"I hope that when we meet again, you can be stronger." The sword demon's figure was illusory, and finally disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

"This match, Ye Liangchen wins!"

Feng Qingyang announced.

Everyone was in a daze, they didn't expect Li Xiaobai to be able to recruit a blood demon soul.

But if you think about it carefully, this is also a matter of course. What Liangpin Shop sells are treasures that can stabilize the mind, and it is only natural that you can successfully cultivate the Bleeding Demon Primordial Spirit.

If you meet Boss Ye in the future, you have to take a detour, it's too dangerous.

Several brothers and sisters also showed surprise on their faces.

"I didn't expect my junior brother to have cultivated to the Nascent Soul Stage."

"The last time I met him, he was just a little weak chicken who just entered the teacher's school."

"Yeah, his cultivation speed is far faster than mine. It seems that he has a big secret."

"And it's the blood demon primordial spirit of the evil cultivator. I'm afraid it was inspired by the man in coir raincoat in the Divine Beast Mountain Range last time."

"In any case, this is a good thing, we can't slack off, and we will all go back to the devil training!"

Li Xiaobai slowly entered the ring. The previous three groups of Tianjiao were all at the same level. It was fun to watch, but the rest of them did not deeply understand the gap between them and geniuses.

At this moment, Li Xiaobai's Blood Demon Primordial Spirit faced Qin Lan, making them recognize themselves.

In the arena, Qin Lan's eyes were dull. In just a few minutes, she fell from a proud little princess to a monk who only had a foundation-building stage.

She became what she looked down upon before.

The foundation is damaged, and the realm of cultivation retreats again and again, and the road ahead can be said to be cut off. Without cultivation, she can only be regarded as a useless person, and Xing Tianzong will not accept her again.

"Ye Liangchen, you ruined me!"

Qin Lan looked like a maniac, and everyone around him shook his head and sighed, thinking that Fairy Qin was also a good-looking talent before, and the object of countless people's favor, but now she was knocked down from the sky all of a sudden.

But this is also his own fault, being backlashed by his own skills, there is nothing to complain about.

Li Xiaobai's expression was indifferent, "A good day won't kill you, it just abolishes your cultivation. Whether you can spend the days to come safely depends on your luck."

Qin Lan's expression was dull. This was what she said to Li Xiaobai at the beginning, and now the other party returned it to her intact.

Ye Liangchen, Xu Kun, Saint Demon Sect, I, Qin Lan, remember you all!

When Li Xiaobai got off the ring, the crowd gave way consciously. The senior brothers and sisters came to congratulate him and rubbed a few Huazi by the way.

"Wang, kid, you did a good job, you didn't embarrass Lord Er Gouzi." Er Gouzi was very excited.

"Hehe, he has a bit of the demeanor of the deity back then." Ji Wuqing also said.

"Little brother, why did you bring some meat when you came all the way here? This chicken is very fat, it's perfect for small barbecues."

"This dog is also good, the taste of boiled water should be the best."

"Let's not talk about it, let's go to the small barbecue at night. Brother Liu has to cook these good ingredients!" Liu Jinshui looked at Er Gouzi happily.


Er Gouzi saw the opportunity, and bit down on Liu Jinshui's calf, "Master Er Gouzi thinks you are more delicious, with mere ingredients, you dare to yell at Master Er Gouzi!"

Liu Jinshui shuddered in pain, "Damn dog, let it go!"

"Hehe, this fat man tastes good, and I'm going to cook you now."

Ji Wuqing fluttered her wings, and pecked at Liu Jinshui fiercely, and for a while, there was another burst of chicken and dog jumping.

After a few minutes.

Liu Jinshui's face was full of embarrassment, and he fell to the ground, one chicken and one dog held their heads high, triumphantly returning.

"I didn't expect the spirit beast next to my junior brother to be so spiritual. This wisdom is no different from mine."


In the arena, many monks competed in an orderly manner. Most of the monks in the arena were at the Jindan stage. Occasionally, they would immediately admit defeat when they encountered geniuses at the Nascent Soul stage, not wanting to follow in Qin Lan's footsteps.

After going through rounds of competitions, there are fewer and fewer monks left.

All the elders on the stage kept nodding their heads. This year's disciples are a bit decent, even if they are only in the Golden Core stage, they are full of confidence and they have not embarrassed the sect.

Yuan Fang's eyes had been fixed on Li Xiaobai and the others. Having seen their Yuanshen roar, he was almost certain that these were the seven people who hindered the adults that day.

That Ye Liangchen should be the so-called Zhang Rui in disguise, and it's not uncommon for him to change his appearance these days.

The corners of his mouth raised unconsciously. He knew that as long as he disclosed this reliable information to the lord, he would be able to obtain a lot of treasures and skills. By then, even if he broke through the Nascent Soul Realm, he would be able to achieve the Transformation God Realm with ease.

Maybe that adult can give him some pointers when he is happy!

But he didn't know that this expression had completely fallen into Feng Qingyang's eyes.

In the arena, the competition continued.

Li Xiaobai played again, but this time he was unlucky. The opponent was a young talent, with an air of wealth from head to toe, which was obvious. It came out of great forces.

"The Blood Demon Ye Liangchen is here!"

"Don't talk, watch the blood demon operate!"

"Stay away, Boss Ye's blood demon smell is very strong and pungent!"

The disciples in the audience talked a lot, Li Xiaobai's face darkened, Gorefiend Ye Liangchen, who named this, so lo?

"Brother Ye, Jin Lichuan of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect belongs to the lineage of animal trainers, and his whole body is devoted to animal pets. Don't say that I bully the few with more." Jin Lichuan said with a smile.

Li Xiaobai knew in his heart that a beast tamer is a special profession, he can tame powerful monsters for his own use.

In the battlefield, the role of a beast trainer is worth thousands of troops, and it cannot be ignored.

After all, at the same level, the physical strength of monsters is much higher than that of humans, and it is difficult to deal with them.

"A good day is nothing to be afraid of." Li Xiaobai waved his hand, indicating that Jin Lichuan could start.

Jin Lichuan was familiar with Li Xiaobai's operation, so he was not angry, he pinched the Jue in his hand, and slapped the spirit animal bag on his waist, and large clouds of gray mist filled the audience.


A roar of beasts pierced people's eardrums, and the powerful coercion swept across the arena in an instant. The monks around felt a huge boulder weighing on their hearts, and they were a little out of breath.

The smoke receded, and tall and burly monsters came out one by one.

The monks in the audience screamed.

"This is the Golden Retriever Lion King, the Golden Core Stage Dzogchen realm!"

"There is also the Nine Heavens Black Eagle, with the blood of the Golden Winged Roc!"

"Do you see that the thing under Jin Lichuan's feet is a dragon turtle?"

"My God, it is said that the Dragon Turtle has dragon blood and basalt blood, and has infinite potential. It is an existence that can become a fairyland, and it has been tamed by it!"

"Zhongzhou Ten Thousand Beasts Gate is really extraordinary!"

The monks were very excited. They would turn around and run away when they saw these monsters on weekdays. They didn't expect to be able to observe them up close today. This year's training students are really good news for them!

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