places will do!"

"The five million top-grade immortal stones brought by this disciple are enough to meet the needs of disciples for a year!"

Li Quzhuo couldn't believe his ears, could he still be inferior to that young man after doing so much?

"One year?"

This time it was Ying Diao's turn to be stunned.

"Zhuo'er, did you misunderstand something?"

"The distributing wave that the teacher said refers to distributing the five million top-grade immortal stones at once, and giving some pocket money to the disciples, which is also the icing on the cake."

"Pocket money?"

"The icing on the cake?"

"Master, this is five million!"

Li Quzhuo felt a little dazed in his head, all he wanted was pocket money, the five million he had worked so hard to save over the past three years, turned out to be just the pocket money of the disciples of the sect?

Does Jianzong have so many resources?

Why doesn't he know?

I think that when he just left Jianzong, his juniors were still betting on a dozen top-grade immortal stones, and they were still haggling over one or two top-grade immortal stones!

Why is it that after hearing Ying Diao's tone, people even look down on top-grade fairy stones, and only top-grade fairy stones can be worthy of their eyes?

"Five million is not much, Zhuo'er, you have to understand that today's Jianzong is no longer what it used to be. Just five million is nothing. If you stay longer in the sect, you will become richer."

Ying Diao laughed.

"Five million is not much? Master, this is the highest grade fairy stone, which is equivalent to the wealth accumulated by a small and medium-sized sect in the outside world. This is not a small sum. Could it be that Li Xiaobai can make Jianzong earn Can't you do more?"

Li Quzhuo felt his brain buzzing.

"If you could come back an hour or two earlier, you would have seen such a magnificent scene. Not long ago, Xiaobai negotiated a deal with ten half-sages from the Southern Continent. Three days later, there will be a super sect The door sent a billion."

"Although the one billion yuan is not for the sect's use, it is his private property, but I think it will take the initiative to distribute a wave of cultivation resources that the sect's disciples should have."

"What's more, now that the Sword Sect has surrendered to us, and all the sect forces attached to the Sword Sect have also surrendered. Do you think we will still lack resources in the future?"

Seeing that his eldest disciple looked like he had never seen the market before, Ying Diao sighed leisurely.

It's not his disciple's fault that he lacks knowledge. Who made Jian Zong poor in the past? If he was poorer, his imagination would be limited.

"However, these are all five million top-grade fairy stones, enough to cultivate for a long time for cultivators in the fairyland of Zhongtian!"

Li Quzhuo still couldn't believe it, his master was not like this before, when did he become so rich?

Five million is not in your eyes?

"Hey, Zhuo'er, let me tell you this, you are no stranger to the three major dynasties, right now the three major dynasties will pay one million top-quality immortal stones to Jianzong every month, do you think it's more than five million? It’s just a drop in the bucket.”

Li Quzhuo: "This... but I still have cultivation resources such as pills!"

"Since you have been to the second peak, you should already know the existence of Tangneng Yipin and Liangpin Store, right?"

"This bathhouse and Huazi are unlimited supply for the disciples of the disciples. It can be said that there are as many as they want. Therefore, the disciples of Jianzong are practicing at a rapid pace, and they have made great progress in both their xinxing cultivation base and their strength. .”

"It is very beneficial to stay in this shop as a teacher, let alone an ordinary disciple. For the current Jianzong, pills are no longer necessary."

As the saying goes, medicine is three-point poisonous. Compared with Huazi and Bathhousezi, which have no side effects, pills have been eliminated long ago, and only healing pills will be kept. All the needs for cultivation have been sold to other sects in exchange Immortal stone.

Ying Diao explained to this precious apprentice in detail, hoping that the other party could understand.

Li Quzhuo's thought seems to be still in the period of Jianzong three years ago. Now that Jianzong has Li Xiaobai's arrival, many traditional rules of things have been broken.

This point is vividly reflected in Tang Neng Yipin Bathhouse. One sip of Huazi, soaking in the bath overnight, the cultivation base can rise in a straight line without any side effects, what kind of medicine do you need?

"The dangerous environment and the place of treasure hunt and trial are what disciples need after all. Without actual combat experience, how can you skillfully use your own power?"

Li Quzhuo continued to ask a little unwillingly.

"You are right. If there is no tempering in actual combat, no matter how high the cultivation base is, no matter how profound the power of the immortal essence is, it will be useless. It can only become an embroidered pillow that is not useful."

"Our Sword Sect also encourages our disciples to sharpen themselves in life and death."

Ying Diao nodded and said.

"The few traps that the disciple knows can be used. Master wait a moment, I will go get a pen and paper and draw it in detail!"

Li Quzhuo looked happy, turned his wrist and took out the pen and paper, and was about to start sketching the terrain of mountains and rivers.

His efforts were not in vain, no matter how good Li Xiaobai was, he still couldn't solve the problem of the place of trial. In the past three years, he traveled all over the world and knew a lot of secret places and dangerous places, which just happened to be the place for disciples to practice.

"and many more!"

"Zuoer, stop drawing, what you said is actually correct, but Li Xiaobai has already done it before,"

Ying Diao said with a sigh.

"Could it be that he also found some dangerous places for the sect?"

"It's no problem, Master, the number of dangerous places that this disciple knows is definitely better than him! As long as the disciple draws well, the choice of Zongmen monks will be much more, and the harvest will be more abundant and diversified!"

Li Quzhuo said.

"It's not a matter of quantity. The dangerous places you mentioned are all in remote areas outside, and disciples need to go there by themselves, but Li Xiaobai has already used the secret realm and the small world to move a lot of dangerous places around the sect, and also arranged them according to the danger of the dangerous places. The degree has divided the disciples into grades, and today's Jianzong disciples can already experience actual combat without leaving home."

"Zhuo'er, listen to Master's persuasion, the current Jianzong is very good, in the future, we can stay at the second peak and practice well, don't worry about it."

Although he couldn't bear to dampen his disciple's enthusiasm, Ying Diao still told the truth.

If Jianzong did not have Li Xiaobai, then Li Quzhuo's contribution would undoubtedly be great, but since Li Xiaobai came to Jianzong, he broke the common sense of the world one after another, helped the sect to grow rapidly with extraordinary power, and even attracted the attention of others. With a superpower like Xiaolaodi coming to sit in the town, everything is perfectly built, and the monks can enjoy the life and death fight without leaving home, not to mention how comfortable the small life is.

Although his disciple is also loyal to the sect, he is just doing useless work.


"For the past three years, this disciple has been thinking day and night, worrying about the growth of the sect. He has worked so hard to do so much, but Li Xiaobai has taken the lead, and he has done better than me?"

"Since the training resources in Jianzong are the same as those outside Jianzong, and even more precious than outside, what's the point of my going out for three years of practice?"

Li Quzhuo muttered to himself, a little unable to bear the blow.

He was completely defeated, and he was crushed in all directions without dead ends.

Ying Diao didn't know what to say, if he wanted to blame him, he could only blame Li Xiaobai for being too good, making him a precious apprentice who wanted to revive the Great Sword Sect, his talent was useless.

After hesitating for a while, he stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder, and said softly, "Zuoer, look away, times have changed!"

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