Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1081: Second Elder Of Ice Dragon Island

"The second elder of Ice Dragon Island?"

Li Xiaobai also widened his eyes, staring closely at the white-haired old man who appeared below.

This is an old and disfigured old man. His long hair has turned into silver threads, his body is so thin that he is inhuman shape, his sunken cheeks are completely skinny, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a walking skeleton. Holding a crutch with a dragon head in his hand, and supported by a charming woman on the left and right sides, he slowly walked up to the VIP room on the second floor.

This old man has a different aura when he appears on the stage. Don't look at him as weak and windy as if he would fall down at the first push, but if you really think so, you are completely wrong. Most of the news was leaked by this person.

To become the second elder of Ice Dragon Island, there is nothing to say about his strength and cultivation. The last time he started at the semi-holy level, there is a high probability that he will be a strong man in the holy realm.

"Let's all be flat."

The voice of the old man was relatively high-pitched, with a hint of femininity, but the invisible power made no one present dare to show any strangeness. This is a real high-ranking person, and he can tremble three times when he stomps his feet on Ice Dragon Island and even the entire Hungry Ghost Festival It is unbelievable that such a top expert actually came to the Gulong Pavilion auction.

Even if there are things left by the semi-holy powerhouse, I'm afraid it won't attract the attention of this master, right?

Could it be that there is something else in this auction that can attract these two elders?

"Junior Zong Guolong, met the second elder!"

Seeing the old man come forward, Zong Guolong was flattered and hurried forward two steps to greet him. In front of him, he was just a junior with a very respectful expression.

"Free of courtesy, flat body."

The old man snorted softly, and walked towards the private room where Li Xiaobai was.

"what happened?"

"Why are there other people sitting in the old man's private room?"

Before he walked to the box, the old man's wrinkled face instantly twisted into a ball, looking very scary.

"Who is inside, get out!"

"You are so courageous. You even dared to sit in Mr. Zhang's private room. Who gave you the courage?"

The expressions of the two coquettish women on the side also changed, and they shouted sharply.

"Mr. Zhang, please calm down. There is indeed a distinguished guest from Gulong Pavilion in this room today, who is also the owner of Gu Longling. I didn't expect that Mr. Zhang would come to visit him in person today. It is indeed that the younger generation did not think carefully. This junior is going to re-open for Mr. Zhang. How would you like to prepare the house?"

Zong Guolong broke out in a cold sweat. This person had never been to Gulong Pavilion a few times at all. Why did he suddenly visit today? There was really no sign at all.

"An ancient dragon order?"

"Who is here? The island owner is not in the mood to come to this place of entertainment. Could it be the Great Elder?"

Zhang Lao narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone seemed a little unfriendly.

"Senior Zhang misunderstood, that's not the case, the one inside is the new owner of the ancient dragon token, a rising star, because he has made outstanding contributions to my ancient dragon pavilion, so he gave this token, as for what it is It is inconvenient for juniors to disclose contributions."

Zong Guolong said respectfully.


"The third ancient dragon token owner?"

"Still a rising star?"

"Sure enough, the younger generation is awesome. There is no need to find another place. Today, this old man is convenient for this young man to be in the same room. I want to see what kind of abilities this young man has. He can actually get an ancient dragon token that even this old man has never owned."

Mr. Zhang waved his hand, and said slowly, he is interested in the monks in this wing room, others don't know him, but he is quite familiar with it, the Gulong Pavilion has stood for hundreds of years because of the strong support of Binglong Island , and the background in this auction house is also quite amazing. As the highest level token in the Gulong Pavilion, this Gulong Token is not something that ordinary people can have, because the issuance of this Token does not depend on your identity and background at all.

In front of the Gulong Pavilion, no matter how powerful your background is, it is useless. As Zong Guolong said, if you do not make outstanding contributions to the auction house, it is absolutely impossible to get the Gulong Token, which is why you are stronger than him. Never had such a token.

But this also reflects how extraordinary the young man sitting in that wing room is at the moment. Is there such an outstanding young man among the younger generation?

He had never heard of it.

Zong Guolong was taken aback when he heard the words, "But..."

"It's nothing to worry about. Just concentrate on running your auction well. The old man won't make trouble in the Gulong Pavilion. Don't worry."

Zhang Lao looked indifferent, and interrupted Zong Guolong's words with a wave of his hand, and then he did not see any movement. After a moment of illusory body, he walked through the curtain directly, without even a slight breeze.

Two enchanting women followed closely behind, raised the curtain and walked in.


Zong Guolong was a little confused. He didn't understand what kind of medicine the old man was selling in the gourd. The dragon clan was already proud, and the masters of the dragon clan were even more proud. The second elder was willing to share a room with a young junior to participate in the competition. The auction was really unexpected, but I just hope there will be no surprises.

"Reliable, Mr. Han, if there is anything you need to ring the bell at hand, our people will rush to serve you as soon as possible."

"The auction is about to start, so Zong has to leave first."

Zong Guolong thought about it and finally dropped a word, turned around and left, this is the best result, if you don't offend, let the two people in the room solve everything by themselves, anyway, Mr. Han doesn't seem to be cheap lights.

Gulong Pavilion, the second floor.

The VIP room in the middle.

The incense candles on the table case are burning slowly, and the room is filled with green smoke. Two grand master chairs are located at the two ends of the table case respectively. There are two groups of one old and one young sitting. Two enchanting women stand respectfully behind the old man, with plump bodies And graceful, the scene looks a little weird.

"How does this ambergris taste, old man?"

The old man was resting with his eyes closed, humming and chirping on the chair, with an expression of enjoyment.

"The incense candles lit by the seniors are really the best ones."

Li Xiaobai did not dare to neglect, and said respectfully, to be honest, it is impossible for such a great god to sit beside him without being nervous.

He couldn't figure out what the old man was thinking, sitting in the same box with him, could he have found something and wanted to come in and test him?

But with the identity and strength of the opponent, it is completely unnecessary!

"This is the reward I got when I served the old island owner. In the whole island, apart from the current island owner, only the old man still has some stock in his hand, and even the great elder didn't own it."

"This incense is sacrificed with the power of the dragon blood. The smoke is filled with tyrannical essence, but it is not easy for you to inhale it into your mouth and nose to keep the old man so still."

"What's your name?"

Zhang Lao opened his eyes slightly and glanced at Li Xiaobai and asked softly.

Li Xiaobai clasped his fists and clasped his hands, "The third young master of the Ice Sect, I can't stand the cold!"

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