Huazi's entrance was filled with smoke.

Xuehun couldn't help but wanted to shiver, but his body was rigidly fixed and he couldn't move.

Hua Zi's smell wafted into his nose, and the frenzied and empty eyes gradually calmed down.


"This is the pagoda..."

"By the way, the old man was arrested by those old bald donkeys!"

Blood Soul's eyes became a little confused, and Hua Zi let him escape from the state of being intensified by the power of faith.

After seeing Li Xiaobai, his expression suddenly changed.

"It's you little bastard!"

"The old man you caused was suppressed by the bald donkey, but he ran back again. How did you do it? Tell me!"

Blood Soul shouted sharply.

"Senior, it seems that you haven't understood your situation. Now that you have been reduced to a prisoner, if you behave better, maybe I can rescue you and return you to freedom in the future. Otherwise, you will stay in this pagoda for the rest of your life. Let's eat fast and chant Buddha together with the bald donkeys."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.


"What do you want to do, as long as you can save the old man, you can do whatever you want. After you get out, the old man can take good care of the disciples and not trouble you!"

Blood Soul's complexion changed several times, but he finally chose to compromise.

The power of Famen's belief is too terrifying, he can't stand it, if Li Xiaobai can really take him out now, he doesn't mind cooperating with him.

"Don't worry, I want you to do nothing, just stay here quietly, and come here today to test one thing."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, turned his wrist and took out a lot of Huazi, ignited it and sprinkled it towards the crowd. In just a few breaths, the first floor space of the entire pagoda was filled with a thick layer of white smoke.

Huazi's smell spread to the entire floor, and every smell was trembling.

Seeing this, Li Xiaobai withdrew his sword and quietly waited for the result with his hands behind his back.

The number of monks in this first floor is not small. As the layer with the largest population base, it can accommodate thousands of people, all of whom are the reserve army of Buddhism.



"What's wrong with me?"

"Why are you so confused?"

Huazi began to take effect, and the monks began to wake up one after another. They had entered the pagoda for a long time, and the erosion of the power of faith was deeply rooted. Compared with the blood soul, Li Xiaobai threw more Huazi. Qian Gen made their eyes gradually clear up.

At the same time, the values ​​on the system panel began to jump.

Host Li Xiaobai.


Achievement task reverse degree (0.01 percent).

There are many monks in Buddhism who have been intensified by the power of faith, rescue them and give them freedom of thought.

The progress bar of the reversed achievement task has moved a little bit. Although it is only a little bit, it proves that Li Xiaobai's method is correct. As long as Huazi is used to bring the monk out of the state of being strengthened by the power of faith, it is considered a success.

If you want to fill up the progress bar, you may need to travel the entire western continent. In the future, it will be more convenient and faster to find a way to open a few shops in Buddhism.

"I remembered, I was arrested. This is the territory of the Buddha Kingdom, in a prison!"

"Me too, I was fooled into it by a monk, and ended up staying in a daze for three years!"

"It's Buddhism, and it's all done by Buddhism. The monk misled me, and the Buddhism misunderstood me!"

"It's nothing to you. I came to the Western Continent to visit my parents, but I was suddenly taken away by an eminent monk. I stayed in this pagoda for ten years. My mother's hair was already covered with silver threads. Now I want to come here. , Ants have raced for ten years!"

The monks breathed in the scent of Huazi greedily, their eyes were clearer than ever, their brains gradually came out of the muddle, recalling their past experiences, they couldn't help but feel angry.

The Buddhist sect arrested them here, and with the strength of their faith, they stayed for several years. Some monks even stayed for more than ten years, and their wonderful youth disappeared like this.

Many monks among them used to be geniuses in their respective families. When traveling in the Western Continent, they were conspired by Buddhist monks and brought here, and never left again.

I didn't expect to see the sun again one day!

"Which senior saved me, can you take me out?"

"If you can go out, I will be grateful!"

A monk shouted loudly.

"Everyone, don't be so excited. I'm here today just to test the effect of this Huazi. Now it seems that this thing has an excellent effect. Just one stick can make a monk who has been saved recover from the power of faith." Waking up from the erosion of the human body, it has infinite uses.”

Li Xiaobai said loudly with his hands behind his back.

Huazi is effective, and he has an invincible magic weapon to deal with Buddhist monks in the future.

"Hua Zi?"

"It turns out that this burning thing is named Huazi. Thank you senior for saving your life. I can't wait to repay you. If you have the opportunity to go out, you must do your best for senior!"

The monks looked at the piles of burning Huazi on the ground, their eyes were fiery, and their breathing became a little short.

There is actually a treasure that can unlock the power of faith in the world. If they can get it, they will no longer have to worry about being saved in the future.

"I have been away from my hometown for decades, and I just want to go back to my hometown to have a look. Even if I die, I want to bury my hometown, and the fallen leaves return to their roots. Please let the seniors do it!"

The monks knelt down in unison and shouted loudly.

It has been many years, and I have never heard of anyone who can crack the power of this Buddhist belief. I did not expect this mysterious young man to liberate the entire first floor in one go. Another great master appeared in the room.

"I didn't come here today for rescue, but as long as you are obedient and willing to cooperate with me, it's okay to find another opportunity to take you out of the Western Continent in the future."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"What, just now you promised me that I would take this old man away, so you can't break your word!"

Xuehun's complexion changed suddenly when he heard the words, and he grabbed Li Xiaobai's skirt and scolded angrily.

"Take you away?"

"And then be taken back to Buddhism?"

"Who dares to go out of this stupa without being fully prepared?"

"I can take you away, but not now. After so many years, it's not too late."

Li Xiaobai fiddled with the long sword in his hand, and said in a neutral tone.

Blood Soul's eyes were frightened, and it's been a while since he saw him. The young man in front of him has grown into a strong man in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and has become an existence that keeps pace with him. This potential and talent is really frightening.

"Young Master said, as long as you can take me away, you can ask us to do anything!"

The monks suppressed the restlessness in their hearts and said very sincerely.

"I have a plan, which is to liberate the entire pagoda and take out all the monks in the pagoda. For this, I need to plan something outside, and you all need to wait here quietly, and don't act rashly to startle the snake."

"I will leave a hundred packs of flowers for each of you, which is enough for you to support for a period of time. During these days, if Buddhist monks come to ask questions, do you know what to say?"

Li Xiaobai said softly, the silence in the arena was terrible, everyone's eyes were ignited with a hot light, it was the desire for freedom.

"Understood, I'm not so stupid to wait, thank you son for fulfilling!"

"I haven't asked the young master's name yet!"

asked the monks excitedly.

"My name is Li Xiaobai, the master of the second peak of Jianzong in the Eastern Continent. When you regain your freedom in the future, if you have a place to go, you can leave on your own. If you have no place to go, you can come to Jianzong to join my second peak."

"We have formed a good relationship today. If we see my Jianzong disciple die in the future, I don't ask your family power to help me, but I just want to stand by and watch."

Li Xiaobai said slowly, there are a large number of these monks, and most of those who can be brought into the pagoda by the Buddhist sect are people with extraordinary talents, either veterans with heinous crimes or powerful monks from major families.

They have one thing in common, that is, they are supported by family forces behind them, and before they were imprisoned in the pagoda, their status in their respective forces was not low.

The most important thing is that although these people have been saved early, but they have been soaked in the pagoda all the year round and received the baptism and tempering of the strong power of faith and the power of immortality. One of the strong.

Such a potential stock, if you give it a life-saving favor, let alone repaying it in the future, at least it will not be so easy to take advantage of others' danger to make trouble.

"So it's Young Master Li!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, we are not the kind of white-eyed wolves who are not familiar with it. It is quite clear that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. I will never forget your kindness!"

The monks bowed their heads and bowed without any pretense.

Although they have been converted for several years, it is not entirely a bad thing. At least in this short period of time, they have read a lot of Buddhist classics every day. In other words, they are all cultural people now, knowing what to do and what not to do.

Now that they are awake, the memories of the time of graduation have not disappeared. These scriptures and classics have been deeply imprinted in their minds. If they say they want to express their gratitude, they will really express their gratitude.

"Senior, have you seen it? This is the correct attitude to ask for help. Even a monk of the Blood Demon Sect is not superior to others. One thing to say, the current Buddhist sect probably does not take the Blood Demon Sect seriously at all."

"Because they have some kind of confidence, even if things reveal your whereabouts and the Blood Demon Sect finds out, they won't be able to rescue you."

Li Xiaobai looked at the blood soul old man at the side and said with a light smile, he would spread a wave of hatred for Buddhism without any trace, this old man was also an elder in the blood demon sect, so he was put back and let him fan the flames in the sect , the intensification of conflicts, the pressure on Buddhism will be considerable.


"The old man knows, you don't need to say too much, this matter is over, the old man will take good care of his disciples and disciples and will not be your enemy!"

Blood Soul said with a cold snort.

This is the truth, the speed of this young man's practice is so fast, it is so fast, he must make his disciples be careful in the future, and don't provoke this master to suffer from disaster.

"In this case, let's distribute Huazi, one hundred packs per person, and save a little smoking. It is not a big problem to last a month or two with your current cultivation base. If someone is greedy and smokes two or more I'm not responsible for being saved again in the later stage when I can't resist the invasion of the power of faith!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

The one hundred packs were distributed by him according to the quantity. This quantity is neither too much nor too little, which is just enough for these monks to feel a sense of urgency while enjoying the effects brought by Huazi.

"Thank you, my lord, for saving my life!"

The monks took over Hua Zi, and stuffed them into their pockets as if they were treasures. A magic weapon that can resist the erosion of the power of faith is a rare treasure for them, and it is like sending charcoal in a timely manner.

Everyone bowed again to express their gratitude.

"It's okay, just don't let the Buddhist sect find out the flaws, I will come back in a few days."

After Li Xiaobai dropped a sentence, he stepped on the golden chariot and drifted away.

When passing through the second and third floors, the operation is the same.

First, a thousand flower seeds were lit in the center of the crowd, and then enlightened after everyone was awake. Like the monks on the first floor, the monks on the upper two floors almost agreed to Li Xiaobai's request directly without even thinking about it.

After staying in the dark pagoda for nearly ten years, anyone who knows the truth will collapse. After finally waiting for a chance to escape from birth and regain freedom, they don't want to miss this opportunity.

As long as they can go out, Li Xiaobai will do whatever they say, and they will fully cooperate without the slightest contradiction or questioning. A mysterious young man who can research a treasure against the power of faith, they have every reason to believe in each other.

"I'll follow Mr. Li's instructions to make arrangements!"

The monks said in unison.

"Well, it's pretty good."

Li Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction. In fact, he wanted to make a small fortune through this operation, but suddenly it occurred to him that Liu Jinshui and Er Gouzi had already been there when he returned to the Fairy Continent from the Five Colors Altar. The monks in this pagoda were looted.

Now they can be said to be penniless, unable to squeeze out any oil and water, so they can only give up.

Think of it as doing charity. If you make a lot of good friends, you may have many friends to help you when you walk in the rivers and lakes in the future!

The fourth floor Li Xiaobai has no plans to touch it for the time being. The monks in the semi-holy realm are not something he can shake. In the future, he can come here to try if he becomes stronger.

Returning to the fifth floor, he skillfully took out a few top-quality fairy stones and stuffed them in through the thick crack. The fairy stones came into contact with the smooth surface of the five-color altar, and instantly a thunder vortex appeared and floated out of the small room.

The golden chariot manifested under Li Xiaobai's feet, galloped towards the passage, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

After a few breaths, the passage was closed, and the pagoda returned to calm again. Everything was as usual, except that in the lower three floors, each monk pressed a flower seed under his tongue indiscriminately for emergencies .

at the same time.

Buddha Kingdom, inside the Great Leiyin Temple.

Several monks who were playing chess in the abbot's main hall suddenly froze and frowned slightly.

Seeing the appearance of these people, Wuyuzi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Amitabha, what did the juniors feel?"

Killing Monk was speechless, "It seems that the power of faith in the Buddhist kingdom has suddenly weakened a little. Maybe some Buddhist believers died?"

Another old monk shook his head and said, "No, I can clearly feel that the power of faith has weakened a little. The matter of testing the new method was shaken out by Li Xiaobai's younger generation, and it will be a matter of time before the powerful people from all walks of life will peep and besiege. "

Wuyuzi nodded, "Good!"

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