"This time, I did not entertain you well at the Gulong Pavilion, which disturbed your son. This old man cannot escape the blame. I also asked Mr. Han to move to the VIP room on the second floor to rest. What happened just now will never happen again in the future. I am here I will report this matter to Guolong, and the faction and clan of those people just now will become the permanent blacklist of Gulong Pavilion in the future!"

Zong Guohong said with an apologetic face.

"It's all right. After driving away the Xiao Xiaozhi, no one in the auction house dares to make trouble. Let's go."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and followed Zong Guohong to go upstairs, leaving only the bewildered monks staring at each other.

"Damn! It's true. This auction definitely has something left by the semi-sacred powerhouse. It's ridiculous that we still listen to the words of that Bei Dao. This guy is clearly a spoiled year, and he actually wants to delay time!"

"Mr. Han is right. This guy is either stupid or bad. Ma De, I will invite the elders of the Hui clan to come here. Our Wang family is determined to win this auction!"

"How could the master of the Gu Long Ling deceive us? It's ridiculous that Bei Dao and the Huo family have no eyes, and they even sneered. It's what they deserve!"

"It's all the fault of these two families. It made me miss such an opportunity to make friends with important people. The third young master of the Han family is not the worst young master of the Han family. I think he is clearly the best disciple of the Han family. Being able to have such connections is much better than the other two brothers!"

"Yeah, this is definitely the real pride of heaven. To possess the ancient dragon order, his background identity is not just as simple as the young master of the Ice Sect. Although the Ice Sect is a large sect, it doesn't have such a big face! "

"Ice Dragon Island disciples mistook me!"

In the hall, all the monks looked at Li Xiaobai's disappearing figure with regret in their hearts. If they hadn't listened to the North Wind's words and made friends with him, they would have climbed such a big tree by now.

On the second floor, Li Xiaobai went to the VIP seat in the middle to take a seat. This was a room with rooms, and the curtains on both sides were drawn to restrain him, so he didn't have to worry about being known by the people around him.

After all, bidding in an auction house is a very offensive thing. Only when they don't know each other's identities can they compete freely and openly. Only in this way can the goods be sold at a higher price, otherwise Everyone is afraid of the powerful forces and no one dares to bid, so the treasures of the Gulong Pavilion will be bought at an extremely low price, which is something no auction house wants to see.

"This place is good. It takes care of the overall situation. It is not a place for ordinary people to sit on weekdays."

Li Xiaobai nodded, this VIP room can see the entire picture of the lower floor, and can also see many rooms on the second floor, the view is quite wide.

"For the person holding the ancient dragon order, this wing room is a bit petty. Please don't take offense, my lord."

"Here is the list of the auction house's items. Guolong has reorganized it. Please take a look at it."

Zong Guohong took out a list. He and Zong Guolong are brothers, one masters outsiders and the other masters insiders. The young man in front of him is the cash cow of Gulong Pavilion today. Whether Gulong can make a name depends on the auction resources of the other party. Don't offend a benefactor who can't be found even with a lantern.

Today's auction is completed, and we will establish a long-term strategic cooperation with the other party in the future. It is not difficult to imagine that the fairy stone must come in an endless stream.

"It's time to work."

Li Xiaobai nodded, took the list and glanced at it casually. The list column that was originally only one page now suddenly has seven or eight pages. Except for a few items on the first and last pages, everything else is from him. resources for sale.

Needless to say, I am quite satisfied. This will mean that nearly 90% of the transaction volume in this auction is his. You can sit and collect money.

"Mr. Han, what other services do you need?"

"Just mention it, Gulong Pavilion will do its best to satisfy you."

Zong Guohong said with a light smile, without any airs of domineering, and treated Li Xiaobai as a peer, in his opinion, this young man is fully qualified to make him lower his profile, maybe this is the so-called people?

"Then please trouble the old man to send someone to Lingxue Pavilion. The shopkeeper Wang there has rich background and strong financial resources. If he can come, it will add a lot of glory to today's auction."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, he has not forgotten that shopkeeper Wang crazily stole immortal stones from his body, this treacherous shopkeeper of Lingxue Pavilion has to charge for everything, even a sip of his tea has to be settled separately, In particular, asking him to help introduce the high-level executives of the Gulong Pavilion, even charged a lot of top-quality immortal stones.

Although this small amount of money is nothing more than a drop in the bucket to him, the feeling of being slaughtered is really uncomfortable. Today, the fairy stones spent must be searched back hundreds of times from the treasurer Wang.

"Well, what Mr. Han said is very true. Shopkeeper Wang controls the financial power of Lingxue Pavilion. Like Gulong Pavilion, Lingxue Pavilion is a time-honored brand with hundreds of years. The accumulation of heritage is not comparable to that of ordinary inns. If you can invite Shopkeeper Wang to participate Bidding, I think the scene will be quite exciting."

Zong Guohong thought about it seriously, nodded and said, to be honest, Gulongge only considered the influence of the various sects, and didn't really pay attention to the shopkeeper Wang for a while. The more they earn, the more they earn.

"In this way, there will be Senior Lao."

"The more people below spend, the more we earn. Now that I'm standing on the same front as Gu Longge, I naturally have to contribute."

Li Xiaobai said with a faint smile.

"Young Master Gao Yi!"

"Let's get rich together!"


Two hours later, the sky gradually darkened, but the excitement on this island was just beginning.

The entire island lit by torches was as bright as day, and the front of the Gulong Pavilion was full of people, and monks poured in like a torrent.

Zong Guolong issued an order to cancel the previous invitation system. Even if there is no invitation, you can still enter the auction, but there is no seat and you can only stand aside to snap up the auction. As soon as this news came out, many sects nearby The powerful monks are all crazy. A century-old auction house has no threshold restrictions this time. The momentum is unprecedentedly large. Many monks who don't know the inside story follow the crowd and enter the Gulong Pavilion to watch the excitement.

Rao Li Xiaobai couldn't help smacking his tongue secretly when he saw the scene in front of him. Good guy, the appeal of this Gulong Pavilion is not ordinary. It is indeed an old store. It seems that today is destined to make a fortune.

"The treasurer of Lingxue Pavilion King has arrived!"

"Elder Wang from Baihuamen is here!"

"Blood Demon Sect Yan Xiao arrives!"

"Yang Hong of the Golden Knife Gate has just arrived!"


There was a sound of shouting, and one after another the big bosses climbed to the second floor, and each entered the VIP seat.

"The second elder of Ice Dragon Island is here!"

There was another cry, and the venue suddenly fell silent. The second elder of Ice Dragon Island, who is the third leader on the island, actually came to Gulong Pavilion to join in the fun!

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