Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1027 Who Asked You To Arrest Him In The Eastern Continent?

"But having said that, senior abbot, recently our people have sent back news that they have been targeted by experts from various super sects outside the world, and they are under control of every move. They want to explore privately. The two old seniors who escaped from the tower are probably impossible."

Killing Monk spoke slowly without a word.

Wuyuzi's face was indifferent, "Then withdraw the person, remember one thing, the prisoner in the pagoda is a genius disciple of the various sects, this matter must not be revealed, and there is also the existence of the two seniors, Ti Lan and Yan Zuzi. , and must not be leaked!"

"These are the secrets among the secrets. If they are spread out, our Buddhist sect will immediately become the target of public criticism, and it will be at stake!"

"Amitabha, junior brother understands."

Killing Monk nodded and said that recently, the Buddhist sect secretly used children to study the new law and was known by the super sects. Although it did not say it on the surface, it can be clearly felt that all the forces have already taken action, sending their own monks into the Buddhist kingdom In the territory, I want to see what happened.

This group of people all carry magic weapons, which can temporarily resist the power of faith for a period of time without being saved. The Buddhism has no choice but to postpone the progress of the new law.

Using children to study new methods is ultimately a matter within the Buddhist sect. Even if other super sects are not angry, they will at most condemn it from a moral perspective. There will be no big moves on the surface, but it will be different if things in the pagoda are exposed.

There are masters of various sects imprisoned there, some are young geniuses, some are elders of the sect, this is directly related to the interests of the sect, if someone finds out, they will definitely take the opportunity to attack them immediately and defeat the Buddhist sect in one fell swoop.

"The stupa over there..."

Killing Monk asked speechlessly.

"There are also people following them in the Buddha Kingdom. It is inconvenient to make big moves. Find a few of your own people in disguise and send them to the Buddhist pagoda, and let them look for clues."

Speechless said lightly.



Jianzong, the second peak.

In the main hall of the peak master, the space channel was opened again, and Li Xiaobai returned to the Sword Sect.

"How is your trip, Junior Brother? Has the Western Mo Buddhist Kingdom ever searched for us all over the world?"

Liu Jinshui came up and asked.

"Don't worry, brother, there are so many pairs of eyes staring at Buddhism today. Everyone is in danger, and they can't protect themselves, let alone search for us."

"Let's just concentrate on practicing, and we will find an opportunity to add fuel to the fire in the future, so that the major super sects will attack the Buddha Kingdom in groups, and we will reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

Li Xiaobai waved his hands and said with a light smile.

Liu Jinshui nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, "It's so good."

"Just now there was another child's epiphany. It was because he saw the space channel of the five-color altar."

The two dogs on the side whispered.

"What did you understand?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"I don't understand it, it seems to be a space channel, similar to the five-color altar."

Er Gouzi recalled what he saw before, and said with some doubts.

"These children are very extraordinary. They need the guidance of a famous teacher to develop their internal strength to the greatest extent and use it proficiently. This old man recommends himself and is willing to be the mentor of these children!"

The old beggar said.

"Fuck, these children have always been brought up by your Er Gouzi, what have they got to do with you, old clapper?"

Ergouzi scolded angrily.

"You can divide it any way you want, as the so-called weak water is three thousand, just take a scoop to drink, and this deity only needs a milk baby!"

Ji Wuqing lay on Naiwa's shoulder and said lazily.

Milkman is the eldest of a hundred children, owning him means owning other children.

"I've already told the suzerain about this matter. He will train the children later. You don't have to worry about anything. If you have this spare time, it's better to practice more and reach the fairyland as soon as possible. That's the right way."

Li Xiaobai said helplessly.

These guys are really unreliable, one by one, and Ying Diao, who is a semi-saint, is more reliable in comparison. After all, his strength and vision are there, so he can give more targeted guidance.

In the journey of practice, the earlier the foundation, the better, and the firmer the better.

Ying Diao naturally readily agreed. It is a good talk to be able to become the training instructor of a hundred peerless geniuses. In the future, these children will all grow up to become powerful men, and he will have more face in his face.

"You are going to Ice Dragon Island. The journey is dangerous. As far as I know, the east continent cannot reach the north directly. You can only go there by boat along the coast.”

Ying Diao said so.

"There is no teleportation formation?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Among the four continents, the Eastern Continent is relatively in decline. You know, we don't have formations across the sea, but the Western Continent does. But do you dare to go there now?"

Ying Mink said.

"Eh... disciple, let's go from the Southern Continent, just to travel a lot."

"The Southern Continent is prosperous, and there are teleportation formations in almost every city as a springboard, so they can reach the coastal areas very quickly." Ying Diao nodded.

That night Li Xiaobai bid farewell to Jianzong, and rode off into the distance in a golden chariot.

"It looks like I still have tasks to submit."

On the way, Li Xiaobai took out a bamboo slip, which was the identity token of the law enforcement team, on which was written the mission of the law enforcement team to help the Buddhism in the Western Continent capture Jiumozhi.

Part of the reason why he went to Buddhism was to capture Jiumozhi. He killed this monk in one move in front of the big tomb, but now he is still in his gourd.

"Although it didn't help Buddhism, we also captured Jiumozhi. Why don't we send it to the law enforcement team to see what rewards we can get in exchange."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, and after a few breaths, he arrived at a deserted mountain.


The two black-robed monks who were in charge of standing guard asked hoarsely.

"Please, both of you, open the space channel."

Li Xiaobai took out the bamboo slip token and shook it.


The two nodded, and pinched the seal formula to open the passage, revealing the beautiful scenery in it.

The scenery in this small world is still the same as before, without any change, the smoke from the kitchen is curling up, exuding a strong atmosphere of fireworks and bookishness.

There are thatched huts one after another, and the sound of children reading can still be heard vaguely.

Find the mission hall, enter it, and the oncoming face is still a familiar face, the fat old man Edward.

"Old man Edward, I met Mr. Li, but I didn't expect that we would meet again in just a month or two."

Edward said happily, with a very kind look.

"Recently, Buddhism has offered sky-high rewards. If you need help, you can ask the law enforcement team."

Edward said.

"Understood, thank you senior."

Li Xiaobai nodded, took out an emerald gourd and patted it lightly.


The emerald green light manifested, and a bald head suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Senior, I'm here to submit the task, please settle the matter."

Looking at the young monk on the ground, Edward's expression was quite exciting, "Young Master Li, your task is to assist the Arhat Hall in the Western Continent to capture Jiumozhi. Who told you to bring him to the Eastern Continent?"

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