With precautions in place, the old man and the woman no longer confronted each other head-to-head, but instead engaged in a dogfight. They had already figured out each other's routines. The old man's strength seemed to depend entirely on his physical body. That's it.

"Grandma, don't run around!"

"Hey! The old man's cultivation base has not yet recovered, and his legendary skills cannot be used!"

"Hurry up and kill me too!"

He raised his breath and shouted loudly. He fought against the two of them with his physical body in the sky. He was not strong enough in his body to perform powerful martial arts and supernatural powers. Normal spells were useless against the strong in the holy realm. In an embarrassing situation.

If I had known that I shouldn't run around after leaving the pagoda, it would be great to recover my strength first, but now I'm going to be hanged and beaten by the juniors, it's very embarrassing.

"Hehe, fellow daoist, don't worry, let's play slowly!"

The body of the poisonous smoke woman turned into a dark green whirlwind, wrapped in the golden sword light, rolled a basket up to the sky, and re-divided the battlefield, fighting in one place.


"These guys want to defeat them one by one. If we were in our peak period, this kind of thing can be killed within ten strokes!"

The bald man next to Li Xiaobai said cursingly, it was Yan Zuzi's voice.

"It's okay, the junior still has a trump card in his hand, it's useless."

"The junior will get Xue'er out in a while, and then I will ask the senior to cover it."

Li Xiaobai said to Bald Qiang.


"The monk of the Blood Demon Sect is a great monk who ignited two divine fires. He is no match for him in ordinary holy places. You should not take any risks, boy."

Bald Qiang opened and closed his mouth and said, whether it is the strength of the island owner or the great elder, they are nothing more than igniting a divine fire, and it is precisely because of this that this blood relationship is so confident.

The huge gap in strength and realm is irreparable, and only he and Yi Tilan can resist it.

"Senior, don't worry, let everyone in the world see the background of my villain gang today!"

There was a cold light in Li Xiaobai's eyes.


At the same time, another person separated from the side of the bloodline, flew towards the island owner like a roc bird, and sprayed fairy light in all directions with his hands and feet, pulling the battlefield from the ground to the sky in an instant.

"Protect me, the power of this bloodline must be extracted as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

With a word of blood relationship, the two people around him immediately stepped forward to be alert to other strong men who might appear around them. There is still a second elder who has never appeared on this island. If the second elder heard the movement, he would definitely rush to support him immediately, so he had to stop the other party.

But just when the bloodline was about to activate the formation and start to extract the blood power from Long Xue's body, there was another earth-shattering roar, which was deafening.


Bloodline was disturbed by the roar of this voice, and his blood was surging. He was about to concentrate and calm down, but his breath was suddenly disrupted, which made him furious. Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw a giant steel The beast fell to the ground suddenly, its eyes were scarlet, its body was covered with steel armor, the barbs on its tail were dragging red flames, and its aura was terrifying.

This giant beast is exactly the same as the one hacked to death by the old man of the Golden Knife Gate before, but it is bigger in size and has an even more terrifying aura.

This is a monster of the same family, and its cultivation has reached the holy realm!

"Paratrooper No. 1 Godzilla, get ready!"

"From now on, this place is called the Wicked Gang Square!"

"Damn it!"

Li Xiaobai shouted loudly, the system interface forcibly took away 1 billion of the best fairy stones for him, plus the 200 million spent before, a total of 1.2 billion.

This was the first time he had summoned Godzilla from the Holy Realm, and he didn't know much about its abilities, but one thing was certain, that was, it would not be a problem to forcibly resist the attacks of these powerful Saint Realm warriors.


Godzilla in the holy land roars to heaven and earth. This Godzilla is bigger. If the semi-holy Godzilla is only three or four hundred meters high, the one in front of you must be at least a thousand meters high. Just standing is already towering. It entered the cloud, and on the scales all over his body, there was faintly azure blue electric current flowing and covering, which appeared to be extraordinary.

Taking a step forward, the distance between Xue Yuan and the others was shortened instantly, and the big feet that covered the sky and the sun fell down with a crash.

"Into the void!"

The bodies of the three blood relatives blurred at the same time, blending into the void and fleeing. The void around Godzilla's big foot suddenly trembled, and the three of them were directly knocked out.

"What kind of giant beast is this!"

"There are still monsters who have cultivated to the holy realm in the world!"

"It was summoned by that young man. Could it be that this is also a terrifying existence in the hidden world?"

Everyone was a little stunned, just now Li Xiaobai's throwing of the half-holy Godzilla was enough to shock them, but now it's even more violent, directly throwing a holy Godzilla, which is against the sky!

"Who are you, to master a monster of this level!"

Bloodline's eyes were also shocked. He felt incredible that such a terrifying monster was in the hands of a junior monk.

"Hehe, I'm just an ordinary employee of the Wicked Gang. This Godzilla is also a member of my Wicked Gang. If you rob Long Xue by force, you are making enemies of my Wicked Gang. You must die today!"

Li Xiaobai said in a deep voice.

"Fuck, boy Liuliu, you actually have such a terrifying beast pet!"

"You can't really be the illegitimate child of a hidden sect, can you?"

The shocked voice of Yan Zuzi came from Bald Qiang's mouth, and he casually threw a holy Godzilla. This operation was more violent than his Nether Ten Dao!

He's just a junior monk, where did he get this background?

"Spread out and surround it. This is a holy monster. If you can't capture it alive, kill it and divide it equally. I haven't encountered any material from a holy monster in my life!"

"The villain gang, a gang that has never heard of the name, I want to see how much background you have, how dare you dare to be an enemy of my super sect!"


The tone of the blood relationship is serious, he has always been domineering in the blood demon sect, and he has never met a monk who dared to contradict him. Even if there is a hidden world, so what, before his blood demon sect, he is a younger brother!

The three of them opened up a distance and prepared to trap Godzilla first with their hand seal formulas. They were very curious about this giant beast that could cultivate into a holy realm. What secrets have you discovered?

"The fun has only just begun."

Li Xiaobai's face was calm, and he looked at the three people who quickly distanced themselves from Godzilla in the Holy Realm and chanted spells in their hands. He unhurriedly took out a talisman from his bosom and activated it.

"Replacement character!"

The talisman was activated, and an invisible wave spread out. In just a split second, the Godzilla in Li Xiaobai's hand disappeared without a trace, replaced by a woman in plain clothes and white dress.

"I will write down what happened today. What the super sects have done will be repaid a hundredfold in the future!"

Li Xiaobai picked up the woman and said coldly.

In the void, the three of them were stunned, especially Bloodline, who hadn't realized what happened yet.

Why is Godzilla gone?

Why did Long Xue suddenly run into the opponent's arms?

what happened?

"Blood brother!"

The two people on the side suddenly trembled and screamed.

"What's wrong?"

Bloodline frowned slightly, but immediately felt that something was wrong. Turning his head to look, he saw a terrifying monster lying quietly behind him in the formation that he had arranged to extract the power of the blood. Not only that, but the small mountain In the blink of an eye, slaps of all sizes had been slapped in front of him, and a strong wind howled.

"What the hell am I..."

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