Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 116: I Have The Primordial Spirit Too

The storm of sword energy hit Li Xiaobai's body, and his clothes were torn into pieces.

Attribute points +2000...

Attribute points +2000...

The defensive power of the nine-turn indestructible golden body can be advanced at the seventh turn (6700070000).

There is still three thousand to advance. The strength of this old man's primordial spirit is good, and the increased attribute points are almost catching up with several senior brothers and sisters.

"Old man, your skill is good, but it still can't hurt me."

"The only person in this world who can hurt Liang Chen is Liang Chen himself." Li Xiaobai said lightly.

Qin Lan's expression changed drastically. Even Nascent Soul Sword Demon couldn't hurt him at all. Could it be that the opponent is also at the Nascent Soul stage?

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

"Senior Sword Demon, junior will help you!"

"Need not."

The old voice sounded, and Qin Lan was startled. This was the first time she heard the sword demon speak. When summoned in the past, the other party never spoke to her.

"The old man Sword Demon is a wisp of remnant soul for the younger generation of Zhongzhou to drive. Since the old man was born, he has never been defeated. He thought that keeping the remnant soul in the sect would keep Fang Ping safe, but he never thought that he would become a remnant After the soul, it can be said that there is almost no victory."

"The ones who summoned the old man were all juniors. The carrier was too weak, and the old man's strength had not even been displayed to a ten-thousandth."

"I'm lucky enough to see a real young talent today, and I should have a good time!"

The old man's words shocked the hearts of the monks present.

Everyone in the Fairyland Continent knows the name of Sword Demon. He has been infatuated with swords all his life, even if he gives up his cultivation, he must practice the way of swords to the peak.

He killed countless enemies in his life, and was killed by a master from the upper realm when he broke through the space barrier.

Unexpectedly, this sword demon actually lodged his remnant soul in Xing Tianzong, which was really unexpected.

"It is rumored that the sword demon was once a master in the realm of immortals, and his sword pierced through the barrier of space, which is amazing!"

"Yeah, it's a pity that I was killed by the power of the upper realm..."

"I didn't expect Fairy Qin to have such a big killer on her body."

On the ring, Qin Lan's complexion suddenly changed. She noticed that the power in her body was passing away rapidly. At the same time, the body of the sword demon primordial spirit became more and more solid, as if she had guessed something.

"Senior Sword Demon is merciful, Qin Lan is the Taoist partner of Xing Mohan, the son of Xing Tianzong's suzerain..."


The sword demon unceremoniously interrupted Qin Lan's words.

"Are you teaching the old man how to do things?"

"You should have expected this by summoning the old man."

"This disciple of Xing Tianzong is becoming more and more useless. When the old man was twenty years old, he was already at the peak of transformation, and you are not even in the Nascent Soul stage. You are a complete waste!"

The sword demon looked indifferent, the sword in his hand was shining brightly, Qin Lan's complexion was as pale as paper, and the spiritual power in her body was drained by the sword demon primordial spirit in just a few breaths.

But the feeling of the power dissipating rapidly did not disappear. After the sword demon drained her spiritual power, she directly extracted her original life essence. In an instant, her foundation was damaged and her realm went crazy.

She was terrified in her heart, if the original essence of life was drained, she would die immediately.

Didn't it mean that the sword demon wouldn't do anything to harm the host?

What's going on now?

"What's your name?" The Sword Demon asked.

"Under Ye Liangchen." Li Xiaobai replied.

"Good name, let's take the move, sword twenty-three, sword explosion!" The long sword in the sword demon's hand shattered inch by inch, turning into dots of starlight, piercing the sky with a sharp breath, and suddenly slashed at Li Xiaobai.

Li Xiaobai's eyes flickered with excitement, and if he resisted this sword, he would be able to break through to the next stage of defense.

Although this sword demon is very strong, its strength is still at the Nascent Soul stage. Even if Qin Lan's power is drawn, it is not enough to break this shackle, so it is not a big problem.

The sword energy pierced through the void, leaving behind afterimages, passing through Li Xiaobai's chest.

This is the intent of the sword, not an entity, it is dedicated to beheading people's primordial spirit.

Attribute point +5000...

The defensive power of the nine-turn indestructible golden body can be advanced at the eighth turn (200080000).

Drop, it is detected that the host is continuously being attacked by the sword intent, and the skill is upgraded to the fifth turn of the nine-turn indestructible sword intent.

The defensive power and sword intent skills are upgraded at the same time, thanks to the sword demon in front of him. Although there are many sword users in this world, there are still too few real sword masters who are proficient in swordsmanship.

If you want to upgrade your skills, you need to constantly find the same type of masters to beat yourself up. Compared with upgrading your defense, it is somewhat difficult.

"The old man's attack is actually ineffective against you. What is your cultivation level? Could it be an ancient cultivation method?"

The sword demon frowned slightly, he couldn't see through Li Xiaobai, and there was not a single dimensional fluctuation coming from the opponent's body.

"It's Liangchen's turn to make a move. Your name is Sword Demon. Liangchen has a blood demon here. Let's see which one of you is stronger."

Li Xiaobai ignored the old man's words, waved his hand lightly, and activated his skills.

Blood Demon Yuanhua Tianzun!

The smell of blood filled the entire arena in an instant, and the phantom of the Blood Demon God manifested behind him, and dozens of blood demon tentacles were twitching crazily, like a demon that had been hungry for a long time.

The sword demon's eyes narrowed slightly, "This is the blood demon Yuanhua Tianzun, are you an evil cultivator?"

The rest of the melon-eaters also opened their mouths wide in surprise. Their impression of Li Xiaobai was still that he had a strong ability to resist beatings, but they didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, Li Xiaobai also manifested as a phantom of a primordial spirit.

It's just that this primordial spirit is not something that ordinary people can control. Few people dare to touch the blood demon primordial spirit even among evil cultivators.

There is no other reason. When visualizing, it is easy to be assimilated by the evil aura of the Gorefiend and become a machine that only knows how to kill.

The elders on the stage were also very surprised. These days, some monks actually chose the blood demon Yuanhua Tianzun as their soul, and they even managed to control it.

"In these years, I can still see this evil primordial spirit. I thought only evil cultivators could practice this thing."

"Who is a serious person who trains the blood demon primordial spirit..."

"No, there are no decent people these days."

"This son is extraordinary, and his future achievements are limitless."

"It's just that this Yuanshen is a bit small. I think it's just the first entry into the Yuanying realm. Compared with the other arrogances, there is still some distance."

"That's pretty good too, Gorefiend Primordial Spirit, it's hard to practice..."

On the ring, Li Xiaobai lit a Huazi, took a small sip, and exhaled a smoke ring.

He waved his hand in the direction of the sword demon, and said lightly, "I did him."


The blood demon primordial spirit suddenly roared, his whole body glowing red, dozens of tentacles behind him turned into lightning, and all of them stabbed in the direction of the sword demon.

The sword demon had exhausted all his strength with that sword just now, and at this moment he had no intention of blocking the attack of the blood demon.

Letting the bloody tentacles pierce his body, his figure blurred.

"Boy, your strength is not bad. The old man is waiting for you to fight again in Zhongzhou."

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