Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

The First Thousand And Eighty-Fourth Chapters, I Pay Twice As Much As Baihuamen


The two enchanting women responded in unison, as if they were just telling a trivial matter.

However, this also made Li Xiaobai on the side even more jealous. It is not difficult to guess that this old man kills without blinking an eye, but it is too much for the two women beside him to be able to memorize the voice of a big man's housekeeper just by meeting him once. horrible.

In this way, doesn't it mean that the barrier of the VIP box on the second floor is useless to the second elder, as long as someone opens his mouth to bid, he will know the identity of the other party immediately?

How can I play this?

"Old Zhang is domineering, throwing away 20 million top-grade immortal stones if he wants to, he is worthy of being the second elder of Ice Dragon Island."

Li Xiaobai flattered him and said cheerfully.

"Immortal stones are just a series of numbers. Since I served the old island owner, I have never touched immortal stones for nearly seventy springs and autumns. I have no interest in immortal stones."

Old Zhang said lightly.

"Senior's vision is vast, and it's not like we can compare it with others. I really admire it!"

The old man was aggressive and he was also a pretender.

Down below, after a brief silence, the monks fell into a big explosion. Although the two bosses on the second floor just fought each other and only quoted the price once or twice, the price is ridiculously high. With a family of ten million, their courage and financial resources are hard to come by.

Sure enough, in the big brother's world, the concept of money does not exist.

"Everyone, after dealing with the first collection, our auction has officially started. To be honest, Zong knows what you are thinking, and sold 3,700 medicinal materials at one time. You must be worried about the follow-up treasures." Will the number drop sharply?"

"But if you continue to read, you will understand that this worry is purely superfluous. The reason why the first collection is disposed of in this way is because I don't want to waste everyone's precious time because of these defective products. The second This collection is incredible, from now on, our auction will be officially launched!"

Zong Guolong was eloquent and stunned the monks below.

"The second lot is the complete material of the monster beast that urged the fish king. The body is complete and flawless from the beginning to the end. It is all the material of the monster beast in the fairyland. You know, there is nothing more about the monster in the fairyland itself, but If the king of the entire school of fish is caught, you can use their eyeballs to refine a magic weapon to deceive the eyes, so that the fish's eyes can be misleading!"

"I don't need to go into details about the effect of this trick. Concealing body shape and breath is the only magic weapon for escaping."

"The starting price is three million top grade fairy stones."

Zong Guolong gave a brief introduction, causing another commotion.

The fish king is a monster that is rarely seen by everyone on weekdays. It works in groups. There are thousands of fish kings in a group, and the leader needs at least two fish kings. The only thing left is to run away.

This race group has an obvious characteristic, that is, the entire school of life-threatening fish is born from the same brood, with the same root and the same origin, and the success rate of refining the magic weapon that is mixed with fish is also greatly increased, almost 100% can be refined.

Such a set of corpses of the fish king, unless the semi-holy powerhouse intentionally kills them, it is absolutely impossible to make up a litter.

And there are four dead fish king corpses in front of me, and they are the complete version, with no parts missing from the beginning to the end. Who doesn't love the material?

"I didn't expect the second item to be auctioned to be the dead fish king. Fortunately, there are no monks from the Sea Clan in this auction. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a mess."

"Yes, I heard that among the younger generation of the Sea Clan, there is a god son who urged the blood of the Yuhuang Clan to participate. If this object is seen by him, I'm afraid we can't let it go without making a big fuss."

The monks started to commotion, the life-threatening fish is a monster of the sea race, and it is considered a large group, and at this juncture, it was directly put on the high stage of the auction. It reflects that people's confidence is indeed very strong.

"Three million!" After a brief commotion, a local tyrant on the first floor offered three million directly, wanting to take down the corpse of the life-threatening fish king.

"four million!"

"five million!"

The price soared all the way, and the price shouted one after another, breaking through five million in an instant.

This thing is extremely valuable for life-saving for monks at the disciple level. A magic weapon that can hide the breath and save life is even more important than the cultivation of medicinal materials.

"I'm worth seven million yuan. I, Baihuamen, need this item. I hope you can save face and make it easier."

From a certain VIP room on the second floor, a cold and hoarse voice floated out and said lightly.

As soon as this statement came out, the field was silent again. If the other party did not reveal their identity, they could still bid, but at this moment, they directly revealed their identities. If anyone who is a powerful member of Baihuamen bids with him again, he will I'm afraid I will lose my life in the future.

But the monks at this level can only dare to be angry and dare not speak out. They are super sects. Do you dare to fight with them?

Li Xiaobai in the box on the second floor was a little unhappy when he saw that the bidding that was originally full of enthusiasm and anger was turned cold because of the old woman's words.

This auction is a place where fairy stones are used to speak. If everyone uses power to overwhelm others and obtain treasures at low prices, will his resources still be sold?

This old woman is here to disrupt the situation, and she is cutting off his money!

"Senior Zhang isn't interested in this trickery?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the feminine old man next to him again, and asked respectfully, this old man is very rich, and it is the kingly way to raise the price up together by fooling around.

"It's just a magic weapon to hide the breath, and the external objects, Xiao Daoer, are not worth mentioning."

Mr. Zhang snorted softly, not paying attention at all.

"It's not worth mentioning to seniors who are involved in good fortune, but wouldn't it be just right to put it on your precious apprentice? Swords and swords have no eyes on the ring. If you have this magic weapon to confuse your opponent, you will lose your life." Worrying, it might even be possible to turn defeat into victory by creating a loophole.”

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

"Little Red, Little Green, what do you think?"

Old Zhang frowned slightly, and asked leisurely, he was a little moved when he mentioned his precious apprentice.

The two enchanting women said, "I'd rather kill a mistake than let it go, this thing is useful to the young master."

Mr. Zhang moved his body, let out a mouthful of dirty air and said, "Then let's increase the price."


Xiaohong took two steps forward, and said loudly, "Eight million top-quality immortal stones, I want the dead fish king's corpse!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar. It was this private room again, and the mysterious owner made a move for the second time!

This time, is it possible to openly compete with Baihuamen?

"Who is Zunjia, who dared to rob me of Baihuamen's things, have you ever considered the consequences?"

The voice of the Baihuamen old woman sounded a little annoyed.

Xiaohong: "Baihuamen is not well behaved. If you don't know the rules, I can teach you what the rules are. If you don't have money, you dare to play here. Who gave you the courage?"

"Okay, okay, today I really can't open my eyes, ten million top-grade fairy stones, this fish king is bound to be won by my Hundred Flowers Sect today!"

The old woman was very angry, if she was in another place, she would have an attack immediately, but it would not work in Gulong Pavilion, so she could only suppress the anger in her heart and said coldly.

"Ten million?"

"Rich people really know how to play."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, a smile flashed unconsciously at the corner of his mouth, and he made a fortune with a wave of 20 million shots.

Sure enough, bidding is the only way to make money.

Xiaohong turned her head and looked at the second elder who was resting with her eyes closed. A look of hesitation flashed in her eyes, as if she was thinking about whether to continue to increase the price. Not worth it anymore.

Zhang Lao still didn't open his eyes, and waved his hand slightly, "Don't look at me, add it yourself."

Xiaohong nodded, thought for a moment, and said a word that shocked the audience.

"As much as Baihuamen pays, I pay double!"

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