Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1054: The Three Young Masters Of The Han Family

Li Xiaobai looked back, and saw a young monk in blue robe standing up at the roadside stall, staring at him in astonishment.

"Young master, didn't you go to Ice Dragon Island to participate in the martial arts contest to recruit relatives?"

"Why are you back again?"

There was a childish look on this young man's face, he was not very old, and it seemed that he had not experienced the real beatings, and he belonged to a relatively immature child.

"To go to Ice Dragon Island this time, my young master is not only representing myself, but also represents the face of the entire Ice Sect. Naturally, this row of noodles is indispensable. I need to choose a few servants to serve on the road , In addition, we need to prepare some betrothal gifts, and when this young master wins the competition leader and returns with the beauty, he can directly make a marriage agreement."

"This is the vision and pattern that only belong to the young master. Children should read more and ask less!"

Li Xiaobai turned around, looked at the young man in front of him and said lightly, although he didn't know the other party, he couldn't show timidity in his aura, he had to intimidate the other party.

"Preparing for the dowry?"

"Seize the leader?"

"Young master, have you been stimulated by something outside? Do you need me to report to the suzerain?"

The young man's eyes were even more astonished, he looked at Li Xiaobai as if he was looking at a monster, why did he suddenly change his temper, when did he become so arrogant?

You think you can win the first place before participating?

You must know that the other two young masters of the Frost Sect are also preparing to set off for Ice Dragon Island. Could it be that the other party thinks that they can defeat these two elder brothers?

"Short-sighted things, how can summer worms say nothing? Stand aside so that you can manage your stall, and children should not interfere in adults' affairs!"

Li Xiaobai yelled a few words, led the Huo family and walked away, ignoring them.

There was a strange look in the eyes of the young man in front of the booth, and he muttered to himself, "The young master is back, this is a big deal, I have to report to the young master!"

"Uncle Huo, have you ever met that young man?"

Li Xiaobai asked on the way, he didn't know much about Han Buzhu's life and connections, so he didn't dare to have more conversations with the monk.

"I don't know the situation in the Ice Sect. The relationship network of the young master of the Ice Sect is not small, but most of them are just nodding families, and they are only concubines in the sect. Always being suppressed by the main wife's lineage, it is difficult to turn over, and there are very few monks who want to pay attention, so there is no need to be afraid of revealing the truth."

Uncle Huo thought about it.

In his impression, Han Bubu is a typical bullying and fearing the hard-working, arrogant and yelling in front of the ordinary monks in the sect, but when he meets the two young masters, the first young master and the second young master, he is immediately cowardly and even a fart Don't dare to let go, this is not only a gap in strength and cultivation, but also a huge gap in status!

"It turned out to be like this. It's exactly the same as the Han Bubu in my impression. The typical second-generation ancestor with no ambitions, the playboy is easy to play."

Li Xiaobai nodded, this kind of role is the best, because he definitely doesn't have many close friends, and there is a high probability that he doesn't have any, but he is not afraid of being found out.

After a few minutes.

A group of people climbed the mountain and came to the gate of the mountain.

The Hanbingmen is worthy of being the second son of Hanbing. The mountain gate is as thick as a city wall and the whole body is crystal clear. It is carved out of ice and has not melted for thousands of years. You can feel a chill rushing towards your face just by getting close.

Li Xiaobai judged that this mountain gate should be a magic weapon, and the magic weapon refined with ice sacrifice, placed here is very likely to have some connection with the guardian array.

A group of disciples in front of the mountain gate were holding hands, a little bored, gathered in twos and threes to brag and chat.


A disciple noticed that someone was approaching, and immediately got up and shouted.

But after seeing the appearance of the person who came, he couldn't help but tremble, and said tremblingly, "Master Han!"

"What? The third young master is back!"

"A few days ago, he was dissatisfied with the decision of the clan, so he left a letter and decided to go to Ice Dragon Island to participate in the competition to recruit relatives? Why did he suddenly come back?"

"Could it be a retreat?"

Seeing this, the other monks got up one after another and did not dare to neglect, and saluted Li Xiaobai respectfully, "Master Han!"

Li Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, "Recognized?"

The disciples "recognized!"

"Since I recognize you, why don't you hurry up and let me go? I brought a friend here. If you neglect my friend, I'll ask you!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"This... do I need to report to the other two young masters?"

The disciple guarding the gate said with some hesitation, the two young masters of the main wife's line should keep abreast of all the movements of the young master of the concubine's line in the sect. This is a death order, and they dare not disobey. Every word and deed that does not live in the sect must be controlled by the other two young masters.

"Oh? Why did you notify them?"

"Are you from my two elder brothers?"

Li Xiaobai asked with great interest, his eyes were only on those disciples, and suddenly a layer of cold sweat appeared on the backs of the gatekeeper disciples. For some reason, they felt a sense of fear when they looked at Li Xiaobai. Feelings like never before.

In the past, the third young master of the Han family was domineering Zhang Yang, often pointing fingers at them, but today the young master seems to be a little different. After being glanced at by him, they actually felt like they were being targeted by a hungry tiger. Even a strange thought arose in his heart, if they entangled with Han Bubu in order to please the other two young masters, the other party might kill them directly.

"No, no, that's not the case, young master please!"

Several disciples were a little nervous and flustered, they retreated to the side and bowed to salute, inviting Li Xiaobai to enter.

"Good attitude, reward!"

Li Xiaobai looked haughty, threw out a storage bag, and led Uncle Huo and others into the mountain gate.

Seeing the other party walking away, the guard disciples in front of the door let out a long sigh of relief. They don't know what happened today, but they feel that the third young master of the Han family is extremely terrifying and frightening!

The leading disciple took two steps forward, picked up the storage bag on the ground and swept it slightly, his breathing suddenly became short of breath.

"Boss, what's the matter? How much did the third young master give?"

The rest of the people came forward curiously, and the moment their eyes touched the storage bag, they immediately exclaimed, "Damn it, with 10,000 top-grade fairy stones, the third young master has become so generous? We are rich!"

"Whoever sees it has a share, boss, share it quickly, it's not fun to eat alone!"


On the other side, Li Xiaobai and the members of the Huo family were wandering in the sect. The temperature and climate in the sect was quite suitable, not as cold as in front of the mountain gate.

The monks in the sect gather in twos and threes in front of the stalls to conduct trading transactions. This stall trading resources is the most common trading method for the monks, whether it is inside the sect or outside.

At this moment, Uncle Huo admired Li Xiaobai very much. Not to mention pretending to be the young master when he first arrived, he also acted so arrogantly, which made the disciple lose his temper. It was like the birth of an actor. If he didn't know the secret, he would almost have This time Li Xiaobai and Han Bubu were treated as one person.

"I have to find the location of the cave where I can't live. It's best to meet one or two acquaintances."

Li Xiaobai murmured to himself, it's not an option to turn around blindfolded like this, you have to ask someone.

"Hey, isn't this the third young master? Didn't you say that you want to go to Ice Dragon Island on your own? Why did you go out and wander around and come back?"

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao would be there, before he could make a move, a sissy harsh voice drifted into his ears, his eyes could not help but light up, what is missing, the guide has arrived!

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