"This is the face of the young master of the Frost Sect!"

"What material is this human skin mask made of? It's so realistic?"

"It's not just the aura, the aura emanating from it is the same, it's definitely not an ordinary material, Mr. Li, this skin must have been peeled off from that cold face, right? "

Seeing the face in Li Xiaobai's hands, Uncle Huo's pupils shrank for a while, and his heart felt cold.

This face is too real, more real than real, if it is put on the face and seen by an uninformed person, I am afraid that the other party will really think that the other party is the young master of the Ice Sect.

Huo Yuhao and the rest of the younger generation were also so shocked that their hairs stood on end. When had they seen such a scene? Putting a piece of human skin in front of your eyes will scare anyone who looks at it!

"It's nothing more than a small trick. I will take this human skin mask to Ice Dragon Island. I think I can avoid many troubles with this face."

Li Xiaobai smiled lightly and said, "You guys can go with me at that time. With the relationship of Hanbingmen, the Huo family's business will be smoother."

The Huo family is a good person, and they also have property in Ice Dragon Island. With the relationship with the other party, he will be more efficient in handling things.

"Young Master, you want to pretend to be cold? Enter the Ice Gate?"

"And you want to do business with my Huo family as the young master of the Frost Sect?"

Uncle Huo's eyes widened involuntarily. The young man in front of him was thinking crazier than he expected. Not only pretending to be the real master, but also wanting to make troubles in other people's territory. Did he really regard himself as the master?

If this is discovered, it will be 100% soaked in a pig cage!

"Why not, put on a mask, we are the real young master, this guy can be considered to have some status in the Ice Sect, as the saying goes, the fat and water don't flow to outsiders, let's make a game to cash out all his resources in the sect Come out, how about splitting in half?"

"This is a win-win situation. Your Huo family can make a profit, and I can make money for nothing. Why not do it?"

Li Xiaobai said slowly.

"If this is the case, it is indeed an opportunity. Most of the industries of the Hanbingmen are linked to the sea area. The geniuses and treasures are extremely unique, and they cannot be compared with the forces of ordinary sects. Today, my Huo family is only doing business with Hanbu. I don't know about Li Xiaobai."

Uncle Huo thought for a moment, and said decisively that he had already seen the mystery of the human skin mask, and he took this opportunity to obtain the resources of the Hanbingmen. Clean and tidy, why not take such a good opportunity?

Li Xiaobai smiled and said, "I will still be old and hot! Today, there is only cold on this boat, and there is no Li Xiaobai."

The two reached a consensus and quietly waited for the ship to dock.

The scene on the sea is extremely spectacular. Several blue warriors are pulling a large ship to ride the wind and waves, running wildly all the way. The monsters flee in panic along the road, and they are in a panic. Occasionally, when a monk encounters this scene, he immediately backs away, for fear of being caught by this terrifying large ship. eye on.

All of a sudden, the creatures on the route were in awe of this large ship of unknown origin.

"What kind of ship is this? It uses the monsters of the Sea Race in the Heavenly Wonderland as the driver?"

"The people on the boat must be people with existing status among the sea clan, otherwise how could there be such a card. I have heard that there is a new little prince in this area of ​​the sea. Could it be the one sitting on the boat?" seat?"

"But I don't think the monks on the boat feel very strong?"

"Brother, you took the wrong medicine. Status in this world determines everything. People start with a few monsters from the Heavenly Wonderland to escort them. Does it matter whether they are high or not? Do you dare to touch such a respected person?"

The monks who saw this spectacle along the way were all stunned and horrified. They had only heard of it in rumors on weekdays that the monsters of the sea race in the fairyland pulled boats. Not too real feeling.

Although the monks on the boat couldn't understand them, but it's awesome if they don't hinder them!

What is Pai Nian?

This is called paving!

On the boat, Li Xiaobai didn't know about it. He walked to the bow and said to the men who were pulling the boat, "What race are you all?"

The lions ignored it and ran for their lives.

"Do you know the way?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

The lions were still running wildly all the way, their eyes only staring ahead, not answering, and turning a deaf ear to his question.

"I'm going to the Ice Gate. When I dock, I can stop near it and don't go too far."

Li Xiaobai knew that these monsters didn't bother to talk to him, and he didn't care whether they understood or not, so he went back to the deck to rest after a word of advice.

Scanned around the attribute point panel.

Host Li Xiaobai.


Defensive power Heavenly Wonderland (830 billion) (Ten Thousand Years Yinghan Immortal Strain has not been obtained) (Blood Yang Sky Egg has not been obtained) can be advanced.


After a few days of progress, the attribute point zero zero has accumulated nearly 100 million in total, which is still far from 10 billion.

If you want to quickly fill up your attribute points, finding a dangerous place is the fastest way. Instead of making enemies everywhere, you might as well find a place like magma, lie down and have a good sleep. If you are lucky, you may wake up soon There are hundreds of millions more attribute points on the system panel, saving time and effort.

I don't know how long it took, but the boat gradually became noisy.


"Docked, docked!"

"I saw the Southern Continent!"

"The shadow of the building above that mountain should be the Ice Gate, we're almost there!"

All the monks on the boat shouted suddenly, pulled Li Xiaobai's thoughts out of the system panel, stood up and looked into the distance, as expected, the boat galloped through the wind and waves, and was already approaching the land, and the huge rolling mountains could be seen from a long distance away. shadow.

It seems that the wisdom of this group of sea monsters is quite high, at least they understood his request, and brought the ship to the island near the Ice Gate to dock.

"As expected of a monster pulling a boat in the Heavenly Wonderland, the speed is fast, and it will go ashore in less than a day."

Li Xiaobai lamented that it is convenient to have many friends when you are away from home, and it will be arranged for you directly.


At the bow, a few male lions estimated that the distance was about the same. With a long roar, they let go of the tail wrapped around the bow, and their bodies swooped down into the bottom of the sea and disappeared, leaving only the boat gliding quickly on the sea.

They are sea monsters, and if they rashly appear within the territory of human monks, they will be regarded as enemies, so they need to walk the remaining short distance by themselves.

"Sea God's Blessing!"

"Young Master Li bless you!"

"This sea voyage was the most amazing time in my old goat's life. I must record it later and pass it on to future generations!"

The old goat is at the helm again, his face is flushed, and his eyes are shining with excitement and excitement. He has never felt such a thrill and excitement for a long time. After returning to the voyage, he must brag about this awesome past!

With a shake of his hand, Li Xiaobai took out a piece of clothing that was too cold to change into, and held the human skin mask in his hand, "It's almost time to get ready."

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