Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1040 You Don't Even Have This Sense Of Payment, Do You?


The bright and dazzling light was fleeting, and the screaming and screaming in the void stopped abruptly.

The old man and Jiaolongma disappeared without a trace like the black-robed man before, as if they had never appeared before.

"It's over, old goat, let's sail!"

Li Xiaobai put away the broken bowl and said calmly.

"Alright, thank you son for making the move!"

The old goat yelled, and slammed the rudder with his hand, and the boat galloped out like an arrow off the string, riding the wind and waves.


Han Bubu's face was a little dull, even though he had seen the power of the little broken bowl with his own eyes before, he was still shocked at this moment.

There is no other reason. Just now, the black-robed man's cultivation is far inferior to that of Old Uncle Han. Although he was surprised but not too shocked when he was suppressed by others, he never expected that even Uncle Han, a veteran powerhouse in the fairyland It's not the all-in-one enemy of the little broken bowl, and even the sea monster was taken away, how much energy is this?

What kind of cultivation is this young man?

The number one person on today's fairy list can't do this, right?

"I'm not dreaming, am I, two Heavenly Wonderlands in one move?"

"Who is that young man, and which family's Tianjiao actually appeared on the ship of the Eastern Continent? I am afraid that only super sects can cultivate this kind of strength!"

"Yeah, today is really an eye-opener. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers on Lao Goat's small boat, and powerful people from the Heavenly Wonderland appear frequently. After this trip, I think his ticket price will increase again."

The other monks on the deck were also stunned at the moment. What kind of strength is this? Throwing a small broken bowl suppressed the two Celestial Immortals and instantly quieted the sea area. This young man was a little scary.

The temporary retainers of the Ice Sect looked at each other, and they all saw the look of wariness in each other's eyes. A few of them showed a trace of regret in their eyes, and put a piece of bait in their hands into their sleeves without a trace, They were the ones who brought in that fairy beast just now, the purpose was to find out its strength to kill Li Xiaobai, but unfortunately nothing was found out.

But they also understood one thing, this is the sea, using monsters to attack and kill people in the sea is the simplest and most direct method, and if they want to deal with this Li Xiaobai, that's all they have to do, if one monster is not enough, then ten!

Afterwards, throw all the pots to the Hanbingmen, and I can pick them up here. This is the reason why they became the temporary retainers of the Hanbingmen.

Everyone is a veteran master, although they all come out to pretend to be tender, but who really wants to play house with children?

"Brother Li, what did you do just now?"

Han couldn't help but said in a daze.

"It's just a small seafood, it's harmless. I'll treat you all to a seafood dinner later."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

"I do admire the young master's strength, but my old uncle Han..."

Han couldn't help but stammered a little.

"Look at my memory."

Li Xiaobai took out the small broken bowl, shot a light curtain, and threw the old slave of the Ice Sect out, his whole body was soaked in sea water and his hair was disheveled, looking in a state of embarrassment.

"Young master, be careful, this beast is not easy to deal with, the old man should have been swallowed by it just now, but the old man came out again!"

The sky was dark one second, and returned to reality the next second. The old man was still a little confused about the situation, and shouted in front of the cold body.

"Old Uncle Han, the monster has already been dealt with by Mr. Li, using that little broken bowl."

Han couldn't help reminding in a low voice.


"So fast?"

"How is this possible, that is no ordinary monster in the Heavenly Wonderland!"

Old Uncle Han couldn't believe it, but then he seemed to remember something, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes and said, "The old man was not swallowed by a monster just now, but you suppressed the old man together with the monster?"

"Senior, the suppression is over. I saved you just now. If your young master's guard dies, your young master may not be able to reach the southern continent smoothly. This is equivalent to indirectly saving your young master. Is it time to pay for this life-buying money?"

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

"So that's the case, the young master's strength and cultivation are really admirable."

"But where did you come from, my lord? It's just a sea monster. If I give this old man some more time, I will definitely kill it. Where did this so-called rescue talk come from? It's too serious!"

The old man's thoughts were cleared up immediately, and the Sichuan opera changed his face, shaking his head and laughing, as if he didn't know Li Xiaobai.

"Old man, you should think about it before you talk about it. You just came across a monster in the Heavenly Wonderland just after leaving the Eastern Continent. The road ahead will be long and difficult. Maybe there will be some monsters and ghosts jumping out. The lower body is a human race. You have three heads and six arms, but there is no guarantee that you will be able to catch up in time to help your master and servant out of danger every time."

"Besides, there are many enemies lurking on this ship. If you attack in the chaos, you might hurt your young master."

The smile on Li Xiaobai's face was even bigger. He was determined to see the old and the young in front of him. There were some ways to get him to pay the money obediently. If he didn't want to cause more people to chase and kill him in the southern continent and affect him going to Ice Dragon Island, he would have Just blow up the group of Han Bingmen in front of them.

"You threaten the old man!"

The old man's eyes changed, and his complexion instantly became gloomy.

"This is a kind reminder. I believe that seniors are very clear about the strength of that sea beast just now. It is not a wise thing to swell your face and pretend to be fat at this juncture. It is better to spend money to eliminate disasters and follow me at sea. , keep you safe and sound!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Mr. Li, my Han Bingmen invites you warmly, and I am sincere to you. It's fine if you don't reciprocate your kindness. How can you be so contemptuous of our clan and trample on it wantonly!"

Han couldn't help saying angrily, but he also tasted something different from it. It seems that the reality is a little different from what he imagined. Could it be that his old slave is really not the opponent of the sea monster? If this is the case, he will have no protection at sea.

These retainers behind him are just temporary workers of the Ice Sect. Before they get their own resources, they won't really make great efforts and can't count on them.

"That's right, Mr. Li, we are traveling together this time, and my young master also came here to get acquainted with you. It is difficult to share the same difficulties in this sea area. It is too chilling for you to act like this." gone."

The old man also said in a deep voice.

"It's just an exchange of equivalent value. I'm protecting you. It's only natural for you to pay protection fees. Even three-year-old children in my sect know this. You, a monk from the Southern Continent, don't even have the awareness to pay for it?"

"It's not a good habit to always think about whoring for nothing!"

Li Xiaobai was unmoved at all. He was talking about money, but the other party wanted to have a friendship with him and wanted to go whoring for nothing. How could there be such a good thing in the world? Pay the money, and when you meet a monster again, you will pass the two of them without saying anything, and let the monster slap him to death to pick up the corpse.

"How much do you want?"

After a moment of silence, the old slave of the Frost Gate asked tentatively.

Li Xiaobai smiled slightly, "Not much, one hundred thousand top-grade fairy stones per person is enough."

The price is indeed not high, not to mention the Heavenly Wonderland, the Earth Wonderland can afford it, but this is just the beginning, and there is still a long way to go, as the saying goes!

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