Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1041 No Paddles, All Rely On Waves

"One hundred thousand top grade fairy stones?"

"It's not too much, it's a reasonable price. Since Mr. Li has spoken, I, Han Bingmen, are not the ones who will avenge their vengeance. I will offer you 100,000 yuan with both hands. Please come to my sect when you come to the Southern Continent."

"Old Uncle Han, send money!"

Han couldn't help calming his mind and said, he was relieved that the other party didn't have a big mouth.

100,000 top-grade fairy stones are just a drop in the bucket for a young master like him. It seems that although this guy in front of him is a genius, he is not rich!

"Let me tell you earlier, this price is still fair. My young master has always made good friends when he is away from home. Since the young master has opened his mouth, one hundred thousand pieces of top-quality immortal stones will be offered with both hands!"

Uncle Han's heart relaxed, he took out a storage bag and threw it at Li Xiaobai.

"The Frost Sect is worthy of being a famous sect, and it is really straightforward, but the two of them seem to have misunderstood what I said."

"What I just said is that each person has 100,000 top-grade fairy stones. You count the two of you here, and there are twelve Hanbing sect members. That's one million and one hundred thousand."

Li Xiaobai glanced at the storage bag and said with a smile.


"One hundred thousand per person?"

"1.2 million?"

The smile on Hanbu's face was a little stiff, and he felt a little heartbroken if he had to take out 1.2 million top-grade fairy stones all of a sudden, and the 100,000 suddenly changed to 1.2 million. The contrast between before and after made him speechless .

"Yes, everyone has a share."

Li Xiaobai nodded.

"Take out the fairy stone yourself, and ask the sect to reimburse you later."

Han couldn't help but turned around and said to the group of temporary retainers behind him.


These monks who joined temporarily were a little hesitant. Free prostitution is okay, but the sudden start of charging caught them off guard. Without such mental preparation, would it cost money to sneak into the team and wait for an opportunity to attack Li Xiaobai?

And all of a sudden, there are 100,000 top-quality immortal stones, which makes my heart ache.

"Why are you hesitating? After paying the protection fee, you will be safe and sound when you are attacked next time. If not, I will ignore you next time."

Seeing the hesitant looks of all the retainers, Li Xiaobai said lightly.

These guys are not straightforward at all. If they want to kill themselves, of course they have to pay some interest first.


"One hundred thousand top grade fairy stones, please check!"

Hearing this, the retainers took out their storage bags and threw them at Li Xiaobai one after another.

Anyway, it was only temporarily deposited with the other party, and when they killed the young man, they would have to return the principal with interest as much as they swallowed.

As for this point, Han Bubu's master and servant also thought the same way, as long as Li Xiaobai went to the Southern Continent and entered his Ice Gate, everything was up to them.

"You are all talented people, I believe you will have great achievements in Ice Dragon Island."

Li Xiaobai accepted the fairy stone cheerfully. Compared with the resources of one billion, this mere one million is nothing, but it is still a bit of pocket money.

"Borrowing the son's auspicious words."

The old and the young pinched their noses and said, let the young man be proud for a while, it's not easy to turn his face alone and helpless at sea, and when the ship reaches the southern continent, it will be their world.

At that time, this Li Xiaobai will be tied up, and the resources will be squeezed to the maximum, so that there will be no drop left from the other party!

Looking at the transaction between several people, the eyes of the Huo family and the group were straightened, but in just a few minutes, Li Xiaobai actually directly harvested 1.2 million top-grade fairy stones, which is too huge a profit, and you can get it with just a word of mouth. Letting this ice gatekeeper offer such a large number of fairy stones with both hands is more profitable than doing business with them!

You must know that the monthly turnover of a branch of their Huo family is only about two million, and the net profit after excluding capital is probably only in the early 80s to a little over one million. This young man earned their store in a few minutes One month's profit is really an eye-opener.

The most important thing is that they didn't understand the operation!

"Young Master Li's cultivation is unfathomable, I admire you!"

Uncle Huo clasped his fists and said, just acting like the opponent's body, he roughly understood why Buddhism would issue sky-high rewards.

"Mr. Li's miraculous skills are world-class. On behalf of the monks and monks of the whole ship, I salute to you. Thank you for saving your life!"

The old goat led the only remaining Earth Fairyland Ship Guard and said respectfully.

"Thank you son Ende!"

There are a group of monks saluting and bowing in unison behind him. Who would have thought that the ship would run into such a level of terrifying monsters not long after it sailed out, but what they didn't even expect was that there were more than one great god hidden on the ship. He thought that the old man who used the cold ice technique was already a peerless power, but he didn't expect that this seemingly hairless young man who was incapable of doing things was the real master.

If these masters were not on board today, I'm afraid they would be wiped out.

"It's nothing to worry about trivial matters. It's just a matter of little effort. If I want to thank you, I'd like to thank the young master of the Ice Sect. It was he who spent the immortal stone to ask me to help save the ship."

"Mr. Han, do you think this fairy stone is worth a flower?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Han and said with a smile.


"I can save the lives of all the monks on the ship, and I can see so many lovely and amiable smiling faces. I think it's worth spending any amount of fairy stones. I even want to add another zero!"

Han couldn't help but smile and said, Li Xiaobai tricked his fairy stone and asked him how he felt in public. This is a shrimp and pig heart, but it is also an opportunity to promote the positive image of Hanbingmen, and he is not good. Attack, only the dumb can't tell the pain of eating Coptis chinensis.

"It turns out to be the young master of the Frost Sect, sorry for your disrespect!"

"I've heard about the Frost Sect. It's flattering that a sect as expensive as the Southern Continent will share the same boat with monks like us!"

"The disciples of this school are pure and good, and they can still care about the comfort of others when they are in danger. This kind of pattern and vision is not something ordinary monks can have!"

"Yeah yeah……"

Hearing Han's unstoppable words, the monks became more excited and excited. It's unbelievable that the young master of such a famous sect would protect ordinary people like them.

Is this the palace and mind of a genius of the great sect? Love love love!

"Everyone loves me. My Ice Sect has always put safety first. If you are struggling to make ends meet in the Southern Continent in the future, you may wish to come to my Ice Sect to take part in the assessment. If you pass the trial, you can become my sect." Disciple, there are many benefits."

Han couldn't help taking advantage of the opportunity to make a small advertisement, and he felt a lot more balanced. Finally, he didn't get 1.2 million top-grade fairy stones taken away in vain. After today, there should be many more people on board who have a good impression of Hanbingmen monk.

It can be seen that among these monks, young people accounted for the majority. Presumably, they were also disciples of the major forces who went to Ice Dragon Island. They invisibly attracted a wave of favorability to them, which was beneficial to the future development of the sect and did not cause any harm.

"Old goat, why don't you take the helm? Why doesn't this boat move without wind?"

"Could it be driven by some kind of formation?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the old goat and asked, there was no one at the rudder, and all the monks gathered around him, but the speed of the boat was still extremely fast, which surprised him a little.

"My lord, I don't know. Sometimes it is not necessary to rely on the helm to control the hull of the ship on this sea. This old man has only steered the rudder at the beginning of sailing in the sea all his life. He does not look at the oars in the later part of the journey, it is all dependent on the waves. .”

"As the so-called old horse knows the way, this is all experience."

The old goat said with a smile, he has traveled the same route for more than ten years, and he can memorize what kind of sea currents and monsters will appear in any location, and the dragon horse that appeared today is purely accidental.

"But where there is no wind, there are no waves. Look, there is no wind at all in this sea. Where did the waves come from?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.


Hearing this, the old goat was also stunned. Looking at the sea in the distance, the wind and waves were calm, and there was no wave on the sea. Only the waves near the boat under their feet were surging, as if something was carrying the boat underground. Driving forward is normal.

Just for a moment, the old goat looked defeated, as if struck by lightning.

"What the hell am I..."

"There are also monsters!"

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