Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1108 Senior Sister Trades, Younger Brother Admires

Li Xiaobai was speechless suddenly, "Senior has a true temperament, he is indeed a role model for my generation, and the younger generation admires it."

"It's a pity, but I didn't see any old acquaintances. After many years, Ice Dragon Island has changed, and only the two elders have some connections. It seems that there was a relationship before, and I can't remember."

Yan Zuzi showed nostalgia in his eyes, and said slowly, the two of them lived for too long, almost all the monks of the same generation died, and only a few enemies remained in the world, really answered that sentence, good man If you don't pay for your life, the disaster will last for thousands of years.

"Second Elder?"

"The two seniors know this person?"

Li Xiaobai's expression changed, he was a little surprised, although the Second Elder is very old and ugly, it seems impossible to live for a thousand years, right?

"I vaguely remember that not long after they were locked into the pagoda, I saw two people climbing up the ferry ladder to reach the eyes of the Buddha. Still just teenagers."

"Times have changed, I didn't expect him to be alive, Ma De, back then I begged him to take me out with snot and tears, this guy is not a good thing!"

He mentioned it cursingly and said.

"However, he has indeed lived for a long time. It must have been more than six hundred years. I didn't expect to be just an elder. This kind of qualifications and cultivation are more than enough to be an island owner."

Yan Zuzi said seriously.

He mentioned it and said, "Compared with us, he still has a lot of plugs. Seeing that he is old and out of shape, he is probably near the end of his life."

Li Xiaobai "..."

Dare to say that a strong man in the holy realm who has lived for six hundred years has died, and I am afraid that there are only two in front of him.

But he was also very puzzled, six hundred years was enough to start a mountain and become an ancestor on Ice Dragon Island, how could he be relegated to be the second elder?

In terms of cultivation, I am afraid that both the island owner and the great elder are inferior to him, right?

Forget it, the internal affairs of the island have nothing to do with him, as long as he takes Long Xue away safely, the two ready-made masters in front of him are useless.

"Hey, two seniors, how about making a deal..."


An hour passed in a flash, and the Tianjiao recovered their vitality one after another and returned to their respective camps.

Among the crowd, a fat body could be seen busy again.

"Come, come, buy and leave, buy and leave!"

"The results of the first round were unexpected. Some people were happy and some were sad, but I would like to congratulate some lucky ones. You have made a lot of money! The next second round will be a real group arena match. Let's beat your most admired talent!"

Liu Jinshui yelled and yelled continuously, the momentum was very strong, and it seemed very lively.

Surrounded by a large number of monks still begging a lot of money, there is no other reason. Although the first round of elimination shot by the island owner temporarily made many of them lose their money, there are still quite a few people who made a lot of money by beating the blood of the right treasure. It makes people jealous.

"I cast one hundred thousand top-grade immortal stones!"

"Two hundred thousand, Senior Brother Yalong!"

"I pressed 300,000!"

"Geniuses who suppress super sects will definitely make money without losing money!"

The cultivators found that pressing the right treasures could really make a fortune, so they entered the arena separately, and invested even more immortal stones than in the first round.

The betting speed was very fast. Liu Jinshui gathered together with several other senior brothers and sisters, seeming to be discussing something in a low voice. Seeing this scene, Li Xiaobai was a little curious, and he also gathered together to listen to the conversation between several people .

Lin Yin took a sip of Hua Zi, squatted on the ground and said lightly, "Who has the most supporters now?"

Liu Jinshui flipped through the roster and said, "Except for us, there are quite a lot of monks and disciples who crushed Long Aotian on Ice Dragon Island, and he has more than eight million top-grade fairy stones on him."

"There are still a few monks from the Sea Clan, who don't show off the mountains and don't show their water, but there are quite a few supporters."

Su Yun waved his slender hand, "Manipulator, get rid of them!"

Ye Wushuang raised his forehead, "Senior sister has such a bad temper, she will never be able to find a man in the future."

Su Yunbing "???"

When the two girls met, the atmosphere became a little tense, and Liu Jinshui hurriedly illustrated, "I mean, let them go for a round first, so that more gamblers can taste the sweetness and continue to invest. When the plate grows bigger, we can reap the harvest. Ill-gotten wealth can only be earned once."

Yang Chen shook his feather fan lightly, "How?"

"Fatty Master does all the work and effort, and he also needs to plan the layout. Naturally, he has to take the lead. Fatty Master wants 50%, how do you share the remaining 50%?"

Liu Jinshui patted his chest and said.

Ling Feng shook his head, "Too few, you are the one who started the game, but we are the ones who made them disappear. We all take the risk, how about a split?"

Liu Jinshui frowned, "Where is the game without Fat Master? Even split is absolutely impossible!"

"Why don't you take your younger brother with you?"

Li Xiaobai interrupted at the right time, blending into the secret conversation of several people.

"Fuck, here comes another penny..."

Liu Jinshui cursed inwardly.

"If you don't work hard, you won't be able to share the fairy stone. Junior brother, even you can't go whoring for nothing. You should think about how to take your siblings away."

Su Yunbing said lightly.

"Hey, I don't care about the money, I just want to ask Sixth Senior Brother to get back the part of my brother, should we pay back the six million that we teamed up with Long Aotian?"

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

"I'll give it to you at the end of the big competition. Don't worry when my brother cheated on you. What's yours is yours after all. No one can take it away."

Liu Jinshui said very generously.

Looking at him like that, Li Xiaobai knew that this fairy stone was a meat bun beating a dog and never returned.

Li Xiaobai changed the subject and continued to ask, "I just heard from the senior sister that she seems to want to kill all potential disciples?"

"That's right, this is all for the younger brother to win over the leader and pick up Long Xue, and the senior sister who is waiting will clear the way for you and help you reach the summit directly!"

Su Yunbing looked all over the place, and the rest of the people also nodded with solemn expressions.

"Several senior brothers and sisters must have killed the Quartet to become invincible in the arena, and gained a large number of supporters to pay a lot of money to buy to win, and the younger brother has always had a bad reputation, so he will definitely not be favored by others. Defeating at the hands of my little brother, making a huge profit with a shocking upset, it really is a great trader."

Li Xiaobai spoke out his heart directly for several people, this group of brothers and sisters had one master who was unwilling to suffer, Long Xue was saved, but the leeks had to be harvested.

"Junior brother's words are wrong. You want a woman, and senior sister wants a fairy stone. This is a win-win situation. Why not do it?"

"Yes, don't worry, junior brother, you are the most important thing in our hearts, and it's just a matter of lifting a finger and doing it casually."

"Yes, yes, the seniors just want to earn some pocket money, so the juniors won't even want to snatch this Weibo income?"

Seeing the smiling faces of the people in front of him, Li Xiaobai resisted the urge to swear.

"Senior brother and sister Gao Yi, I admire you!"

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