Zong Guolong tapped the table with a small hammer, and a maid holding a tray came slowly in front of the door, holding a huge black gold tray in her hand, covered with a red cloth.

"Everyone, we held quite a few auctions in previous years. I believe you all know the rules, but today's auction is a bit different from previous years. After strict screening, we will pack treasures of average quality The purpose of buying and selling is to improve the efficiency of the auction and present the truly valuable items in front of everyone as soon as possible."

"The first item to be auctioned is packaged and sold. There are a total of more than 3,700 medicinal materials, of which 2,700 are for monks in the Earth Wonderland, and the remaining 1,000 copies are for disciples in the Heavenly Wonderland. All of them are of the highest quality, and those of you who have sect influence can start snapping up the auction, the low price is zero, and each price increase must not be less than 10,000 top-grade immortal stones!"

Zong Guolong took the tray and lifted the red cloth covering it, and in an instant the whole auction hall was filled with colorful lights, and the air of precious treasures was like a spring breeze.

There is a small round ball placed on this tray, which is a transparent space with a large capacity, and more than 3,700 medicinal resources are slowly floating in it, exuding dazzling brilliance, rich Essence pervades the nose of every monk.

The monks on the first floor involuntarily widened their eyes, fixedly staring at the black gold tray, and the halazi flowed down unconsciously, just smelling the waft of breath from the medicinal material made them feel refreshed for a while. , I wish I could sit cross-legged and meditate for a while to practice. It is hard to imagine, if I get this batch of medicinal materials, what kind of help it will be to their cultivation base.

Good guy, it was so exciting at the beginning, and actually packaged and sold more than 3,000 copies of medicinal material resources. Gulongge is a bit rich today!

"More than 3,700 copies of medicinal materials are packaged and sold. What is Gu Longge's plan today?"

"If it is a normal auction, these resources are enough to be auctioned for an hour. Why did they take them out at once today? Does it not want to do business?"

"Yeah, even if there are a few great finale items in today's auction, it's not enough to act like this. Now that all the resources are sold out, what will be sold later? Could it be that Senior Zong wants to end this auction early? "

"What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd?"

The monks below were shocked, and their eyes also showed a strong look of confusion. The number of the first treasures sold in this package is too much. You can say that it is normal to pack ten pieces together, but it is normal to pack three treasures at a time. They really haven't seen the thousand and seven hundred copies.

How many collections can there be in an auction? If such a blockbuster is thrown at the beginning, can there be anything to sell later?

However, the bidding still has to be bid, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that these medicinal materials are not simple, they are all natural materials and earthly treasures, and the quality is above average, and it will benefit the disciples infinitely if they are bought and brought back to the sect of.

This is a great opportunity to improve the overall strength of the sect, and no one will let it go easily.

"Ten thousand!"

On the first floor, a monk raised a sign and said.

"Twenty thousand!"

"fifty thousand!"

"One hundred thousand!"


"one million!"

Someone made a bid first, which instantly ignited the atmosphere of the venue.

The monks on the first floor raised their voices one after another. In just a few minutes, the price increased to as much as one million top-grade immortal stones, and there was a continuous upward trend.

On the second floor, Li Xiaobai nodded slightly, a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, most of the packaged supplies were his resources, the more he sold, the more he would share.

It's just that after looking around, he found that no one had bid on the VIP seats on the second floor.

"Mr. Zhang, this is a good thing. For the sect, the cultivation of the disciples is more important than anything else. This is the foundation of standing. If these resources are brought back to Ice Dragon Island for the disciples to use and cultivate, I believe that the strength will be the same. There will be great progress, and in my opinion, the worst of these resources are also above average, and some of them are top-notch, and this kind of opportunity is hard to find even with a lantern."

After thinking about it, Li Xiaobai turned his attention to the old man beside him. This old man is the second elder of Ice Dragon Island, and he must have a lot of fairy stones.

"That's right. These resources are really good for disciple-level monks. Even compared with the supplies in my Ice Dragon Island, they are not too much. Isn't Boy Han tempted?"

Mr. Zhang closed his eyes and meditated, snorted softly, and said lightly.

"The younger generation has self-knowledge, and the sect behind them is weak, so they are not worthy of such resources. In my opinion, this resource must be a powerful person like Mr. Zhang."

Li Xiaobai laughed.

"That's right, sure."

Mr. Zhang still kept his eyes closed and did not even open his eyes. The two enchanting women behind him said in unison, "Ten million top-grade immortal stones and three thousand seven hundred medicinal materials have been delivered quickly."

The voice was very soft and not loud, but it spread to the ears of all the monks on the first and second floors.

In an instant, the auction house was quiet, and the shouts that were still competing for bids stopped abruptly.

On the second floor, a big shot bid!

And one shot is 10 million top-grade fairy stones, how can this be played?

When they were still fighting for 100,000 or 200,000 top-grade fairy stones, they directly threw 10 million, which made people stare blankly.

Zong Guolong was also slightly taken aback. You must know that the current bid for the first floor is only 3 million top-quality immortal stones, and the expert on the second floor actually directly angrily smashed 10 million. This is really not taking immortal stones as immortal stones!

And I didn't expect that the adult's private room could actually hear the sound, and it was the first collection to be auctioned at a sky-high price. It seems that Mr. Han contributed to it.

"The VIPs in the box on the second floor bid 10 million top-quality immortal stones, but who else wants to bid?"

Zong Guolong came back to his senses and asked loudly.

"Ten thousand and eleven thousand!"

It was also a box on the second floor, a middle-aged man's voice came and said lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, the smell was full of gunpowder. Everyone could tell that this man was deliberately aiming at driving up the price. At this point, whoever raised the price would only increase by 10,000. This is deliberately disgusting people!

"Twenty million!"

In the box where Elder Zhang was, the enchanting woman hardly blinked her eyes, and said directly, adding another ten million as soon as she opened her mouth, Li Xiaobai was frightened for a while, is this the second elder? I really don't take money as money, I'm afraid Xianshi is really just a number to them.

There was silence all around, and everyone held their breath, quietly waiting for the next sentence.

"You won. Since the fairy wants it, I am also willing to be a favor."

After a long silence, the man spoke up.

"Twenty million once!"

"Twenty million times!"

"Twenty million three times!"

"Congratulations to this lord for getting off to a good start, I wish you smooth sailing in the future and skyrocketing!"

Zong Guolong slapped the small hammer, his face beaming with joy. It was just the beginning, and it was sold for a sky-high price of 20 million yuan, which far exceeded his expectations. Today is a big success!

In the private room on the second floor, Mr. Zhang swayed on the master chair, enjoying the massage from the beauty behind him, and casually asked, "Who was that just now? I don't seem to have this voice in my memory."

One of the enchanting women said, "That's the housekeeper next to Elder Gao of the Five Poison Sect. He greeted the Zong Pavilion Master when he entered the door. The servants remembered this voice. Presumably, they asked the people around them to bid for him because they were afraid of revealing their identities."

Mr. Zhang nodded slightly, "Well, I've made a note, I'll be him after the auction."

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