An hour passed, and on the arena, the island master and others laid down layers of restrictions, this is to prevent the disciples from falling into the Ice and Fire Liangyi spring below during the fight.

In the past, this was used by dragon disciples to fight to the death. Falling into the spring water was basically a dead end, but today's martial arts competition is just a discussion, and there is no need to do so.

There are strong people in the holy realm who create restrictions, and the battle between the juniors in the fairyland is foolproof.

On the surrounding seats, a beautiful white figure came from the sky, sat on the upper seat, and looked down.

"Dragon Fairy is here!"

"Meet the fairy!"

"Fairy came to see the competition in person to recruit relatives. Is this because she wants to witness with her own eyes that her future husband suppresses the younger generation?"

In the surrounding auditorium, the monks whispered, the woman in the white dress is the island owner's apprentice Long Xue, who did not expect that the hostess would show up on the occasion of the martial arts contest to recruit relatives, but it feasted their eyes.

But isn't this competition all predetermined? What else is there to see? Could it be that this fairy also wants to know the strength of the heavenly talents of all parties in the Zhongyuan world today?

"You can do whatever you want, don't worry about me."

Long Xue nodded slightly, with a calm expression, a pair of beautiful eyes searched among the crowd below, trying to find that familiar figure.

"Fairy Longxue is here, and it seems that they also attach great importance to this martial arts competition!"

"Didn't you say that you were appointed internally? How could a genius from Ice Dragon Island marry an outsider? It's impossible if you think about it. Let's take a look. Today's arena is probably prepared for Long Aotian alone. Others People are just green leaves to serve as a foil.”

The cultivators around the arena who were gearing up were slightly taken aback when they saw this scene, but they didn't think much about it. Although this woman is the best, she is a woman they are destined not to have. What is she doing?

"It's Xueer, Xueer is looking at me!"

Down below, Long Aotian's heart trembled, and a wave of excitement and excitement swept through his body. This woman is a bit arrogant, she said no, but her body is very honest. Isn't this here? The group arena is about to start , so that he can experience the strength of his future husband.

As the arrogant of the Dragon Clan, today he will surely shock the heroes and become a blockbuster!

On the other side, Li Xiaobai also glanced at the beautiful figure above without a trace, and couldn't help muttering to himself, "The lady is still reliable, knowing that she is coming out, so that she only needs to find an opportunity to take her away." .”

"However, there is something wrong with the eyes of this surnamed Long. If you have to find someone, you will kill him, so as to avoid more grievances and entanglements in the future."


"Contest to recruit relatives, the official start!"

"In the battle of the arena, the fists and feet have no eyes, which may hurt everyone's peace, so watch as soon as possible."

"These tokens are engraved with different numbers. Those who draw the same number form a group. This is also the serial number for you to play. The bye players will automatically advance to the next round."

The Great Elder said loudly, with a wave of his big hand, hundreds of small tokens flew out, and fell into the hands of each Tianjiao with precision.

Li Xiaobai caught the token, the sign itself is just an ordinary wooden carving, nothing special, worthless, with a big serial number "one" written on the front and Li Xiaobai written on the back.

"I'm actually the first to play. I'm afraid it wasn't deliberately arranged, there is something shady."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself.

"Senior sister has shown you that they are all a bunch of rubbish. A character with one move in seconds is nothing to be afraid of."

Su Yun said in an ice-cold manner.

"Young junior brother's opponent is a disciple of the Vajra Sect, over there."

Ye Wushuang's eyes exuded a green and yellow charm. Looking into the distance, he pointed to a burly monk in the distance and said.

This is a big bald man, with muscles all over his body protruding like a horned dragon, and a layer of luster on the surface is as hard as a diamond.

"Who is the opponent of a certain company, report the name!"

The bald man walked in the air, his footsteps resounded like thunder, deafening, and fell on the ring like a Xiaoshan mountain.

"It's a brother from the Vajra Sect!"

"It is said that his patriarch has obtained the method of body training in Buddhism, and combined with what he has learned, he created a horizontal practice kung fu, which can train the body to a quite tough level. It has always been the best among monks of the same level!"

"I don't know who his opponent is. I met this Vajra Sect disciple at the beginning of the game. I'm afraid it's bad luck."

The monks who watched the play all around recognized the origin of this bald man, and couldn't help but exclaimed. This is a heavyweight seeded player. I didn't expect the first one to appear on the stage to be so exciting.

"Little brother, let's go."

Li Xiaobai walked up the steps slowly onto the ring without any fancy movements. Compared with the aura of the bald man crushing the void, he looked a little weak, which attracted boos from the audience.

"It's the kid from the Hanbingmen!"

"It's him, the heavens have eyes, this weak and damaged boy is finally going to be cleaned up, to be honest, I have long disliked him!"

"Brother of the Vajra Sect, fuck him!"

"Where's the fat guy just now? I want to bet, buy, buy all!"

Seeing Li Xiaobai's appearance, all the monks were overwhelmed, not to mention the other party's annoying performance in the White Jade Tower, the fact that he killed dozens of monks in the spring water just now is enough to make many People are dissatisfied.

Seeing that he was about to be tortured by the blood of the Vajra Gate at this moment, it was too late for them to be happy!

But the reactions of the disciples in the field were quite different. Most of them had made deals with Li Xiaobai, and had personally experienced the horror of Li Xiaobai's ability to come and go freely in the spring water. This person's physical strength is probably very strong. Not yet under the monks of the Dragon Clan, don't look out of tune, but suddenly a batch.

"Young Master Han!"

"The Huyan Hammer of the Vajra Gate is being polite!"

On the ring, the bald man narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw Li Xiaobai's figure. He was in the lava just now, and he didn't accept the other party's help. He always despised this kind of behavior of making money by taking advantage of other people's crises.

Although the young man in front of him has some skills, he is always heresy after all.

"I can't stay in Xia Han, Brother Huyan can make a move."

Li Xiaobai arched his hands, and said cheerfully, looking very kind.

"My Vajra Sect is famous for its strong physical body. Before formal practice, we will beat the physical body with stone slabs every day, then use a giant hammer to shake the physical body hard, and then stand under the waterfall. We can persist for three days and three nights. Only when we are exhausted can we draw the power of the immortal essence into the body to formally embark on the journey of cultivation, and since then we have never stopped tempering our physical bodies, cold ice, lava, poisonous miasma, and knife formations, we all cross with our physical bodies, it can be said to be tempered a thousand times!"

Huyan Hammer said.

Li Xiaobai was at a loss, "So?"

"Facing such a flawless body, Mr. Han has no awe at all. This is a contempt for my Vajra Sect!"

"In addition, maybe you don't know yet, among the people who were killed by you in that spring, there are also my disciples of the Vajra Sect. Killing people pays for their lives. Today you have to pay the price, so save your life!"

Huyan hammered the horse step horizontally, and the breath of the whole person changed instantly, standing there like a thousand-year-old rock, no matter how wind and rain hit it, it would not waver.

"Broken Rock Fist!"

Huyan's hammer turns into a rock, which is extremely strong and fierce, as if it is integrated with the surrounding terrain and environment, and is indestructible.

Attribute points + 2 million...

The arena was full of smoke and dust, and the violent vigor swept all directions. There was no temptation, and he made a serious attack as soon as he came up, with amazing power. However, Li Xiaobai remained motionless, with no damage except for some dust on his body.


Huyan hammer's pupils contracted, and the opponent actually took over his punches physically and was unharmed!

What kind of body is this, what kind of cultivation is this?

Even the Vajra Gate cannot repair this level!

"Brother Huyan, this move is not bad, you can do it a few more times!"

Li Xiaobai said calmly, and glanced down from the corner of his eye, Liu Jinshui was busy opening the market for the second time, asking many monks to bet and increase their chips.

Undoubtedly, all of these raisers now want to buy Huyan Hammer to win. This Vajra Sect Tianjiao has a great reputation and is very strong. It is natural to buy him to win. Entering the field, it will be comfortable to harvest like this.

"What kind of cultivation is this?"

"I didn't even perceive the movement of the power of the immortal essence. Could it be that some kind of magic weapon is protecting the body in secret?"

Huyan Chui was shocked, but he didn't say much. He threw another punch with his backhand, and both of them transformed into seas, mountains, mountains and stars, and bombarded them.

Attribute points + 3 million...

This is a genius, the appraisal is complete!

Li Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction. This guy's physical body is really nothing to talk about. He is much stronger than many monks he has seen who are famous for body training. I met him in the first round, and I met him at the first stop.

It seems that the Great Elder was operating in secret, and he did some tricks when issuing the token, which was full of shady scenes.

"How is this possible? Among the monks of the same level, how could someone rely on physical strength to force my offensive?"

"What kind of magic weapon are you relying on to perfectly resist the offensive of the cultivators in the Heavenly Wonderland!"

The more the Huyan Hammer hits, the more frightened he becomes, because no matter how violently he launches an attack, the opponent is completely unscathed. This is beyond his comprehension. It is definitely a magic weapon. Let him bombard you next time?

"Brother Huyan, haven't you seen it yet? The gap between you and me is like a chasm in the sky. How can a mere cultivation in the Heavenly Wonderland hurt me?"

"I advise you to take the initiative to admit defeat."

Li Xiaobai said calmly.


"It looks like a defensive magic weapon. It's no wonder that you can come and go freely in the spring water just now, but so what, no matter how strong the defense is, if your own strength and cultivation base are weak, you can still defeat me. Huyan Hammer, today I will Huyan Hammer Let's see how subtle your magic weapon is!"

"Array Breaker!"

Huyan's hammer was on fire, Li Xiaobai's words were too irritating, he couldn't take it anymore, he fought with both hands and a giant hammer rose from the ground, filled with a strong rock and soil atmosphere, heavy and depressing.

"Suppress and kill!"

The giant hammer danced airtightly in the void, and the shadow of the hammer turned into a huge net and enveloped Li Xiaobai, fiercely and fiercely.


The hammer hit Li Xiaobai's body, and the attribute values ​​on the system panel jumped.

Attribute points + 3.5 million...


The sledgehammer disappeared, and it was swung round again with the help of strength, and the hammer was dropped again, shaking the entire arena.

Attribute points + 3.5 million...

Li Xiaobai remained motionless, but Huyan Hammer's expression completely changed. What kind of monster is this? Even a magic weapon has an upper limit. It is a bit too shocking to be able to receive so many hammers and still look like a normal person.

"Brother Huyan, your attack is useless, can you intensify it a little more?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Mr. Han is a bit too confident. I know that you have a magic weapon. I'm afraid it's the magic weapon of a semi-holy monk. That's why you can perfectly block all my attacks."

"However, it's a bit whimsical to want to defeat me with this magic weapon alone, and I'm not afraid to tell you that my formation-breaking hammer is also a magic weapon used by semi-saint powerhouses. Lend it to me, even if you can defend against one hammer, what about ten hammers, or one hundred hammers?"

"I want to see how the upper limit of your magic weapon is!"

Huyan Hammer yelled sharply, the internal skills were running crazily, an incomparably powerful and domineering aura surged, the veins on the surface of his body burst out, and the muscles were poured like steel bars, and a layer of earthy yellow aura could be faintly seen on the surface of the body. save up.

The giant hammer in his hand seemed to resonate at this moment, the radiance was overwhelming, and the breath of rock and soil visible to the naked eye was sucked out from the surface of his body, submerged in the hammer head, and the terrifying breath permeated. Once the magic weapon used by the semi-holy power was activated, the might Can be scary.

However, the Huyan Hammer is only a Celestial Immortal Realm cultivator after all, and can only activate a trace of the power of this giant hammer, but it is also extremely terrifying. You must know that the Half-Saint also has a Holy Son, and nothing linked to the Holy Son is possible. It's everything.

"Hammer dominates the world!"

A crazier attack was launched above the arena, gravel flew, smoke and dust filled the entire arena, and the people watching the battle had no doubt that if the island master and the two elders hadn't set up a restraint to strengthen the arena, the arena would be beaten at this moment. Explosion is possible.

The audience around the stage didn't know the real situation on the stage, watching the one-sided attack of the Huyan Hammer above the stage, the hammer head hit Li Xiaobai's body like raindrops like a storm, which made them excited endlessly.

"Then who, that fat man, come here again! Add one hundred thousand top-grade immortal stones, and buy the Huyan Hammer to win!"

"Me too, add 500,000 top-grade fairy stones, buy Huyan Hammer to win!"

"I won't add any more, move all the top-grade immortal stones that are pressing on Han Bubu to the side of Huyan Hammer, I will pay attention to it, I want to suppress Huyan Hammer to win!"

"What are you thinking? You guys have to change everything. Whose money should we earn? If we want to earn immortal stones, we can get resources to press Huyan Hammer!"

The monks became restless. This is a good opportunity to make a fortune. If you raise your bets wildly, you will definitely win a lot of money.

"Hehehe, don't worry, don't fight or grab, come one by one, I'll write them all down for you, fat man."

Liu Jinshui couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear with a smile, or how can I say that the junior brother knows him best?

As long as he ended the battle earlier, he would not be able to earn so much, so many green leeks, he would feel sorry for himself if he didn't cut them.

On the ring.

Li Xiaobai glanced down unobtrusively, and met Liu Jinshui's eyes, instantly understanding in his heart.

The leeks have almost entered the market, and the harvest can begin!

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