Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1053 Human Skin Mask Shows Its Prestige

southern continent.

On the coast, the big ship slowed down and moored slowly.

"Everyone, we're here!"

The old goat stopped the boat and said loudly to everyone.

"I'm going to trouble Brother Goat for this trip, and Brother Goat is still reliable."

"Mr. Li, Brother Goat, I will never forget your kindness if you came to the Southern Continent alive. I will keep everything about today tight-lipped. See you in the future!"


The monks couldn't wait to disembark, even after landing, they didn't dare to stay longer on the ship. This ship left them with too many horrible memories. If they could, they didn't want to board the old goat's ship again.

"This trip has brought a lot of inconvenience to the ship, and this small gesture can be regarded as compensation."

Li Xiaobai threw a storage bag at the old goat and said calmly.

"Thank you son!"

The old goat looked happy, took the storage bag and glanced slightly, rolled his eyes, and breathed for a while, so he couldn't pass out directly.


"One... 10,000 top-grade immortal stones!"

"Young Master Gao Yi, my way is not alone!"

The old goat screamed, and the hand holding the storage bag trembled. There were 10,000 top-grade fairy stones lying in the storage bag.

10,000 yuan of top grade immortal stone is a huge sum of money for him.

"It's a compensation for the ship, go back and fix it."

Li Xiaobai smiled cheerfully, it wasn't that he was stingy and only gave the other party 10,000 top-quality fairy stones, but that with the old goat's cultivation and knowledge, if he gave too much, it would cause trouble for the other party.

There is no need to say much about the truth that everyone is innocent and pregnant is guilty.

Wealth is a thing of deep water, and it is yours if you grasp it. If you fail to grasp it, your life may be in danger.

"Thank you son!"

The old goat bowed down, his face full of gratitude.

"Get up, your ship is still very good."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand. To him, a mere 10,000 top-quality immortal stones is nothing.

Saying goodbye to the old goat, Li Xiaobai and the Huo family got off the boat and went ashore.

The monks went their separate ways and fled quickly, even though Li Xiaobai looked very kind, they didn't dare to stay for long, this person was more terrifying than they imagined.

It's easy to lose yourself if you don't pay attention when playing with a boss of this level. It's better to keep a distance, because distance creates beauty.


Similar to the coast of the Eastern Continent, it is also overcrowded. The monks set up stalls by the roadside in twos and threes, buying and selling various sea monster materials, which is very lively.

Relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, relying on the sea to eat the sea, this is the same everywhere, the ships come and go frequently, there are ships docking, and there are ships leaving the port.

"Mr. Li, the palace on the mountain is where the Hanbingmen is located. The gushing spring water is a wonder unique to the Hanbingmen. It is said that this spring has been sacrificed and refined by the masters of all dynasties with great magic power. On the surface, it is undoubtedly the same as ordinary spring water, but in fact, it is filled with the power of immortality inside, and the depth is like Mount Tai pressing down on the top. Practicing martial arts and martial arts in it can effectively wash out Impurities of the body."

Uncle Huo pointed to the shadows of the buildings in the distance and said.

Li Xiaobai looked in the direction of the other party's finger, and indeed he could vaguely see the shadow of the building complex in the clouds and mist among the mountains, and a spring rising from the center of it was very abrupt, and he could clearly see it even from a long distance away. , which shows how tall this spring is.

"This spring water pours down like a waterfall. Presumably, it uses gravity to oppress and temper the monk's body. While forcing out impurities from the body, it can also sharpen the skills and tamp the power of the immortal. It is worthy of a large sect. Zongmen disciples have done a good job in the basics."

Li Xiaobai looked at the gushing spring and nodded frequently, with admiration in his eyes. He has seen many similar methods of tempering the body of a monk, such as the exquisite pagoda in the East China Sea Dragon Palace in the Fairy Continent, or the sword sect. The blades of the swords all have the same effect as this spring water.

"No matter how you say it is a large sect, vision and structure are naturally indispensable, and they attach great importance to the foundation of disciples."

Uncle Huo said with a smile.

"What is Mr. Li's plan for the next step? Should he leave the Frost Gate and go to Ice Dragon Island directly, or seek wealth and wealth?"

"Naturally, it is the pursuit of wealth and danger. As the saying goes, thieves don't go empty-handed. I'm afraid I won't have much contact with this Hanbing sect in the future. I will take this opportunity to clean up all the resources that Hanbu lives in the sect."

Li Xiaobai took out the human skin mask and put it on directly. In just an instant, the image and temperament of the whole person changed drastically.

The mask is perfectly attached to the face, the fit is 100%, as if it was tailor-made for Li Xiaobai, his complexion is pale, a pair of inverted triangle eyes are shining with scarlet fierceness, and the evil spirit on his face reveals an unstoppable bewitching look .

The effectiveness of this human skin mask is so strong that it explodes, and the evil spirit released from it is even worse than Han Bubu, and the ferocity in the eyes is even more that Han Bubu didn't have before .

In a word, after wearing this human skin mask, Li Xiaobai is an upgraded version that can't be cold, all the advantages of appearance are infinitely magnified, and his temperament has also been slightly changed, making him more masculine.

The younger generation of the Huo family couldn't help but stare dumbfounded. For the first time, they discovered that a hated villain could be so handsome.

A smile was drawn on Li Xiaobai's charming face, "How about this face, can you hide it from the sky?"


Seeing Li Xiaobai's completely reborn look, Uncle Huo gasped. Before, he just looked at the face and noticed something extraordinary, but he didn't expect it to be so extraordinary. After wearing it, not only his appearance is consistent with Han, but Even the temperament has undergone subtle changes.

Coupled with the similar thin body shape of the two, this is definitely another cold!

And it looks more sinister and fierce than Hanbubu.

"Mr. Li is a great talent, to be able to get such a genius treasure, a mask of this level, I am afraid that even a semi-sacred or even a saint-level powerhouse can't tell the real from the fake at once?"

Uncle Huo was shocked, his eyes were really opened after following Li Xiaobai all the way, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that there is such a genius in the world, and it was even more difficult to believe that young people can be so good.

If this son does not die young, the future will definitely be a king who will rule the world!

"It's so similar, it's almost the same!"

"No, Mr. Li, you are more attractive than Han Bubu!"

The eyes of the two juniors of the Huo family widened, and they couldn't help blurting out.

Li Xiaobai's smile remained undiminished, "That's great, everyone, follow me up the mountain and enter the ice door!"

A group of people passed through various roadside stalls, and walked towards the Zongmen in a mighty manner, but just as they passed by an inconspicuous stall, a cry of astonishment stopped everyone in their footsteps.

"Young Master Han, are you back?"

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