"Hehe, there are really two masters, no wonder you are no longer opponents."

"My blood, I have met fellow Taoists."

The strong man in the holy realm of the Blood Demon Sect said with a smile, at the moment they occupy absolute power, and from the very beginning he advocated killing the island owner and the second elder directly, and letting the first elder alone take charge of the Ice Dragon Island, everything will be much more convenient in the future .

It's just that Lin Bei is too timid to show his head at all, and all actions can only be carried out in secret.


"I didn't expect that I made a mistake. I have already noticed that you, the great elder, are not peaceful, but I never thought that you would hide such evil intentions and be cruel to my disciples. Today, I will do my best to die. I will also let you disappear between the heaven and the earth!"

The island owner's eyes were bloodshot and scarlet, already on the verge of going berserk, wishing he could kill the opponent immediately.

"Island owner, don't blame the Great Elder. Everything he said is true. Look at you. You are already dying. After you die, there will only be two saintly strongmen left on the island. Both internal and external troubles will be eliminated." Not resolved."

"Contribute the power of this little girl's blood and divide it into seven shares. Each of us will take one share, and we will be able to reach a long-term strategic cooperation with Ice Dragon Island in the future. In this way, not only will the strength of your elder family grow by leaps and bounds , wouldn’t it be great if the Dragon Clan could have a few more super sects as allies?”

Bloodline smiled and said, he has nothing to fear, Ice Dragon Island has lost its former glory, and there are only two saints left on the island, the second elder and the island owner, and now the second elder seems to have disappeared and is not in the arena. Unscrupulous.

"Blood elder!"

"Why do you want to forcibly take the blood in Long Xue's body? I'm afraid this is inappropriate and it will bring disaster to the sect!"

On the arena, Lin Yin's heart trembled the moment he saw the bloodline. This is the Holy Realm powerhouse of his Blood Demon Sect. He once taught him how to practice, but he didn't expect that it was the other party who was drawing the blood from Longxue's body.

"Yes, Uncle Wang, there is no need, let him go quickly, this person is my friend, give Fat Lord me a face, let him go!"

Liu Jinshui also looked at the old man of the Golden Knife Sect and said, he felt like a dog in his heart, his ancestors ran out to draw the blood power of his younger siblings, if this succeeded, how could they have the face to see their juniors in the future?


"The power of this bloodline is drawn out for your use. Don't worry about it. There is no arrogance in the sect who can stand by your side. We have also paid attention to the previous group arena. If we can be nourished by this dragon bloodline, You will be able to take the path of cultivation to the extreme!"

Bloodline smiled sullenly.

He didn't take the so-called acquaintance's remarks of several disciples to heart. They were all from the same sect, and they knew everything about it. They are just worried that the drawn blood will not be used on them in the end, but will be given to other geniuses in the sect. In this way, increasing competitors for nothing will make no one happy.


Lin Yin and the others were a little dazed, but before they could speak again, a white shadow rushed out.


The island owner couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and made a bold move, turning into a real dragon with both hands and going straight to the bloodline.

"True Dragon Mahamudra!"

In the void, tigers roared and dragons groaned, a dragon claw protruded from the clouds, descended from the sky, and pressed down on Xueyuan and others.

"Island Master, why bother, you just lit a soul lamp, how can you fight against us?"

With a sneer at the corner of Bloodline's mouth, he stretched out his hand and touched the dragon's claw. His blood was surging, and the strange bloody aura invaded the real dragon's big handprint in an instant. The dense bloodshots finally turned into ashes and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

"Suppress it first, the power of drawing blood cannot be disturbed by the outside world."

Bloodline said indifferently, with a horizontal push, the surrounding scenery changed, the arena turned into a purgatory on earth, countless grievances sprang up, lingering towards the island owner, and the old man of the Golden Knife Sect at the side also slashed at the island owner's head again, intending to hit him kill.


"I simply don't take this old man seriously, you little bastards, when I was at my peak, I would blow them all up with one punch!"

As soon as he got angry, these six people came up and didn't even look at him, making him feel insulted.

Lightly tap the ground with the toes, step out, move the stars and change buckets, and appear in front of the island owner in an instant, open his mouth wide, revealing a mouth full of big yellow teeth, and bite down on the saber air, swallowing it three times, five divisions and two belly.

"Who are you, with such strength, you are not an unknown person!"

Bloodline's eyes narrowed slightly, he looked at Yi Tilan and asked, in his memory, there seemed to be no figure of the other party, and the method of directly swallowing the sword light of the strong man in the holy realm was never seen in his life!

"I heard that there are powerful people from the hidden world immortal sect walking on the island today, and I think your Excellency is one of them."

"Let go of that girl, and I can still spare your life, otherwise, you will count as one today, and you will all be accounted for here."

Li Xiaobai stepped forward and said coldly.

Nodding as soon as he lifted the basket, "That's right, that's what it means."

"Then I want to see how you take my life!"

"Suppress them!"

Bloodline waved his hand casually, and the old man of the Golden Knife Gate appeared in front of the basket in a flash, with the long knife buzzing at his waist, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of blade lights were cut out in a row, and they all slashed towards the basket , to kill it forcefully.

The saber technique was extremely fast, Li Xiaobai only saw a flash of white light, and then dozens of metal clashing echoes came from his ears.

As soon as he carried the basket, he didn't care about the oncoming knife intent, stretched out one hand to grab the shoulder of the old man of the Golden Knife Gate, and smashed it with a fist with the other hand.


The old man's chest was instantly sunken, and his face lost all color and spurted blood.

"What kind of kung fu is this!"

"The physical body can resist the old man's saber technique, it's impossible!"

The old man's face was shocked, and his body had an illusion for a while that he wanted to melt into the void and escape, but the next second he was directly pulled out by a basket.

"Modan, I've seen you upset for a long time!"

He picked up the basket and cursed, then punched him down again.

"This person has a weird body, I'll help you!"

Among the remaining five strong men in the holy realm, the only woman said, her body turned into green smoke, and she wrapped a basket in it, and the old man got a gasp before pulling away from the battlefield, his face was full of shock. Fear, this dry old man's strength is extremely terrifying, his physical body is indestructible, and he almost got seriously injured with a single punch.

Needless to say, he is definitely a master at lighting two soul lamps!

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